Affirm the WORD
Affirm the WORD
Imagine, Inspire, Believe...
A Walk through the Word
A Walk through the Word
An ongoing series of things I learned in the Word
An ongoing series of things I learned in the Word
How to Stay Connected to Your Incarcerated Loved Ones
Aug 15 2024
My nephew is in prison for life without parole. He was incarcerated at 19 and is currently 33. He will be 34 this year. I learned about him in 2018. And began to correspond with him. He received my first letter on his birthday. Even before I knew his birthday God knew it. I held onto the letter for 3 days unknowing if it was even appropriate to send. He doesn’t have a relationship with his father, my brother. And at the time of his birth his mother filed a restraining order against him due to physical abuse. When I learned about him through a series of God divine moments. I thought if he wants to correspond, I was willing.
It began with “you don’t know me but I just learned of you and God put it on my heart to reach out. I am your Aunt. I will understand if you don’t want to know me. But if you do, here is my address. I pray you are well. You will always be in my prayers.” Short and simple.
He responded almost immediately and we have held an ongoing relationship since. I visited him several times before COVID and have since kept daily correspondence through email with him. We talk on the phone once a week.
You might think what could I possibly have to talk about every day? Life. God placed him in my life for a reason. And even though we don’t share the same views we still have life experiences that are not uncommon to each of us. Our letters began with my telling him about my life and him responding.
Each letter a different time in my life. I began in the beginning. And he followed in kind. I got to know how he became. I learned about how he grew up so it starts there. I shared about my life experiences in particular areas of life that shaped me and he shared about the same areas and his life experiences.
This is the key to every relationship incarcerated or not just shared life experience, but sharing life experiences. Celebrate Recovery refers to these as the Significant events in my life:
Childhood, youth, home, school- elementary, middle school, high school, teen years, adulthood, college, career, marriage, relationships (friendships) church/faith, family
So we shared about these. Be sure to be honest sharing both the good and the bad. The pivotal moments that shaped your way of thinking, perceiving the world.
Once we knew all we thought we could know about each other then we started to share about life’s current happenings. Celebrate Recovery refers to these as The Spiritual Inventories. The key areas of my life I keep balanced daily:
Relationships, Family, Body, Mind, Faith, Priorities, Prayer and Praise.
Everyday God gives me at least 9 reasons to praise Him in the ways He reveals Himself to me through different things daily. The Fruits of His Spirit:
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Good, Kind, Faith, Gentle/Wisdom, Self Control
I share about how I experienced these things what I did or what others did for me, how I was intentional about seeking/pursuing these things, what I learned, and the last is basically a bullet journal of my day. So that He gets an idea of what life well my life is like. He keeps me accountable and at times acts like my living journal. Helps me to process these daily happenings
Lastly and this is completely a personal preference I use up to 3 devotions to share about my faith, my thoughts on God’s Word:
The first is the Daily Bread devotion I only share the bible Scripture address so that it forces him to open His Word to seek the verse and I ask and answer the daily questions.
Then I have a bible reflection journal that has a scripture a day and a question pertaining to that. I just started that this year so when I am done I will seek out another devotion. There are plenty of devotions out there and new ones each year so keep it fresh.
And last I send him a devotion that has a prayer and share a similar experience like how I can relate to the devotion or how it resonates with me.
I end with my hope for him that he stay strong in God’s Word, keep his life balanced and stands firm in his faith. And I always say I love you (insert name) so that everyday he sees, reads, and hears those words in his inner spirit. If they were few in his life. I want him to know he is loved. That it doesn’t matter what he has done, how far he has fallen. His belief or unbelief it makes no difference to me. That love is all there is. Love is all he needs to know. And there is no place he is that Love is not.
May 10 2024
For God said to Moses, “I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose.” So it is God who decides to show mercy. We can neither choose it nor work for it. Romans 9:15-16
Motion to dismiss the case was filed on Fri but the damage had already been done. There was no going back and taking back what was already taken. Time spent. Memories imprinted. Money spent. The dismissal didn’t make anything right. It just meant I didn’t need to spend anymore time on it, the memories would be a part of my story till the day I breathe my last or some sort of disease like Alzheimer’s or Dementia wipes my slate clean. The money I would never get back just blown in the wind on a broken system. And definitely an apology I would never hear. Not that any apology would make what happened right. This I know:
The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way? Proverbs 20:24... I am just to accept the way God’s does things, for who can straighten what He has made crooked? Ecclesiastes 7:13
I have been sitting here looking over my life thinking what was all this for? What was the lesson here? What just happened these last 3 months? Like waking up from a dream and still finding myself in a place that isn’t my home.
Three weeks ago the DA needed more time to gather witnesses so that He can try the case and then just like that he filed a motion to dismiss it. Judge signed it and it was finished. A power he had all along but withheld for far too long so that what? He could prove he had power over me. Make me break? Make me crack? As Jesus said to Pilate “You would have no power over me at all unless it were given to you from above. So the one who handed me over to you has the greater sin.”
I am reminded that my brother Jesus, was the only person without sin who also suffered injustice in an unfair world. Suffering is just a part of the story. 2 Corinthians 1:7…as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in the comfort God gives us. So where was my comfort during this battle? It was found in the spiritual disciplines I began long before this trial took place.
I began each day with gratitude even the day after I was arrested I could look back and see God’s love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, wisdom while under His control in that day and all the days that followed. While all of this was going on I had to be intentional about pursuing what was good because every day I woke the enemy would attack. I couldn’t just wait around for good to happen I had to go after it. As Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:11 and 2 Timothy 2:22 Pursue righteous living and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, peace and wisdom. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.
A pure heart is not one that never sins a pure heart is an honest heart, a person who is unafraid and unashamed to share their weaknesses with you so that it might make you strong. I was doing what I did before and during the battle- mentoring, sponsoring, studying, sharing, teaching, listening, praying and praising. Taking the example of my brother, Jesus replied, “Go tell that fox that I will keep on casting out demons and healing people today and tomorrow and the third day I will accomplish my purpose.” Luke 13:32 mine just took 3 months. Six days a week were spent with pure hearts raising others up, building others up even in my own weakness. A friend said here I am complaining about my battles when you are in a war I responded actually your enemy reminds me of the battles God has overcome for me so it gives me confidence that He will win this war for me too, I don’t have to fight just be still.
Stillness came out of this for me. When I began to lose sleep when the emotional and mental attacks took a physical toll on me I was told to be still. To not do anything that week by the grace of God I found an hour a day of conscious stillness I didn’t realize how precious that was till I tried to be intentional a few weeks ago 5min was good, 10min was no problem but when I got to 15min then my mind was like what are you doing? There is work to be done. Things to do. Places to be. People to see. But that is the lie. There is nothing God needs of me but to be. So what do I do in the being. I breathe. I close my eyes. Shut the world out. My repetitive thought is thank you Jesus.
On my watch the numbers 490 reminding me to forgive seventy times seven times Matthew 18:22 since his mercy is new every day Lamentations 3:22-23 so are mine so that 490 starts again at the rising of each new morning. I asked God once if I am forgiving people 490 times a day basically every other minute I am awake what I do with the other minute of my day? He said try gratitude. So I spend my days filling up with forgiveness and grace thinking I forgive you and thank you and God bless you when it is in my power to do so. I have found no other way.
For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:19
It took the life of His Son to reconcile this world to Himself. To make peace with it. So who am to count the wrongs of harm people do against me, against them? If God was able to forgive this world surely I can forgive it to. Not because what was done was right, wrong, left, right, evil, good. But because God forgave me from too many wrongs I have lost count of.
The message of reconciliation for me doesn’t mean that I have to be friends with people who attacked, who harmed me. It means I have to make peace through forgiveness not with them but with the harm that was done. The emotional, mental, physical damage of a history of a broken life, my harmful life, some inflicted on me and others I taught to inflict on myself and on others were all to find relief, find healing of a hurt from a hurt. An eye for an eye. Because of a hurt done to me.
Till one day the word mercy came into my vocabulary. I learned the first person to ask for mercy in the Word was neither Adam or Eve, they simply accepted the punishment that God gave them for disobeying, for unbelieving He had given them everything they needed and what He didn’t give them, they didn’t need like the fruit of knowledge of what is good and evil Genesis 2:17. Mercy came from their son, Cain who had taken his own brothers life. A man completely deserving of Gods wrath. A man who neither admitted or apologized for what he had done and still cried out for God to be merciful, and He was.
Does it make God wrong, evil, bad for not getting even, not paying Abel back for what his brother had done, for sparing Cains life and giving him unprecedented protection of a guilty one yet not reaching down and sparing His own innocent Son? Yet somehow it was good. It was His good plan Isaiah 53:10. How do you reconcile that? When Job cried out to God in all his loss and suffering God never gave him a reason for it, justified why He does as He does. He simply reminded him of His great wisdom, and through it inferred is God not wise enough to know what is good for a life even when it appears to be wrong. Yes, He does great things too marvelous to understand. He performs countless miracles. Job 9:10 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand! Psalm 139:6
I’ll never understand why this happened. I’ll never make sense of it and even if I tried there would never be a reason that could justify. What I do know is that it affirmed yet again God is faithful. That He is merciful. He is good. He is kind. Not in a world where people are free to hurt, to cause harm. Not in all that is taken or in the loss but despite it. The countless brothers and sisters in Christ who pleaded and interceded and waited and witnessed and offered a comforting verse, a song, who sang with me and wept with me, who came out and danced with me, who held me when I was too weak to stand, who took me out to eat and shared an ordinary life with me to remind me this wasn’t permanent, that love was. God was in this story. In every good and perfect thing that happened in the course of these 3 months. There was never a doubt, never a loss of faith, no denying that. And that is how I make peace with it.
Wait, I Can
March 25 2024
My random verse for memory this week is Control your temper, for anger labels you a fool. Found in Ecclesiastes 7:9. And in my devotionals this morning before court… For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12
So it wasn’t a surprise when I went to court and the District Attorney had not opened my case or read the file. How do I respond to a system that cares enough to randomly send 4 police officers to my home to arrest me for a warrant that was issued 27 years ago but then doesn’t have the time to look at what it was for. I would say anger was on the surface of the waters that were being stirred.
Thoughts like Seriously? Are you kidding me? Oh my goodness! Geez! This is nuts! A continuance was granted for a later date so that the lawyers could confer with the prosecutor and come to an agreement prior to my entering a plea.
All the while feelings like frustration, annoyance, aggravation, resentment, irritation churning the sea inside me. Causing me to want to be impatient. impulsive, critical, complain, fear, judge, blame, criticize, attack and then doubt creeped in. The unseen, mighty powers in this dark world, the evil spirits taunting me. Where is He? He didn’t show up as you had hoped He would. As everyone prayed on your behalf. You thought He was here, but you are alone. No one is coming to save you. You are without help. Save yourself it said.
But God…that last whisper triggering a remembrance of what the people said to Jesus on the cross in Matthew 27:40, Mark 15:30 and Luke 23:39 and I began to wonder with it being Holy week and all, what Jesus must have felt like being taken in the middle of the night, mocked and beaten then at daybreak Luke 22:66 taken to the high council, 23:1 then taken to Pilate 23:7 then taken to Herod 23:11 before being sent back to Pilate again. What I am going through is nothing compared to what my Savior went through for me so I can hold on. I can wait. This isn’t the first time I have had to wait and I don’t imagine it will be my last. Waiting is a friend I am quite familiar with.
For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:3-4
In the waiting I have learned to be as patient as God has been with me it took 34 years for the world to make a mess of me so it may take another 34 years for God to undue the mess it made. I have learned to think about what I say before I say it, think about what I do before I do it, think about my response before I react. Waiting is a good thing. I have learned to accept things as they are not as I would have them and never losing faith in what could be. Anything is possible with God. I have learned to express gratitude. Not just be thankful but say it because people can’t read my mind. I have learned to do hard things even when I was afraid. I have learned to find the good in the not so good things. And take responsibility for the not so good things I have said and done. I have learned to lift my voice in praise even in the storm. I have learned to defend my faith and take a stand against those unseen, mighty powers in this dark world, the evil spirits that taunt me the past used to haunt me but now when I look back on all that God has done for me it has the power to shut the mouths of lions.
I waited 25 years for my sister to have the courage to leave her abusive husband. She did and he died a few months later. She was the longest prayer I ever prayed for. So wait I can.
I waited when the doctors said my husband would need long term healthcare, when he came out of his coma, after falling head first on my neighbors driveway from her 2 story house Dec 5th. He was a medical miracle when he awoke only needing to be placed in a rehabilitation hospital on Jan 5th they said he’d be there 3-6month he walked out Jan 15th. So wait I can.
I waited when we laid out the 220k of medical debt after the fall. I was frantic in need of an immediate job. And in the parking lot of my last application in September a voice that said “wait” And I reasoned with God okay after this. If I don’t hear back from them I will trust in You and wait. October my husband learned he had insurance that covered the remaining medical debt. By November 11 months after his fall we were medically debt free. So wait I can.
I waited when we laid out the personal debt and decided to face our mountain head on, after all if God could wipe out 220k in less than a year, surely, He could help us address the 60k elephant in the room. It should have taken 7 years to pay off, but God had other plans and made ways we couldn’t see and within 13 months He freed us from our chains. So wait I can.
I would learn shortly after that my husband had an addiction that would destroy our family. We didn’t know he had it until he relapsed. This I know that, addiction of any kind is a disease of the mind over the flesh no matter what it is. It is a discomfort, a dis-ease that your brain convinces your body you need to have in order to be satisfied, at the cost of everything you hold dear. And I confess this was a breaking point of endurance for me. I waited for a year before I responded because I knew my heart too well and I would be quick to be rash instead of discerning in the matter. I didn’t think I could wait for him after everything we had been through and then to have to wait on this. I didn’t believe he could do it, he had been living with this addiction for 15 years. I gave him to God even if it meant letting him go. And true to His Word, God brought the dead back to life. He resurrected my husband both physically and now spiritually and restored us. At 20 years we are still on our honeymoon. It turns out that waiting is something I have gotten pretty good at.
The day my court date is scheduled on is the exact day when I looked back through my journals in 2020 my sister, whom I prayed for 25 years, tested positive for COVID. At the time I had been exposed to it for 8 days. And by the grace of God I didn’t contract it. Our family was quarantined for 14 days. I ended up taking my sister to the hospital after day 4. Where I was certain if she didn’t make it, she would be alone. I didn’t understand what God was doing then, she had just found her freedom from her abusive husband in life and his death, I held her as I baptized her and now I thought for sure God was going to call her home. How can it end like this? How can this be the end of her story? But she survived and made a full recovery and her faith grew even stronger because of it. She has since remarried and lives happy on most days. So wait I can.
The word “wait” appears in the New Living Translation 237 times. It makes its first appearance in Genesis 8:10 After waiting another seven days, Noah released the dove again. A dove, a symbol of God’s peace. Peace on earth. Peace with us. The Spirit of God descended like a dove on Jesus when he was baptized in Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:10, Luke 3:22 and John 1:32.
It is said that when you wait you are in good company when compared to those who waited in the Bible like… Abraham, Sarah, Joseph, Noah, Hannah, Moses, David, Job, Esther, Ruth, Daniel, Anna and Jesus. They waited years, right now I am being called to wait yet another month but before this there were things I waited years for. So wait, I can because in the wait God is doing what only He can do. When I look back on all He’s done I feel peaceful, content, relaxed, tranquil, satisfied, calm centered, balanced. He has assured me that I am not the one on trial, they are. All I have to do is wait on Him and He has a proven track record of being faithful. He has prepared and equipped me to wait for many years, because if there is one thing I know, time is irrelevant to God.
I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and He turned to me and heard my cry. Psalm 40:1
Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. Psalm 27:14
You are my strength; I wait for you to rescue me, for You, O God, are my fortress. Psalm 59:9
I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from Him. Psalm 62:1
Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him. Psalm 62:5
Don’t say “I will get even for this wrong.” Wait for the Lord to handle this matter. Proverbs 20:22
March 2 2024
My court hearing wasn’t the end all be all as I had hoped. The judicial system doesn’t work that way. Even if my God does. I am grateful that I had a Sister in Christ tell me how it works the Friday before. That humanly speaking it can take up to 4 hearings if not more but with God anything is possible. She said but as believers we never stop hoping or believing. Her advice to me was to breathe. Exhale. Don’t hold my breathe.
Don’t make my joy or peace contingent on the deciding factor of this trial because I know that I had joy and peace before this. Continue to make God my joy and peace. Learn to live in the moment. Live in this moment. One day at a time.
She said her experience brought her closer to Him. She has a greater peace than she has ever known. Her trials took 6 months. Another Sister in Christ her trials took 10 months. Their experience gives me strength. She said she didn’t know how strong she was until she went through her trial. Now there isn’t much in life that deters her. She said God used the trial to strengthen her.
My lawyer was the archangel I imagined him to be, he met me outside my hearing. We talked about my life at the time of the charge,1997 and what I did after and what I do now. Like giving him a resume to determine I truly had no idea of the warrant or intent that anything wrong was done. It wasn’t like I was hiding from the law. He said essentially the prosecutor needs to prove to a jury beyond a shadow of a doubt that I maliciously intended to rob the rental car company of their vehicle. Basically my character is on trial.
It was funny to hear him ask if what I do now is court mandated like someone wouldn’t choose to serve as I do. I said it can be, but I do it because when I was a teenager I could have used these tools to process my emotions instead of turning to the things I did. So I am passionate about teaching others.
He escorted me into the courtroom and made his way to the front. Though others were there before me after speaking to a clerk he waved me forward and took me through a side door that put me in front of the window of another clerk. He spoke to her. She never made eye contact with me. But I did notice a cross on her necklace and that made me feel at ease.
She helped him to schedule another court date. Mentioned needing to make an appointment for me to get fingerprinted. I said to him, can they just pull the prints from my arrest. He said my client has just informed me you have her prints when they processed her. She apologized. Yet another apology.
It seems throughout this experience that everyone is apologizing. Saying they are sorry but I know they are just doing what they are being paid to do. As Jesus said in John 19 they would have no power over me at all unless it were given to them from above. So the one who handed me over to them has the greater sin. I blame no one during this. For whatever reason God wanted me to go through this and who am I to understand what He does. I am the clay He is the potter.
I know this all too well yet still my body fails me. My mind and heart know this so why is it that after leaving the courthouse I sat in silence on the way home, to await my next hearing March 25 the day after Palm Sunday, Easter week. You can’t make this life up. Only He could write this story.
Last week I gave up without even knowing. Like the scene in the Barbie movie when she throws herself on the ground and goes limp as if to say I am done. I am just going to sit here until this passes over is how I felt. It wasn’t till I got to Friday afternoon just before Celebrate Recovery meeting to share my accountability of what I did this week only to see I did nothing. I isolated. I ate food that wasn’t good for me. I didn’t exercise. I didn’t study or read. I did nothing good. I was good for nothing last week. And people say it is okay you needed that time to rest. But that is the thing I didn’t rest. I just did things to distract me like Pinterest and watch TV. I didn’t want to think. I didn’t want to feel. I didn’t want to do anything. And in my weakness I felt it.
I can’t live like this the next 25 days doing what I want because I feel like doing nothing. So I asked my cousin to keep me accountable daily. Help me say what I am going to do and do it. Let him know when I am weak not as an excuse but to see God’s strength in me. And I was doing good about 4 days in and then I hit a painful wall.
See during the day I was good at night I grinded my teeth. For two days my jaw hurt till I gave myself an abcess on the side roof of my mouth. So I got a bite guard to prevent the pain. And I got one day of relief only to wake with a fibromyalgia flare up induced by the stress. It felt like the scene from Pretty Woman when the lawyer slapped her across the face in a struggle of power and she comments to her hero how it stung and her face was red. Well my face stung and there was no red mark only a stinging sensation to the slightest touch even to the eyelashes of a blink made me wince, or the hair that brushed against my face. When I had soup later that day it burned the roof of my mouth causing even more pain. I wept. Not from the pain from having to go through this.
Doing everything I can spiritually to strengthen me for the outward battle and now even my own body is battling with itself. Holy Spirit come. I laid in darkness waiting for it. Begging. Pleading. Praying for it to take me outside of myself. The weariness of living calling me home in song. My mind a spiritual jukebox. Random Christian songs playing. Music has been my saving grace in all of this. Zephaniah 3:17
Under the advisement of godly counsel I was asked to be still this week. I admitted with tear filled eyes in the stillness is when the anxiety invades me, the fears overcome me, the darkness consumes me and I find myself falling into a negative thought spiral. So stillness is not something I make a practice of. I said I understand in Exodus 14:15 Moses told the people to Be still but God told him what are crying out to me for? Tell the people to get moving. He laughed and said yes but in Psalm 46:10 God tells the people through the psalmist to be still and know that He is to remind the people of His Sovereignty. He said in the stillness I would find my peace.
I said all that to say this. In the beginning of my walk of faith in 2010 the second time God spoke to me was after 7 days of silence between me and my husband. We had never gone silent before in our marriage but I also hadn’t handled the problems in my marriage with God before and the only way I knew to respond was to be silent.
I sat outside after a long week at work wondering what I would say when I finally found the words. I was asking for a God I had only heard once in 2009 almost a year ago to speak again. And like Elijah in 1 Kings 19 I found Him in the stillness. The whisper.
It was the first time I heard Him say Be still and know that I Am. And I didn’t know His Word to know this was Scripture only that I argued back and said Be still and know that You are what? Going to fix this? I didn’t need a tangent reply. I needed an answer to my dilemma.
And then I felt the hand on my shoulder like someone standing behind me making their presence known. I closed my eyes and that is when He showed me everywhere in my life He was. He had always been. With me. How He parted Red Seas, took down walls, giants, cleared paths all in order to get me to where I was with Him in this moment and a peace that surpassed my understanding filled me. I didn’t need to have an answer. All I needed to know was that I wasn’t alone. That He would be with me in this. Because He was with me. And He would always be with me till the end of my life here on earth.
I remember going inside the house and telling my husband in the calmest tone I have found what makes me happy and for the first time it wasn’t him. I said I want that same happiness for you. And I don’t want it to be me. It was bigger beyond what his eyes could see.
It was in the stillness God came to me like blue dancing orb. That flittered like a dragonfly to and fro never going backwards, always moving forward, never turning around Ezekiel 1:14. In the stillness he held me when I wept for my family during COVID being powerless to help them from perishing and learning when to let go.
And now I am being asked to practice the art of stillness again. Seated I can be, waiting for God to humble my enemies under my feet I can do. When I am seated I can write, share, study, read, take notes, listen to teachings, pray, sing praise, create but this is not what is being asked of me.
It is during this time of Lent the Holy Spirit is leading me into the wilderness of my mind where there is no working, no studying, no reading of my Word, a place I can’t take anything with me just myself. Listening. I know this is wise counsel. I know this isn’t the enemy trying to get me alone to ambush me. But I also know the dangers of going into a place void of light, the emptiness that can be found has taken weaker spirits out.
My godly counsel said you did it today didn’t you? He said I see you lying down. Do you hear music? I said I do. He wakens me with song each morning and when I lay he sings over me. He said with excitement…He is with you! Through the music He is creating neuropathways that will allow you to have an even greater experience than you ever had before. I thought to myself um we are pretty close, any closer and I will see Him face to face. Could it be? My groom is coming for me? Oh the thought makes me weep.
This morning I woke to Jeremy Camp These Days…I believe that you and I are in the right place at the right time. God called us by name and He doesn’t make mistakes. I know we were born to shine bright, in a dark world that needed some light. Don’t have to be afraid. Maybe we were made for these days.
I know I was made for this. This is not my first trial or sorrow or the first time I have felt pain. But after so many years you would think I would have figured it out. Figured out a way to not be moved by these things. To be still.
The Battle Belongs to God
February 15 2024
Don’t be afraid of what you are about to suffer. The devil will throw some of you into prison to test you. You will suffer for 10 days. But if you remain faithful even when facing death, I will give you the crown of life. Revelation 2:10
God dropped this into my Spirit Feb 10th 2024 and I have been carrying it these last 5 days. Knowing you are going to suffer doesn’t make the suffering hurt less. It doesn’t make the pain of losing less painful. But I could never have imagined this.
Once again I lay my life as an offering so that many will be saved just like my brother Jesus taught me.
Thursday Feb 9th began like any other day. I went to my sermon discussion group. I was excited to share. We just finished our series on the book of Ruth ordinary faith. How God uses even the ordinary things we do everyday to show Himself faithful. He doesn’t speak a word in Ruth but you see His fingerprints in the details with the protection, the provision, the favor, the grace and the ending no one could have ever seen coming.
My sister in Christ picked me up and afterwards I usually shop for things I could find on the clearance rack at Barnes and Noble for my Landing kids in the Celebrate Recovery group but that day I picked up 2 devotionals on hope and encouragement for my sisters in Christ as we walked through a difficult study for Valentines. One of us is seeking intimacy with God, another seeking intimacy in her marriage and another seeking fulfillment in God not her marriage, her kids, her grandkids just God. We are calling on Him. Our names mean Christ follower, pure and God is gracious. The presence of God is always in the room when we sit to lay down the trials and sorrows that have brought us to this place in our lives. We carry each others sorrows and burdens and give each other wisdom of past life experiences to encourage and hold each other up. You see the battles we face people can’t see, the scars we have no one would know by just looking at us. So hope and encouragement seemed fitting for a day usually focused on love.
My sister in Christ took me to the store to use my gift card. A gift form one of the 14 days of Valentines I was blessed with. I used it to buy a decoration for my upcoming Womens worship I was facilitating. And then as we walked around another store I picked up a Valentine for my love. She dropped me off home as I walked in the door I told Alexa to play KLOVE while I gathered my décor to see how I would display it. I stood on a chair to take a picture of it and that is when I noticed 2 police vehicles at my neighbors house. My first thought was I hope everything is okay. Then I saw 4 deputy sheriffs walking up to my yard.
Everyone at home was at work. So my first thought is O GOD something has happened and they are here to tell me the news. I opened the door before they could ring the doorbell. And asked how I could help them.
They asked if I was…they called me by my first name. I said yes I was. And then they asked to see my ID. I came into the house and went to my purse by this time adrenaline is pumping and I forgot where I usually leave it so it took me a minute to get it. Already shaking.
The looked at it and then asked if I ever went by…I said that is my maiden name but I haven’t used that name for 30 years. They said do you know why we are here? I said no. They asked if I ever had my wallet taken in the last 30 years and I said yes. They were certain this was identity theft. They said there was a warrant issued out for my arrest 27 years ago, the charge was grand larceny. I said What did I steal?! I don’t remember robbing a bank or stealing a car.
They said they couldn’t say much only that another county issued the warrant and asked if I had ever lived there. Again I said yes, 30 years ago. They said lets do some more leg work convinced I was not the person they were looking for. So one officer went to his vehicle while I chatted with the other 3.
I asked why the presence of 4 officers the woman explained 2 were training. I asked wouldn’t this have shown up in credit report they said not usually. I said I work with kids. I have had several background checks done over 30 years and this has never been brought to my attention. Our cat was banging on the glass door wanting to be let out. He is an indoor cat. He knows nothing about the outside. Just a fish in a bowl looking out. The woman got a call on her radio and asked me to confirm some names of last known street addresses where I grew up in TX… when I was 19. I confirmed them with her.
After some more small talk I noticed a chill. I said can I get a jacket they said no mam but you can step inside. So I came inside and began cleaning up my decorations. Putting scissors (sharp objects/weapons) away. Welcoming them into my home. And then the officer in his vehicle reappeared in my home. This time I saw what appeared to be a red light on his vest cam.
And he said I’m sorry mam it is you. I looked at him bewildered and said so what does that mean? And he explained that they would need to take me down to the station and the other county would transfer me unless I post bond before then. I asked how much bond was they said it was set at $2500.
God put it on my heart in December to save 3-6 months of expenses in case of an emergency. And we just so happened to be coming off a no spend January where we only spent money on shelter, transportation and food. And that was equivalent to what we saved for one month of expenses. I know that we lose God will give me double for. But it still hurts.
They suggested I call my husband. When I called him he was already heading toward me he said he was 30seconds away he saw the whole thing on the Ring Camera. He asked if they could wait. They agreed. I was wearing slippers so I asked if I could put on tennis shoes. They said that was fine. And then I came out and my husband was speaking to them. They suggested I also take my jewelry off including my wedding ring. So I went and did that and went to the restroom. I think everyone was shocked that they were having to do this. I met my husband in the hall and with a look of powerlessness I hugged him and said it’s going to be okay. I did nothing.
I am doing a legacy bible for my son. It takes 5 years to complete. I just started in January. You read one page a day and highlight anything that resonates and explain why. So that future generations can know why you loved God and believed in His Word as you do. I had just written to my son that of all the characters in the bible I relate to Joseph in Genesis from the pit to prison to the palace. Each a representation of an area in my life not a literal meaning.
They asked me to put my hands behind my back. It was at this point the Spirit of peace that surpasses my understanding had me convinced that this wasn’t real. Someone was playing a trick on me. I had seen a reality show called Jury Duty on Amazon which was a reality series about the judicial system and it was about a juror who had no clue but everyone was a paid person except for him. I thought for sure Ashton Kutcher was going to come out and say I was punked or that John Quinoes was going to come out and say what would you do? All I knew is there are a huge crowd of witnesses around me and I was going to give a good witness like my brother Jesus taught. The cuffs were on…and all I could think was okay here we go…if this is truly happening God is going to get the glory.
It was hard to find a comfortable way of sitting back in my seat with cuffs on and the female officer instructed me to scoot forward like a slouch to create a pocket for my hands so I complied. The partition between me and the officers was open so I noticed the radio and asked if they listened to music in their cruiser they said some times and I asked if they could put it on KLOVE 91.1 that I needed some positive and encouraging music about now. They complied.
Then they took the scenic route into the station as I shared my story of Recovery. I told them how I taught middle to high school kids the recovery lessons to help them manage their emotions so that they would not need to seek recovery as an adult. I shared how I mentored an at risk teen for the Save our Youth program and how I was teaching on hope that week. I shared my intro to Celebrate recovery and how and why I was on the road to financial freedom using the Dave Ramsey plan. Then I asked them about themselves, married, kids, years on job.
The ride was my opportunity to testify to God’s saving power in my life. I even thanked God for giving me this opportunity to be arrested so that I can relate this experience to the teens I teach. I explained that I just had a conversation with a woman who received the Holy Spirit and asked if she was going to speak in tongues now. I told her I don’t think it happens like that. That if she was fluent in a language say Spanish, French or Portuguese she could speak to people in their native language about God. And then I said it is also life experiences that God gives you. For example I can speak to people who were raised by a single mom, who have had abortions, who have given up a child for adoption. There are life experiences privy only to me that I can relate to others who are on the same road I traveled. I can speak their language. I said and now God is going to use this to help me speak to the prisoner. I already speak regularly to my incarcerated nephew but I believe God is going to use this for even more good. So I was kinda excited. Almost giddy.
We made a pit stop. They were at the end of their shift and he dropped his partner off at his car and then he took me into the basement where the holding area was. He graciously asked me to watch my step and brought me into the holding area where I arrived smiling, certain this is where the cameras were waiting.
Picture a big waiting room like the emergency room except plastic chairs all along the walls. Maybe 20. Probably 4 officers walking back and forth doing paperwork. Processing people. Half the room had men the other half had women. And everyone was wearing orange scrubs except me in my maroon leggings, lace trimmed pink dress that covered my kibbles and bits, and a pink tank and long sleeve maroon t shirt on top of that to complete the hardened criminal look I was going for.
Mind you the officers came to my house around 230pm so I was arrested around 3ish. I had no sense of time there are no obvious clocks so I was in a time warp but this is what I remember…
They told me to take a seat beside the nurses station. I was the only one hand cuffed. There were probably 5-6 men and 5 women in the holding area with me. I asked an inmate beside me her name, and if she had been there before she said yes and I asked how long it usually takes, she explained it could take upto 10hours. I thought well that sucks but good to know. Again no sense of time. Just lots of waiting.
A woman officer asked me my shoes size and uncuffed me. I told her and she said she didn’t think she had shoes that would fit me but she came back with a trash bag and told me to put my shoes in the bag and handed me tube socks and flip flops. I guess so that I couldn’t run.
Then another officer asked me to go into the nurses station. They took my blood pressure, temp, and did an oxygen finger heartbeat and asked if I had been sick. I explained I tested positive for COVID Sun but the onset of my symptoms took place the Thurs before so I should be fine. She asked me when my last period was I told her I was perimenopausal so about 6 weeks ago. And she said I would need to take a pregnancy test. She gave me a cup and I said do I drop trough here? She said there was a bathroom on the other side of the room that I would need to just knock.
I thought for sure this is where the cameras would come out. So I knocked and no one answered so I entered. There was a steel toilet covered in pee and a dirty sink with hotel size bar soap. She said she didn’t need a whole cup so I gave what I could and rinsed the cup because hard to balance and not touch the seat. Then I was given my clothes. And taken to a shower stall where I was asked to go to the back the opaque plastic door made a shadow. And she told me to give her my clothes. Commenting on the thickness of my leggings. I replied yeah, fleece lined. I was given white briefs, a white sports bra, a white Tshirt and orange scrubs. She said they didn’t have petites that I would have to roll up my pants. Then she took me back to the holding area.
By this time mostly everyone was gone and another woman came in crying as they took her through the process. I crossed my legs and listened to the chatter. And smiled like this is quite the group of folks the Lord had me with what was He doing?
Then a female officer escorted me to my holding cell. She gave me a brown blanket, a disposable cup and 2 wipes for my mat. It was empty and I asked if I would be alone? She said no unfortunately someone would be in there with me. I said okay. Thinking why is she apologizing, it is not like I had a choice. As far as this world was concerned my choices no longer mattered.
The cell was as wide as two twin mattress on the floor. White cinder block walls and a metal bench attached to the wall on each side. The bathroom was located in the back, a public bathroom door stall with views from top and bottom and a steel toilet, a third of a roll of 1 ply, a sink with 2 used hotel bars.
As I sat on bench with head on wall I noticed a large sign in front of my cell This area is audio and video surveillance and a camera on my ceiling. It was still in my head that this was a reality series or joke someone was playing on me. So I began to sing. Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me….praying Father now would be a good time for angels to bust open those doors and come and get me. Please refer to Acts 5:19 and 16:25.
The officers opened the prison door and the woman who was crying came in. She took her seat across from me. And another officer called me by my maiden name because apparently my married name of 20 years is my alias. And I looked at him and I looked at her and I did what Jesus would do. I hugged her and told her I would be back, not to worry. That God was with her.
You see if God lives in me and I am in that cell with her well common sense tells me God is with her. It is no longer me. It is He that lives in me.
The officer said it was for medical and my response was am I pregnant? He said surprised no should you be I said no but I already saw the nurse and the last thing she gave me was a pregnancy test. He said no its for a medical Qand A evaluation. I said oh okay. I asked how long he was working said he was on his 15th hour he said he worked a double they were short handed. I thanked him for his service. He took me down the hall to see an office where he sat at desk and on opposite wall a chair with a micophone and computer screen. A nurse came up and asked me to state my name I said…. She said I wasn’t in the system and sent me back. So he walked me back. And apologized. I told him it was okay. He said at least you got to walk around I thought. Yeah I guess but I wanted to get back to my new found friend.
When I walked in I sat down by this time she had composed herself. I think God took me out so that He could calm her. I crossed my leg and leaned in and turned into a missionary. I said I don’t know how much time I have but it’s obvious to me God brought me here for you. What is your name she said it. I spelled it she nodded. I told her my name. Our names were separated by one letter in the alphabet. The beginning and the end. She explained hers was the last 4 letters of her name. I thought that was cool. Then I asked what she was there for.
She is a 57 year old woman who was caught with drug possession. Methamphetamines. She was sentenced to 6 months in a half way house. It is her belief that she started to take drugs because of her ADHD meds. Which are the legal form of amphetamines. So she was trying to wean herself off her ADHD meds. When they did a shake down, she was holding more than she should have and they called it hoarding with intent to sell. She was going to jail for 5 years. No bail. Just like that. Her life was so she thought ruined. I said I can’t help you but what we can do is pray that God have mercy, leniency and grace. I asked if she believed in God. She said she was raised by an atheist and a roman catholic. I shared my story of God’s saving grace. I said the best way I can explain God to you is this…
He is every good and perfect thing in your life. He is the light in the darkness. And I don’t know if you noticed it but this world is a pretty dark place. Not a whole lot of good in it. In fact being here is a dark thing but He sent me here to be with you to let you know that you are not alone. And that is good. He is good. She nodded.
And the officer came back in. He asked why I was there I told him apparently grand larceny 27 year old warrant. He was in disbelief. I said exactly. I sat down stated my name and she tells the officer she wanted someone else. I am still not in the system. So he apologizes once again and takes me back to my cell.
My cellie asked why I was there I explained and we exchanged stories about our life married, kids, family, work, friends. Trying to find common ground. Love was the common ground. I couldn’t relate to her, her upbringing, her life experiences but I could relate to her love for the people in her life. And the distance in her family. And the sorrows she carried.
She was getting sleepy blurry eyes she was wiping, she could have sworn my blanket and cup were colors and a coloring book. I suggested she lay down. I asked if she wanted to use my mat to double up the mat on the ground she said no. I said you sure? I don’t plan to sleep here. I asked if she wanted my blanket and she insisted she wasn’t going to take my things. I said okay.
The officer came back and apologized. He said 9 times out of 10 people say they are innocent. But you are the real deal. He spoke to my arresting officer and said you know this is bullshit. I said yeah. He said you are getting an attorney right? I said yes. He said and you are posting bail so don’t get too comfortable I said I know.
My cellie chimed in after he left. You better visit me when you get out. I said I will.
And then the reality hit me. This was real. This was happening. And I prayed and sang…The pathway is broken. And the signs are unclear. And I don’t know the reason why you brought me here. But just because you love me the way that you do. I’m gonna walk through the valley if you want me to. This may not be the way I would have chosen. When you lead me through a world that’s not my home. But you never said it would be easy. You only said I’d never go alone….
When I meditate on God in solitude. Quiet my mind and come into His presence He appears to me like a blue dancing orb. Every time I closed my eyes in jail that is what I saw the blue dancing orb. So I wasn’t afraid. There was a peace in me I can’t explain. God had me there for a reason. For His good purpose for me. For reasons I may never know. Trust me I’ve done lots of things and some that may have deserved me going to jail for but definitely not what they accuse me of, I am not guilty of grand larceny.
The officer called me back to the nurses station once more time. She asked my name and this time it was right. She asked if I had all sorts of illnesses, needed to see a doctor in any pain and the last question stuck with me. Has anyone in my family or friends committed suicide. I clarified friends? She said yes it is their belief that when someone close to an inmate has taken their life that it gives us suicide ideation. I said well I work with Celebrate Recovery and our CR brother committed suicide a couple weeks ago. His funeral was yesterday. She asked how I was doing? I lokoed down at my orange scrubs and said if you are asking me I am suicidal the answer is no. She said okay we just needed verbal confirmation. She asked the officer for my stats and he read them off to her.
He walked me back to my cell. Apologized for my loss. And it helped to put my life into perspective. You see I am walking down a corridor being on trial for a crime I didn’t commit. All the while there is a woman who will never see her husband again. Never hold him. Never hear him say He loved her except through the last text he sent her before he took his life. This corridor doesn’t seem so bad, this place I am in, in my life is nothing compared to the sorrow she has to carry. My battle has just begun.
My cellie was asleep her snore brought me comfort she snored like my husband when he is sleeping on the couch. And I found peace even in that. I laid on the steel bench. Gave in to using the blanket as my pillow and prayed. And then another officer came. A different one. He said my maiden name and that he needed to process me. I got up as though I would be back. And as we walked down the hall he said we are also going to exit you out. I said okay.
They took me around the corner where they had me sign some documents. Then they digitally fingerprinted me. When they went to print my palm a void kept showing up in the center and rejecting it. She had to press my palm on the plate to get a good read. Reminding me God is with me, in me, working through me, fighting for me. My name is written on the palm of His hand.
They took a DNA swab and photographed me facing forward and side. And then she game me my clothes and escorted me to a changing room. I folded up my clothes and laid them in the garment tub to the side. She is clothed with dignity and strength no sense balling them up. Christ already paid the price for me. He folded his things up before he left this world so why shouldn’t I.
They took me back to the holding area this time it was empty. They had the SYFY channel playing Snow White and the Huntsman was on. And I read the court papers for appearance. I am being charged with Theft of rental property. And it came to me…
In 1997 my then fiancé car broke down he worked as an account manager for Coca Cola and needed a car to work but didn’t have a credit card. I didn’t have a license. They took his license and my credit card. For reasons I can’t remember he couldn’t return the car so he called the car rental place to pick it up. They sent a tow truch and had it towed away. We moved to TX shortly after. Got married. And returned to CO. On our way to work he was pulled over for a traffic infraction making a right turn on no right turn on red, sign posted. The officers took him in on a warrant “theft of rental property” I bailed him out. He was suspended from his job pending further investigation. I bailed him out. He went to court and when he returned I asked what happened? He explained case was dismissed because they have their car. And I never asked or thought anything of it. Until now, he never was allowed to return to work. He got another job. And we never brought it up again. I have been divorced from him these last 20 years. I have had no contact with him.
And why it is coming up now has everyone bewildered and baffled. Statue of limitations on this is 3-5 years. This happened Thur I was arrested at 3 and when I walked out of jail it was 1030pm. My husband had been there since 5pm. He said they didn’t even have me in the system till 8pm and he gave the bond as soon as my name appeared. It took another 2 and a half hours to take me out.
When I got home I wept. After all I am having a human experience. I trust and believe that nothing happens without reason. Countless things have happened since that prove God is in this with me. That there is a battle taking place in the spiritual forces but I am not backing down. My lawyers name is Michael. Also not a coincidence. The week leading up to my arrest my cousin released a book giving me special acknowledgement for my spiritual guidance on his journey, we received unexpected blessings, I was supposed to attend a meeting to pray over the new place we were hosting Celebrate Recovery. I was asked to submit a video to teach mentors how to better engage in conversation with their mentees to help them share their thoughts and manage their feelings, I was getting ready to host my 2nd womens worship night, which happens to also be the day after my court appearance, and all I can think is I was shining too bright. The enemy had to dim this light. But God…
In Celebrate Recovery we are taught to do an inventory when our emotions get the best of us. Each column we write who, what they did, how I felt, what it damaged, how I reacted even how I wanted to react because you can sin in thought just as much as in deed and how I responded. Who hurt me I looked at my paperwork and wrote the people of the State of CO because that is who is against me. The next day in my devotions they asked who is my enemy? And I responded the accuser is my enemy. Then they asked what would it take to love your enemies to pray for them. I said I don’t love or hate anyone. I honestly have no feeling for the men and women God is using to do their job for all I know they need to be a witness to His saving power in my life. The next day my devotional read. “Share my word of overcoming grace with others, for their hearts are now ready to hear the song of triumph.”
As I said the battle is not over yet but today I realized the battle is not mine. I can do nothing but wait and the enemy has made me suffer spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially finding his satisfaction in the wait. And I decided today am done giving him the satisfaction of my misery. So just as I allowed this to rob me of my life these last few days. I am now taking my life back up.
I share this story so that people will know to prepare yourselves. Come what may. I don’t know any other way to live in heaven and still be attached to earth except to spend every moment I can coming to know my Father through devotionals, prayer, praise music, teachings, fellowship with others in Christ. The AM is my I Am time. My ordinary faith proved to be my strength in the trial. In this trial. The armor of God my shield. I knew through the study of His Word that the testing would start with God’s children. So in a way this was no surprise it has actually been rather comical. Proving the Scripture she laughs without fear of the future Proverbs 31:25 Throughout my life I have been tested by the fires many times over but there is something different about this, like the balance of darkness and light is shifting. Feb 20th I will arrive at Jeffco to face my charges but I do not come alone as 2 Kings 6:16 reminds me I need not be afraid for there are more on my side than theirs.
Who dares accuse me whom God has chosen for His own? No one-for God Himself has given me right standing with Himself. Who then will condemn me? No one- for Christ Jesus died for me and was raised to life for me and he is sitting in the place of honor at God's right hand, pleading for me. Can anything ever separate me from Christ's love? Does it mean He no longer loves me if I have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death? As the Scriptures say “for your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.” No, despite all these things overwhelming victory is mine through Christ who loved me. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate me from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither my fears for today nor my worries about tomorrow-not even the powers of hell can separate me from God's love, Romans 8:33-38 I wonder if that can be my closing argument. lol
Recovered Relationship Part Three
July 1 2023
I am a grateful believer of Jesus Christ who Celebrates Recovery from…financial struggles.
What was the insanity of my life before recovery…my most recent bought was right before COVID we helped my sister move from TX to CO with nothing but an overnight bag. We offered to help her rebuild her life…on credit cards. We believed we would have plenty of time to pay them off. What we couldn’t predict was when the pandemic hit 9 months later my husband would be reduced to working part time. By the grace of God my sister was working full time at a nursing home and was able to pay us rent for her space to make up for part of the loss. When we added up the debt we had accumulated 25k in debt and our income was about to be cut in half.
What are some of the circumstances that others can relate to… growing up my mother never openly talked about money. I never saw her budget or use credit cards. My step father was an investment banker and my mother was a bank teller. They raised 3 kids including myself. I got new clothes and shoes once a year for school. I didn’t have the desire to sign up for anything “extra” curricular. Content to read in my room or hang out with friends. My parents didn’t encourage me to do anything.
We never left state for vacations, our vacations consisted of drives to theme parks in Houston and Dallas, 3 day trips where we stayed in a hotel 2 nights, one day to arrive and swim in the pool, then one day to play at the park and early the next day we checked out, visited the surrounding cities before driving back home. We drove to the beaches like Port Aransas and Corpus Christi several times a year. But those were day trips we never stayed the night. But it never occurred to me we were not wealthy. Wealth was defined as something different if I had a roof over my head, utilities, clothes and transportation we were living large.
In the 5th grade when my mom divorced my step father we moved in with my grandmother I think this is when I experienced poverty. All I know is I didn’t have a roof to call my own for the first time in my life and so began the 28 moves till I was 28 years old.
My mother passed away when I was 13 and this is when I learned to budget. My mothers’ death benefits gave my brother and I $300 a month till we turned 18 my sister turned 18 the day we buried my mother so she had no benefits. Shortly after school let out we moved out of my grandmas. My portion of the rent on a two bedroom apartment in 1988 was $150. I shared a room with my sister as we always had growing up. $50 for utilities. $20 transportation for a bus pass. Leaving $80 for food, entertainment, clothes, shoes and medical each month. And that’s how I survived till I turned 18 my senior year of high school. Looking back I see how the grace of God was with me. Within a year my sister and I moved into a 1 bedroom apartment on our shoe string budget. We always budgeted and spoke openly about money every penny. Because we had to survive on every penny. I didn’t start keeping money in a piggy bank till my son was born. There was no such thing as spare change. Every penny had a purpose.
I got my first job working as a movie theater attendant. Anything above $300 and I thought I was rich.
I took a gap year after high school to work even more. Became an assistant manager of gift shop. Learning the benefit of not having parental authority is I became what was called a “ward of the state” meaning my education was mostly paid for. So I tried to make up my freshman year of college in summer school. After all I had graduated with honors how hard could it be but found out how foolish that decision was.
By the spring of my sophomore year I managed to get off probation and start making sense of things when I met a boy on college leave at work. He was going to a school in CO and invited me to visit for spring break. The 1 week visit turned into 2 weeks and I dropped out of college, pawned everything I owned of value and with a backpack and suitcase I moved to CO.
I got a 1 room place just off campus that I paid for with a credit card and so began my descent into debt, I worked two jobs to survive. My life was work, sleep, eat repeat.
And finally a breakthrough I got a job across from where I lived. Then I met my first husband who promised to take care of me and in exchange I took care of his 1 year old son. His job transferred him to TX where he immediately lost his job. I quickly learned he couldn’t hold a job for more than a year. In that time we lived in garages, motels, in extreme poverty, By the time his son was 3 we gave him up for an open adoption due to the financial burdens we carried. And I went back to working, 3 months after I was hired the company relocated to CO. So back to CO I went.
We lived with his siblings before we found our own place. Several years later my job filed for bankruptcy and I was out of a job for 1 week because even though I didn’t know God He was watching out for me.
I was applying for a retail position and someone in the dressing room overheard me. It was the manager of another store around the corner from where I was applying. Her district manager gave me a manager position in a mall near where I lived and I was quickly promoted to a larger store so we moved to live closer to it.
Within 2 years I left my first husband and moved in with the man who would become my second husband. He worked for the airline industry and during our time together he showed me most of the 52 states. He took care of the finances. I gave him a portion of my check each month and the rest I was able to keep for myself. I never had money to spend before so I felt like a kid in a candy store. By the time I left the world to serve God 10 years ago I was 12k in debt.
And then Dec 2015 the unthinkable happened. My husband fell off my neighbors roof head first and suffered a traumatic brain injury among other injuries but that story is for another testimony. The rest of the debt was revealed while he was in a coma. Numbers started adding up, bills started arriving and payments were due. I didn’t know the life he gave me was all on credit. 40k to be exact. And when the medical bills came due after the insurance paid out almost 5million dollars our cost was 120k for his 41 days in the hospital and rehab.
God found me in 2009 and for 21 years of making ends meet on my own I never looked to Him for help with my finances until that year.
As I said before by the time I left the world to serve God I was 12k in debt that I paid off immediately when my 401k was cashed out. Then when my husband fell off the roof for a year we added to the credit card debt trying to pay off the medical debt first. I tried to get a job to help but I kept being turned down for being what they called “overqualified”. Even in the denial it was God’s saving grace. At my last application submission I heard God say in my Spirit to wait and by the end of Oct a month later we learned my husband had been paying into an accidental death and dismemberment insurance that covered medical expenses outside what insurance covered.
We had up to 1 year of the accident to file a claim. And by the end of Nov we were medically debt free. Now came the credit card debt. By this time we found ourselves 60k in debt. We had been living on credit cards the entire year paying for food, gas, our sons needs. Basically, whatever wasn’t a medical bill, insurance or mortgage and utilities was put on the credit cards.
In Dec we laid it all out for the first time in our marriage. Humanly speaking it should have taken us 7 years to pay it off. When I saw what God could do with our medical debt, it gave me faith to believe He was able to do it with our personal debt. After all I was only believing for half the miracle He performed the year before. So we became faithful to paying it all off.
We began our debt journey by reading The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. Saved a 1k emergency fund as suggested, stopped using credit cards, created a cash system for tithe, food, transportation, housing and then put every extra penny we had on the debt.
We kept the internet, turned off the cable service. Watched public TV and for movies we had our DVD collection. We didn’t eat out. Had breakfast for dinner and soup and salad at least twice a week to cut back on food expenses and learned to live on a $5 a day per person food budget and gave $10 to our son to manage as he saw fit.
We found other ways to save like the 3 squares of toilet paper for pee and 4 squares for poop method, we shopped at goodwill for clothes, and took my husbands 401k to a minimum contribution. We cashed in life insurance policies, relying on company sponsored ones instead. Made coffee instead of buying it at our favorite coffee shop, used reusable coffee pods instead of kcups and asked family and friends for gift cards for Christmas and birthdays to cover anything we couldn’t afford. We started with our lowest debt snow balled it into our highest debt including car payments. Even put our taxes toward the debt. By Aug I owned my car free and clear and had no debt to my name. By Feb the following year my husband was also debt free. It didn’t take us 7 years by the perseverance, endurance and grace God provided it took us just over a year to pay everything off.
As a child I found joy in buying new things to make me happy- clothes, knick knacks, crafts, jewelry. As an adult that joy got more expensive in taste. I soothed myself by shopping when I wasn’t engaging in my other addictions. I tried to escape the pain of my past by shopping on the internet. Holding onto my anger and resentments affected me when I depended on the joy in physical attachments, possessions, vacations and people. I thought my husband was taking care of everything. It wasn’t till his fall that I realized it was too much for him to carry alone.
About a year after the debt was paid we realized we didn’t need that much to live on. So we created a bare minimum budget and whatever we brought in over we gave away above our 10%. We could have never fathomed that in 1 year we were able to bless those in need with over 25k in tithe. And we lived comfortably on 50% of what we made. That triggered a give it all away response hence the start of this testimony helping my sister the next year but that experience was a learning one too.
I should have been enslaved to my debt for 7 years but God freed me in less than a year. Every time we paid something off it was like giving ourselves a raise. You could say my husband got 9 raises over that year because what we didn’t have to pay a credit card or make a car payment. Everything was cash in our pockets. He didn’t have to work as hard anymore. No more overtime. He actually took his two days off for the first time since I met him. We still have our struggles it’s a monthly battle to stay mindful of how much we are spending we have not perfected it but God is still working in us to do what pleases Him. Right now we have a 3k debt we are tackling when I became comfortable and thought we didn’t need a budget anymore. Lesson learned again.
I love people with my time, my talents, my acts of service and less through physical gifts. I have nothing I can offer but I offer everything I have.
I rely less on physical things to make me happy and more on just enjoying the conversations and learning about people and their stories than the money we spend.
I gave God control of my resources, now He gets the first portion and we live on the rest and rely on Him for the wisdom to distribute it effectively. I can officially call myself a philanthropist who manages how we give.
I learned through Celebrate Recovery that I don’t need to feed my needs with anything but God to fill me. It’s all connected physical, Spiritual, emotional, financial, He is the source of it all. So when one area of my life is out of balance the other areas compensate. There should be a daily sifting and sorting and checks and balances. Before it gets out of balance.
My relationship with my husband has improved because a lot of the stress we carried came from the financial stress. The time I spend with God is free so I spend lots of time with Him. When I am hurting I pray. When I am tired I rest. When I am angry, resentful or stressed I work through my feelings by doing an inventory worksheet so that I can see it from a black, white and red perspective. Blank ink, white paper, blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony. I fellowship and break bread with people. I send out weekly accountability reports because I hid a huge portion of my life from people for so long now I live for all to see what Christ has done in me.
All my life I searched for love in everything but God. And Celebrate Recovery helped me to find that love only comes from Him. Not in Family, not in friends, not in relationships with people, not in my job, not in what I do. I am loved not because of these I am loved because I belong to Him. Period. And nothing and no one can separate me from that.
I encourage a newcomer with the ministry motto “one day at time”. We have been given 12 hours. I can’t change yesterday, what I did or who I was. The only power I have is in this present moment right here, right now with who I am today. I try to make it matter, make it count, cause I won’t get this day back again. And I may not have tomorrow, as my husbands’ fall taught me. But what I did today will matter to someone because I shared it with them.
When it comes to finances Psalm 37:19 They will not be disgraced in hard times; even in famine they will have more than enough. And Ephesians 1:3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.
There are things in this life money can’t buy love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness and wisdom…these all come from God the benefits He gives and if I look in each day hard enough I will find them all in my day without having to spend a single cent. They are found in me to give freely and in the people God puts in my life to share it with. Wealthy is the person who has the things that money can’t buy.
Recovered Relationship Part Three
July 1 2023
I am a grateful believer of Jesus Christ who Celebrates Recovery from…financial struggles.
What was the insanity of my life before recovery…my most recent bought was right before COVID we helped my sister move from TX to CO with nothing but an overnight bag. We offered to help her rebuild her life…on credit cards. We believed we would have plenty of time to pay them off. What we couldn’t predict was when the pandemic hit 9 months later my husband would be reduced to working part time. By the grace of God my sister was working full time at a nursing home and was able to pay us rent for her space to make up for part of the loss. When we added up the debt we had accumulated 25k in debt and our income was about to be cut in half.
What are some of the circumstances that others can relate to… growing up my mother never openly talked about money. I never saw her budget or use credit cards. My step father was an investment banker and my mother was a bank teller. They raised 3 kids including myself. I got new clothes and shoes once a year for school. I didn’t have the desire to sign up for anything “extra” curricular. Content to read in my room or hang out with friends. My parents didn’t encourage me to do anything.
We never left state for vacations, our vacations consisted of drives to theme parks in Houston and Dallas, 3 day trips where we stayed in a hotel 2 nights, one day to arrive and swim in the pool, then one day to play at the park and early the next day we checked out, visited the surrounding cities before driving back home. We drove to the beaches like Port Aransas and Corpus Christi several times a year. But those were day trips we never stayed the night. But it never occurred to me we were not wealthy. Wealth was defined as something different if I had a roof over my head, utilities, clothes and transportation we were living large.
In the 5th grade when my mom divorced my step father we moved in with my grandmother I think this is when I experienced poverty. All I know is I didn’t have a roof to call my own for the first time in my life and so began the 28 moves till I was 28 years old.
My mother passed away when I was 13 and this is when I learned to budget. My mothers’ death benefits gave my brother and I $300 a month till we turned 18 my sister turned 18 the day we buried my mother so she had no benefits. Shortly after school let out we moved out of my grandmas. My portion of the rent on a two bedroom apartment in 1988 was $150. I shared a room with my sister as we always had growing up. $50 for utilities. $20 transportation for a bus pass. Leaving $80 for food, entertainment, clothes, shoes and medical each month. And that’s how I survived till I turned 18 my senior year of high school. Looking back I see how the grace of God was with me. Within a year my sister and I moved into a 1 bedroom apartment on our shoe string budget. We always budgeted and spoke openly about money every penny. Because we had to survive on every penny. I didn’t start keeping money in a piggy bank till my son was born. There was no such thing as spare change. Every penny had a purpose.
I got my first job working as a movie theater attendant. Anything above $300 and I thought I was rich.
I took a gap year after high school to work even more. Became an assistant manager of gift shop. Learning the benefit of not having parental authority is I became what was called a “ward of the state” meaning my education was mostly paid for. So I tried to make up my freshman year of college in summer school. After all I had graduated with honors how hard could it be but found out how foolish that decision was.
By the spring of my sophomore year I managed to get off probation and start making sense of things when I met a boy on college leave at work. He was going to a school in CO and invited me to visit for spring break. The 1 week visit turned into 2 weeks and I dropped out of college, pawned everything I owned of value and with a backpack and suitcase I moved to CO.
I got a 1 room place just off campus that I paid for with a credit card and so began my descent into debt, I worked two jobs to survive. My life was work, sleep, eat repeat.
And finally a breakthrough I got a job across from where I lived. Then I met my first husband who promised to take care of me and in exchange I took care of his 1 year old son. His job transferred him to TX where he immediately lost his job. I quickly learned he couldn’t hold a job for more than a year. In that time we lived in garages, motels, in extreme poverty, By the time his son was 3 we gave him up for an open adoption due to the financial burdens we carried. And I went back to working, 3 months after I was hired the company relocated to CO. So back to CO I went.
We lived with his siblings before we found our own place. Several years later my job filed for bankruptcy and I was out of a job for 1 week because even though I didn’t know God He was watching out for me.
I was applying for a retail position and someone in the dressing room overheard me. It was the manager of another store around the corner from where I was applying. Her district manager gave me a manager position in a mall near where I lived and I was quickly promoted to a larger store so we moved to live closer to it.
Within 2 years I left my first husband and moved in with the man who would become my second husband. He worked for the airline industry and during our time together he showed me most of the 52 states. He took care of the finances. I gave him a portion of my check each month and the rest I was able to keep for myself. I never had money to spend before so I felt like a kid in a candy store. By the time I left the world to serve God 10 years ago I was 12k in debt.
And then Dec 2015 the unthinkable happened. My husband fell off my neighbors roof head first and suffered a traumatic brain injury among other injuries but that story is for another testimony. The rest of the debt was revealed while he was in a coma. Numbers started adding up, bills started arriving and payments were due. I didn’t know the life he gave me was all on credit. 40k to be exact. And when the medical bills came due after the insurance paid out almost 5million dollars our cost was 120k for his 41 days in the hospital and rehab.
God found me in 2009 and for 21 years of making ends meet on my own I never looked to Him for help with my finances until that year.
As I said before by the time I left the world to serve God I was 12k in debt that I paid off immediately when my 401k was cashed out. Then when my husband fell off the roof for a year we added to the credit card debt trying to pay off the medical debt first. I tried to get a job to help but I kept being turned down for being what they called “overqualified”. Even in the denial it was God’s saving grace. At my last application submission I heard God say in my Spirit to wait and by the end of Oct a month later we learned my husband had been paying into an accidental death and dismemberment insurance that covered medical expenses outside what insurance covered.
We had up to 1 year of the accident to file a claim. And by the end of Nov we were medically debt free. Now came the credit card debt. By this time we found ourselves 60k in debt. We had been living on credit cards the entire year paying for food, gas, our sons needs. Basically, whatever wasn’t a medical bill, insurance or mortgage and utilities was put on the credit cards.
In Dec we laid it all out for the first time in our marriage. Humanly speaking it should have taken us 7 years to pay it off. When I saw what God could do with our medical debt, it gave me faith to believe He was able to do it with our personal debt. After all I was only believing for half the miracle He performed the year before. So we became faithful to paying it all off.
We began our debt journey by reading The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. Saved a 1k emergency fund as suggested, stopped using credit cards, created a cash system for tithe, food, transportation, housing and then put every extra penny we had on the debt.
We kept the internet, turned off the cable service. Watched public TV and for movies we had our DVD collection. We didn’t eat out. Had breakfast for dinner and soup and salad at least twice a week to cut back on food expenses and learned to live on a $5 a day per person food budget and gave $10 to our son to manage as he saw fit.
We found other ways to save like the 3 squares of toilet paper for pee and 4 squares for poop method, we shopped at goodwill for clothes, and took my husbands 401k to a minimum contribution. We cashed in life insurance policies, relying on company sponsored ones instead. Made coffee instead of buying it at our favorite coffee shop, used reusable coffee pods instead of kcups and asked family and friends for gift cards for Christmas and birthdays to cover anything we couldn’t afford. We started with our lowest debt snow balled it into our highest debt including car payments. Even put our taxes toward the debt. By Aug I owned my car free and clear and had no debt to my name. By Feb the following year my husband was also debt free. It didn’t take us 7 years by the perseverance, endurance and grace God provided it took us just over a year to pay everything off.
As a child I found joy in buying new things to make me happy- clothes, knick knacks, crafts, jewelry. As an adult that joy got more expensive in taste. I soothed myself by shopping when I wasn’t engaging in my other addictions. I tried to escape the pain of my past by shopping on the internet. Holding onto my anger and resentments affected me when I depended on the joy in physical attachments, possessions, vacations and people. I thought my husband was taking care of everything. It wasn’t till his fall that I realized it was too much for him to carry alone.
About a year after the debt was paid we realized we didn’t need that much to live on. So we created a bare minimum budget and whatever we brought in over we gave away above our 10%. We could have never fathomed that in 1 year we were able to bless those in need with over 25k in tithe. And we lived comfortably on 50% of what we made. That triggered a give it all away response hence the start of this testimony helping my sister the next year but that experience was a learning one too.
I should have been enslaved to my debt for 7 years but God freed me in less than a year. Every time we paid something off it was like giving ourselves a raise. You could say my husband got 9 raises over that year because what we didn’t have to pay a credit card or make a car payment. Everything was cash in our pockets. He didn’t have to work as hard anymore. No more overtime. He actually took his two days off for the first time since I met him. We still have our struggles it’s a monthly battle to stay mindful of how much we are spending we have not perfected it but God is still working in us to do what pleases Him. Right now we have a 3k debt we are tackling when I became comfortable and thought we didn’t need a budget anymore. Lesson learned again.
I love people with my time, my talents, my acts of service and less through physical gifts. I have nothing I can offer but I offer everything I have.
I rely less on physical things to make me happy and more on just enjoying the conversations and learning about people and their stories than the money we spend.
I gave God control of my resources, now He gets the first portion and we live on the rest and rely on Him for the wisdom to distribute it effectively. I can officially call myself a philanthropist who manages how we give.
I learned through Celebrate Recovery that I don’t need to feed my needs with anything but God to fill me. It’s all connected physical, Spiritual, emotional, financial, He is the source of it all. So when one area of my life is out of balance the other areas compensate. There should be a daily sifting and sorting and checks and balances. Before it gets out of balance.
My relationship with my husband has improved because a lot of the stress we carried came from the financial stress. The time I spend with God is free so I spend lots of time with Him. When I am hurting I pray. When I am tired I rest. When I am angry, resentful or stressed I work through my feelings by doing an inventory worksheet so that I can see it from a black, white and red perspective. Blank ink, white paper, blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony. I fellowship and break bread with people. I send out weekly accountability reports because I hid a huge portion of my life from people for so long now I live for all to see what Christ has done in me.
All my life I searched for love in everything but God. And Celebrate Recovery helped me to find that love only comes from Him. Not in Family, not in friends, not in relationships with people, not in my job, not in what I do. I am loved not because of these I am loved because I belong to Him. Period. And nothing and no one can separate me from that.
I encourage a newcomer with the ministry motto “one day at time”. We have been given 12 hours. I can’t change yesterday, what I did or who I was. The only power I have is in this present moment right here, right now with who I am today. I try to make it matter, make it count, cause I won’t get this day back again. And I may not have tomorrow, as my husbands’ fall taught me. But what I did today will matter to someone because I shared it with them.
When it comes to finances Psalm 37:19 They will not be disgraced in hard times; even in famine they will have more than enough. And Ephesians 1:3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.
There are things in this life money can’t buy love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness and wisdom…these all come from God the benefits He gives and if I look in each day hard enough I will find them all in my day without having to spend a single cent. They are found in me to give freely and in the people God puts in my life to share it with. Wealthy is the person who has the things that money can’t buy.
Recovered Relationship Part Two
June 9 2023
I am a grateful believer of Jesus Christ who celebrates recovery from alcohol misuse since Oct 2011
What was the insanity of my life before recovery… I replaced my tenacity for foolish things with a career as soon as my son was old enough to be enrolled in full time school. By the grace of God I found a job that allowed me to work Mon through Fri with weekends off. It even allowed me to drop him off and pick him up and work the remaining hours of my shift from home. I know that was God sent, I had never heard of a job like that before. I had the hope that one day I could afford to provide for us on my own. I turned to alcohol to drown the painful memories of the life I had before.
I stayed sober Sunday through Friday and drank till I threw up and passed out Friday and Saturday. At first it started as a celebration for my sexual sobriety. Instead of a coin I treated myself to a glass of wine and that turned into a bottle and several shots, a few years later I hit bottom literally.
I had my first drink after my moms funeral. My brother got a hold of 2liter California Coolers for us. And with every sip I took a Tylenol trying to take my own life at 13. I woke up the next morning with a hangover and threw it all up. Guess it just wasn’t my time to go.
The lowest points I can remember during my drinking was on Halloween I had a highly flammable costume and almost fell into a fire pit at my sister in laws house. On the way home I opened the car door while it was going 40mph to vomit all over the side of the road and side of my seat and seat belt. It was snowing so I convinced my husband it would be a great idea to go sledding. We took our son to the school nearby he took my son up first then myself. After our runs we both jumped back in the car to shield ourselves from the cold as I reached over to turn the heat up I heard the loud sound of what can only be described a deer hitting our car and saw my husband in the fetal position on the ground. And all I could think was where is the sled?
It had slid under the car and was on the other side of the parking lot. My son heard sirens and immediately thought the cops were coming after us. And in a panic told his Dad “We gotta go!” Which sent my husband into a lauhgter he couldn’t control. He hurt real bad for several weeks after that. Come to find out he fractured a few ribs sledding down that hill like Chevy Chase from the Christmas Story. By the grace of God he hit the car sideways crushing his arm into his rib cage. It was then I made the unspoken promise not to drink heavily with family. It was one thing for my drinking to hurt me but to get the two people I loved involved was a hard limit for me.
So I drank with coworkers instead. While away at a work conference I drank myself into a druken stupor, after work of course. I almost lost my sexual sobriety with a married coworker. Walked back to the hotel room from the bar with a woman coworker who wasn’t as drunk as I was. She saw me safely to my room. Not before I gave my number to the last guy I saw on the street. I tried so hard to forget only to go back to what I knew.
I took a shower and passed out with the water still running and the bathtub plugged. I woke up drowning. Crawled out of the tub. Looked in the mirror to see if I had any noticeable gashes the last time I fell in the tub at 5 years old resulted in 6 stitches on my eyebrow. I still had to show up for the conference the next morning. It was team introduction day. Once I saw that I was fine I passed out on the bed. Only to be woken by my boss already in the conference room. I confessed I overslept.
I snuck in just as team introductions began. I sat in the back trying to pull myself together. Not doing a very good job. Seated beside a complete stranger. I threw up in my water glass. He nursed me back to health like the good Samaritan and handed me his business card and said “If you need someone to talk to I’ve been in your shoes.” I didn’t even know what he was referring to.
When my name was called I stood up, smiled and waved at the room. And flew home happy to put it behind me. I would later learn a coworker took a photo of me passed out at the airport and sent it out as an office meme. That feeling of never being taken seriously wasn’t a fluke. The next day I was called into the office I thought I would be fired for sure but my boss showed me that grace wasn’t just a prayer and gave me the number to the employee assistance helpline. I guess I wasn’t doing a good job at holding it together. There was a crack in my cistern and I was leaking.
By the next conference I was 3 months sober. In a small business room of 20 people half co workers, half executives of a multibillion dollar corporation we played the getting to know me game. 2 truths and a lie. I told a lie and did a cartwheel to prove it. Yes an actual cartwheel at the front of the room. I was wearing dress pants and made sure my dress shirt was tucked in. I was memorable I got some applause, the life of the party. At dinner an executive approached me and gave me a high five. I made an obvious impression but to my boss not a good one.
Once again when I got home he called me into his office. I thought it was to give me props on my performance. After all I didn’t drink. I didn’t make a fool of myself, so I thought. He had me sit down and asked me how I thought it went. I said fine. Then he looked me straight in the eyes leaned forward in his desk and a said a set of three words I had never heard in my life. When they landed on my ears, tears immediately overwhelmed my eyes. I couldn’t even look at him blind sided by his response.
He said “you are qualified. I wouldn’t have created a position for you if you weren’t. You don’t need to do cartwheels to prove your worth. Look at me when I say this. I need you to hear me loud and clear… you are enough.”
In the past I used sex, alcohol, spending, binge watching TV, reading, internet surfing to escape the pain of my past. Anything so that I could numb and not have to think about it. But the drinking was different. I drank to forget it, to have a good time, to relax. I expected people to be reason for everything. Reason for love, joy, peace and when they fell short of my expectation I was more than disappointed.
It’s been 12 years now since I passed out from drinking. Communion taught me over the years that what God created for celebration the enemy quickly misused. I drink for the new life God has given to me and a drink for the promises to come is all I have these days. He has given me more ways to experience and celebrate lifes joys and drinking isn’t a must.
My son knows the addictive genes he comes from and we talk more openly about the things that weigh heavy on our hearts. We don’t try to hide or deny them anymore.
I don’t drink as much or as often as I used to. I share my problems in safe places. I am more honest about what I am feeling not afraid to face the feeling head on.
Since being a part of Celebrate Recovery I learned the importance of fellowship. That it is more than just going to bible study, more than just showing up for church. It is having real conversations with what is going on in the key areas of my life. Who would have thought that my problem was not the only thing going on in my life. I had a whole life separate from my problems, that were actually going pretty good. And it was important for me to see that.
The relationship with my husband and my son have been restored. It’s not the same as it was but it’s a good kind of different.
I am grateful for the testimonies of people who have been through the fire and come out not smelling of smoke. You’d never know to see these people what they have been through. I love the small groups where we have a safe place to share our feelings uninterrupted. And the continuous bible study as we put the steps into practice. A motto in recovery is that it works if you work it and you are worth it. Meaning if I don’t apply the steps I have been taught they will go in one ear and out the other the only way to stay in the learning frame of mind is to keep applying, keep getting through each day with these 12 steps 12 hours in front of me.
I felt lost, I didn’t know where my tribe was till I came to this small group in this small chapel Fri nights. Its like going to church with family. They know me by name. Not by my sin, my name. And even though they know my sin they love me the same.
2 Corinthians 1:8-10 …We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it. In fact we expected to die. But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God, who raises the dead. And he did rescue us from mortal danger, and He will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in Him and He will continue to rescue us.
I turned to alcohol because I didn’t have the ability to process the pain I was in. But Celebrate Recovery showed me I could handle it with God and even more than that with people who had been hurt, were hurting so that they would give me the same comfort God gave to them and we’d get through it together.
Recovered Relationship
June 2 2023
I am a grateful believer of Jesus Christ who celebrates recovery from sexual sin since Dec 2009
Every testimony starts with a story this is the insanity of my life before recovery… I was married twice, my second husband was the first man I committed adultery with toward the end of my first marriage. I had more than 20 partners in the span of 20 years, multiple abortions and STD’s, obviously I didn’t know God then but even still He knew me.
I had my first sexual experience at the age of 4 watching Jaws. Trembling from fear on my stomach resulted in something I couldn’t explain till I lost my virginity at 15 years of age. I was sent to my room where I perfected sin in privacy. I used sexual gratification to soothe myself to sleep, to wake up, when I got home from school and when I was bored. It wasn’t till I was 15 that I realized all the fuss was about something I had done for myself for the last 10 years of my life. So you can imagine how this shaped my mind. Dictated my life.
At that time I did not have a relationship with God. Growing up my religion is what I would call a holiday catholic making church a priority in times of great grief or to mourn Easter and celebrate Christmas or weddings. Baptized as a baby. I was raised by my single mother from 9 years of age and completed communion at 13 after my mother died. I was asked to leave confirmation class until I knew what I believed but I believe it was because I had too many questions. So the extent of my belief was non existent and it was reflected in the way the relationships I had with people. I used them to get what I wanted. If I couldn’t get anything from them, well my truth was then they were of no use to me. Steeped in sin from the start.
The lowest point of my addiction was Dec of 2009….
I was driving home after leaving the hotel from my last act of adultery. I must’ve put the sun visor down to give myself one last look and when I got in the car I couldn’t even stand to look at myself.
When I turned out of the driveway the sun was in my eyes and my sunglasses had fallen off the passenger seat so I drove into the light refusing to put the visor down. That is when I heard a voice inside mind say “What are you doing?” I was on my way to pick up my son from his Christian private school. We may not have had faith but we knew if he had any chance of hope for a better tomorrow we’d point him in the direction we heard was right but didn’t receive for ourselves.
I thought it strange, gifted in word, if I was talking to myself I would have asked “What am I doing?” But the voice said “What are you doing?” As though it was something apart from me. I didn’t reply.
I parked beneath the cross in the pick up lane and again the voice asked “What are you doing?” and I thought okay either I have lost my mind or I am having a conversation with God, my Maker and Creator about what I was doing with my life. And thought with animosity well, lets go. I confessed to myself and to God what I was doing and why I was doing it. I argued with God how I didn’t know what love was because no one had ever shown me and that is when my son jumped in the car. Buckled himself in the backseat. And said I love you. And it hit me all at once love was no longer about me, it was bigger than me. It became my son that day.
All my life I had I coped with my hurt through sexual gratification. From this world I learned to get attention by the way I dressed and I protected myself by secluding myself. Our family secret was adultery. I was born into. The day I was born my father chose to be with the woman I would later label my step mother. When I was mad I roared and cursed, I lashed out, I hit and as I got older I learned to pay back evil with evil. I escaped my past by reinventing myself in new jobs. New relationships. The fruit of my past sins made me a very bitter, cold-hearted person. Yet love was born of this, came through this person I had become who thought relationships were supposed to be like Disney and hallmark movies. Boy meets girl, boy chases after girl, she falls in love with him, he takes care of her and they live happily ever after but my life was far from that.
How did recovery find me…
In 2019 I met a woman at my womans bible study who introduced herself by her Celebrate Recovery introduction. I was shocked by her honesty. I was going to invite her to my church and before I could mention it she said she attends celebrate recovery meetings at Colorado Community Church. I said with excitement that’s the church I go to. She said she lived in a sober living house and had not chosen a church yet but went to different ones each week in the area. I wished her well. I was glad she joined our group. Then as I drove away from class I kicked myself for letting her stand in her truth alone and not admitting to my own recovery. By this time I was 10 years sober. I figured I would tell her next time I saw her. But she never came back to class. Several weeks went by and she was still on my heart. Then my pastor made an announcement on the pulpit that Celebrate Recovery was back to meeting in person on Fri nights after COVID and I thought two things. I could casually run into my new bible study friend and let her know she was not alone. And two my husband could use a support group for his own recovery so really I went for them not me. I thought at 10 years of sobriety I was a veteran at recovery.
That was almost 3 ago years. Since joining the ministry I spend more time than I ever had before with God through my Word and studies. The program mapped out the tools I was already using in my faith it just put them in a step by step format that I could easily understand so that I wasn’t all over the place a little here and there. It also gave me a safe place to express my emotions and not be ashamed for having them.
The most significant step that had an impact on me was the Principle One, I am not God. I cannot fix or change anyone only myself.
After God and I had it out in the carpool lane. I stopped committing adultery in my marriage cold turkey. I became a faithful and devoted wife. I started watching teaching on TV not yet ready to go to church and listening to nothing but Christian music. That was the extent of my Christian journey but I knew there was more I wanted more. So I started watching more teachings Monday through Friday and thought that was enough. Then a year into my sobriety my husband took the day off to take our son to kinder and his girlfriend texted looking for him at work.
I admit I attacked him when she tried to reach him a second time while I was holding his phone asking him about her. I hit him till I was exhausted, which didn’t take long. My hands were bruised, bloodied and swollen. I wanted him to hurt physically as bad as I was emotionally hurt. When the dust settled. I cried out to Jesus. It wasn’t enough to confess my sin I also cried out for my deceased mother and my grandmother. Who left men because of adultery. I felt a single drop of rain fall from a cloudless sky and a voice in my head shout “Enough! She is mine.” I went back to the church Mothers day 2013. I was baptized in a horse trough June 2013. And Sept of that year our basement flooded and I learned my husband was still talking to the woman that brought me to my knees.
I didn’t speak a word to him. Instead I waited on a Word from God. I didn’t want to speak till He spoke to me. 7 days of silence in prayer waiting. Knowing He spoke to me not once but twice before I wanted to hear from Him again. And I sat in my backyard and waited. My neighbor furiously chopped down a fruit tree in her backyard. I hid behind sunglasses the tears wouldn’t stop flowing. I was listening to Christian music on my ipod hoping to hear a Word. Something. Watching dragonflies dance in my yard.
And then it came “Be still and know that I am.” I didn’t know enough of the Word to know what that meant so I said know that You are what? Going to fix this. I am going to need more than that I argued with my Creator. And I felt the weight of a hand on my shoulder. I closed my eyes almost afraid to know who or what was behind me and in that moment a flashback sequence of my life came to mind of every time I thought I was alone and afraid and He was with me. Beside me. Holding me. Carrying me through. Peace beyond my understanding washed over me and I knew that He was always with me, would always be with me even in this. So I went inside and asked my husband for a divorce. I explained I had found what makes me happy and for the first time it wasn’t a man. I wanted him to be happy even if it wasn’t with me. I knew it would be well with me with or without him.
I learned in recovery that it is very important that you allow God to replace your character defects with positive changes. So one of the biggest changes for me is that I am faithful. To God and being faithful to Him overflows in faithfulness in all my relationships. I no longer turn to sexual sin to please myself or others in times of distress I turn to God now. In prayer, in praise, in all of it, with all of it. He can handle my feelings.
When I am not working on the things of God in my personal life I am working to serve my family and others to make their lives better.
Labor Day weekend 2014 I left the world to serve God after all He had seen me through. When I understood the brevity of my life. I asked God what I should do? What He would have me do? I heard Him say I should share His Word. I thought like Moses who would listen to me. I gave Him every reason why I was not a good candidate for what He was calling me to do and I heard Him say “with the gift I have given you.” Been sharing my walk of faith ever since. To anyone who would listen.
Sometimes it is difficult in recovery to see the positive changes that God is making in our lives. I
have been able to accept and enjoy my growth because I see the fruit of my life is that I don’t need to feel joy to experience it. No longer a physical but emotional, mental, spiritual growth that makes me feel good about who I am in Christ. I know that He died for me and my sins and for that I am indebted with my life.
The way I see it, I was made this way for a reason. The hardest thing I have ever had to give up was myself. To have the opportunity all the time to gratify my flesh and not give in to the temptation is all God.
I went from someone who found satisfaction in myself almost 4 times a day for 31 years and now my life is less about me and more about the people God has given me to share it with. I call the morning my I AM time because that is the time I get to spend with Him and receive His love for me through self care trust me when I say not self pleasure. It is when I get to rest in His Word, pray, sing praise, watch teachings, take care of my shelter for His glory, and take care of my temple for His glory, even something as simple as lighting a scented candle, applying flavored lip balm and body spray just to workout are some self care practices I find joy in.
I learned that fellowship is a key to my recovery. Before Celebrate Recovery I saw two people outside of my family once a month or once a season. I went to church and a womens bible study but I didn’t have relationships with anyone. Now my calendar is full. I keep one day for me but make a plan to see people 6 days a week, wether it be for study, working out, breaking bread, mentoring or church. I am the one that arrives early just to fellowship first. I no longer find comfort in isolation. I am more accountable. I am a better friend, sister, aunt, mother and wife because of my relationship with God first, me second so that I can give to others. CR has given me a compass for my faith and when I get distracted or veer off the path I know I can always just get back on it.
My journey of recovery involves more study time in His Word. It’s taught me that when I am hurting I know I can reach out to my forever family for prayer. When I am exhausted I can here’s a thought I can rest and not feel guilty about it. And when burdens weigh heavy on my I can turn them over to Him. I celebrate my weekly victories when I dance during worship, I lift my hands to pray, I give glory to God for all that is good in my life, even if that good came from somebody God gets the glory. His presence has been a blessing.
Grateful for my Sponsor for walking me through this journey, for my sisters in faith who prayed me through it, for brothers in faith who helped me to give grace to men in my life who hurt me by sharing their hurts with me and showing me what men of God should look like. The big group becomes small when I share my feelings in a safe place, through classes and my time teaching.
As I said in middle of my story I didn’t think this place was for me. And when I heard the honesty of women with courageous hearts to be vulnerable and go deep so that they could walk on water with God Himself I wanted to go with them. I serve God by teaching kids the same tools that helped me in my own recovery because no matter the age we all have hurts, hang ups and habits God is working with.
Like when I decided to share His Word with others I know that if I didn’t give back to the ministry that gave me so much I could lose what was given. By not being in it, not making it a part of my daily part of life. The tools are useless unless they are applied.
To the newcomer I would say you are looking at someone who has broken all 10 commandments multiple times and even made some up that aren’t even written on stone and now I live by the 9 fruits of the Spirit they are written on my heart and always on my mind. And I am happy to share that walk of faith through teachings and with anyone that will hear it.
Before the world had me, I belonged to My Father, He held me in His arms before He sent me down. He knew I would forget Him and like the prodigal son I would return to Him one day. Greater than a wedding band He shed His blood for me. He called me His before this world did and one day I looked down and saw it my own hand… Isaiah 43:1 …listen to the LORD who created you…the one who formed you says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.” And I have been His ever since.
June 28 2021
…and forgive us our sins as we have forgiven those who sin against us. Matthew 6:12
When a paralyzed man was brought to the foot of Jesus in Matthew 9:2 he said to the man “Be encouraged, my child! Your sins are forgiven.” Before he died on the cross for sin, sin was already forgiven. But still the world needed his blood. Later in verse 12:31 He says every sin and blasphemy can be forgiven- except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven.”
Blasphemy is defined as the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things. Profane talk. In Greek to slander. For me the Holy Spirit represents the wisdom of the Word. The wisdom of His Word. So anyone who mocks this wisdom. Scoffs at it, is in danger, in danger of being a fool for thinking they don’t need God. I know that when I didn’t know His Word I still knew what was right and wrong but chose not to pay attention to it. I reaped the consequences in my life for the things I did that were wrong. Because even in the Word it says you cannot mock the justice of God. Galatians 6:7
When wrong was done to me. I justified the wrong I had done. Blaming others for my inequities. Like my ancestor long before me when Adam who blamed Eve for his reasons for doing what was wrong in Genesis 3:12. Or like Cain in Genesis 4 who could justify killing Abel because by comparison his offering was greater causing God to reject his own. What if there was a better calf, a fatter calf that Cain could have offered the LORD but chose to hold back, keep for himself. The day that greed was born. Perhaps God knew this had nothing to do with what Abel gave but Cain looked directly at him and disregarded his own lack. By comparison his only defense was to hide his lack of trust in God. Was he so different from his parents who also took, wanting more. Not content with what they had? I understand no amount is too large or small for God as long as it is the best you have is what I have been taught in the widows offering in Mark 12:42 her two small coins was more than those who gave even more because she gave all that she had. Talk about trusting in the LORD.
I was watching a documentary the other day about a psychologist who interviews death row inmates. And it said in a sense people who grow up to do wrong were not born this way they were made. We breed a society where differences are frowned upon. We make people afraid of being themselves. We teach them how to hate through our own hatred. The psychologist ends with ‘Can anyone be a murderer? I believe so. People who kill others are made not born. The more we understand the genesis of violence the harder it is to draw a line between guilt and innocence. Sanity and insanity. As human beings we struggle to cope with the need for protection, the desire for revenge, indecency, morality, to understand sometimes means to forgive. These days people are not in a very forgiving mood. Ted Bundy was right we are more fascinated by what the crime was, the gory details of it than why it was done. It is the act of sin that fascinates us. Tickles our limbic systems. No wonder people fight for seats when a crime is being committed rather than respond they want to view it. Is that part why I do what I do, perhaps, I wouldn’t be surprised.’
When she said this I immediately thought of Hebrews 12:24 You have come to Jesus, the one who mediates the new covenant between God and people, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks of forgiveness instead of crying out for vengeance like the blood of Abel. And yet even this sin could still be forgiven, he suffered the consequence but again God still protected him.
You were blameless in all you did from the day you were created until the day evil was found in you. Ezekiel 28:15
Can I pinpoint the exact sin in my life that lead me to this life wrought with immorality, indecency, that made me to believe I was unlike everyone else. That my difference was impurity. The moment fear enveloped me and protection from those who were meant to love me was taken from me. When men sought to do harm to me that made it okay in me to inflict harm on others because of what was done to me. Or was it the day that I learned to find satisfaction in something that wasn’t God. To please my flesh in such a way that I could get it to relax drift away. In sexual sin, in a bottle, in a drug, in an act of anger in the fits of rage.
For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. 1 Corinthians 15:56
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23
Dying every day since that day. To myself. To this creature of instinct. I could place blame on everyone and everything for becoming what my life represented, death. Easily find every person in my family that came before I was made the wage I paid to become. Jesus said in Luke 17:1 There will always be temptation to sin but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting. I made up my mind one day that Jesus paid the penalty for all the things I did because the moment I refuse to believe otherwise will result in a wage I can’t afford to pay. People see death as finality. But someone can be dead while still being very much alive. I stand before you today as a child who can count the times on one hand I have seen my biological father, have spoken to him. I am dead to him even though he is a priest, I am his sin, a reminder of his unfaithfulness to my mother, his own adultery. Yet still Jesus calls him forgiven I have to live as though he is because to try to get back the years stolen, the years he didn’t give a damn what happened to me is a burden Christ also carried on the cross.
What do I gain by holding onto to vengeance and hate, what power is there in that? Only weakness can be found. I cannot begin to understand the ways and thoughts of God. Perhaps God saw that by his influence I would not become who I became. Following a false teaching. Being led astray. Instead I lived my younger years under a heavy hand guided by harsh discipline and punishment no child should be subject to. Because of this upbringing I sought to do more in my life than I had ever done even if the price of discipline was at a cost. God turned what was meant for my harm it into a skill of perseverance, endurance and strength. I knew that I could separate myself from the comfort of what my flesh desired because I was trained to do so at an early age.
And even then God knew that I would be without my mother at an early age he set the plan into place to remove the grip from my step fathers strong hand permanently. But still the scars remained. I look back with grace and can see how the events of ones life can lead to the outcomes of ones doing.
I have a nephew, my brothers son who grew up unwanted, he was taught that his life had no meaning, no value so when he and his friend didn’t think twice to take what wasn’t theirs to take by force in order to be set free of the life they were given it cost both the mans life and their own. And even still I know that he is forgiven. He could blame the way he was raised, his absent father, his unloving mother, his sexually and physically abusive grandfather or the friend who convinced him to commit the crime in order to fit in, be loved and accepted in a world that didn’t accept or love him from birth and still nothing would change. So even a broken justice system needs to be forgiven.
‘To understand means to forgive.’ The psychologist said. To that I would add to live as though you are forgiven, because that is the only way I can live with the life I was assigned to carry in spite of holding onto the belief there was a better way perhaps this was God’s best for me in order to get me to where I became.
Like John the Baptist in prison in Matthew 11, I had my doubts about a God who could save. I had my doubts about a Savior who could stop the pain. He had a message sent to John in verse 5 and 6 the blind see- I didn’t see that God was with me the way he was with Cain in spite of all he had done protection and provision still followed him all the days of his life as they followed me.
The lame walk- my life could very well have resulted in me not doing anything. Choosing to stay as I was. Blaming my past hurts and pains on why I couldn’t move on, paralyzed by my pain but instead I choose to get up from it and walk toward a future hope I couldn’t imagine for myself only knew where I was I didn’t want to remain. I had a choice to get up.
The dead are raised to life- the way I was raised I was given a dead life, nothing in it gave life or hope to anyone. I was taught to survive because everyone was out to hurt me from the start, to take my life. So I turned my life to God at 39 I gave it to Him to raise me. I made the decision to live as though He truly was my Father and I had no other. He raised me to a new life.
The good news is being preached to the poor- and the good news was He did. My life is shared among many. Some might say their survival guide. He adopted me as His own. I call Jesus my brother because we have the same Father born of Spirit not of flesh. I know this flesh all too well it resulted in my death. But through the life of Jesus the way he lived I have life in it. I have a life in Him.
And God blesses those who don’t turn away because of me-on the cross Jesus forgave my sins. He forgave every one of the 10 commandments written in stone and the ones I created that weren’t even on the list. By His suffering He forgave every time I committed each sin not once in my life, multiple times. And even more so than that He forgave everyone who sinned against me. He didn’t stop it, he didn’t remove it, he didn’t prevent the wrong that was done to me. He simply forgave them so that I could be forgiven for the things I did in vengeance in retaliation. Like Adam I could easily say to God I sinned because of the men you gave to me. Or like Abel I could deny my wrong because of those who came before me but instead because of Jesus I can live forgiven I can't turn away from that, it is the only way I live.
A Righteous Story
A Righteous Story
June 12 2021
I was listening to a song the other day called Write Your Story by Francesca Battistelli and I thought to myself it sounded a lot like “righteous story” I began to think that when His story becomes my story it is a righteous story. When the story in my mind is connects to my heart and my soul of who He created me to be. I am no longer the victim in this tale the victor emerges from the ashes.
In the last few weeks I watched our house crumble from the weight of a storm. I saw sparrows feasting in the rain before building up the courage to take down the giant that defied my LORD. I walked in silence around the Jericho wall of hostility I know well that my brother, Jesus had already torn down. I waited for the wisdom of God before I took the wisdom of this world. And as is true to His word he didn’t speak till I shared Matthew 13:12 Mark 4:24-25, Luke 8:18. As I explained to my husband why would God give you more understanding when you don’t share what He has already given. What good is the Good News if not meant to be shared, God gives wisdom to share not to keep for oneself. 1 Corinthians 7:25. Now taking the next 52 days give or take at the least to rebuild the wall that was washed away. Just another week in the life of us.
The house that was built on sand was none other than my other half. He heard the same Word I did at church and Sunday messages. We even shared the same devotionals daily but when the storm hit us both it became obvious he didn’t apply the Word to his life. As he crumbled under the weight of the situation with frustration and confusion. Just like the story of the two men that built their house one on rock the other on sand. Matthew 7:24-27
I didn’t have the answer right away but I knew that getting upset wouldn’t change anything either. I remained standing waiting on the wisdom of God to help us out. Tell me what to do God. How to figure this out. The story of Elijah 1 Kings 19:11-12 taught me that I am not going to hear God huffing and puffing like a windstorm, he isn’t going to be in what shook the ground like an earthquake or in the raging anger of a fire. I needed to calm my mind and heart in order to hear the gentle whisper.
The emotions may have come like waves but Christ taught me how to control the waves Matthew 8:23-27 Mark 4:35-41 Luke 8:22-25. Silence! Be still! I said to the wind of my racing thoughts and they subsided therefore calming the ocean of my emotional sea of distress but my husband did not. He let them roar, he let them get out of control till he had no control of the emotions overwhelming him and so he drowned die to lack of self control. Proverbs 5:23 Job 36:12
Just when I thought the worst was over a different man approached that seem like my husband. He attacked me with anger and rage that could only be described as Satan himself of all places in a church parking lot. For what you might ask? Hitting the back tire of my car on a curb when I tried to turn the car around. He didn’t care that he was on holy ground or that he was speaking to Gods own daughter. All I could say was Wow, I see who you really are. This wasn’t my husband I was talking to this was the enemy himself. As soon as we returned home I got ready and left without so much as a goodbye because if anything my ancestor Eve taught me you don’t speak to snakes, you crush them underfoot. My brother Jesus taught me in 1 Peter 2:23 retaliating wouldn’t change what he had done a battle to big for me to fight that was going to be between he and God.
I fled to my sanctuary, my place of refuge to get away from the hardened parts of this world with its brick and concrete walls, black top I needed a minute to figure out how to repay evil 1 Peter 3:9. My thought was to humble myself in silence, give in to what it wants. I wept overwhelmed by the tumults of wave of emotions that flooded my mind. Than a courage rose up this wasn’t the first time but it would certainly be the last time he handles things as a man. The Spirit of David rising up “how could this mere man defy the living God. Yell, curse, throw things hard enough to break them on the ground and slam a door to prove what exactly? That he had the power and might to destroy me? Why make me feel small so that this giant could feel tall? The words of David rang in my ear “Who is this, that I should fear his sword, spear and javelin” 1 Samuel 17:45. I began to think I really don’t like who I become around hatred. How his anger gives me permission to lose control. God is nowhere to be found in division. He is neither friend or foe my brother Jesus is the commander of His army and He said Enough. As I sat in silence peace being my prize. I noticed sparrows darting all around. Every color red, blue and speckled. I didn’t realize they feast in the rain.
Reminding me that God prepares a feast for me in the presence of my enemies Psalm 23:5 whatever comes of this I would be alright.
That my value and worth do not come from man, I am more valuable to God than even this whole flock of sparrows and the very hairs on my head are all numbered so I need not be afraid Matthew 10:31 and Luke 12:7. The only way to take down a wall of hostility is to walk around it in silence for seven days to be exact. Joshua 6
The next day he went to work. I built two walls in the living room so that he could sleep in semi private I placed an air mattress in the ottoman and his pillow and blanket on the couch. If he couldn’t speak to me with respect he lost the right of speaking to me at all. He could speak all he wanted but from me he would not get a response. If my presence made him so angry to sin against me than he could be without me for a little while. This is what anger, hatred reap. A house divided must fall. No sense causing him further anger and rage we are not trees, we cannot be moved. When I did speak to him it was to share Scripture as God revealed it the sword of the Spirt which is the Word of God Ephesians 6:17 was the only weapon that would win this war.
In the silence I sought God as I did every day. I stopped sharing daily devotionals with him instead the good that came from it is I now share them with my nephew in prison he could benefit even more. I began to see that was the extent of his time with God and that wasn’t saving or changing his ways. God said he needed more time with him. More than an hour. Well in 24hrs he sleeps 7 that’s 1 hour for God 16 in the world. That wasn’t going to work. He only worked 8 hours so where were the other 8 going? Commute? Getting ready? Time in this world? I wasn’t asking him to rearrange his life or even give it all away but if he was ever going to become more than the man he was 1 hour just wasn’t enough. That was clear from the start.
I suggested he find time for God. Find it while he got ready for the day. Find it while he drove into work and left for the day. Find it in the quick bathroom breaks. Any time was time well spent with God. The Holy Spirit needed more time with him. One message a week was not enough. Even God worked 6 days a week creating something different each day. Perhaps there was more to be learned. It wasn’t going to happen 52 times in 365 days. God needed more.
His fear was it would take time away from me. But anytime He gave to God he was also giving to me. See I don’t just speak to speak. If I talk I am sharing what I learned. But we all see things differently it would be nice to share how we each see the same thing differently. Iron sharpens iron but his sword was rather dull. I don’t know why I never noticed that before.
I am grateful for the wisdom of God for showing me that we were trying to build a foundation mixed with iron and clay. Daniel 2:43 Some parts were strong while others were weak. He is still perfecting us. Nothing that could break us but definitely showed us our areas of weakness. So we march on.
There is a Difference Between a Shining Star and the Morning Star
There is a Difference Between a Shining Star and the Morning Star
May 24, 2021
I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night- but even in darkness I cannot hide from You. To You the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to You. Psalm 139:11-12
When I lived in darkness defined as the absence of light, apart from God, separated by my sin there was not a single day in my life He didn’t show up. He was in my hot mess and my wholeness. I am surrounded by people that worship the darkness and by His Word I can testify to the truth of it.
And the judgement is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants. John 3:19-21
When I was a slave to my sin. I did it behind closed doors where I thought no one could see. I did things in private so that no one would know. I did things when the sun was down covered by the darkness of night. Why? Because that is how much I cared of what people thought of me. Who doesn’t like to be described as good, kind, funny, helpful, happy, wise, thoughtful, caring, loving. Well I was none of these when the only person I intended to serve was myself.
The other day I was reading the description of “the shining star” found in Isaiah 14:12-14 when God says of the enemy “How you are fallen from heaven, O shining star, son of the morning! You have been thrown down to the earth, you who destroyed the nations of the world. For you said to yourself, ‘I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God’s stars. I will preside on the mountain of gods far away in the north. I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.’
Jesus is referred to as the Morning Star in 2 Peter 1:19…until the Day dawns, and Christ the Morning Star shines in your hearts. Revelation 2:28 They will have the same authority I received from my Father, and I will also give them the morning star! and 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this message for the churches. I am both the source of David and the heir to his throne. I am the bright morning star.
And I thought to myself there is a difference between the shining star and the morning star not just in the spiritual realm. A shining star is what I got on my papers when they were good. They served as a mark that I had done good. I had to earn the stars on my chore chart when the task was done. I didn’t get a star if the duty was not complete. A shining star is what you work for it is something you earn. As the enemy said to itself I will ascend, I will preside, I will climb so I said to myself as a child I will be successful in school/work, earn high marks/take on special projects/sell more because the world taught me if I worked hard and earned it I could climb higher and higher on the corporate ladder and make more and more money so that I can buy more things, bigger things all for myself.
Now lets look at the flipside, the closest star to us is the sun. I like how Day is capitalized in 2 Peter 1:19. And how the Sun of Righteousness is capitalized in Malachi 4:2 Just some things that make me smile to know. The morning star on the earth not the spiritual realm is the sun. It rises whether I wish it to shine or will it to shine or even hope it shines each and every day of my life.
Sometimes it is covered by clouds but I have flown enough to know it is still shining above the clouds. I don’t have to work or earn the light it simply shows up day in and day out. When it is night the surface of the moon reflects the light of the sun. The moon doesn’t give off its’ own light. It is a rock that is reflecting the source of light, the sun. The lights helps things to grow. The trees, grass and plants outside my house aren’t worried on a cloudy day, they aren’t pleading with God to allow the sun to shine on them again one day. They are at peace, at rest, with a knowing that the sun will show up.
This is how I came to know God my Father and Jesus my brother. One day I thought I was alone. That all my life I had been alone. And then one day I was aware of their presence in my life. I love my son not for anything he did to earn my love I love him because he showed up. My husband and I remain together in relationship not because he earned or deserved my love I love him because he keeps showing up. The moment my neighbor moved in next door I loved her. Not for what she did or earned. And we’ve been showing up for each other ever since. There are people God placed in my path that I loved from the first moment I met them. They having never did anything to earn my love. It was because they showed up. My love for family, friends, neighbors and people I share my life with are loved not for anything they did but because they showed up. And so it is with God.
Throughout my life darkness thought it could prevail. It tried to extinguish the light but the light kept shining, kept showing up. Whether darkness willed it to or not. He rose. He has risen. He keeps rising. Whether people look up or not. Whether it can be seen by the those who are blind and without sight and choose to walk without the light. The light keeps shining, keeps showing up. As do I.
So whatever it is relationships, gifts or talents, for everything good that makes up your life. Know that you don’t have to work or earn love, just keep showing up for it. This I have found is the key to my life.
Crushing It
Crushing It
April 22 2021
Journal entry April 22, 2020 my sister tested positive for COVID. She more than likely got it from my husband who was not tested. I have been exposed for 8 days.
I have a confession to make. 8 days before this entry the desire to control others came over me. I had heard about this illness from the headlines. I am not one to sit and watch the news or read the articles. I find my time is better spent in the Word not the world so when God saw to it that it would become part of my story. I stopped sharing. Because I was so busy monitoring everyone in my house like I was an ICU nurse who lived in the emergency room. Every hour from the time I woke up till the time I went to bed for 3 weeks straight I was checking and bring fluids to my husband, then my son who I thought caught a cold. As I said I don’t watch the news so what I treated as cold/flu symptoms was greater. I pushed fluids, monitored temps hourly, administered medication, made light meal, and when each reached their limit on fluid and food consumption I allowed them to rest and let the body fight what I could not see. My son recovered within 2 days. My husband took just over a week. But my sister well if you follow my blog you know how that turned out. As for me aside from one day of explosive diarrhea I remained healthy.
I would later put the pieces of those weeks in my life together when I looked back on journal entries and find that me, my roommate and my son were all sick the first of December with a cold we couldn’t shake. We all had a cough that wouldn’t go away till February. So by April we were all exposed and immune to what swept over our house a year ago today.
As I mentioned above this would infect me with something greater than a virus it left me with an addiction to control others. In my need to “help” others I thought if I could control every action they would be okay. My husband followed my instructions for 7 days religiously so by the time my sister was commenting on the tickle in her throat he was breaking his fever and back at work again.
I am not a stranger to addiction. I battled with sexual sin for 34 years. Then misused alcohol for 3 years after to drown out the painful memories of the way I lived. The night I hit bottom I almost lost my 3 years of sexual sobriety but instead passed out naked in a hotel bathroom and woke up drowning. Only to rise and pass out in my bed and be late for a work conference. Had it not been for the grace of finding a seat in the back beside a man who battled the same addiction and later of my boss who believed in second chances I would not be here today. I replaced my addiction to numb a painful life with the Word until this day a year ago.
Truth is I didn’t have time for the Word in my life I was too busy healing the sick, raising the dead, giving the blind sight. The Word was right there but I just didn’t make time for it. I was too busy trying to survive the battles I faced in this world. The people in my own little world. So when I needed the power it gave to save me from slipping it was no where to be found because I was no longer searching for it. I was searching for physical food, physical water, physical rest, physical medication that would bring physical healing and a physical rest from this hurting world not in His Word.
“The time is surely coming” says the Sovereign LORD, “When I will send a famine on the land- not a famine of bread or water but of hearing the word of the LORD. People will stagger…wander…search for the Word of the LORD, but they will not find it….they will grow faint in that day, thrsting for the LORD’s Word. Amos 8:11-13
Don’t misunderstand me I read the Word through daily devotionals one line at a time each morning to share with my husband. We decided at the new year that maybe we should cut down from 8 to 4 to give him more time in the morning without rushing through them. I still watched a daily teaching while I worked on my Temple. Your Move with Andy Stanley, Joel Osteen, Elevation with Stephen Furtick, Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer, Christine Caine, and Living proof with Beth Moore. I would watch each one once and delete. I attended church the moment the doors opened back up. I heard the Word but my mind was filled with the things of this world that His Word would go in and out as fast as I recieved it.
The seed that fell among the thorns represents others who hear God’s word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life…Mark 4:18-19
The thorns I battled with were the concerns and cares of the people that surrounded me. I couldn’t get the message because the physical desire to help them was greater. When everyone was well in body my heart was hardened by the things I saw in this world so my eye was bad. I had a critical way of looking at the world through the things I let my eyes see in it daily and that thinking seeped into my home. As far as my self-righteous way of thinking was concerned I was going to heaven but I was living in hell with everyone else.
I long for the years gone by when God took care of me, when He lit up the way before me and I walked safely through the darkness. Job 29:2-3
I no longer saw people I loved who were made in the image of God I saw them as people with problems that I could fix. I could do something about. I spent my days “helping” “fixing” the broken that I barely made time for the things I used to do when I was fixed on His Word.
By October I noticed I had developed this tick that when I wasn’t “helping” the people I loved a nervous anxiousness would come over me and I would self soothe by scratching my head to the point of bleeding and giving myself head sores. I was not choosing to exercise self-control so this allowed the enemy to control me like a marionette. When I tried to share the Word it would come out like a fire hydrant drowning my listener instead of like a gentle rain as before. Deuteronomy 32:2
That is when my base camp announced it was now hosting in person Celebrate Recovery. I had never attended a specific recovery program. I was moved to attend by a movie I saw on Prime called Thank You for Sharing a fiction movie based on a real life struggle with sexual addiction. As I watched I realized the way I recovered from my obvious addictions was by His Word. It was a Spirit led recovery. Not just watching teachings, listening to praise music, sharing devotionals but also bible studies. I attended my first one in 2013 Breaking Free by Beth Moore and hadn’t stopped being a part of a bible study till COVID.
Fortunately a few years ago a friend introduced me to the idea of completing studies on my own when I couldn’t be in a group or I wanted more study on a particular area of my life. So I always had a workbook I just wasn’t faithful to complete it. Then I started to share the studies with my nephew in prison and he helped me to have some accountability but when I fell weeks behind while he kept in step I felt guilty for not having, making the time for it.
I made the decision to attend my first meeting. In group I began to meet people not just with drug, sex or alcohol abuse but multiple characteristic traits oppostie of the Spirit that they struggled with. In big group I would hear not just teachings but also testimonies making it almost better than just attending a church service. People in the group were brave enough to share their hurt and how the love of God saved them. It inspired me to write my own testimony I haven’t shared it yet only to a handful of people but I will.
Afterwards we would break up into small groups and share freely how our week had been struggle or achievement, our thoughts on big group, really anything. The number one rule was that during our share we would have the floor and be uninterrupted, no advice, no counsel, just be heard and so that it gave us the healing opportunity to hear ourselves think aloud.
For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light. Mark 4:22
Then Good Friday came and the Celebrate Recovery Group hosted the evening with Scripture reading of the moments leading to the darkness. They had 3 wooden crosses at the front with a small table of hammers and nails. When we walked in, we were given a piece of paper to nail to the cross. I nailed my desire to control others and even stubbed my thumb in the process. The echoing of the sound of the hammers hitting the nails brought me to tears envisioning what my Christ did for me.
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. Galatians 5:24
I was finally able to proclaim a week of sobriety from my desire to control others and exercise self control instead. God showed me that in my desire I didn’t trust Him to heal my people. I didn’t trust Him with His plan for them. In my wayward way of thinking I trusted my plans for them. My ways for them were somehow better than His. I got back in my Word. The studies. The sharing with my nephew consistently. The sharing with my friends. To limit my sharing to text messages not blogs just yet.
A verse that felt like a splinter in my soul was “It was the LORD’s good plan to crush him and cause him grief.” From Isaiah 53:10 I should have known better than to put myself in a position that would prevent or prolong the inevitable crushing of ones’ life. No amount of money. No amount of preaching. No amount of putting my life on hold to make someone’s life pain free would heal them. Only God can and He sent a Savior to the job I do not have in me to do.
In my second week of sobriety I began to see that the things that crushed me actually gave life to many. Like my brother Jesus when people see me they too can believe that God raises people from the dead even still today because the truth is I was dead to God by sins when I chose to live apart from Him by my life choices I just didn’t know it. Romans 6:13 Ephesians 2:1 ,2:5 and Colossians 2:13 yet here I stand because of He that had the power to save me. So even if crushing is part of their story I know they can and will survive it.
Yet I am confident I will see the LORD’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13
By week three I had let go of the desire to control others and gave that over to God. I felt more confident in my stride of self-control. Nothing has changed but once again I have. The way I see the people around me. Not through a hardened heart or critical eye but through eyes of faith what I believe they can be one day. Through eyes of unconditional love not for the things they do but who they are. And through hope believing one day they too might see the goodness of God all around them, not just in this life but the one to come, even in the crushing.
Then Jacob woke form his sleep and said “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I wasn’t even aware of it!” Genesis 28:16
A Thousand Minutes
A Thousand Minutes
March 8 2021
Since my website was revamped I lost alot of my old postings thought I would share some of my favorites because the same truth is still true for me even still today. *Originally posted 9-8-16
Stop a moment and think about what you do on average a thousand minutes a day? There are exactly 1,440 minutes in a single day. A thousand minutes is the equivalent of 16 hours and 40 minutes of the day.
I began to make a written track record of what I did with my days from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed. Call me crazy, but I actually enjoyed it. I looked forward to seeing how each day would unfold. If the plans I made worked out or were changed and how I responded to that change. As I flipped through this tiny notebook by my nightstand I noticed patterns in my routine some good things and some things that were probably not so good for me. But as the wisest man once said in Ecclesiastes 7:16 So don’t be too good or too wise! Why destroy yourself? (He also said in the following verses) On the other hand, don’t be too wicked either. Don’t be a fool! Why die before your time? Pay attention to these instructions, for anyone who fears God will avoid both extremes. (and it’s important to also mention) 20 Not a single person on earth is always good and never sins.
So with this in mind I set out to make the most of each day He gives. There were some ordinary or what I like to call extraordinary days that make this life of mine complete when I got to experience something amazing or unique. When I learn something new or do something I had never done. When I took notice of something no one else does. Each day was different no two days I had written are exactly the same. Even in my routines the times had changed. Always distracted by something unexpected, the things I didn’t plan for.
If I thought I could plot every hour of my life this was definitely proof for me to give up. Thankful I learned that lesson a long time ago. Part of this summer did not go by in blink. Thanks to this little notebook I took a slice out of my life and I can tell you exactly how it all layered up. So why did this book intrigue me today? Because my bible verse word study search was a “thousand” found in 82 verses to be exact. And these particular ones stood out for me as black lettering on a white page:
A single day in Your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else!... Psalm 84:10
For You a thousand years are as a passing day, as brief as a few night hours. Psalm 90:4
But you must forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. 2 Peter 3:8
In Revelation 20 in a teaching titled “The Thousand Years” without quoting the entire passage it basically says that Christ bound Satan in chains for a thousand years so he could no longer deceive us until the 1,000 years was finished then he would be released for a “little while”. During which time we would reign with Christ. The teaching right after this is titled “The Defeat of Satan” (I feel like I need that piano music background where you press multiple keys and it goes da-da-dum) It basically says when the thousand years come to an end, Satan can then deceive interestingly in verse 9 he and his army “went up” on earth meaning they were down below and though they surrounded God’s people fire from heaven “came down” from above on the ones who attacked us and instead consumed them in the flames. They were sure to note the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the fiery lake.
As someone once said “I said all that to say this” I began to think what if I was looking at this the wrong way. When I interpret a thousand years in human terms it is beyond my life let alone anyone’s life on earth. But what if to God a thousand years is exactly what He said it is…a single day. A single day of my life. Obviously my life is comprised of thousands of days as Moses said
Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to eighty. But even the best yeas are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we fly away. Psalm 90:10
If I live to be 80 I will have lived just over 29,000 days or less than 1000 months. But as Christ once said we are all given the same amount of time each day. Jesus replied, “There are twelve hours of daylight every day. During the day people can walk safely. They can see because they have the light of this world. But at night there is danger of stumbling because they have no light.” John 11:9-10
So I flipped through my book and sure enough on average I spent 16-17 hours awake or 960 to 1020 minutes a day. It got me thinking what if for every single day that I trust in and lean on Christ to make it through each day he has promised to bind the enemy for a thousand minutes each day. During that time I can come and go freely. Free of fear. Free of guilt. Free of worry. Free of distress. Free from slavery to and the power of sin. Free from the law. Free to trust. Free from blame. Free from being judged or condemned. Free from the spiritual powers of this world. Free from anger and controversy. Free from the penalty of the things I had done. Free to carry out all the good things He planned for me to do in those thousand minutes each day.
In case those freedoms sound familiar I pulled them all out of the Word - John 10:9, Job 11:15, Psalm 19:13, Micah 7:18, Luke 12:22,(Psalm 106:44, 107:13,19 & 28, 118:5) Romans 6:18, 22, Galatians 5:1, John 14:1, 1 Corinthians 1:8, Colossians 2:14-16, Colossians 2:20, 1 Timothy 2:8, Hebrews 9:15, Galatians 5:17, Ephesians 2:10
To be led by the Spirit of His power and courage and love. No longer fearful, timid and afraid even when it looks impossible because I don’t have to believe the one wrapped in chains whispering lies that I might not have or be enough or worse yet I might fail so why even bother. As Jesus once said in Matthew 4:10 Get out of here Satan…I serve a Higher power. And if I know my truth well, Jesus has already “bound” Satan up. Interestingly enough, the past tense form of bind. Or it can also mean he has already marked off his boundaries. His opinion no longer has power over me. What if it were that easy to believe in something…that has already been done.
(The LORD’s response to) Job 38:8-15 Who kept the sea inside its boundaries as it burst from the womb, and as I clothed it with clouds and wrapped it in thick darkness? For I locked it behind barred gates, limiting its shores. I said, ‘This far and no farther will you come. Here your proud waves must stop!’ Have you ever commanded the morning to appear and caused the dawn to rise in the east? Have you made daylight spread to the ends of the earth, to bring an end to the night’s wickedness? As the light approaches, the earth takes shape like clay pressed beneath a seal; it is robed in brilliant colors.
The other night my husband pulled me out of my office to watch the sunset as the day was coming to a close and for the first time I realized my thousand minutes will soon be up. We stood on our back porch as I gazed at the fiery sky thinking of what I just read a few hours, a few hundred minutes or so. “Fire from heaven” came down consuming those who attacked his godly ones and he was thrown into a fiery lake. Fleeting memories of watching the sun sink into the ocean the reflection it gave of setting it in flames.
Father, is this fiery sky a symbol to remind me that Christ, the light you called forth in Genesis 1:3, the one you called “day” in Genesis 1:5 Your Son/Sun has already defeated the deceiver in my life, the one who whispered all those lies. The one that tricked me into believing, so many times of who I was not or could ever be or what I could not or ever do. That the way I had lived the first half of my life, the things I had said and done and probably still do separate me from not only Christ but from Your love too. Does this day in my life mark a thousand minutes I believed Christ won and I am free. If I dared to believe in the what if, then I also know he will be released in a “little while” but only for a “little while” because of your unfailing love the Sun will rise again giving me another thousand minutes to live many more days, unafraid. What if.
Spiritual Growth
Spiritual Growth
January 7, 2021
Paul’s prayer for Spiritual Growth is found in Ephesians 3:16-21 I read it while I get each morning because opening my mind to spiritual growth is as part of my morning routine as it is to wash my face. I use the words Paul prayed to lead me into prayer. I use his words to guide and direct me in what to pray because that was a prayer between he and God this is my prayer between me and He.
Father, I thank you that from Your glorious, unlimited resources You have empowered me with inner strength through Your Spirit. I thank You that both You and Jesus have made Your home in my heart as I trust in You, Your Word and what he did while here on the earth. I thank You that my roots grow down into Your love for me, not a love for the things of this world or even the love of people of this world because it is Your love for me that keeps me strong, that gives me strength each day.
I am so grateful that You have given me the power to understand this love, as all Your people should. A love that is wider, longer, higher, deeper than any love I can experience here on the earth. You have given me a family to show me just a glimpse of what this love feels like but even still I know Your love for them and me is even greater than my love for them. Thank You for the eyes to see, the ears to hear, the mouth to taste and the hands to feel this thing called love that I can experience the love You have for Christ,
Your anointed one is the same love You have for me, though it is too great to comprehend. I know I will understand one day.
In this way You make me complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from You alone. Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within me, to accomplish infinitely more than I might think to ask for in prayer or think of on my own. Your plans for me are even greater than any human plan. All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ Amen!
Never to Forget
Never to Forget
December 3 2020
But watch out! Be careful never to forget what you yourself have seen. Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren. Deuteronomy 4:9
I just celebrated another year around the sun and as much as the world would like me to believe it wasn’t a good year when I looked over my journal entries at first glance I would have agreed but most of the entries were not about me but about the people I loved, the people I was hoping with, praying for to make it through. When I took a second look I can honestly say God has been good to me.
Has the LORD redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others He has redeemed you from your enemies. Psalm 107:2
For 365 I woke up to a new day. I may have spent the night in a hospital room with someone I may have had to take someone to the hospital but I myself remained fine. I got to see the sun rise to each new day. I got to see the stars every single night. Even when the days felt emotionally long I still survived them all. That is something to praise God about.
Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you. Psalm 91:5-7
When tensions were high and every news outlet was reporting war, loss, crime, death I have to admit there was peace in this temple, I did not suffer loss, there was no crime or death. Except for the time someone scratched my car in a parking lot it still runs the only thing bruised was the outside of my car not me. A few days of illness but when you weigh those few days against the other 300 healthy plus days I was given I would say they were merely a fog, a mist. Nothing to boast about, no taste of death.
Trust me I made up my mind long ago that death is not the worst case scenario. For me it is going through this life having not truly lived it. I don’t want my life to be so treasured that I lived it afraid of letting it go. I don’t want to wake up regretting all the missed opportunities I was given because I was afraid of all the shots I would of missed, I want to take everyone.
“His father said to him, ‘Look, dear son, you have always stayed by me, and everything I have is yours. Luke 15:31
There were so many reasons for praise this year. Each day was a victory over the other. Each day gave reasons to raise my hands and shout in victory yes I made it, yes we did it, yes thank you Father, yes. I started my year driving back from a prison. Then COVID hit our house it started with my son, then me but we brushed it off as a cold. I slid down the stairs and tore my rotator cuff but here I am still today what didn’t kill me then made me stronger for today.
I met a girl who lost both her parents one to death the other to prison. I can’t complain about my body aches and pains when I see her still smiling, still loving through a pain deeper than I will ever know she is living proof the devil can’t take the goodness of God from your heart.
I learned my son is a wonderful counselor. A listener, a keeper of pain. Who suffered with and for all the hurts his friends suffered and I couldn’t help but see just a glimpse of what Jesus suffered for us. How Mary felt to be helpless to stop, helpless to prevent what her son was born to witness. The world might have shouted hey look at what is happening over here but God made sure He kept my attention this year.
I began the new year rushing my son to the emergency room for a drug overdose. He gave in to peer pressure just one he thought unknowing that it would almost cost him his life. While the world was living in fear I was praying for a peace the devil tried so hard to rip from my hands so when the world went further into darkness I rose higher. Darkness is a familiar foe I know how deep that hole can go. The devil was thrown down to earth and the world seems to forget Jesus called Satan the ruler of this world so when things go from bad to worse I am not surprised, I don’t expect any less from hell it just serves to confirm yup, not my home.
A friend turned 90 and at 89 had a goal to walk 500 miles before her birthday she exceeded it. Reminding me no matter what age that the Spirit is always willing. Another friend lost her beloved husband to a battle with illness at a young age. A neighbor, single mom with two young children furnace broke in the dead of winter and she couldn’t afford to get it repaired so we bought her room heaters and a heated blankets to keep warm. I don’t need the news to tell me I live in a world of loss and gain I just need to look up. And all that was just January.
My February a month that was supposed to be about love had its own ups and downs. New friends. Suicide attempts. Sherriff called. Change. Counseling. Birthday milestone celebrations. March defined by new beginnings. New job. New ride. Repair fence. Loss of work hours. Oh and then there was COVID.
April was our first hand experience. May felt like Spring had officially arrived though it began with a hospitalization and crashed new ride, it taught me to get back on again not to let fear win this battle. Next generation of family purchased first house. June we changed our view to see higher ground. Love was new in the neighborhood. Upgrade ride. New baby. New garage door. New look.
In the Summer a dragon fly swarm made me stop for a moment in time as I watched them dance in my yard reflecting on the first half of the year. Angels surrounded us hundreds if not thousands. We saw the entire neighborhood put on a firework show that would make the pros jealous. We brought the gym amenities home. Replaced half of fence. Installed new sprinkler.
Learned the unexpected the hard way that when you drive too fast in the dark and not pay attention, a rock the size of a soccer ball can ruin your transmission and cost hundreds of dollars in repairs. Neighbor gave live concert. Roommate of two years gave two month notice. A less than 24 hour stay in an emergency room cost over 3k with insurance. Bridal shower celebration in the midst of contagion. Life won fear loss. Surprise birthday BBQ. First job. Vision the devil spelled backwards is lived the past is not a place to live the present in. Humbled by a homeless woman whose life and loss fit in a suitcase. Wildfires. Red Moon. Ash fell in neighborhood. Air smelled of smoke. Started to spend more time in a chapel during the week for refuge, bible study and prayer. Met the joy of a person whose smile lights up a room there are some things the enemy can’t take that are within not what is happening around you.
Fall brought new driver on the road and a new used car that ended up being towed 4 times before being sent back. 17 years ago two became one. And like a cloak once again attempted suicide in the family. Alcohol abuse. A wedding. Furnace repair. Flip this room. Fireplace to heat living area because a bird doesn’t depend on the branch to hold him he depends on his wings. Celebrate recovery. 36 treaters walked up the driveway and we slid down candy bars on a table 6 feet long. Who lives in the white house doesn’t govern me I am governed by the LORD as I was the day before and every day after till I go home. Visit with extended family. Simple luxuries.
Grateful lockdown finally lifted for nephew after 7 months. I can’t yet see but I can hear his voice again and know that when I left him last year that he remains well. My baby bird is spreading his wings. And there you have it another year behind me.
I remember everyday like it was yesterday. Every triumph. Every tear. Every battle fought. Every trial. Every sorrow. But what I remember most was not the fight. Not the struggle to let go. I remember a God that carried me through each one. Who never let go. I don’t know what this year will bring. No one does. What I do know is that God is still alive. He lives among us. And if I am not careful I could miss Him at work in my life if I fail to look up. So my prayer for this year is that I take more notice of Him in the unexpected places.
Then I will live among the people of Israel and be their God, and they will know that I am the LORD their God. I am the one who brought them out of the land of Egypt so that I could live among them. I am the LORD their God. Exodus 29:45-46
What Good?
What Good?
Novemeber 18 2020
What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone? James 2:14
You see, his faith and his actions worked together. His actions made his faith complete. James 2:22
Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other, let us show the truth by our actions. Our actions show that we belong to the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before God. 1 John 3:18-19
I have heard this quoted many times Romans 5:8 and 1 John 4:9 God showed His love for us by sending His Son to die for us while we were still sinners. Yes I agree my sin, guilt and shame were the first thing that had to be dealt with in my life. This is where it began but it is not what sustained my love for Him. The truth for me had to be more personal. I needed to know that of all the people in this world I wasn’t just a face in the crowd. That God knew me specifically and loved me. That is great to know He gave His Son for the world but I had to know He gave His son for me. That I was the bride walking down the aisle whose groom had eyes only for me. I wasn’t a spectator in the crowd peering over others. Whose face was blurred in the background. I was seen. That He thought so much of me that his thoughts of me out numbered the grains of sand. Before I could love even just one person in this world like that I had to know that I was loved first. 1 John 4:19
It began with a question. He asked if I was okay? Clearly I was not, to which He already knew the answer but wanted to hear me say. He asked if there was anything He could do to ease my pain? A need He could meet that I had no power to? As He watched me struggle to live my own way, He waited for my response. It took me awhile to let go of control to even think to ask for His help. Think to pray for Him to meet a need, though He is a God who created all that I see and is fully capable of many things. In stubborn pride I still didn’t think to ask Him even if the answer was no. He stood by quietly patiently waiting after all my God is a gentleman Isaiah 30:18. I am mostly physically alone so from the time I wake till about late afternoon it doesn’t come naturally for me to ask for help outside myself. Trust me that has since changed. I bring every need to God and let the chips fall where they may. But lately these days I find my first prayer, my first thought with the first conscious deep breathe I take is Father, I need you.
In my own little world, separated from family and friends due to their fears. If it were up to me nothing would change but I respect boundaries, I respect the need for privacy and safety. I understand that not everyone lives fearless of dying, that there are still people who think this life is the only one we have so I pray: Father, I need to know I am not alone John 16:32. That You still see me Genesis 16:13. That You are with me Genesis 28:15. That You walk among me Leviticus 26:12. That You have my back Isaiah 52:12, 58:8. That You are beside me Psalm 16:8. That You hold me by my right hand. Psalm 73:23 That You carry me when I can’t stand Psalm 68:19. That You are going before me Exodus 23:20 Making my crooked places straight Proverbs 4:11 Help me to know I am loved. Isaiah 43:4
You see my Father didn’t just say He loved me. He didn’t send me a text. He didn’t call me on the phone. We didn’t even video chat. He showed up in my life when I need Him most, He made Himself known. He held me. He comforted me with His touch. He spoke with words I could not just hear but see at work in my life. Love does more than just says it loves, it does. What good is the love of God in me if just to be kept hidden? If to just be thought of frequently. What good is that kind of love?
I don’t need a pen pal God, I don’t need a God that speaks and shows no action to back it up. I need the kind of God that stands and says even if this life results in death, which we all know it does. That his life means nothing to him if not to be laid down, shared, given up and poured out. What changed me is I didn’t just hear God I saw the Son of God that day.
I have shared it many times and I will keep sharing, it is the reason I am here today. On bended hands and knees, weeping for eyes to see. What I can only describe as a Roman soldier came to me. Not a feeble man on a cross. With shield held high toward the sky a shadow that cooled my skin fell on me. Protecting me from the flaming arrows that the enemy sent to destroy me. No more would these kinds of thoughts harm me. I was given faith to believe.
He claimed me with a voice that broke through the sky like thunder “Enough! She is mine!”. I felt the weight of his red velvet robe drape over me. Forgiven. Redeemed. Grace fell on me. I felt a single drop of rain fall from the sky landing on my outstretched left hand reaching for something I could not physically see, causing me to open my eyes. My first human thought “O Great, here I am pouring my heart out to a God I can’t see and it's going to rain on me.” But when I looked up the sky was clear. No thunder clouds. Not even white clouds above me to form the shadow that cooled my skin.
Weakened by my experience the strength of his hand lifted me and helped me to stand up. Helped me to take the next step in life. Helped me to see I wasn’t alone as I thought I had been. That even when I can’t see physically there is a force above pulling me toward something greater that I was seen. I just know that from that day on I wasn’t the same me. Changed by a love that risked his life, reached across the heavens, across time and stood beside me. We walk hand in hand often now. He walks slightly in front leading the way and I walk a step behind enjoying the journey through life he is taking me on.
Hear my prayer, O LORD! Listen to my cries for help! Don’t ignore my tears. For I am Your guest- a traveler passing through, as my ancestors were before me. Psalm 39:12
You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy. 1 Peter 1:8
In an Instant
In an Instant
November 8 2020
“Yes,” he told them, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning! Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you. But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in heaven.” Luke 10:18-20
I sat in a meeting last week and said “Hi my name is…I am a firm believer of Jesus Christ. I am 11 years recovered from…and 8 years from…then I shared my newest struggle, to let go of control. The need to control everyone and everything around me around me in order to maintain my peace and I wasn’t doing a very good job. You could say over the past few weeks I had been white knuckling it, trying to hold onto peace.
Every time my son drove away he took a peace of me with him. Every time my sister’s car stalled a peace of me stalled with it. Every day that passed that my husband didn’t hear back about his interview my peace took a deep breath and held it with him. Every week a close member of my family went without a job and an added large expense arose with her car or house my peace sunk even lower. My breaking point was on the lowest temp days of the season my house heater broke leaving me confined to my room. The car that kept stalling was towed to the shop for an indefinite number of days and the call we waited for wasn’t the news we had held our breath for all those days. I was reminded that even though God had given me authority over the power of some of my greatest enemies in my life He was still the only One in control. There would still be many battles, many struggles that would come against me that He has given me the power to walk through even if it felt like I was failing miserably.
Then they will come to their senses and escape from the devil’s trap. For they have been held captive by him to do whatever her
wants. 2 Timothy 2:26
I have heard it said many times that change happens in an instant. I was always skeptical of that until it happened for me. The sin I battled with for 30 plus years I honestly had no intentions of stopping I had surrendered to the defeated mentality that this was just who I was incapable of change. It took my hearing the voice of God to see the power Satan had over me fall from me like lighting.
I can’t remember the exact day only that it was in December because when I walked away from the battle I was given a Christmas gift for my son. The gift of being free of this battle was greater than anything I could receive. I had made up my mind to leave my sin behind that day and every day since till a single day became a week, then a month and now almost 11 years.
Unfortunately, I went from one pain killer to another thinking well at least I am not doing what I used to do. The pain was still there and the need to numb the pain was also there. The things I used to kill the pain eased the sting of the struggles I faced. I might have been able to walk among the snakes and scorpions, but I had not yet learned that I could crush them. I limped along several years better than I was but, in some ways, the same. Even though my brother had said “nothing will injure you” I know the physical injury this world brought on him. As Isaiah 52:14 would describe that he was beaten beyond recognition. The pain I felt was not written on my face or body it was a pain I carried in my heart that nothing of this world had been able to heal.
He reached down from heaven and rescued me; He drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemies, from those who hated me and were too strong for me. They attacked me at a moment when I was in distress, but the LORD supported me. Psalm 18:16
I waited patiently for the LORD to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. Psalm 40:1-2
Before I knew these words, they were true of my second “pain killer” that was killing me. This time it wasn’t a voice that made me stop it was coming face to face with my own mortality that what I was doing to numb the pain had only one purpose to kill and destroy me. People call it hitting bottom. I call it hitting the bottom of my own grave. Hebrews 2:9 says Jesus tasted death for me but my Father had other plans for me, He gave me the smell of death, like smelling salt to wake me from my destructive ways and I haven’t looked back since that day over 8 years ago.
Then the LORD told him, “I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cries of distress because of their harsh slave drivers. Yes, I am aware of their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt into their own fertile and spacious land. It is a land flowing with milk and honey- the land where the Canaanites, Hitties, Amorities, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites now live. Look! The cry of the people of Israel has reached Me, and I have seen how harshly the Egyptians abuse them. Exodus 3:7-9
I returned from the grave realizing that there were things in my life I had not dealt with, losses I didn’t mourn, disappointments and discouragements I had not made peace with yet, things I wanted to do but never attempted because fear made up my mind I couldn’t, a discontentment I carried with me through life that I was unable to break free from. Why was I afraid to feel the pain, walk through the things that hurt me, to admit that I am human, that I am weak, that humility, shame and sorrow are a part of my story. It took my coming to His Word page by page, verse by verse to find my truth in His truth. That every time He saved; He didn’t show up for perfect people. It was because He saw His children in trouble. He heard their cry. He saw their suffering. Every time He showed up it was because they got themselves in place they could not recover, get up from on their own, by their own strength. Help or some form of the word is written in the NLT over 500 times.
They will be like mighty warriors in battle, trampling their enemies in the mud under their feet. Since the LORD is with them as they fight, they will overthrow even the enemy’s horsemen. Zechariah 10:5
Who am I to live apart from the ways this world had taught me, to want to live in such a way that though I live in this world, I am not of this world? Who am I to put an end to generational bondage, generational slavery, generational sin in my life? To believe that I can cross the raging river inside me on dry ground even if I have to get wet, that I can tear down the walls that kept me from knowing God’s promise, that I can take down the roaring giant that threatens to destroy me with a single blow, that I can climb higher, do the impossible. The only reason I believe I am able is because of a God that said I am His. He is with me. Just as He said to my ancestors before me Moses, Joshua, Ruth, David, Esther, Daniel and Jesus just to name a few.
Liked Zechariah 10:11-12 taught me, I come from a long line of people who decided in an instant that they had enough. They passed safely through the sea of distress; the waves did not deter them to go back. God caused their emotional suffering to dry up as He wiped away every sorrow, every tear. He gave them the power to crush the enemy of doubt that stood in their way, the one that made them question God’s Sovereignty and strength and put an end to the fear that consumed their thinking. By His power God made His children strong, by His authority they went where He desired them to go. All because He said You are mine and I am Yours. That was all they needed to know.
You are my flock, the sheep of my pasture. You are my people, and I am your God. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken! Ezekiel 34:31
My Father's House
My Father's House
October 24 2020
“But why did you need to search?” he asked. “Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?” Luke 2:49
I noticed recently that not a single day has passed that there wasn’t a report of something random to be disappointed, frustrated, confused, worried, stressed about. So I have been spending a lot of time in my Father’s house sometimes in a building, other times as my brother Jesus did just stepping away to an isolated place so that I can cast my cares in prayer to the LORD. To let go of the things too heavy for me to bear, too great for me to understand. When the only sense that can be made is this is not my home because I know the One who cares for me.
I am seeing how quickly His Word is forgotten as foretold in Matthew 13, Mark 4 and Luke 8:4-15 how the evil one is snatching His Word from the hearts of those I love so that their problem becomes greater than God. Dwelling on the difficulty is always on the throne of their mind, no longer is there reason for praise. I can still remember a time when they heard His message and received it with joy like it was a gift, as though a hidden treasure was found and nothing else mattered but His Word, what He promised and what He spoke but now their worries matter most.
How quickly their love of His Word faded when the trials and sorrows of life arose, words like hope and faith became wishful thinking. All too quickly the Message was crowded out by doubt. A call to worship was now considered a sacrifice of their time over the opportunity to create more wealth, make more, produce more, work more rather than spending time in my Father’s house. So when chaos descended for “a little while” on their house, when a great time of testing the things they put their trust in fell silent, it had no comfort, no encouragement, no reply. Indeed there are things that happen in this life that no amount of wealth or work can buy.
In my prayer of Psalm 89:9-10 I was reminded me how God “rules over the oceans and subdues the storm-tossed waves.” For me the mere mention of ocean waves brings to mind what my own emotional turmoil looked like within me. Grateful to God who is greater than my feelings (1 John 3:20) Who tells the waves this far and no farther can you come (Job 38:11) who calms the storm at His command with two words ‘I Am’. (Matthew 8:27, Mark 4:41, Luke 8:25)
I was also reminded in this verse that God crushed the great sea monster and there it was in the footnote that read in Hebrew this monster is known as Rahab, a mythical sea monster that represents chaos in ancient literature. When chaos is what I have seen all around I am reminded that God scattered my enemies with His mighty arm. Reminded of how God brought order into my own chaotic world.
For the LORD is God, and He created the heavens and earth and put everything in place. He made the world to be lived in, not a place of empty chaos…Isaiah 45:18
For God is not a God of disorder but of peace…1 Corinthians 14:33
I sat silently in my Father’s house as Paul taught me in Philippians 4:6 to lay my needs at the cross and lift up a sacrifice of praise for all that God has done. I prayed for every person God has brought across my path. Then I affirmed the things God said of me. The way I see it I spent forty years of the world telling me who I was not my Creator can have the other half of my life to tell me who I am.
Afterwards I sat in silence and thought of the wonder of God. The greatness of His power and who He is to me.
In Psalms alone He is…My rock. My refuge. My healer. My redeemer. My Savior. My strength. My victory. My honor. My shield. My hope. My grace. My fortress. My provider. My goodness. My King. My glory. My God. My Master. My Father. My inheritance. My cup of blessing. My place of safety. My shepherd. My light. My salvation. My helper. My rock of protection. My hiding place. My LORD. My Lord. My joy. My safe refuge. My helper. My protection. My shelter. My song. My delight.
When I am in my Father’s house whether in a building of wood and stone or a Temple of flesh and bone. I can tell you I am not fixed on the worries of this world. My mind is not concerned about what will I do if God knows what happens because this I know, I was never created to white knuckle anything or anyone more than I hold onto God. My mind is convinced that God is still in control, still on the throne. That He is Sovereign He hasn't given up that throne. Whatever chaos is allowed to roam for “a little while” it is not greater than the glory that will be revealed when my Father makes Himself known in any given situation, circumstance, problem, worry, fear I know that the glory of His presence will come in two words, not alone.
The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1:4-5
October 14 2020
Are Your wonderful deeds any use to the dead? Do the dead rise up and praise You? Can those in the grave declare Your unfailing love? Can they proclaim Your faithfulness in the place of destruction? Can the darkness speak of Your wonderful deeds? Can anyone in the land of forgetfulness talk about Your righteousness? Psalm 88:10-11
In Hebrew Abaddon means destruction. While praying through Psalms 88 yesterday the oddest thought came to me as I made the effort to sound out a word I don’t read often Abaddon. How similar it sounded to “a bad done”. It made me think when I did what was evil, wicked, displeasing to God, I was essentially doing what was bad, A bad done. It might not have been physically bad for me at the time in fact it might have even felt good to do seems like every bad I have done there was a good feeling to it, but it was definitely bad for me spiritually, mentally, emotionally. Where all my battles against the enemy are fought and won.
He was probably cheering me on in the act of the bad so that when all was said and done I had given him even more ammunition against me for the bad I have done. He now has a truth about me he holds dear and uses to tear me down every chance he gets by simply whispering things like “Remember when you did what you did. You should be ashamed. You will never…you could never…you will always be…You are not…you cannot…”
Once he has covered me in guilt and shame and condemnation, I have now fallen into a pit of depression of my own digging, a pit about the size of my own grave. I am paralyzed by guilt and shame. Believing I cannot move, I cannot be changed. The farthest thing from my mind are the wonderful things God has done for me in the past. The only thing I can think of is the past that buried me. In this past there is no reason to get up just stay in bed and hope the painful memories pass but it never does. I have no reason to praise God. God is not the reason I am in this pit, I am useless to do anything good for Him.
No reason to declare His unfailing love, all I see is reasons why I do not deserve to be loved. How can I proclaim His faithfulness when I can’t even be faithful to Him in my place of destruction, in the place where my bad was done. I am blinded to see how God has been good to me all my years surrounded in darkness not even remembering the good things only focused on the bad I have done. I have forgotten all the times He saved me. I cannot speak of His righteousness because I know that what I have done is nothing compared to what He has done for me. So I lay silent in the grave, refusing to lift my head, refusing to look up.
They say change happens in an instant. What they don’t say is it is a choice you have to make every single day of your life. “What are you doing?” God said to me right after the bad that I had done. The voice wasn’t accusing me with “What have I done!” This voice knew what I did, this voice wasn’t looking to condemn me. This voice was gently trying to wake me up, force me to confront my enemy but not alone.
Then sometime later the same voice said “Be still and know that I am” my thoughts were far from stillness. I was thinking of all the bad done to me. I was thinking of all the bad I could do. I was thinking how am I going to move forward as though I were alone. What am I going to do? As though I was the only one. There is no moving forward. I am stuck. I am paralyzed. I have no choice but to stay in the grave I have dug.
I watched as a dragonfly danced in the yard. Carefree. Life cycle only a season. Before I knew about the living beings found in Ezekiel. Living beings watched over me and still do. Not a worry in the world. I wished I were that dragonfly and I could escape, fly far away from the pain and destruction the people of this world caused and never look back. Always moving forward.
Behind sunglasses to hide my tears I watched as my neighbor furiously chop down her apple tree like a mad woman on a mission. Her dog had one too many apples and was kept in the house locked up while they worked. Long enough to cause destruction and she knew in her heart it had to do with this apple tree. She had asked her husband to cut it down several times after the first few accidents in the house. Chopping with a vengeance I thought of the fruit of sin that was eaten that caused the downward trajectory of all mankind the same fruit that was still causing destruction in my own life, my own family. I hadn’t read the Book but I knew all about Adam and Eve and the fruit taken from the forbidden tree. The same fruit that made God say to me “What are you doing?”
When He said “Be still and know that I am” I shot off a bunch of questions “Know that You are what? Going to save me? Going to change this? Be still and know that You are what?” And then the truth was made clear to me that I didn’t know who God was. I knew who others said He was but I didn’t know Him for myself, personally. I didn’t read His Word I had it read to me, like a child who could not read and comprehend yet I was near 40. I didn’t know God at all only what was told to me.
The weight of His hand lay on my shoulder like when a parent stands behind a seated child and places their hand on their shoulder to let them know without saying a word I am behind you. You need not fear I am here. Perhaps He was trying to tell me in these few words “Be still and know that I am…with you.”
In what could have been seconds, minutes, hours, I closed my eyes with relief for the first time in my life to know that I wasn’t alone He was with me. And in that time He showed me who He had been in my life. Why I had been chosen to survive in this place of destruction, this barren land where I still found blessings. Like a flashback movie reel- just scenes no sound, the memory of every wonderful deed He performed for me when I thought it was just me against the world.
Every praiseworthy moment I thought I accomplished by my own strength, my own deed how He opened the doors, cleared the path, made it smooth for me to walk through. He showed me the salvation of His unfailing love. How it wasn’t dependent on anything I had done but simply because I was his own. A child made of flesh and blood whom He chose to breathe into existence.
That His faithfulness was not dependent on if I believed in Him or not. He existed whether I acknowledged his existence. Like the sun hidden on a cloudy day the clouds that cover it don’t make the sun cease to exist. Even if I never knew the sun was hidden behind the clouds I know by the light it gives. He showed me that He could be seen through every good and perfect thing in my life, His wonderful deeds were His way of showing His goodness to me. He made me to remember His righteousness in a land where it seemed filled with injustices even when I could not see how every wrong was made right in its own time, it served His purpose for good in my life. How even as suttle as the changing leaves the days of summer give way to fall that everything in my life was seasonal. Lasting a brief time not always, not forever. My life has changed. I have changed. That even when it didn’t feel good to me. No discipline ever does but afterwards it produced for me a peaceful harvest of right living (Hebrews 12:11)
The joy I have now comes not from anyone or anything in this world so it cannot be taken from me. It comes from knowing God is with me whether I rise to the top of the mountain or stumble my way down it. He has me. He holds me. I am His. He calls me mine.
Which brings me back to Abaddon. The opposite of destruction is regenerate, build up, raise, reclaim, restore, recreate, reconstruct, protect, salvation, rescue, renovate, save, create, improve, construct to name just a few antonyms. This is who God is. You could say this is His family business. He didn’t say let there be darkness the darkness was here he said let there be light. And
that light was love, unfailing love.
…Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone. Romans 5:18
So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1
The other day was a day of multiple celebrations. I was praising God for the most part of the day till night fell and destruction came. A bad was done as quickly as I was on the mountain top I was stumbling down the ravine and I sought God. I asked for His wisdom “How can I handle this situation I am confronted with from a place of Your love, how can I hold my peace when there is none, how can I be patient, treat good, be kind and speak gently when everything in me wants to lash out, yell, curse, punish. How do I be faithful to the unfaithful, how do I exercise self-control when this situation is out of control? When it was time to respond I said as gently as was said to me “What are you doing?” not because I didn’t know but because I wanted them to wake up. There was no argument the bad was done. I didn’t raise my voice being louder doesn’t make people hear you any better only yourself. I spoke gently, I was kind as not to frighten the fearful. I held back my human nature to destroy, explode. I had mercy. I showed grace. I remembered my youth, my own foolishness. My time in the wilderness, the darkness before knowing who God was.
LORD, give me Your unfailing love, the salvation that You promised me. Psalm 119:41
What if unfailing love is the salvation promised? Like a wedding vow, a promise to love inspite of, a promise to love for the good even in my worst. A promise I have never known of any man on the earth. A promise only God could give and keep because He is not a man.
What if just knowing I was loved no matter the bad I had done? That the bad done could not separate me from His love. I was still His child always is, always was. Could it be that the same child of His sorrow could also be the child at His right hand? Though He often had to punish me for the evil I had done, the punishment I received didn’t mean He loved me any less. I am loved regardless of.
I had to understand that I was loved even before the bad was done. I was loved the moment the thought of me was formed. Is it
possible to love an idea? To love a hope even before it can be seen or held, I had to believe that I was. I was loved the moment I came into being, the moment I was formed. The moment we knew we were pregnant we bought clothes for a child that was yet to be born. We replaced the carpet to comfort his precious knees that hadn’t even been formed. We painted his white walls and decorated it so that his eyes yet to be opened had something pleasing to look at. We bought a car seat and secured it for the safety of a child we didn’t even know would be coming home with a hope we had yet hadn't known. Yes it is possible to love a hope not yet seen or held. God loved me the moment I was formed in my mother’s womb, the moment He caused me to take my first breathe by breathing His breath into my lungs, the moment He chose to give life to this dust, light up my darkness. I was loved before all of it was. He loved me so much even if it meant I wouldn’t know Him, I would live apart from Him all those dark years, it was just a little while to Him but to Him I was worth the wait. He made certain even then I wouldn’t be alone.
I can’t even begin to explain or understand how love was born in me it was just something I was born with in my DNA. I don’t have it on a calendar, the day I learned to love. I don’t have a book I read that showed me how to love. I just did. I did with every good deed, every righteous act. Even as a baby there was nothing I could give to show my love to anyone, simply to be in the space I was in. I smiled and laughed to show my approval when I had no words to say love, I expressed it. I laid my hand upon the hurting to show that I witnessed the bad, I saw the hurt, I heard the sorrow, I saw the pain, the trials this life caused and I wasn’t going anywhere. I was here. I am here. And every day I just showed up without saying a word and that’s the best I can say how God has loved me inspite of the bad I had done and somehow it is, it has been, it will always be enough.
Learning to Walk
Learning to Walk
October 2 2020
The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Genesis 1:2
We wrapped up a series in my Woman of the Word study group. I put in my prayer request for peace in a time of uncertainty before knowing what we were going to cover and as God’s divine time would have it I was reminded in the lesson of the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19:11-13 that God may not answer me as He had done before. I found comfort in knowing that however God sees me through this it doesn’t really matter if He appears in a storm after a three year drought, a blazing fire to reveal that He is with me, in a mighty wind that makes me tremble and draw nearer to Him for comfort or speaks directly to me in a gentle whisper. At the end of the day what matters is that God is faithful to finish what He started.
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:6
I didn’t always know that. When I began this walk of faith I was as the verse mentioned at the top, formless and empty and darkness covered me. The only goals I had were to put in my 40 hours of a work each week, eat and sleep. Maybe do a load of laundry if I ran out of clothes unconcerned about anyone else’s needs but my own. I picked up the house when I felt like doing chores but if I am being honest I never felt like cleaning I did it when I had to. Most of the time I would sit and consume time till I felt sleepy. The only light that covered me was the glow of a screen through the TV, laptop or phone in front of me.
You say, “I am allowed to do anything”- but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything” but not everything is beneficial. 1 Corinthians 10:23
As my study wrapped up I heard a story that served to remind me of this truth that my family in Christ shares in the same kinds of suffering I do (1 Peter 5:9) we are all not so different. A loved one whose life constantly hangs in the balance, unsure of survival (Deuteronomy 28:66). Mature in age not in maturity. No savings, no property to call home, nothing but the clothes on their back they owned. Everything they had has only been because of the compassion God gave people to have for them and as they grew older they believed that this way of life was no fault of their own doing, their own making. As painful as it is to be a witness to this wasted life, I can remember a time when my life was not so different.
I think the worst of it was that before knowing God I felt like I had no choice in the decisions I made. When I reaped what I sowed I would find myself find myself in a place asking God why this happened to me as if surprised by the outcome. How was I where I ended up? I expected my lies to reap a harvest. I expected my taking what was not mine to add up? Why did I expect a good and prosperous life if all I did was consume it? I took from life everything I could store and take and hoard and wanted even more.
The truth is I had a false expectation like the servant had of His Master in Matthew 25:24-27 I wanted to harvest from life what I did not plant, I wanted to gather crops from life that I didn’t cultivate, I wanted to reap from seeds that I had not sown. So when the harvest of my life amounted to nothing because I planted nothing, when the crops I gathered turned to dust because I did not cultivate them and when I reaped bitter fruit from the seeds I planted. In my blindness I couldn’t figure out why my life was not as I intended it to go.
No sooner had I heard this story did my own family call. If the call was welcomed it would have sounded something like this…I miss you, so good to hear your voice, how are you doing? Is there anything I can do for you? You have been on my heart, I remember all the times you have helped me out and I was wondering if now would be a good time to repay your years of kindness. I understand you have little and God has blessed me with so much that I want to share it with you. But this was not the call I got. I got the complete opposite. A lie that led to theft, a theft that led to a robbery and a robbery that led to a consequence that needed to be paid now. I can’t make this stuff up if I tried.
Over this journey of faith I have learned that God in His goodness and faithfulness has always been generous to me. He gives me at least 12 hours of daylight to do whatever needs to be done. When I keep myself so busy during these daylight hours I find that I sleep well at night whether I have eaten little or much. I am surrounded by food pantries so if the need for food ever became too much He has given me the wisdom to know where to get food at no cost to me only that I pay it forward.
Somehow without my asking I always have clothes to wear and shoes for my feet. I can honestly say that these two things I have never been without if I had a job or not. I always had at least a suitcase and at most several closets. I don’t know about you but I don’t see many naked people walking around with absolutely nothing to wear so my guess is He does this for everyone.
I live in a city where a public restroom can be found at your nearest gas station, grocery, church or even clothing store so I know that water is free. I have been blessed to have transportation through the legs to walk to these places if need be. These are all the things that God gave to me whether I was living in darkness or light. Doing what was evil or good. The sun still rose for me and the rain still fell even if I failed to look up and see it.
Now anything above this standard way of life is a choice I had to make through an opportunity I was given. I can look back over the years and see the many times opportunity was given to grow, to rise up. It hasn’t been easy and it wasn’t just handed to me. Everything I wanted above this way of life I had to work toward. On bended back and knees and fistfuls of dirt, cultivating, planting, sowing in order to reap a harvest of the good life I had only heard about, read about before. As God said while on the earth we would always be required to plant and harvest, reap and sow, cultivate the soil, thresh the grain, pluck the grapes, press the olives. The bread and wine and oil all have to be crushed and processed before it can be cooked and eaten.
I learned through the Word a good parent disciplines a child in the same way it tends to a harvest. Not by striking the ground to produce fruit. You see the common theme throughout the Word can be summed up in two words endurance and encouragement. To teach us about endurance and to encourage so that it fills the reader with hope. I have read countless of stories not just about strangers but about my ancestors that endured a harsh life and overcame it by the grace of God. I have read about the abuses suffered under the hand of an enemy whose sole purpose was to keep my people down and still in every story they got up and kept fighting for this thing we call life. And if that weren’t enough through the story of my brother Jesus I learned how even when faced with the worst enemy of all, death itself, he rose up to defeat death. There are many things in my life that had to be retaught, relearned, that had to in a sense die so that who is standing before you now could be reborn again. Death is not something we do once it is something we discipline ourselves to do daily.
Life is a lot like learning to walk. You didn’t just decide one day that you did not want to crawl anymore. A parent intervened in your growth and picked you up. They showed you that your legs had the strength to stand. They moved you forward so that you could take a step while being fully held or supported so that you wouldn’t fall. A parent teaches a child to walk through countless hours of practice or some might refer to it as discipline. Till one day the child lets go and walks unassisted, unsupported. In the beginning the child stumbles and so as not to discourage the child from trying again the parent smiles and encourages the child that it will be okay not because the plan is to always hold the childs hand but because the child can choose to stand up and try again. This goes on several times before the child stumbles less, pays attention more and perfects their walk and so it is with life.
I myself taught Israel how to walk, leading him along by the hand. But he doesn’t know or even care that it was I who took care of him. I led Israel along with my rope of kindness and love. I lifted the yoke from his neck, and I myself stooped to feed him. Hosea 11:3-4
I thought being abandoned, orphaned, beaten, abused and raped before I became an adult meant that the world owed me something for all that I had suffered but through the Word I found that my life was really not so different from those I call my people, my ancestors now, we all stand on common ground. When I first heard the word discipline the first thing I thought of was my abuse. I never once correlated it to mastery or perfection as the Master intended it because when I was taught by the world it tends to twist my Fathers Words for it's own benefit.
Now I know that it takes a disciplined athlete to win a race, a disciplined musician to play in a concert hall. Jesus showed me that a disciplined way of life is not lived in the dark. It is lived in front of everyone. Nothing to hide. There is no shame in a disciplined life. It is not to be hidden but shared. Not to be served but to serve. If I didn’t read the Word daily, study it regularly to learn what it meant to be disciplined I would still be that thirty something year old child, formless and empty, sitting in the dark. I would still be living without purpose, no plan, no goals, no future hope that I was working toward or building on. No harvest. No planting. And I would still be reaping a handful of nothing to show for this life on earth.
My brother Jesus once said a seed must be buried in the ground in order to produce a harvest. Common sense tells you that the seed in the ground is not the actual fruit and in case you didn’t know that is also found in the Word too. It takes darkness, pressure, water, sunlight and time just as with anything else in life. Only God knows when and how it will grow, who it will grow to become.
I told my friend find comfort in this truth (Isaiah 53:10) it was God’s good plan to crush Jesus so that He could raise him up. I was once like your loved one and I know many in my life that are still struggling to grow up even if they have grown in age. The way I live my life today is just short of how he suffered for me, showing me that love is a sacrifice we choose every day and I consider myself blessed beyond measure.
The guilt you feel is not because you failed to raise your loved one up but because you have taken over the role of god in your loved ones life. They look to you for their provision. For their protection. For everything we know that God has already given to us, you give to them from the harvest you have sown so that they do not have to work, earn, or save for it. A man who has been given legs by God to walk doesn’t choose to be crippled or even believe that being crippled is a choice yes even he gets up.
As you taught your loved one to walk when you take away your hand of support and force them to stand to show them that their legs have strength beyond your hands they come face to face with the reality that they can walk and will turn toward something, someone greater than themselves. That is not a cruel or harsh thing to do what would be cruel is preventing a child from walking and making them to believe they can only ever crawl. We cannot grow or be raised up by God Himself if we are always looking to people to carry us and lift us up. I believe (Ephesians 3:20) in a God who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or hope for not just for me but for everyone else because there was a time I was not so different from your loved one and look what God did for me.
…We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it. In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely on God, who raises the dead. And He did rescue us from mortal danger, and He will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in Him, and He will continue to rescue us. 2 Corinthians 1:8-10
Love > Fear
Love > Fear
September 23 2020
Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced His perfect love. 1 John 4:18
I confess I have trouble assuming the best-case scenario for the ones I love most. My mind tends to leap like a lead weight toward the worst-case scenario whenever they attempt to do something beyond my control. The what if’s bombard me and like a shield I let go by repeating I trust you God. I trust you God. I trust you God, till I actually believe it or forget that I trust Him with everything else but this.
A few weeks ago I was so pushed to my limits with COVID restrictions and begun to think Father, my brother had it right when Peter said to him Heaven forbid he should die (Matthew 16:22). At the way things are going the worst-case scenario would not be for me to die at such a time at this, it would be that I live through it. So yesterday while sorting through my thought closet I began to confront where is this worse case scenario mentality coming from. Do I not want the best for those I claim to love? And that’s when it hit me my thoughts came from a place of fear not for myself but for those I feared for.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7
When I got down to the root of where my thoughts came from and found the root was fear I knew immediately that this thought wasn’t from God or of God. God has given me the power to discipline my thought life by taking captive every thought and teaching it to obey the truth 2 Corinthians 10:5 that what I feared was not seen through the lens of love. It was merely a false expectation that appeared real to me. I had already made up my mind even before my loved ones tried that they would fail. Where was the love in that thought? There was no love in it. Why was I so afraid they would be faced with punishment for attempting to do what they have never done? Like Peter, was I protecting myself from experiencing the pain of their loss, their failure, their struggle. As my brother said I had to say the same to this spirit of fear in me “Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.” (Matthew 16:23)
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 2 Corinthians 13:7
When I let go of my faithlessness, I argued with God clinging to my disbelief. I remember He said to me “What are you so afraid of?” aside from the fact that I was talking to no one anyone could see on my patio in all honesty I responded “What if You’re not real! What if the truth is I have snapped and lost my mind and I am talking to myself?!” in the stillness He said “What if I am.”
About 11 years ago give or take a few months the first time I heard Him speak He said to me “What are you doing?” like my ancestors in the garden I was playing hide and seek but not with God with my sins. I knew to the world what I was doing was wrong but it didn’t prevent me from doing it just made me learn to do it without getting caught. The day He opened my blind eyes to my truth was the day I sinned no more. I put down an addiction to sin I carried for more years than I would like to admit because that day I realized that I wasn’t alone in it.
The second time I heard Him speak was about a year after being clean and learning my husband was not. Drowning in a sea of distress He reached out to me and calmed the waves of my wayward thoughts by saying “Be still and know that I am” at the time my truth was I had no idea who He was. I knew who others thought He was. I had started watching teachings that was the extent of my belief. The day He spoke that to me was the day I opened my Word and began to want to know Him for myself. (Ezekiel 3:10)
So a few months later when I found myself arguing with Him and He said to me “What if I am.” All my disbelief faded away because the truth for me now was I knew who He was. In all my years of life there was no denying a love that never gave up on me. No denying a love that never lost faith in me even when the only one I had faith in was myself. No denying a love that believed the best for me, hoped for the best. And when that love found me in my worst-case scenario that love endured it with me.
On hands and knees with tear filled eyes was the moment grace fell from the sky like a single drop of rain and washed me clean. The weight of a red velvet robe was draped over me and my brother held up his right hand to stop the fiery arrows (Psalm 76:3) of the fear of punishment I so deserved for the way I lived, not for what I did, but for my disbelief.
The world’s sin is that it refuses to believe in me. John 16:9
In that moment I went from trembling with the fear of punishment to experiencing the glory of His perfect love. In light of what I know when those I love are courageous enough to try things they have never known before it’s because they saw me try them unafraid. When they go on to exercise a freedom they have never had before it is because they saw me boldly stepping into a life that is free. When they rise up to meet new challenges that are beyond anything they have ever faced or had to overcome they rise because the saw someone climb a mountain to break down a wall and face a giant that the world told them to be afraid of. I need not fear for them, for just like my Father I love them perfectly and that love casts out all my fears of punishment and fears of failure. Whether they succeed or have to try again I will love in life, in death, even in the worst case scenario- because of a love that never gave up on me.
We love each other because He loved us first. 1 John 4:19
Prayer of Faithfulness
Prayer of Faithfulness
September 22 2020
Based on Psalm 36:5 and 57:10 also 108:4, 40:10, 11, 57:3, 61:7, 86:15, 89:1, 2, 5, 24, 92:2, 100:5, 115:1, 117:2
Father, Your unfailing love is as vast and as high, if not higher than the heavens above. Your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. I have not kept the good news of Your justice hidden in my heart. I have talked about Your faithfulness and saving power. I have told everyone in the great assembly of Your unfailing love and faithfulness. Father, don’t hold back Your tender mercies from me. Let Your unfailing love and faithfulness always protect me. I know that You will send help from heaven to rescue me, disgracing those who hound me. My God will send forth His unfailing love and faithfulness.
Father, I give glory to You because I know that You reign over all Your children who seek You for protection. It is Your unfailing love and faithfulness that watches over them. Praise God!
You have taught me that You are the God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry, and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness. I will sing of the LORD’s unfailing love forever! Young and old will hear of Your faithfulness. For Your unfailing love last forever. Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens above.
All heaven will praise Your great wonders, Father. Myriads of angels will praise You for Your faithfulness. For You have declared to all Your children “My faithfulness and unfailing love will be with them, and by My authority they will grow in power.”
It is good to proclaim Your unfailing love in the morning, Your faithfulness in the evening. For the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and His faithfulness continues to each generation. Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Your name goes all the glory for Your unfailing love and faithfulness. For Your unfailing love for us is powerful. The LORD’s faithfulness endures forever. Praise the LORD! All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
September 14 2020
”But you are my witnesses, O Israel!” says the LORD. “You are my servant. You have been chosen to know me, believe in me, and understand that I alone am God. There is no other God- there never has been, and there never will be. Isaiah 43:10
In my beginning, I was born on a day of thanks to a mother born on Christmas day. I even take my brothers namesake yet even then I didn’t grow up with a firm belief in God. I was told there was a God just as I was told there was Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Idols I stopped believing in at an early age. I was told I was baptized Catholic but no certificate of proof or godly parents to fulfill a role they promised before God and family. I attended a Catholic church on holidays till my mother passed from this earth when I was 13. I noticed she read the bible in the last year of her life, when her life depended on it. In football terms you could say it was her last Hail Mary. She prayed to every saint and Mary through the rosary prayer most often. She lit candles in churches. I don’t recall her speaking to God the Father for healing she prayed to everyone else but Him.
After she passed my grandmother took my religious beliefs upon herself and had me take communion classes and when it came to confirm my Catholic faith. I asked too many questions and was asked to withdraw from the class till I was certain of what I believed. I stopped believing in a God I was told to believe in the day my mother breathed her last what kind of God would take a mother from her children’s hand. A God I obviously didn’t know. I did what I was told but believed in only what I could see. This was the extent of my religious upbringing.
All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s path to follow our own. Yet the LORD laid on him the sins of us all. Isaiah 53:6
I am not catholic. I have been taking communion at least once a month in the start weekly to make up for time lost when after the age of thirty plus years I returned to God. Trust me when I say there wasn’t enough bread and wine to wipe out the sins of my past. Now when I read about the suffering servant passage found in Isaiah 53 to remember what he did for me I find comfort in knowing that it is written that not a single person on this earth has never sinned Ecclesiastes 7:20. From birth I was destined to sin, bound to live apart from God that I may be forgiven 1 John 1:9-10.
Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight! Psalm 32:1
I weep to wonder had I been sent or thrown a question that can only be answered on the other side of this life. Was there a time in my ignorant pride I looked down from heaven and thought I could do better on the earth than what God was doing? Or if I wasn’t thrown did I look down from heaven at my Father’s side and like my brother ask to be sent so that I could remind. Seems like every human being forgets the being part of life and remains human. Either way it doesn’t matter how I came, I am here now, though apart from God in a physical sense, closer to Him in a spiritual way, apart from my true home Ephesians 2.
I live now not because I have no sin, I live by the belief that I have been forgiven. The devil often tempts me to remember a past I cannot change. After all his name is lived spelled backwards. An Accuser is someone who accuses you of the past not the present, there would be no fun in that. Like Eve he tempts you to sin, then accuses you with what have you done? I know exactly who I was before, my life is living proof that if anyone needed saving it was me. Knowing God is a truth I cannot deny anymore His truth is greater than anything I have ever known and to think it was the devil himself that kept me from knowing Him (2 Corinthians 4:4). That what Jesus did is greater than anything I have done. He paid the ultimate penalty with his own life and absolutely no sin of mine even the taking of life is greater than the life of Christ.
I am not forgiven by the hours I spent in prayer hoping that I was. I am not forgiven in the words I repeated while I sat, laid, knelt, or stood. I am not forgiven by the vows I made to sin no more. I am not forgiven by any single thing I did before knowing God. I am forgiven by faith in His Word that God sent me a Savior who said it is finished and with his last breath forgave me even before I became sin.
Death is a price we will all pay one day, a gate we all pass through, life is the line we wait in, the race we all run. If I am still here Spoiler Alert: then it wasn’t today. I wake each new day with a single goal as my brother did, to get so good at dying to myself, my wants, my needs in exchange for what He wants for me, His will for me. My greatest desire is to please my Father and that desire has to be greater than my desire to please myself. I do this so that when actually death comes and I am certain that it will I can welcome it with open arms as my brother Jesus taught me and say as he did you can’t take what I give away.
Because God’s children are human beings- made of flesh and blood- the Son also became flesh and blood for only as a human could he die, and only by dying could he break the power of death. Only in this way could he set free all who have lived their lives as slaves to the fear of dying. Hebrews 2:14-15
No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also take it up again. For this is what my Father has commanded. John 10:18
Seven Years in the Making
Seven Years in the Making
September 6 2020
For all who have entered into God’s rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world. Hebrews 4:10
Labor day weekend is a significant time of year for me because it was during this week 7 years ago that I made the decision to lay down my life in the world for serving God through the sharing of His Word.
Faced with the “brevity of my life” Psalm 90:12 I remember sitting at my desk after the three day weekend with the weight of a looming question bringing me to my knees. It was the first time I was alone. My husband returned to work, my son was in school. I was left alone to work from home. For the first time since knowing I was able to weep, to be weak, to be scared of what my future held. With no one to see but God.
A few months prior I had a dream three nights in a row the second night I made a point to tell my friends of it because I never had a memory of dreaming the same thing consecutively. I said to them if it happens again which I doubt I will do my best to pull out of it what I was searching for. My dream was frantically searching through Scripture like my life depended on it. As faith would have it, I dreamt again and when I awoke I was repeating the same verse over and over again.
So not that you know God (Or should I say, now that God knows you), why do you want to go back again and become slaves once more to the weak and useless spiritual principles of this world? Galatians 4:9
The question on my mind that day was “So now that I know, what will I do?” I had a decision to make. I could stop the world, make frantic phone calls, take multiple test, wait anxiously till I was sick to my stomach for the official results to confirm what I already knew. Or I could go on with my life like I didn’t know. That my life was no different then it was the day before that moment of knowing. Prior to knowing God I was good at keeping secrets so I thought but they were the very secrets that brought me to come to know Him so do I really want to go back to that way of life. And with a sigh the answer was no. So boldly to the throne I came I confessed my dependence on a God who is the LORD over me.
Father, this is your life. You have made it clear to me in many way that this has never been my own. That the only reason I am even allowed to be here today to stand and speak boldly at Your throne is because You have allowed it. So what do You want me to do? You know me, You know what Your servant is really like. You know me completely. What should I do?
And in the silence of the room I heard the gentle whisper of the voice I had come to know all too well. “Share” “Share what?” I responded expecting to hear an answer. “Share my Word” Like Moses I argued with Him I am not qualified pick someone else. I didn’t go to school. I have a family. Who would listen to someone like me? And then again I heard “Share with the gift I have given to you”
And they have defeated (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die. Revelation 12:11
When I was a young girl I loved to read and write. Reading and writing helped me to escape my reality. It took me to another world where no one was trying to hurt me, fathers stay, mothers don’t die young, no sorrow, no tears, no famine, no drought, a world where I wasn’t alone, a world where I could be strong and the hero would always come to save me. It was probably about the time I began to pursue a career that I put away childish things like my love of word. After all this was real life and no amount of writing and reading will change my reality and the truth was it never did, it just made me to dream with eyes wide open. Till the day I read His Word.
They call Him the Author of life Acts 3:15 They say His Word has the power to transform you into a new person Romans 12:12 That He speaks peace to His faithful people Psalm 85:8 That the book is called a Book of instruction Deuteronomy 30:10 That all that is written is inspired by God 2 Timothy 3:16 and that the Word is God John 1:1
When I came to God I had known of Him through what people knew. I listened to so many people tell their stories of who they thought God was like but I never really knew Him till He came to me. Came for me. When I felt the weight of His hand on my shoulder like a comforting Father that said Be still. He stilled my thoughts. The waves of my emotions that were crashing on the shore that day He stopped. He calmed the wind and the storms that was churning in my heart. With His Word “Be still and know that I Am.” And my truth was I didn’t know who He was. I knew who everyone thought He was but not who He was to me. So after a long life lived in darkness I picked up the Book and began to read it for myself and I haven’t put it down in 11 years because it is never ending. The way I percieve it changes with every stage of my life. Like a kaleidoscope with every experience I encounter I see His Word differently in it. The same book I read eleven years ago isn’t the same book I read today not because He has changed but because His Words have changed me. I see it through different lenses every year.
Seven years ago this weekend He said to me “Share”. You can’t imagine how scared I was to leave everything I knew to take a step of faith to live this life of trust. With trembling I came to do what He instructed me to do, not to gain anything from this world but to share His Word and my testimony. My brother, Jesus taught me that My Father knows my needs Matthew 6:8 but did He really? When faced with the brevity of my life if one year was all I had remaining I wanted to give it back to Him. My truth was I had taken my life into my own hands. I had done what I wanted to do without so much as asking or caring what He thought of it. And now for all that He had done for me, the least I could do was give it back to Him, even if this life wasn’t enough, it was my everything.
O LORD, I give my life to You. Psalm 25:1
I look back over these seven years the thousands of lives across the globe that have been impacted by His Word and praise Him for His faithfulness. I had no idea He would allow this to go on as long as He has or allowed me to “Share” as long as I have but as I promised Him, my promise still stands I will do this for as long as He allow me to. This life of trust has been greater than all the years I gave to this world.
People have made it clear to me that if it were up to this world I should keep these words to myself. But good thing I don’t live for this world anymore. Galatians 6:14 As Paul says to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:4 Soldiers don’t get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them. And as my brother, Jesus said to Peter in Matthew 16:23 Get away from me Satan! You are a dangerous trap for me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God's." And as he taught me in Matthew 10:27 What I tell you now in the darkness, shout abroad when daybreak comes. What I whisper in your ear, shout from the housetops for all to hear! So this is how I serve and what I have been sent to do.
A voice said, “Shout!” I asked “What should I shout?” “Shout that people are like the grass. Their beauty fades as quickly as the flowers in the field. The grass withers and the flowers fade beneath the breath of the LORD. And so it is with people. The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.” Isaiah 40:6-8
September 4 2020
Exodus 3:3 “This is amazing,” Moses said to himself. “Why isn’t that bush burning up? I must go see it.”
I asked in prayer for God to amaze me. To open my eyes to see His Works. And He showed to me a burning bush. A person whose life was up in flames but like the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abendnego found in Daniel 3:19-29 their hair was not singed and their clothing was not scorched and they didn’t even smell of smoke!
When I saw the burning bush I prayed before I approached. The fire was greater than any water I had to offer. In prayer I asked my Father, what would You have me do? And I felt His Spirit say ask how you can help carry their load. I thought to myself I can do that, I can offer a ride to take them where they need to go. I can buy them a grocery cart with wheels to haul their belongings in.
So I put my things away and let God be my eyes so that I could see what He sees and ears to hear what He hears and hands to do what He would do and feet to take me where He wanted to go. I introduced myself Hi my name is…I Am… what brings you here today?
They immediately go onto explain they had been staying in a hotel nearby with several others and one of the people they were staying with accused them of stealing and kicked them out of the room without their belongings. A locked door was placed between them and their possessions. They didn’t want to cause any trouble or get the cops involved and risk having everyone else kicked out of the room so they left.
As they were walking along the road wondering what to do from this moment on with only the clothes on their back two people from the room caught up with them and continued to attack and accuse them of a crime they didn’t do. They once again defended themselves and said they hadn’t taken anything that they would leave but they wanted their belongings. Their attackers told them they threw their belongings in the dumpster in a nearby apartment. So all night long they went dumpster diving. Searching through every dumpster in the area till the sun rose. And finally they found their belongings near a building.
They searched and nothing was missing. Every possession they owned in a backpack and two reusable shopping bags was there. They leaned against a rock for rest and fell asleep. That building was the base camp I attend.
I noticed the burning bush near the food pantry and assumed that because they had grocery bags they just received much needed food and were waiting for their ride. Like I said they didn’t look covered in smoke their clothing wasn’t singed, a hair wasn’t out of place or missing. Someone found them and brought them inside, gave them food, showed them the bathroom facilities, and told them they could sit by the fireplace to find rest.
I asked how long they had been homeless they said a month. I asked what happened that made them homeless. They said they moved from North Carolina to Colorado in hopes of finding work. They met someone who offered them a room and even though right away they seemed mentally unstable they agreed it was better to have a place to stay than no place at all. So they cleaned houses for a living and kept to themselves. One day the room renter attacked them in their sleep. So to avoid further confrontation they left.
Once again a door between them and their belongings and nothing but the clothes on their back. They stayed in a hotel. Came back the next day and the locks were changed. The cops were called and because their name was not on the lease they could only take what they could carry. A backpack and two reusable grocery bags. All their cleaning supplies left behind. Their license still from North Carolina so they didn’t qualify for assistance. Their goal was to save up what they could from handouts to buy a bus ticket and return home. But every time they saved enough it was stolen or used to survive.
Then they shared that 3 months ago they lost their son of 18 years of age. He went swimming with friends after a long night of drinking. Did a back dive into the lake in the early morning hours and never came back up. They called it an accidental drowning. They stopped the search for his body on day two and on day three, a Sunday his body washed up.
Two people picnicking on the shore saw him and called police. The tide was coming in. They held onto his lifeless corpse so that it wouldn’t be swept into the ocean. It took twenty minutes for the police to arrive. They said they weren’t going to let go. And the burning bush wept. One of the bags they carried was a few of their sons belongings the only thing they had left of him. Their most prized possession. The story of Job has taught me that sometimes a persons’ suffering is too great for words and the only way to help them carry it is by simply being there. Job 2:13
After a moment of silence, I said I don’t have much to offer you but what I do have I am willing to help you with. The first thing I noticed about you is your bags and I thought those must be heavy. How can I help you carry your load?
They said what I could really use is a suitcase one of those ones with wheels. I said I can do that. Base camp is open till 3pm it is 1pm. Stay here till I return I am going to run up the street and get you a suitcase. The burning bush wept tears of joy. They said just that morning they prayed to God for help and He sent me and they praised Him.
I went as fast as I could to the nearest store and purchased the largest suitcase I could find with 4 wheels. I even bought them a hidden safe to keep their funds secure. I returned and gave them what they had asked for, prayed for and even more. They hugged me with overwhelming gratitude and thanked me for listening. I said I had to go and asked if I could pray for them. They accepted and I said…
Father, I lift your child up, help them to know You are with them. That You see them and hear them. That they are not alone. You did not promise we would not have many troubles or sorrows in this life but you sent your son to show us that we would overcome them just as your son did by putting our faith, trust and hope in You. Lead and guide them on the best path for their life. Let your favor shine on them. Fill them with Your peace of mind and heart to know that You are with them. All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
They said they meet many people in their lives, some good, some bad but they always remember the good ones they leave them with hope that there truly is a God watching over them even when He shows up in the form of a person.
September 3 2020
Samuel tells the people in his farewell speech 1 Samuel 12:24 to think of all the wonderful things God has done for you. Every day I think of all the wonderful things God does through my gratitude prayer book from the air I breath to the dishwasher in my kitchen yes every appliance in my house is named and reminds me of the things He created to help me endure my time on earth.
Before knowing God it was too easy for me to get caught up in the things I hadn’t seen Him do. The way I see things now is I have a choice. I can put my focus on all that He has done and always be filled with joy and gratitude or I can focus on the things I want Him to do or what I hope for and the only thing I will see is what I don’t have. I can focus on His abundance or lack it takes the
same energy to think on one or the other, but I can’t think on both I must choose what to fix my mind on.
The word “wonderful” is spoken about 100 times in. It is used to describe the following:
Wonderful land, things too wonderful to understand, wonderful things, wonderful promises, wonderful deeds, wonderful mercy, wonderful miracles of God, wonderful perfection and skill, wonderful inheritance, wonderful ways, wonderful future, wonderful love, wonderful reputation, wonderful works, wonderful to see, wonderful truths, wonderful laws, wonderfully complex, wonderful goodness, wonderful singers, wonderful to be young, more wonderful than any other, Wonderful Counselor, wonderful day, wonderful feast, wonderful teacher, wonderful harvest, wonderful blessing, wonderful possession, wonderful gifts, we are wonderfully and beautifully made, wonderful to be here, everything He does is wonderful, wonderful joy, wonderful grace, wonderful secret, wonderful encouragement, wonderful message, gift too wonderful for words, wonderful revelation, wonderful welcome, wonderful results, wonderful power, wonderful light, wonderful new song just to name a few wonderful mentions of the Word.
Can you imagine all these wonderful meanings? Even as I typed each one out the visual memories that sprang forth were overwhelming. I drew a deep breath after each one as if to take in each moment remembered all over again. Like pulling jewels from a treasure chest, handling each memory with care as not to break or forget them. There were some I have never witnessed I had only heard of or read about feeling like my heart would overflow if I only knew looking forward to the day I do.
God tells Manoah in Judges 13:18 “Why do you ask my name?” the angel of the LORD replied. “It is too wonderful for you to understand.” It is my own belief that what He might have meant was even if I told you My name you do not have the human capacity to understand it so it would be so unbelievable even if I told you what it was, you would fail to believe it just know I Am with you and it will be as I have said and without question or doubt Manoah and his wife believed.
When Job is responding to the LORD he says in Job 42:3 You asked me, “Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’ It is I-and I was talking about things I knew nothing about, things far too wonderful for me. The story of Job has taught me that it is not for me to understand why things happen the way they do. Why God gives and takes away when He chooses to do so.
I read once how do you know when you have accepted the present moment for what it is without resistance and the answer was when you stop asking why. I could spend my whole life asking why and never have an answer that would satisfy. I have since matured from that state of mind. Like when a child is at an age where your answer is no longer good enough so he follows up each reply with “why?” till finally in exasperation we explain “Because I said so!” I have asked God why more times than I would like to admit to finally His “trust in my wisdom” was an acceptable response. Like Job I apologized and returned to my humble position of servitude because sometimes the answer I seek is too wonderful for me to understand how it could be possible and my doubt might hinder the miracle from happening.
Like when Zechariah prayed for a child and his prayer was answered when the angel Gabriel told him his son would grow up to become John the Baptist, Zechariah’s first response was unbelief in Luke 1:18 he says “How can I be sure all this will happen? (already talking himself out of the promise) I’m an old man now, and my wife is also well along in years.” Gabriel responds in verse 20 But now, since you didn’t believe what I said, you will be silent and unable to speak until the child is born…just another affirmation that the words we speak have wonderful power but they can also keep us from reaching the promises God has for us sooner than later. My ancestors didn’t have to walk around the mountain for 40 years their words prevented them from reaching the promised land. Sometime its best to receive, accept and move on instead of grumbling and complaining of the walk.
In what I like to refer to as a Letter to My Father Psalm 139:1-18 I say just as David said in verse 139:5-6 You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand!
As my son’s mother if it were humanly possible for me to go before him and follow his every step in life to prevent any suffering to come his way I would gladly assume that task. But even the most perceptive helicopter mom cannot prevent her child from stumbling I can only lead him by example. But not God, I’m reminded in this verse that He who created all things is very capable of doing things I can only dream of. Several areas in His Word be sure to remind us that humanely speaking many things are impossible for man but ALL things are possible with God. Think on the possibilities.
When and if you should be so blessed to experience these wonderful moments in your own life cherish them. Believe in them and with every breath you take. Let them sink into your soul and let them settle into your heart. Close your tear-filled eyes and thank God for allowing you to be a witness to it and as Asaph says in Psalm 73:28 But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign LORD my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things He does.
September 2 2020
Prayer based on Nehemiah 2:18 James 1:17 Mark 10:18 and Luke 18:19 Romans 11:6 2 Corinthians 3:2 Philippians 1:6 Psalm 62:10 1 Timothy 6:18 2 Timothy 2:21, 3:16-17 1 Chronicles 28:20 Titus 2:7 Hebrews 10:4 James 2:26 Matthew 11:19 and 7:35, James 3:13 Luke 12:43 & Matthew 24:46 Isaiah 49:4
Father, when I look back over my life I can see how Your gracious hand had been on me. I see the times You granted me favor just to get me where I am today. I would not be where I am had it not been for Your hand leading and guiding me. I am sorry it took me so long to notice that everything good thing in my life came from You. It is because of Your goodness that convinced me to begin this good work for You.
My brother Jesus taught me that only You are truly good. He didn’t even take credit for his goodness he gave it back to the One who gave it to him. So I know that it is through Your kindness to me that I am able to do these good works. Like Your grace it is- free and undeserving. May the way I live my life be a letter that is written on a heart flesh not stone so that everyone who sees it can recognize Your good work in me. For I am certain that He that began a good work in me will continue and finish it till the day my brother, Jesus returns for me.
Should my wealth accumulate, I will not make it the center of my life. I will use it to do even more good for You, as You instructed me to. May I be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always ready to share with others what You have given freely to me. May I keep myself pure, so that I can be a special utensil You use for honorable work. Help me to keep my life clean, so that I will be ready for the Master to use me for every good work He planned for me long ago.
I know that all Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach me what is true and to make me realize what is wrong in my life. Like a mirror it shows me where I need correction it doesn’t correct my life for me I have to choose to do that. When I do what is wrong in Your sight by grace it serves to teach me how to do what is right and begin again, try again like a disciplined athlete repeats a task till they get it right. Father I know that You use Your Word to prepare and equip me to do every good work. And You will see to it that the work related to this Temple that serves You is finished correctly.
As a Christ Ambassador my life is to be an example to many not by what I say but by doing good works of every kind. So that everything I do reflects the integrity and seriousness of what You have taught me. This is not a task I can do on my own. I must rely on Your work in me.
Let me spend my days thinking of ways I can be a blessing to others. Motivating others to acts of love and good works in Your name. For just as the body is dead without breath so my faith is also dead without good works.
As my brother taught me “wisdom is shown to be right by its results” not by simply speaking what I have been told. If I claim to be wise and understanding of Your ways, I will prove it by the way I live, not just by what I say. I will do so by living an honorable that is, pleasing to You by doing good for others for the wisdom You taught me is thinking more of others than I do of myself and I do this by doing good works. So that when the Master comes for me He will find His servant has done a good job with the time He gave to me on earth, expecting nothing from this earth but for Him to be my reward. All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Making Peace with My Past
Making Peace with My Past
August 31 2020
They went in whatever direction the Spirit chose, and they moved straight forward in any direction without turning around. Ezekiel 1:12
I have a confession to make. Last week I allowed my peace and joy to be taken from me. It wasn’t even about anything that happened to me recently it was about things that happened years ago maybe even years in the making.
In the way the LORD raised up adversaries for my cousin Solomon in 1 Kings 11:14 He also did for me. My life has not been without the occasional enemies. I have forgiven every wrong and if kindness was extended it would be returned without hesitation. After my encounter my Father reminded me that I must remember the enemy only comes to steal, kill and destroy that which he doesn’t have for himself. So a part of me actually felt sorry for my enemies for trying to take something that doesn’t come from my circumstance.
My enemies cannot take my peace by convincing me that God is not real because as Andy Stanley would put it “you cannot have shade without the sun.” In the same sense hatred cannot exist without love. Love is spiritual not circumstantial. Love exist whether it is returned or not. Just as no one has to ask the sun to rise or wonder if it will rise. It has risen since the beginning of time on both the good and evil the just and unjust alike.
My enemies cannot take my joy and convince me that God never did the things He has already done for me. You can’t unscramble eggs. Grace is the reason His mercy is new each day it beckons everyone on the earth to get up and try again. My Father speaks truth when he says my enemies cannot take that which lives within. And so I took back what I had given over to my enemies.
I even thought to myself as I sighed at the sight “pray for my enemies” my brother always said to me. I pray I don’t say or do anything that would be less becoming of a child of God. I cast my cares on a God who cares for me for these burdens are too heavy for me to carry.
As His divine timing would have it my base camp opened their doors to the public this past week to work and study in the lobby and pray in the sanctuary. At first I thought it would be a great place for me to get away from the busy of the household and hear myself think as I wrapped up my study and work I stepped into the sanctuary. I know that God is not found in a building made of human hands Acts 7:48. That He lives in me 1 Peter 2:5 but something overwhelmed me to be in that space and I released a flood of tears that had been building in me.
I wept from being weary of the battle. The battle was not with my enemies that stood before me that day my personal battle was with the hurt my enemies inflicted on me 17 years ago, 16 years ago and 5 years ago. The way my enemies treated me with contempt. The way my enemies ignored my attempts for reconciliation. When I wanted peace they wanted war. When I sought comfort they gave me thorns. So you can see how fighting the same battle for these last 17 years can be exhausting.
My pastor is doing a series called Hearing God. And so my prayer has been “Father speak, Your Servant is listening” I didn’t hear anything in the sanctuary. I would hear God speak through devotionals and then most recently in a dream. So this is what I heard Him say about my situation and I thought it so profound to share with you perhaps it will also help you to find peace in the present and make peace with a past that cannot be changed as it did for me.
He said to me in a dream “Evil is live spelled backwards. To “live” is a present tense word not past tense. The Accuser can only shame, condemn, guilt you for your past. He has no power over your present that is where I Am. He pulls you down in a pit of depression by making you recall what was said and done to you. He makes you to overthink and dwell upon every detail and what you should have, could have done. But no matter how much you think and dwell on the past this one thing is certain it cannot be changed. Your power lies only in this present moment. It is only for today. His power over you is in the past that is why I have taught you to take captive every thought and bring it to Me. Let me redeem your past by making you present with Me. I call him the devil, lived spelled backwards. The more time you spend in the past know that is time you are choosing to spend with him. The more time you live in the present moment you are choosing to spend it with Me, notice My presence in your life right here, right now, be here with Me. Choose each day which you will live.”
I awoke and before I could think I shared it with people I thought might also benefit from it. Since then it has made me to think several things like what the apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:13 forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, pressing on to reach the end of my human existence and receive the heavenly prize for which God is calling me through the life and ministry of my brother Jesus. Or what Solomon taught in Ecclesiastes 7:13 Accept the way God does things, for who can straighten what He has made crooked?
There is about a twenty year span that Jesus lived that wasn’t documented or written about. When he began his ministry he doesn’t say things like when I was in my twenties this happened to me or when I was a teenager this is how I overcame. No he found that the way to overcome the past trials and sorrows is to live in the present with the presence of God. To be so in the moment that the past had no power over him.
I take a scooter ride a few times a week. I enjoy the ride because I am more present than I have to be, I feel the wind in my hair, I am alert of every bump in the road, every car in the street, my mind is processing things as fast as I can drive past them. I am not thinking of the road behind me the pothole I just missed the car that almost backed out of the driveway on me a few blocks back all I am thinking about is where I Am and what is ahead of me. My enemies don’t know it yet but I have made peace with them. I give them what God gave to me through Jesus, a past that is forgiven and never to be remembered again I am done visiting the enemy in a prison he enslaves me. As surely as the sun rises to light this new day I refuse to waste it with the enemy of my past, a past that cannot be changed.
As Deuteronomy 30:19 taught me today I am given a choice between life and death. To live in the past or the present. Between blessings and curses. Between experiencing what God has for me today or being blinded by the present reliving my past sins and mistakes. Heaven and earth are a witness to the choice I make today. My Spirit and my flesh will know the choice I make. Oh Father You gave me the free will to be wise enough to choose life, so that those who come after me might know how what it means to live in the here and the now where death has no power over me. This is the only way to truly live not the other way around.
A Confident Prayer
A Confident Prayer
August 30 2020
Prayer based on Psalm 27:3, 57:7, 108:1, 112:7-8, Romans 8:35-37, Micah 7:7, Romans 12:12, Hebrews 3:6 Philippians 1:28
Father, though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident in Your saving grace. There are times when I must whisper Your Word to soothe my beating heart and continually say that my heart is confident in You, O God. Not in this world, not the people of it. My heart is confident in You, O God. May Your Holy Spirit in me bring to remembrance a song of praise so that I can can take my mind off the worry and sing to You with all my heart! I do not fear bad news. I confidently trust the LORD to care for me. Because of You I am confident and fearless and can face my foes triumphantly.
For You have taught me that in spite of these adversities overwhelming victory is mine because I belong to Christ. I fight from a place of victory not for it because my brother, Jesus already won the battle against our enemy. As for me, I look to the LORD for my help just as my brother taught me. I wait confidently for my God to save me and my God will certainly hear me.
I rejoice in confident hope even when things look uncertain I can be certain in You. I am patient in trouble and I keep on praying, praising, and making God bigger than my problems, greater than my worries. As surely as Jesus, is God’s Son, he has been put in charge of God’s entire house. And I am God’s house. I hold onto the courage He gives to me when the enemy tries to make me fear and remain confident in my hope that Christ did what he did for me. For I have been taught not to be intimated in any way by my enemies. This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed and I will be saved, even by God Himself. All glory, honor, praise and power to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer for Confidence
Prayer for Confidence
August 29 2020
Prayer based on Isaiah 30:15, 32:17, Jeremiah 17:7, 2 Corinthians 3:12, Titus 1:2, 3:7, Hebrews 6:18, 7:19, 11:1, 13:6, 2 Corinthians 5:7, Psalm 57:2
Father, You have taught me that in quietness and confidence is my strength. When You reveal Your justice Your righteousness covers the land and this brings me great peace. Yes, it brings me quietness and confidence knowing my God is with me. It is a blessing to be able to know that I can trust in the LORD.
I have made the LORD my hope and confidence. No longer do I rely on the things of this world for my salvation. You are the power that saves me. This new way of living gives me such confidence, but not without results, it helps me to be very bold as I stand on the truth of Your promises. A courage I never had before.
This truth gives me confidence that this life is temporal compared to the eternal life, which God-who does not lie- promised to all that believe before the world began. Because of Your grace Father, You declared me righteous through the precious blood of Your son and gave me the confidence that I will inherit the same eternal life by my faith in Jesus.
Father, I know that You have given both Your promise and His oath. That these two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, because I have fled to You for refuge I can have great confidence as I hold to the hope that is before me. I have confidence in a better hope,through which I draw near to God.
You have taught me that faith is the confidence that what I am hoping for will actually happen. When I put my hope in the things You have promised it is not a matter of if it will happen but when it will happen. This gives me assurance even of the things I cannot see just yet. For we live by what we believe not by what is seen. So that one day I can say with confidence, as my ancestor David said “The LORD is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” my confidence is not in people or things it is in the LORD who will fulfill His purpose for me. I am confident of this truth. All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer to Praise God
Prayer to Praise God
August 28 2020
Based on Isaiah 12:1-6 25:1 38:18-19 42:12 57:18-19 60:18 61:3 61:11 63:7
Father, I praise You, O LORD! When I lived apart from You I felt the hand of Your anger weighed heavy on me but not anymore. Now You comfort me. Thank You Father! I praise Your name! You are so mighty to save me! I knew in my wickedness that it would take an act of God to save me from myself.
I sing to You for all the wonderful things You have done. My praise is filled with joy to know that the great and Holy One of Israel lives among us. O LORD, I will honor and praise Your name, for You are my God. You do such wonderful things! You planned them long ago, and now You have accomplished them. For the dead cannot praise You. They cannot raise their voice in praise. Those who go down to the grave can no longer hope in Your faithfulness. Only the living can praise You as I do today. For the only way I could have heard of Your salvation was because the generation before me told me so now it is my call to tell the next generation of Your faithfulness.
Let the whole world glorify the LORD. Let it sing His praise. Father You said that You saw the things I did but chose to heal me anyway! I didn’t know what grace was till I met You in my brokenness. You lead me. You comfort me when I mourn, bringing praises to my lips. And if that weren’t enough You give me abundant peace.
Violence has disappeared from my land. The desolation of destruction and war has ended in my household. Salvation surrounds my walls and praise is on the lips of all who enter my home. Father thank you for giving me beauty for my ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In Your righteousness I am like a great oak that You have planted for Your glory.
The Sovereign LORD has shown me His justice and I can’t help but praise Him! His righteousness is like a garden in the early spring with plants that spring up everywhere. I live to tell of the LORD’s unfailing love. I will praise the LORD for all He has done. I will rejoice in His great goodness to me and my family, which He has granted according to His mercy and love. All glory to God my Father forever and ever, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer to Honor God
Prayer to Honor God
August 27 2020
Prayer based on Psalms 8:5, 21:5, 22:23, 23:5, 25:11, 29:1, 31:3, 37:34, 45:17, 62:7, 69:30, 79:9, 86:11, 91:15, 104:1, 106:8
Father, I humble myself to think You made me only a little lower than You and crowned me with glory and honor. But truly Father if I have any honor it comes from. Your victory brings me great honor, and You have clothed me with splendor and majesty. I praise You Father for all that You have done for me. As a descendant of those who serve You it is my privilege to be counted among those who honor and show You reverence.
For You renew my strength. You guide me along right paths, bringing honor to Your name. You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. For the honor of Your name O LORD You sent Your son to forgive me of my many sins. I honor You for Your glory and strength.
You are my rock and my fortress. For the honor of Your name Father, You lead me out of danger. I can’t help but to glorify You. I put my hope in the LORD. I travel steadily along His path. He honors me by giving me the land. I have seen the wicked destroyed. I bring honor to Your name by telling every generation of Your praise forever and ever.
My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a Rock where no enemy can reach me. I praise God’s name with singing, and I honor Him with thanksgiving. Being mindful of all that He has done for me.
Father, help me to remember that You are the God of my salvation! My saving comes from no one but You. You help me for the glory of Your name. You save me and have forgiven my sins not because of anything I have done but for the honor of Your name.
Teach me Your ways Father that I may live according to Your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor You. For when I called on Your name, You were with me in trouble. When I called on You, You rescued me and honored me, my honor comes from You, Father.
Let all that I am praise the LORD. O LORD my God how great You are! You are robed with honor and majesty. In spite of everything I have done before knowing You, You still saved me, to defend the honor of Your name and to demonstrate Your mighty power. Thank You Father, I live to give glory to You. All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer to Glorify God
Prayer to Glorify God
August 26 2020
Today I was distracted so in order to help take captive my thoughts I turned them over to God. I simply took the Words from Psalms and reminded myself of His glory in this prayer based on the following verses 3:3, 8:1, 5, 19:1, 24:7,9 24:8,10, 29:1-3, 29:9, 44:8, 48:8, 50:15, 57:5, 11, 63:2, 66:2, 71:8, 72:19
Father, You are the shield around me. You are my glory, the One who holds my head up high. Your majestic name fills the earth! I imagine it like the light of the sun that makes its way across the sky. Your glory is higher than the heavens. Father thank You for making me a little lower than You and crowning me with Your glory and honor. The heavens above proclaim Your glory Father, You made it so easy for me to just look straight up at the sky and be reminded of Your craftsmanship.
Father, take captive my narrow minded way of thinking, remove the veil from my blind eyes transform my life by changing the way I think of You. For You are the LORD, strong and mighty. The LORD who is invincible in battle. The LORD of Heaven’s Armies- You are the King of glory.
Help me to remember to give honor to You LORD for Your glory and strength. I honor You Father for the glory of Your name. I worship You in the splendor that is Your holiness. Your voice echoes above the sea. The God of glory thunders. The LORD thunders over the mighty sea. Your voice has the power to twists mighty oaks and strip forests bare. In Your Temple everyone shouts “Glory!” like a battle cry.
O God, I give glory to You all day long and constantly praise Your name for all that You have done. I had only heard of Your glory but now I have seen it for myself. It is a place that You have made my safe harbor forever. I called on You when I was in trouble and You rescued me and gave me reason to glorify You.
Now I live to exalt You above the highest heavens! May Your glory shine over all the earth. For I have seen You in Your sanctuary and gazed upon Your power and glory. I lift my voice in song to You each day to give glory to Your name and tell the world how glorious You are. This is why I can never stop praising You. I declare Your glory all day long. Praise His glorious name forever! Let the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and amen!
Prayer for Hope
Prayer for Hope
August 24 2020
Prayer based on 1 Peter 1:21 Hebrews 11:35 Acts 24:15 John 16:33 Jeremiah 17:17 Psalm 25:5, 21 31:24 33:20 37:34 130:5
Father, through my brother Jesus Christ I came to trust in You. I placed my faith and hope in You because You raised him from the dead and gave him great glory. I placed my hope in a better life so I died to my old way of life. I didn’t put my hope in a God who only raised the righteous my hope was in a God who raised up the unrighteous because they depend on Him for righteousness. My brother said I would have many trials and sorrows on this earth so he taught me to put my hope in You on the day of disaster because you helped him to overcome I believe you are able do the same for me too. Lead me by Your truth and teach me for You are the God who saves me. May integrity and honesty protect me. Help me to be strong and courageous. You are my help and shield. I travel steadily along Your path. For I am counting on You. I have put my hope in You and Your Word as my brother taught me to. All glory to God my Father, the same Father who raised my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer for Trust
Prayer for Trust
August 23 2020
Prayer based on Genesis 49:18 Hebrew 10:23 2 Chronicles 14:11 Psalm 54:7 34:4 11:1 13:15 56:3 62:2,6 16:8 104:5 1Peter 5:10 Hebrews 12:27
Father, since the beginning my ancestor said “I trust in You for salvation, O LORD!” you know my truth Father, You know what I am really like. I was looking to be saved all my life. Saved from my struggles, things too hard for me to bear, saved from my troubles, my sorrows and trials, the worries that kept me up late at night, the stress of my everyday life, things that I was taught to fear but You taught me to trust in You. That You can be trusted. O LORD, no one but You can help the powerless against the mighty! When I cry out “Help me, O LORD my God, for I trust in You alone!” You rescue me from all my troubles and helped me to triumph over my enemies. I prayed to the LORD and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears. I trust in You for protection. I trust in Your unfailing love for me. Even when I am afraid I will put my trust in You. For You are my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. I know the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me. You placed me on a firm foundation so that I would not be moved. Let all of creation be shaken and removed so that the only unshakable thing that remains is my trust in You. All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer for Direction
Prayer for Direction
August 22 2020
Prayer based on Psalm 37:23, 56:3 119:42, 59 Amos 3:3 Ecclesiastes 7:29 Isaiah 53:6 John 18:38 Isaiah 55:8-9 Proverbs 11:5, 20:24 Job 42:3-5
Father, it is written that You direct my steps and delight in every detail of my life. When I lived apart from You made me to understand what You meant when You asked “Can two people walk together without agreeing on the same direction?” So like the Psalmist I pondered the direction of my life and turned to follow your ways. You spoke truth when you said I had turned to follow my own downward path, like a sheep I strayed to follow my own way. It is written that You direct Your people by truth. And the only way to know truth is to know You. Before knowing You I was like Pilate who asked my brother “What is truth?” The only thing I knew was that I could put my trust in You. I know Your thoughts are greater than my thoughts and Your ways are higher than mine because You are directing my steps, it is insanity for me to try to understand everything along the way. Like Job you made me to realize how foolish it was to question Your wisdom with my ignorance. I had only heard of You before but now I have seen You with my own eyes. I trust in Your Word. All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer for Conquering
Prayer for Conquering
August 21 2020
Prayer based on the following verses 2 Samuel 22:40, Psalm 18:39, Psalm 91:13, Psalm 110:1, Micah 7:19, Malachi 4:3, Romans 16:20
Father, You have armed me with strength for the battle. You have subdued my enemies under my feet.
Because of you I can trample upon lions and cobras. I can crush fierce lions and serpents under my feet! You instructed me to be seated in the place of honor, at rest beside You until You humble my enemies, making them a footstool under my feet. Thank You for having compassion on me. For You alone can trample my sins under Your feet, help me to be rid of them and throw them into the depths of the ocean! For You have said that when You act Father You will tread upon the wicked as if they are dust under Your feet. I know that the God of peace will soon crush Satan under my feet. And may the grace of my Lord Jesus be with me. All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer for Protection
Prayer for Protection
August 20 2020
This prayer is based on several verses that I strung together to create from Psalm 17:8, 36:7, 57:1, 63:7-8 and 91:1
Father, guard me as You would guard Your own eyes. Hide me in the shadow of Your wings. How precious is Your unfailing love for me, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of Your wings. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy! I look to You for protection. I will hide beneath the shadow of Your wings until the danger passes by because You are my helper. I sing for joy in the shadow of Your wings. I cling to You; Your strong right hand holds me securely. You have taught me in Your Word that those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer for Guidance
Prayer for Guidance
August 19 2020
Prayer Based on 1 Kings 8:56-61
Father I praise You LORD who has given me rest, just as He promised. Not one Word has failed of all the wonderful promises You gave through Your servant Moses. May the LORD our God be with us just as He was with my ancestors; May He never leave or abandon us. May He give me the desire to do His will in everything and to obey all the things He tells me to do just as He gave my ancestors instructions. And May these words that I have prayed in the presence of the LORD be before Him constantly, day and night, so that the LORD my God May give justice to me and to His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. Then people all over the earth will know that the LORD alone is God and there is no other. And May I be completely faithful to the LORD our God. May I always listen and do the things He tells me to do, just as I am doing today. All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
August 18 2020
When you search just the mention of the word “prayed” in the Word you come up with all sorts of people just like you and me that lifted their voice to God in surrender with heartfelt pleas some were pages long, chapters long and some were just a single line long:
Genesis 20:17 Abraham prayed
24:42 Abraham’s servant prayed
32:9 Jacob prayed
Numbers 11:2 Moses prayed (also in 21:7 Deuteronomy 9:20,26)
Joshua 10:12 Joshua prayed
Judges 13:8 Manoah (Father of Samson) prayed
16:28 Samson prayed (also in 16:30)
1 Samuel 1:10 Hannah prayed (Mother of Samuel remember her prayer in 1 Samuel 2:1)
1 Samuel 14:41 Saul Prayed (The first king in all of history)
1 Samuel 23:10 David prayed (also in 2 Samuel 7:18, 15:31, 1 Chronicles 17:16 and 21:26)
1 Kings 8:12 Solomon prayed (like father like son also in 8:23, 8:59 2 Chronicles 6:1,14, 20:6)
13:6 a man of God prayed
18:36 Elijah prayed (also in 18:42, 19:4)
2 Kings 4::33 Elisha prayed (also in 6:17,18,20)
13:4 Jehoahaz prayed
19:15 Hezekiah prayed (also in 20:2 2 Chronicles 30:18, 32:24 Isaiah 37:15, 21, 38:2)
1 Chronicles 4:10 Jabez prayed
2 Chronicles 33:13 Manasseh prayed
Ezra 8:21 Ezra prayed (also in 8:23, 9:6, 10:1)
Nehemiah 1:4 Nehemiah prayed (also in 4:4, 4:9)
Nehemiah 9:5 Leaders of the Levites prayed
Job 42:10 Job prayed
As I already made clear a month ago Psalms is full prayers when you don’t know what to pray Psalms is a good start
Psalm 18:6 I prayed to my God for help. He heard me form His sanctuary… 34:4 I prayed to the LORD and He answered me….34:6 In my desperation I prayed and the LORD listened… 38:16, 41:4, 77:2 I prayed 118:5 In my distress I prayed to the LORD, and the LORD answered me and set me free.
Isaiah 26:16 Isaiah prayed
Jeremiah 32:16 Jeremiah prayed
Daniel 6:10 Daniel prayed (also in 9:4)
Jonah 2:1 Jonah prayed
Zechariah 1:12 the angel of the LORD prayed
Matthew 11:25 Jesus prayed (also in 26:42, Mark 14:35, 39. Luke 6:12, 22:41, 44)
Luke 18:11 a Pharisee prayed
18:13 a tax collector prayed
Acts 6:6 The apostles prayed
Acts 7:59 Stephen prayed
8:14 Peter and John prayed
9:40 Peter prayed
10:2 Cornelius prayed
12:5 the church prayed
20:36 Paul prayed (also 21:5, 28:8)
27:29 prisoners and shipmates prayed
And finally James 5:17-18 reminds us of the power of our prayers
In my walk of faith I have learned that prayer is a gift from God. If I have been given the knowledge to pray to God that wasn’t something I made up or thought to do. That realization that my life is way bigger than I can live it alone is divine. As my brother Jesus taught me in Matthew 6:5-8 prayer is something between you and God, not so that others can see and hear you. It is not something you need to repeat over and over again. I can trust that the One that formed my ears heard me loud and clear the first time even when I don’t speak in an audible tone.
As the Psalmist said in 116:10 “I believed in You so I said…” whatever comes after that is between You and Your Father. So whatever it is you are hoping for, believing in, know that you are not alone. I doubt God is saying “Well I haven’t heard that request before.” Your brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world suffer as you suffer because if there is one truth I know this isn’t my home but an answered prayer sure helps me to endure the time I have left on earth. So pray as my ancestors have done before. I speak the same truth they spoke. Reminding myself of God’s promises and thanking Him that they are already on their way.
If God were speaking to me through Paul's letter to the Philippians 4:6-7 I believe He would say “Don’t worry about anything instead pray about everything tell Me what you need and thank Me for all that I have already done. Then you will experience My peace which exceeds anything you can understand and My peace will guard your heart and mind as you live in the knowledge of knowing that you live like my son did, who lived each day talking to Me in prayer.” Amen (Revelation 3:14 and 2 Corinthians 1:19-20)
Whole Armor of God Prayer
Whole Armor of God Prayer
August 17 2020
Prayer based on Ephesians 6:10-18
Father, thank You for the strength You give to me in Your mighty power. By faith I put on Your armor so that I will be able to stand firm against all the strategies of the devil. For I know that I am not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies. I know that my fight is against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world. My fight is against mighty powers in this dark world and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
Therefore, Father I put on every piece of Your armor so that I will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil so that after the battle I will still be standing firm. I stand my ground with the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness to defeat the enemies lies. I put on shoes of peace that comes from the Good News so that I will be fully prepared when the enemy tries to discourage me with doubt.
In addition to all these things I will hold up my shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows aimed for my feelings that the devil attacks me with dread and depression. I put on salvation as my helmet to protect my thoughts from distraction and take the sword of the Spirt which is the Word of God. I will pray in the Spirit of God’s Word at all times and on every occasion so that I can remain alert and persistent in my prayers for all of God’s holy people.
For my brother won his battle with the evil one and he defeated not by strength, not by might, but by the truth of every Word he knew was written on his heart and mind. All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer of Protection
Prayer of Protection
August 16 2020
Prayer based on Numbers 23:19-23
Father I know that You are not a man, so You do not lie. You are not human so You do not change Your mind. You have never spoken and failed to act. You have never promised and not carried it through. I remind myself of these truths when I am afraid that even the enemy received a command to bless. God has blessed and not even the enemy can reverse the blessings over us. No misfortune is in Your plan for me. No trouble is in store for me. For the LORD my God is with me and He has been proclaimed my King. God brought me out of slavery for me He is as strong as a wild ox. No curse can touch me. No weapon that has been formed against me has any power over me. For now it will be said ‘What wonders God has done for me!’ All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer of Restoration in the book of
Prayer of Restoration in the book of
August 15 2020
Prayer based on Joel 2:18-19, 20-27
Father, thank You for having pity on me and that jealousy guards the honor of Your land. Thank You for sending the grain and new wine and olive oil, enough to satisfy my needs. Thank You that I am no longer an object of mockery among the surrounding nations for believing in a God like You surely Father You have done great things! I need not be afraid for I am Yours. I am glad and I rejoice for You have done great things. I need not be afraid for even the animals of the field know that the wilderness pastures will soon be green. The trees will once again be filled with fruit. The fig trees and grapevines will be loaded down once more because everything in life is seasonal. I rejoice in this knowledge! I rejoice in Your wisdom LORD!
For the rain You send demonstrates Your faithfulness. Once more the autumn rains will come as well as the rains of spring. The threshing floors will again be piled up high with grain, and the presses will overflow with new wine and olive oil. The LORD says “I will give you back what you lost…it was I who sent this great destroying army against you. Once again you will have all the food you want and you will praise the LORD your God who does these miracles for you. Never again will my people be disgraced. Then they will know that I am among the, that I am the LORD their God, and there is no other. Never again will my people be disgraced for believing in a God like Me. All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer of Praise to the LORD
Prayer of Praise to the LORD
August 14 2020
Prayer based on Isaiah 26:1-19
Father, thank You that You make me strong! I am surrounded by the walls of God’s salvation. Open the gates to all who are righteous, allow the faithful to enter. You have kept me in perfect peace because I trust in You. I have chosen to fix my thoughts on You.
I trust in the LORD always, for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock. Father, You humbled me when I was proud and brought me down when I was arrogant. You brought me down to the dust to remind me that it is from dust I came. When I was poor, oppressed and needy with my head looking down I could look beneath my feet and know from where I came. To You we all walk on even ground.
Thank You for giving me Your robe of righteousness showing me how to live my life, the way is no longer steep and rough for You God do what is right. You smoothed out the path ahead of me. Father, I show my trust in You by listening to You and applying Your ways in my life. My heart’s desire is to glorify Your name.
All night long I search for You in the morning I earnestly seek You. For only when You come to judge the earth will people learn what is right. Your son taught me in John 3:19-21 that Your judgement is based on this fact: that Your light came into the world but people loved the darkness more than Your light for their actions were evil. For fear of exposure they hated and refused to go near Your light and do what is right because they enjoyed doing what was wrong.
I know that Your kindness to the wicked does not make them good. Although many do what is right, the wicked keep doing what is wrong and take no notice of the LORD’s majesty because they don’t think He is real. O LORD, they pay no attention to Your upraised fist. Show them Your eagerness to defend Your people. Then they will be ashamed. Let fire consume Your enemies.
LORD, thank You for granting us peace, all we have accomplished is really from You. O LORD our God, others have ruled us, but You alone are the One we worship. Those we served before are dead and gone. Their departed Spirits will never return! You attacked them and destroyed them, and they are long forgotten. O LORD You have made our people great, yes, You have made us great. You have extended our borders, and we give You the glory!
LORD, in distress we searched for You. We prayed beneath the burden of Your discipline. Just as a pregnant woman writhes and cries out in pain as she gives birth to new life, we were in Your presence, LORD when our old way of life was dying making room for the new thing You were doing in us.
We too writhe in agony, but nothing comes of our suffering. We have not given salvation to the earth, nor brought life into the world. Christ did when he suffered on the cross for our sins, freeing us from slavery to sin and bringing life into the world making a new way of life to be born again.
Showing us that those who die in the LORD will live, their bodies will rise again! Those who sleep in the earth will rise up and sing for joy! For Your life-giving light will fall like dew on Your people in the place of the dead! All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer of Jeremiah
Prayer of Jeremiah
August 13 2020
Prayer based on Jeremiah 32:17-24
Father, You are the Sovereign LORD! You made the heavens and the earth by Your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for You! You show unfailing love to thousands , but You bring the consequences of the one generation’s sin upon the next. I know this because of the generations before that have repeated the same sin over and over again but it stops with me.
You are the great and powerful God, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. You have all wisdom and do great and mighty miracles. You see my conduct and give to me what my actions deserve. But in Your mercy You have left room for grace when I turned to You and
believed the price Your son paid. Thank You for Your mercy on me.
You performed miraculous signs and wonders in the land of my slavery- things I still remember to this day! And You have continued to do great miracles in me and all around the world. You have made Your name famous to this day!
You brought my ancestors out of Egypt with signs and wonders, with a strong hand and powerful arm, and with overwhelming terror. You gave my ancestors this land that You promised their ancestors long before- a land flowing with milk and honey. Or as I have come to experience it- a smooth and sweet way of life.
My ancestors came and conquered this land and lived in it the same way that even my brother warned “You will have trials and many sorrows but take heart for I have overcome the world” I know that just like everyone before me I can overcome these trials and sorrows whose sole purpose is to steal, kill and destroy my faith. This hope I have in You is the anchor for my soul and I will not give it away without a fight.
In the past when I refused to obey You or follow Your Word just like my ancestors before me. I did not do anything You commanded I did the complete opposite. I know that is why You sent terrible disaster upon me just as You did then.
When my enemies attacked me to take me down and out of this life causing division also known as war, famine also known as poverty and lack and disease also known as anything that discomforted me. I was handed over to my enemies. My fight was not with them I was fighting to live life apart from You and in doing so my enemies conquered me for years because I didn’t have Your strength, Your protection.
I know that everything in my life has happened just as You said it would. I am sorry it took me almost 40 years just shy of the time my ancestors walked around the same mountain to figure out that Your Words are truth that I can trust in You. To understand that I would reap what I sowed both good and evil because I cannot mock or escape Your justice. Your laws of nature cannot be changed. Even when I don’t understand the things You have me walk through I can continually trust that You are walking with me in them all. All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer of Moses Blessings
Prayer of Moses Blessings
August 11 2020
This prayer is a personal prayer based on the blessings that Moses gave to my ancestors before his death found in Deuteronomy 33 even though I don't have them completely I believe by faith that they have already been given to me because I was taught that God has already blessed me with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because I am united with Christ acccording to Ephesians 1:3. I believe I recieve this truth over me!
Father, You revealed yourself to my ancestors long ago from Mount Sinai and dawned upon them from Mount Seir; You shown forth from Mount Paran and came from Meribah-kadesh with flaming fire at Your right hand to protect them.
I know that You love Your people; all Your holy ones are in Your hands. Those who follow in Your steps and accept Your teaching. You gave instruction through Moses, and my ancestors considered it their own special possession, but truth be told the real possession was not made of stone, the real possession was God, Himself. You became our King- and when the leaders from each tribe assembled and gathered as one, we became one nation under God.
Thank You for the blessings Moses declared over each tribe. I know that the spirit of those who received this blessing live inside of me. I stand in agreement and receive their blessing as my inheritance too for we have been called to one body under God.
Thank You that my family’s legacy will live on and not die with me though I am few.
Thank You that You hear my cries and the cries of all that worship You. Thank You for the strength You give me to defend the faith You have given me and help me to defeat the enemies lies with Your truth.
Thank You for the wisdom to know what to do, which way to go to follow You, thank You for making my path of life straight.
You tested my ancestors at Massah to see if they would follow Your instructions and they struggled to trust in You at Meribah though You showed them Your faithfulness many times. Because there was one tribe that remained faithful, obeyed Your Word and guarded the promise. They remained more loyal to You over their own parents. They ignored their relatives and did not acknowledge their children. They taught Your regulations and they gave wise instructions. They worshipped You with all their mind, heart, body and souls.
Thank You for the understanding and wisdom You gave to them their wisdom lives in me too. Father thank You for blessing me and accepting the work of my hands. Thank You for hitting my enemies where it hurts the most. Thank You for striking down my foes so that they never rise again. I cannot walk this life alone.
Father, thank You for loving me and that I can live in safety beside You. Thank You for surrounding me continuously and preserving me from every harm.
Thank You for blessing me in the land You gave to me with the precious gift of dew from the heavens and water from beneath the earth. Thank You for blessing me with rich fruit that grows in the sun, and the rich harvest produced each month. Thank You for blessing me with the finest crops of the ancient mountains, and the abundance from the everlasting hills. Thank You for blessing me with the best gifts of the earth and its bounty and giving me the favor of the One who appeared in the burning bush.
Thank You that these blessing rest on my head and allowing me to carry the crown of faith for many generations. Thank You for blessing me with both majesty and perseverance. The endurance it will take to gore my enemies and drive them to the ends of the earth. The blessing of perseverance and endurance to conquer anything that keeps me from knowing every promise You gave to me.
Thank You that I can prosper in my travels. Thank you that I can prosper in my home. The sacrifice You require is the joy of Your will not my own for Your instructions are written in my heart not on stone. Thank You for benefiting me with the riches of the of sea and the hidden treasures in the sand.
Thank You for enlarging my territory. Thank You for giving me the strength of a lion to conquer my enemies. Thank You for giving me the best of the land, thank You for assigning me a leader’s share. Thank You for helping me to carry out Your justice and obey Your regulations. Even though I am the smallest you give me the strength of a lion to leap on my enemies unafraid.
Thank You that I am rich in favor and full of the LORD’s blessings; Thank You that I posses both the west and the south. Thank You for blessing me and securing all my days in Your hands.
As Moses said “There is no one like my God. He rides across the heavens to help me, across the skies in majestic splendor. The eternal God is my refuge, and His everlasting arms are under me. He drives out the enemy before me and cries out ‘Destroy them!’
Thank You Father, that I live in safety and security in a land of grain and wine, while the heavens drop down dew. How blessed am I!
As David once said Do you treat everyone like this? Who else is like me, a person saved by the LORD? For You are my protecting shield and my triumphant sword! My enemies cringe before me and I stomp on their backs not on my own strength but because I have the strength that Christ showed me and that is the strength of His Father, My LORD. All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer for Healing
Prayer for Healing
August 10 2020
*Prayer based on Jeremiah 14:19-22
Father, I remember a time when I was ill I thought to myself are my sins so great that You have completely rejected me, abandoned me to my fate? Have I done so much irreversible evil in my life that You must turn away? Could You really hate me that much? Why have You wounded me past all hope of healing? I hoped for peace, but no peace came. I hoped for a time of healing, but found only terror.
In me sorrow and despair on my hands and knees I wept bitterly in humility thinking if this is the end of me I have nothing to lose and I said with my whole heart “Father, I confess my wickedness and that of my ancestors too. I know that we have all sinned against You. We cannot hide our sins from You. But Your Word has taught me that You are light there is no darkness in You at all.
For the sake of Your reputation, Father, do not abandon me here to live alone in darkness. Do not disgrace Your own glorious throne. Please remember me and do not break the promise You made to me, to be with me always even to the end of age. Can any of the worthless foreign gods that I was taught to worship send me rain? Does it fall from the sky by itself? Of course not, for You are Sovereign over everything. You are the One, O LORD my God! Only You can do such great and marvelous things. So I will wait for You alone to help me.” All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Habbakkuk's Prayer
Habbakkuk's Prayer
August 9 2020
*Prayer based on Habakkuk’s Prayer found in Habakkuk 3
Father, before returning to You I had only ever heard of You. I am filled with awe by Your amazing work in my life. In my time of need, You helped me as You did so many times in years gone by. And in Your anger You did have mercy on me.
I can look outside and see You in every divine nature You created. Your brilliant splendor fills the sky and the earth is filled with praises even the birds can’t stop singing Your Holy Name. You arrival on each as is as brilliant as the sun on the horizon. Rays of light flash from Your hands reminding me of Your awesome glory where Your power is hidden.
When I was struck with illness or poverty I lifted my eyes to You constantly for relief. No one else could save me from my pain and suffering. For even if the waves listen to Your command how much less this body You created for me. I know that when You stop the earth shakes. When You look people tremble. You shatter the everlasting mountains and level them into hills. For You are the Eternal One! Not the things of this world You created. How can creation be greater than it’s Creator?
When I am in distress, trembling and afraid all I have to do is remember a time when my ancestors were in distress, trembling with terror at the sight of their enemies when you freed them of all they feared. Was it in anger LORD, that caused You to strike the rivers and part the seas? Were You displeased with them? No, You were sending Your chariots of salvation! You brandished Your bow and Your quiver of arrows. You split open the earth with flowing rivers. The mountains watched and trembled. Onward swept the raging waters. The mighty deep cried out, lifting its hands to the LORD. The sun and moon stood still in the sky as Your brilliant arrows flew and Your glittering spear flashed.
You marched across the land in anger and trampled the people in Your fury. You went out to rescue Your chosen people, to save Your anointed ones. You crushed the heads of the wicked and stripped their bones form head to toe. With his own weapons, You destroyed the chief of the those who rushed out like a whirlwind, thinking that my ancestors would be easy prey. You trampled the sea with Your horses and the mighty waters piled high.
I know the same God who freed my ancestors is the same God with all His power and strength that will free me from the things that make me tremble and fear. So I wait quietly for the coming day not if but when disaster will strike those that attack me. For I do not fight alone.
Even though to the watching world it may appear that I have nothing. Even thought it appears that my efforts have failed. Even though it might look that surely I am as good as dead that I will be unable to recover from this. Like my brother Jesus taught me, I will rejoice in the LORD! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation! The Sovereign LORD is my strength! He makes my steps as surefooted as a deer, where it appears to man I have nothing to stand on, I am able to tread upon heights no man can stand because my God stands with me. All Glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer Based on Solomon's Prayer of Dedication
Prayer Based on Solomon's Prayer of Dedication
August 8 2020
*Keep in mind these prayers are personal they are not what is written I am not quoting Scripture I am basing my prayers on Scripture. To read what is written turn in Your Word to 1 Kings 8:23-53. This is my prayer based on what was said and what I know has already been done.
Father, O LORD, the God of Israel, there is no God like You in all of heaven above or on the earth below. You have kept Your promise to show unfailing love to all who walk before You in wholehearted devotion. You kept Your promise to King David to give him a dynasty of Kings as is evident today. You made that promise with Your own mouth and with Your own hands You have fulfilled.
And now, O LORD, the God of everything I believe is real, carry out the additional promises You made to my ancestors. For You said ‘If Your descendants guard their behavior and faithfully follow You as I have done, one of them will always sit on the throne.’ Help me to always exercise self-control. Give me the wisdom and ability to choose to live my life by the fruits of Your Spirit not the sinful nature of my flesh. I know that my brother Jesus sits on the throne pleading for me daily because You have fulfilled this promise.
Like Solomon sometimes I find it hard to believe that You are really with us. Why, even the highest heavens cannot contain You. How much more can a temple made of stone or a body made of flesh. I look up at the sky in all its vastness as far as my eye can see and even that doesn’t come close to Your greatness in me.
Nevertheless, listen to my prayer and plea, Father. Bend down from on high and bend your ear to me. May You watch over me night and day, this place where your son said “I will always be with you till the end of age”. May You always hear the prayers I make where no one but You can hear the sound of my voice.
May You hear my humble and earnest request when I pray for myself and people alike. Yes, hear from heaven where You live, and when You hear me cry, forgive. If I have wronged anyone then hear from heaven and judge between me and my accuser. You sent your son to bear the punishment I so deserved and you acquitted me not because I was innocent but because he is innocent in me.
Before turning my life to You I was always defeated by my enemies because I continually sinned against You until the day I turned to You and acknowledged what Jesus did. I know You heard me from heaven and forgave my sin and returned me to a state of peace with You again.
When the skies shut up and there was no rain in this barren land of drought because I lived my life like the unwise and sinned against you I once again confessed and repented of my sins and acknowledged that You sent Jesus to be my saving grace I know that You heard from heaven and forgave. Father I have no sense, teach me to follow the right path and send rain on Your land that You have given to us as our special possession.
When You allowed there to be lack in my life or I suffered from illness, a plague or disease or attacks of any kind I know that whatever disaster or disease that fell upon me I took my eyes off my infirmity and fixed them on You. I pray about the fears I had, the things that worried or distressed me and I left them at the foot of the cross because of what he went through on the earth there is nothing so hard I can’t go through with him. For You gave me what my actions deserved, for only You alone know my human heart.
The greatest fear I have on earth is missing out on the life You promised me not a life this world could give me. I lived for so long apart from You and now I know what it is to be with You. To live my life putting You first. Trusting in You alone. To have peace of mind and heart no longer do I live in the pit of anger, resentment, bitterness or distress there is no peace found in the things you set apart for destruction.
For all across the world people of every nation have heard of Your name, they know Your power and Your strength. When they prayed to You, You heard them and granted them what they asked so that everyone would know You just as we do. That we were all created to give honor to Your name not by what we don’t do but by the good things you created us to do.
When I went out and fought against my enemies and prayed that You would uphold me, You did. You did not fail or forsake me. I thought to myself I would rather live this life free in You than to live it afraid of what might people might say or think or do. Jesus taught me there is no life in living to please people. They all have opinions that constantly change I ran myself ragged trying to be what everyone wanted of me.
Like Solomon said if I sin against you- and who has never sinned? While living on the earth I am being perfected, if I was perfect I would be dead to this world and with You. But when I sinned and You allowed me to be captured and conquered by my enemies in the land of exile I humbled myself, repented and prayed ‘I have sinned, done what was evil in Your sight, and acted wickedly.’ When I turned to You with my whole heart and soul You heard my prayer and petition from heaven and You upheld my case. You forgave me of my sins and all of my offenses and You made my captors merciful toward me for I am Your people whom You
brought our of slavery from the things that kept me from knowing You.
Your eyes were open to my request, You heard and answered me whenever I cried out to You. For when You brought me out of my slavery to the people and things of this world, You said to Your servant Moses that You had set me apart to be Your special possession.
If I am going to cling to anything I would rather it be to You. For You have taught me not to cling to people this world or the things of this world that are quickly fading and turning to dust. For this world feels nothing for me because it does not love You. When the last enemy to be conquered is death the wicked will certainly not rise up to save me, only You have the power to do that because You already did it once. All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer Based on the LORD's Covenant of Peace
Prayer Based on the LORD's Covenant of Peace
August 7 2020
*Prayer based on Ezekiel 34:25-31
Father, thank You for making this promise of peace with me. Thank you for driving away the dangerous animals from the land. Thank You that I can sleep safely in the wildest places without fear for You watch over me. Thank You for blessing me, my family and my home around Your holy hill. Thank You that in the proper season You help to meet our needs. Thank You for Your blessings of abundance.
Thank You that You are my Provider, that my job and my finances prosperous and blessed and I can live in safety. Thank You for breaking the chains of the things that enslaved me. Thank You for rescuing me from the things of this world and that people of this world that enslaved me in this way I know that You are my LORD.
I am no longer prey for other people, like wild animals they no longer devour me. I live in safety and nothing frightens me for You are with me. Thank You for making my land famous for its bounty. Thank You that I never have to suffer again from famine or the insults of those that don't know me.
In this way I know that You, the LORD, my Father, my God are with me. And I know that You have chosen me to be Your people for You have said “You are My flock the sheep of My pasture. You are My people and I am your God.” Thank You Father for speaking these blessings over me! All glory to God my Father, the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer Based on Jonah's Prayer
Prayer Based on Jonah's Prayer
August 6 2020
*Prayer based on Jonah 2:2-9
I cried out to You Father in my great trouble, and You answered me. I called to You from the land of the dead, and LORD, You heard me!
You threw me in the ocean depths, and I sank down to the heart of the sea. The mighty waters engulfed me; I was buried beneath Your wild and stormy waves. O LORD, You had driven me from Your presence.
Yet still I looked to You for You are my only hope. Once more I lifted my hands toward Your holy Temple. I sank beneath the waves and the waters closed over me. Seaweed wrapped itself around my head. I sank down to the very roots of the mountains. I was imprisoned in the earth, whose gates lock shut forever.
But at just the right time You, O LORD my God, snatched me from the jaws of death! As my life was slipping away, I remembered the LORD. And my earnest prayer went out to You in Your holy Temple.
Those who worship false gods turn their backs on all God’s mercies. But I will offer sacrifices to You with songs of praise, and I will fulfill all my vows. For my salvation come from the LORD alone. All Glory to God the Father of my Savior and my Lord Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer Based on Prayer of Praise found in Jude 24-25
Prayer Based on Prayer of Praise found in Jude 24-25
August 5 2020
Now all glory to You God my Father for in all Your wisdom You were able to keep me from falling away from You and giving in to the temptation of my sinful nature. Thank You for sending Your son to present me with great joy into our Fathers’ glorious presence without a single fault. All glory to You God my Father who alone is my God who sent my Savior Jesus Christ to be my Lord and free me of sin and bring me into Your glorious presence. Father, all glory, majesty, power and authority are Yours Father before all time and in the present and beyond all time! All glory to God the Father of my brother, my Lord Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer Based on Prayer for Spiritual Wisdom found in Ephesians 1:18-23
Prayer Based on Prayer for Spiritual Wisdom found in Ephesians 1:18-23
August 4 2020
Father, I pray that my heart be flooded with light so that I can understand the confident hope You have given to those You called Your holy people. I know that we are Your rich and glorious inheritance. I also pray for the understanding of Your incredible greatness that is seen in Your power for all who believe You. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at Your right hand in the heavenly realms. Now my brother is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else- not only in this world but also in the world to come. Father You have put all things under the authority of Christ and have made him head over all things for the benefit of the church. And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by the Spirit of Christ holiness, who fills all things everywhere with himself. All glory to God the Father of my Lord Jesus Christ! Amen
Prayer Based on Prayer for Spiritual Growth found in Ephesians 3:14-21
Prayer Based on Prayer for Spiritual Growth found in Ephesians 3:14-21
August 3 2020
Father, when I take the time to think of all that You have done, I fall to my knees and pray to You the Father, the Creator of everything on heaven and on earth. I pray that from Your glorious, unlimited resources You will empower me with inner strength through Your Spirit. Then the Spirit of Christ will make his home in my heart as I trust in him. May my roots will grow down into God’s love and keep me strong. And may I have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high and how deep Your love is for me.
May I experience the same love You had for Christ, though it is too great for me to understand fully. Then I will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from You God. Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within me, to accomplish infinitely more than I might ask or think. All glory to God in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on David's Prayer of Praise 1 Chronicles 29:10
Prayer Based on David's Prayer of Praise 1 Chronicles 29:10
August 1 2020
In order to make this prayer personal I had to take into account it was written before Jesus came. As the saying goes you can't unscramble scrambled eggs so with that in mind I changed the ending to reflect what I knew not what was for David's time.
Father, the God of our ancestor Israel, may You be praised forever and ever! Yours, O LORD, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on earth is Yours, O LORD, and this is Your kingdom. We adore You as the One who is over all things. I know that wealth and honor come from You alone, for You rule over everything. Power and might are in Your hand, and at Your discretion people are made great and given strength.
O Father, we thank You and praise Your glorious name! But who am I, and who are my people, that we could give anything to You? Everything we have comes from You and we give You only what You first gave us! We are here for only a moment, visitors and strangers in the land as our ancestors were before us. Our days on earth are like a passing shadow, gone so soon without a trace.
O Father my LORD my God, Jesus taught me that this true temple was his body, not a building made of stone but a heart of flesh so I know that even this body You call a temple that honors Your holy name comes from You! You formed me, I belong to You! I know, my God, that You examine my heart and rejoice when You find integrity there. You know that I have sought after You with good motives and I have offered my time, talents, resources willingly and joyously.
O LORD, the God of our ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, make me want to always be obedient to You, to listen to the instructions you give to me and apply them in my life. See to it that my love for You never changes. And Father give my children the wholehearted desire to obey all Your commands, laws, and decrees and to do everything necessary to build up their own temples that serve You, for I have watched over them the best I could but it is You that raises them up. All glory to God the Father forever and ever who raised my brother, my Lord Jesus so that he would have many brothers and sisters! Amen
Prayer Based on David's Prayer of Thanks 2 Samuel 7:18
Prayer Based on David's Prayer of Thanks 2 Samuel 7:18
July 31 2020
Father, when I think of all that You have given to me I think who am I, O Sovereign LORD, and what is my family, that You have brought us this far? And now, Sovereign LORD, in addition to everything You have already given to us, You speak of giving us Your servants a lasting dynasty! Do You deal with everyone this way, O Sovereign LORD?
What more can I say to You? Father only You know what Your servant is really like, You are a Sovereign LORD who knows my every deed, thought and word. Because of Your promise and according to Your will, You have done all these great things and have made them known to me Your servant. I am humbled before You. Your grace overwhelms me.
How great You are, O Sovereign LORD! There is no one like You. We have never even heard of another God like You! What other people on earth is like those who believe in You? What other people, O God, have You redeemed from slavery to be Your own people? You made a great name for Yourself when You redeemed us from that which kept us apart from knowing You from things that were too strong for us to overcome alone. You performed awesome miracles and drove out the people and gods that stood in our way. You made us Your very own people by our faith in what Jesus did for us forever, and You, O LORD, became our God, my God.
And now, O LORD God, I am Your servant. Like my brother Jesus I came to serve not be served. Do the things You have promised concerning me and my family. Confirm it as a promise that will last forever. And may Your name be honored forever so that everyone will say, “The LORD of Heaven’s Armies is God over everyone who believes in His name!” And may my house serve the LORD forever.
O LORD of Heaven’s Armies, God of Israel, I have been bold enough to pray this prayer to You because You have revealed all this to Your servant, saying, “I will build a house for You- a dynasty of kings!” For You are God, O Sovereign LORD. I know that Your words are truth and You have promised these good things to Your servant. And now, may it please You Father to bless the house of Your servant, so that it may continue forever before You. For You have spoken, and when You grant a blessing to Your servant, O Sovereign LORD, I believe it is an eternal blessing! All glory to God forever and ever the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus! Amen
Prayer Based on Hannah's Prayer of Praise 1 Samuel 2
Prayer Based on Hannah's Prayer of Praise 1 Samuel 2
July 30 2020
Father, my heart rejoices in the LORD! The LORD has made me strong. Now I have an answer for my enemies. I rejoice because You rescued me. No one is holy like the LORD! There is no one besides You. There is no Rock like our God.
When I observe those who don’t know You I want to say “Stop acting so proud and haughty! Don’t speak with such arrogance! For the LORD is God who knows what you have done. He will judge your actions.” But like my brother once said "forgive them, they know not what they do."
I have seen the bow of the mighty broken and those who stumbled are now strong. Those who were once well fed are now starving, and those who were starving are now full. The childless woman now has seven children, and the woman with many children wastes away.
I know that the LORD gives both death and life. He brings some down to the grave but raises others up. The LORD makes some poor and others rich. He brings some down and lift others up. He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, placing them in seats of honor. For all the earth is the LORD’s, and He has set the world in order.
I know that He will protect His faithful ones, but the wicked will disappear in darkness. I have seen that no one succeeds by strength alone. Those who fight against the LORD will be shattered. He thunders against them from heaven. The LORD judges throughout the earth. He gives power to His king. He increases the strength of His anointed one. All glory to God the Father of my Lord and brother Jesus Christ! Amen
Not Just One Prayer
Not Just One Prayer
July 29 2020
When I began to read the Word for myself the only words I ever spoke to God in 30 plus years was the our Father prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11 I didn't realize that praying to God was more than just repeating these words over and over again. My prayer life changed when I learned through the reading of His Word that people prayed to God usuing many words just as you would speak to anyone you had or were in relaiontship with.
So when I found other prayers based on His Word, His promises I made sure to take note. I talk to my Father alot more these days and I am certain to declare His Words over my life not just the one prayer any more. The prayer below is found in Deuteronomy 7 it is titled "The Privelege of Holiness" in my NLT version of the Word. I figured after a month of sharing how I pray through Psalms you might want to see how the same format can be used for any prayers you make personal in your own life.
Father, You said in Your Word that when you have brought me into the place You promised me that You would clear away my enemies before me. Things that took the place of You like my struggle with addictions, depression, fears, doubt, distractions, discouragement things far to great for me to overcome on my own. That one by one You would take them down and hand them over to me to deal with. You instructed me to conquer and completely destroy these strongholds that kept me from knowing You. To make no compromises for or show them no mercy I had to completely extinguish, be rid of these things that have held my family back from taking hold of the promises You made to me or my children would have to struggle with the same enemies too.
So one by one I broke these negative pattterns of thinking down, I shattered them by Your Word when they appeared, I cut them down and burned them to the ground every time they tried to take the throne of the my thoughts captive and hold me down into a stronghold of weakness I overcame them by Your Word. I told them where they could go and I imagined my brother tying them up and taking the keys back to His kingdom and putting himself back on the throne of my thoughts.
For I am a holy people chosen by You there is no place in my mind for immoral thoughts. Of all the people on the earth You chose me to believe in You and I became Your own special treasure by drawing near in relationship to You.
You did not set Your heart on me because I was so rich, so popular, so wise or so strong. I was the youngest in my family and I had seen the enemy of this world take my father, mother, sister and brother and I was not going to let him take me and my family too. You chose me not to walk a different path. You instilled in me a greater strength, a greater courage, a greater chance to overcome the things of this world that held them down would not hold me down too. Simply because I believed that You loved me and would keep the oath You had sworn to my ancestors long ago though for as many generations as I can look back none of them honored You as I do.
That is why with Your strong hand You pulled me out of the slavery to the people of this world I was bound to. You took me out of the things that were keeping me oppressed and freed me from the prison of bondage to show me that You are indeed God. That there is a power greater in me that helps me to overcome the things in this world. You are a faithful God who keeps His covenant for thousands of generations and lavishes Your unfailing love on those who love You alone and choose to walk in the ways you set before them, using Your son as my example on how to live on the earth and not be of the earth for this is not our home we Satan might have made hell look good but it's still hell, the place you threw him down to is the same place Jesus called him the ruler of. I am simply a foreigner passing through like my ancestors before me this is not my home my home is with You.
Before coming to know You and the promises You made to me You did not hesitate to punish, destroy and reject me for doing what was wicked in Your sight. I always reaped the weeds I had sown in life and now for the first time my life is fruitful only because the commands I follow come from You.
Since You have taught me to fix my eyes on You and Your Word You have kept Your promise to love me with unfailing love more than I deserve. Thank You for loving and blessing me and my children. Thank You for making us prosperous. Thank You for giving us large harvest, the new life You stored up for me to live is nothing like the way I lived before. You have blessed me far above those who put their trust in this world. Thank You for protecting me from illness and terrible diseases that my ancestors suffered before me. Thank You for helping me to conquer my enemies.
I do not take for granted all that You have allowed me to do. For You have given me plenty examples throughout my life of Your greatness, Your favor, Your provision and I know this way of life would be impossible without You. I remember the times You saved me from death, famine, even people whose purpose was to cause me harm. I saw the great terrors you sent them. I witnessed their downfall when You gave them a life of hardship, illness, frustration and struggle till they lost their minds. I remember the miraculous signs and wonders and your strong hand of power that took me out of living in darkness for the only thing I fear now is missing out on the life You promised. I had already wasted half my life thinking I could find life in the darkness. You even protected me from things I had no idea were trying to destroy me.
As a result I no longer fear the things of this world for I know that something greater than this world is with me and You are a great and awesome God. You drove out all my enemies one by one You didn’t take them out all at once though You had the power to. You taught me what it means to be powerful and excercise that power to do what is good. You threw them in complete confusion till they destroyed themselves for the schemes they plotted against Your people. You erased their memories so they didn’t even have the sense to stand up against me and You destroyed them I didn't have to if you wait long enough the wicked fall into their own traps.
I do not make idols of things in this world, I do not worship statues and charms that have no power, I do not pray to any saints the only one that has my complete devotion is You. For if I did I know that You would destroy me just as You destroyed those who worship emptiness a life of emptiness is their only reward. You have taught me to utterly detest things set apart for destruction lest I be carried away with them. For this I give glory to the LORD of my Lord who taught me to only keep my heart fixed on You! Amen
Prayer Based on Deuteronomy 28 Entitled Blessings for Obedience
Prayer Based on Deuteronomy 28 Entitled Blessings for Obedience
July 28 2020
Father thank you for helping me to obey the commands You give to me each day. I couldn’t live this way of life without You. You said in Your Word that if I live in this way You would set my thoughts higher than those who live in this world. I would experience so many wonderful blessings by putting my trust in You and following the commands You give to me each day. As a result my house is blessed, my children are blessed, my job is blessed, my food is blessed, wherever I go and whatever I do it is my firm belief that I am blessed by You.
Thank You for conquering my enemies when they attacked me. Thank You for guaranteeing a blessing on everything I do. Thank You for the provision You have given to me. Thank You for blessing me in the place You have placed me.
Thank You for helping me to walk in Your ways. Thank You for choosing me to believe in You and be a witness to all that You do. And sharing my testimony with the world that I am someone claimed by You. Thank You for making me to be prosperous in the land you swore to my ancestors that You would give to me. Thank You for blessing my son and everything we put our hands to do.
Thank You for sending provision to meet our needs with plenty leftover to share with those in need. Thank You for blessing all the work we do, thank You for teaching us that You are our provider. As a result we lend to many but have never needed to borrow from them. By listening each day to the commands You give to us and following through with the things You commanded us to do You have made us the head and no longer the tail. We are always on top of things and not falling behind. For this we will live each day to serve You. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Leviticus 27 entitled Blessings for Obedience
Prayer Based on Leviticus 27 entitled Blessings for Obedience
July 27 2020
Father, thank You for providing me with my daily provision to meet my needs. Because of You I am prosperous not just in wealth but I am fruitful in the gifts of the Spirit that come from You. A harvest money can’t buy- love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Your Word has taught me that I will reap what I sow. In the past I sowed everything opposite of the fruit and reaped that way of life but now my seasons of planting also have harvest in them, and my harvest overlaps with the season I am sowing so I am never lacking in any good thing You give to me. I am blessed to be a blessing. Thank you that there is no lack of the fruit of the Spirit or famine in my life, it overflows and I live securely in the land You gave to me.
Apart from You the one thing I sought most in this life was peace of mind and heart and now there is peace in me because it comes from You. I am now able to sleep soundly with no cause for fear or worry or stress of what tomorrow might hold for I know that whatever may come You are holding me.
I no longer live in fear of the unexpected for You taught me that every day of my life was written before a day had passed. What is a surprise to me is no surprise to You and You have equipped me to handle all the days of my life. You have kept the enemy of doubt, dread, discouragement, distraction, defeated mentality out of my mind with Your truth. In fact, I chased down my fears and revealed them with the Sword of Your Word. When I am gathered with my friends of faith we can take down ten thousand lies the enemy told us that kept us from knowing You. Iron sharpens iron. All my enemies have fallen beneath Your sword. I can live in this world and not be of it for I fear less in this world and believe even more in the power of Your Word.
Thank You Father for looking favorably on me, my life is living proof of that. You made my life an example to many and brought Your people back to You. Thank You for fulfilling Your covenant with me. You said in Your Word that I would have everything I need and that is completely true. I even have plenty left over to share with others as You said I would. It is obvious that You live among us and You do not despise me for my sinful nature before knowing You. That is why You sent Your son to reconcile me to You. I know I gave You plenty of reasons to despise me but Your love for me was relentless. You walk life with me now. You are my God and I am Your people. For You have said I am the LORD your God. You declared it. You proved that You were greater than my captives so that I would no longer be a slave to people. You broke my yoke of slavery from my neck of always trying to pleasing this world and instead turned my eyes toward You so that I could walk with my head held high always looking up to You. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 33
Prayer Based on Psalm 33
July 26 2020
Father, I sing for joy to the LORD; I know that it is fitting for those You have made pure to praise You. I praise the LORD with melodies that I sing to Him daily. I make music for Him with instruments I know to play. I sing a new song of praise to Him. I play an instrument skillfully and sing with joy to my God.
For His Words have held true to me, through them He has taught me to trust everything He does. My Father loves whatever is just and good in this world. His unfailing love fills the earth daily, continually, constantly for those who would take time to look up and notice it.
The LORD merely spoke and the sky, the clouds, the moon and sun were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born. He assigned the sea its boundaries and locked the oceans in vast reservoirs. Let the whole world fear the LORD whom all was created and let everyone stand in awe of His majesty. For when He spoke, the world began! It appeared at His command.
Throughout my life the LORD frustrated my plans and thwarted all my schemes when they were not part of His plans for me. For the LORD’s plans stand firm forever; His intentions for me can never be shaken. What joy for people whose God is the LORD, the people He has chosen as His inheritance. For even Jesus said “You did not choose me I chose you.” Thank You Father for choosing me to know You.
The LORD looked down from heaven and saw the whole human race. From His throne He observed all who lived on the earth. He made their hearts, so He understands everything they do which hearts have been hardened by this world and which ones are still malleable like the clay they were created from.
Even the best-equipped army cannot save a king. Nor is great strength enough to save a warrior. I don’t count on my efforts to give me victory- for all the strength of this world could not save me the only One who was able to save me was the LORD Himself.
But the LORD watched over me because I feared what He could do not what man could do to me, I relied on His unfailing love to see me through. He rescued me from death and kept me alive in times of famine. I put my hope in the LORD. He is my help and my shield. In Him my heart rejoices, for I trust in His holy name. Let Your unfailing love surround me, LORD, for my hope is in You alone. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 32
Prayer Based on Psalm 32
July 25 2020
Father, oh what joy you have given me for forgiving my disobedience. I know that by Your son my sins are put out of sight! Yes, what joy I have because the LORD has cleared my record of guilt. He has cleared me of my sins. My life is now lived in complete honesty open for anyone to see.
When I refused to confess my sin, my body wasted away. I was sick with aches and pains all the time and the pain of my illness made me tired and weary all day long. When I woke up I was tired when I went to bed I was exhausted. It takes a toll on the body to keep sin hidden.
Day and night my Father’s hand of discipline was heavy on me because He knew what I had done even if I hid it from the world. My strength evaporated like water on concrete in the summer heat because I know now that my strength comes from God.
I finally, confessed all my sins to God and stopped trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, “I will confess my rebellion to the LORD.” And I did one by one. I said I was sorry for all the times I backstabbed people to get ahead, for all the times I blamed God for reaping the evil I sowed. When I was disrespectful, proud and boastful, filled with lust and the evil desire to do what was wrong. When I was greedy and didn’t care about anyone but what was good for me. When I put money, jobs, things and the people of this world before God. The big ten weren’t enough sins for me to break I had do even more.
I was disobedient to God and the wisdom He tried to teach me refusing to understand. Stubbornly following my own path. I broke promises with no intent in keeping my word because there was no truth in me. I was heartless and showed no mercy. I practiced sexual immorality, I was impure with lustful pleasures, I practiced sorcery by wishing ill will on many and I had a bad attitude toward anyone that got in my way. I was so jealous of others who had a better life than me. I had outburst of anger. I was self ambitious. I divided people with gossip, I was envious. I drank myself senseless to numb the rage, bitterness, anger, harsh words people said of me and I said of others. I slandered them with foul and abusive language. I had nothing good to say of people. I was a deceitful, hypocrite.
My Father gave me a vision as I wept on my back porch He brought me to the foot of the cross and showed me a man whipped to the bone, beaten unrecognizable and left with nothing but a loin cloth to cover himself. Blood dripped from head to toes from the thorns and nails this world said that he deserved for believing God could love a defiled in sin human being. My brother was sinless.
For every sin I committed he took my place, my shame, my guilt, my disgrace. He looked at me and said I will take her place so that she can take my life on the earth. To him an even exchange, his life for my life… and just like that my Father forgave me of every single sin! In that moment all my guilt was gone.
Therefore, I pray to You Father for the years I remain on this earth. That I may not drown in the floodwaters of judgement for this world has already been judged for not believing in Your son. For You are my hiding place; You protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory. And every day I am given I praise my God.
The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise and watch over You. Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control.”
I have seen that many sorrows come to the wicked I know because my own life was filled with many sorrows once before returning to God, but His unfailing love surrounded me when I learned to put my trust in the LORD not in anything in this world. So I rejoice in the LORD and I am glad. My brother said that in obedience there is love, by being obedient we remain in His love. It isn’t enough just to listen what He says but to also do what He taught for when we do what He says we show that we trust in God. Now I shout for joy, for He has made my heart pure something the world could never do. All glory to You my Father, my God, who sent my brother, my Lord to save me from this life of darkness and bring me into his life of light! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 31
Prayer Based on Psalm 31
July 24 2020
Father, When I am worried or distressed by my circumstances I am thankful that I can come to You for protection. You will not let me be disgraced. You have saved me many times before through out my life I wouldn’t be standing here today had You not come through for me in the past, for I know that You do what is right all the time every day of my life. Many times You have turned Your ear to listen to me so I know that You are listening even now. You have rescued me quickly. You are my rock of protection. A fortress where I can find safety. Yes, You are my rock and my fortress. For the honor of Your name, You have lead me out of danger, You will continue to lead me out of danger. For You are the same God that saved my ancestors yesterday, saves me today, will save me tomorrow.
You pulled me from the trap that my enemies set for me. I find protection in You alone, I cry out to only You. As my brother Jesus did, I entrust my spirit into Your hand. You have rescued me in the past Father thank You for proving to me that You are a faithful God. Glory to God!
I hate those who turn to the things of this world to save them. I trust in the LORD. I am glad and I rejoice in Your unfailing love, for You have seen my troubles and You care about the anguish of my soul. You did not hand me over to my enemies but set me in a safe place beside You while You dealt with my enemies.
You gave me mercy the moment You sent Your son. LORD, for you saw how the distress of the world weighed heavy on me. You saw the tears that blurred my vision from all the heartache and mistreatment that surrounded me. My body and soul were withering away. I was dying from grief; my years were shortened by my sadness. Sin had drained my strength; I was wasting away from within. And You sent Your son to bend down to the earth and save me.
I was scorned by all my enemies and despised by those close to me- even my friends were afraid to comfort me. When they saw me on the street, they walked the opposite way hoping not to have to talk to me. My pain was ignored as if I were dead. As if I was a broken pot in the gutter. I heard the many rumors about me and I was surrounded by terror. My enemies conspired against me, plotting to take my life. But You reached down and saved me.
And now I am trusting you, O LORD, saying, “You are my God!” My future is in Your hands. For Your rescued me from those who hunted me down relentlessly You were even more relentless in Your pursuit of me. Your favor shined on my Your servant as You said before I didn’t choose You, You chose me. In Your unfailing love, You rescued me. You did not let me be disgraced, O LORD, when I called out to You for help You responded to me. When asked why I was afraid to believe and I said honestly what if You’re not real and You said What if I Am? My life changed the day I heard You call my name. Since then I have seen the wicked be disgraced. I have seen them lie silent in the grave never to rise again for You silenced their lying lips- the proud and arrogant lips of those that accused me of being anything less than godly. Shame no longer has a hold of me. Condemnation no longer tears me down. I know what my brother did and said when he said it was finished I was done with these things.
How great is the goodness You stored up for me because now the only person I fear is missing out on the goodness You have for me. You lavish it on me because I came to You for protection. You blessed them before the watching world. You hid me in the shelter of Your presence, safe from those who would conspire against me. You sheltered me in Your presence, far from people who accuse me of wrong.
I praise You Father, for You have shown me the wonders of Your unfailing love. You kept me safe when my city was under attack. In panic I cried out, “I am cut off from the LORD!” But immediately You heard my cry for mercy and answered my call for help. You are with me.
I love the LORD, more than my life on this earth I gladly lay it down and give it up to be closer to God! For the LORD protected me from the things of this world because of my loyalty to Him. I know that my Father deals harsh punishment to those who believe they are gods and don’t need God to save them. They are forced to live life in confusion and frustration with everything they do until they are completely destroyed for doing what was evil and abandoning God. I know because that is how I lived for 30 plus years of my life. He has taught me to be strong and courageous, to put my hope in the LORD! Not in this world or people of it or even myself and because of His strength, His perseverance and endurance I have been able to walk in this world and no longer be fearful of it.
For this I give glory to God forever and ever for sending me a Savior of His flesh and blood. Not someone who never experienced what life was like on earth, but someone who lived it and could show me how to overcome this world by the power of His Word! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 30
Prayer Based on Psalm 30
July 23 2020
Father I exalt You as my LORD, for You have rescued me. You refused to let my enemies conquer me. O LORD my God, I cried to You for help and You restored my health. You brought me up from the grave, O LORD. You kept me from falling into the pit of death. I praise You Father for all these wonderful things.
I sing praise to the LORD. Now I know why all Your godly ones sing praises Your holy name. For Your anger lasts only a moment, but Your favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning. Thank You Father for saving me.
When I depended on my wealth to save me I said in arrogance “Nothing can stop me now!” I thought Your favor, O LORD, made me as secure as a mountain. But I was wrong. When I didn’t honor You with my resources and acknowledge my blessing came because of You. You turned away from me and in an instant the wealth I counted on completely disappeared. Because I counted on my wealth to give me joy when the money was gone I was shattered with it.
I cried out to You in my despair, O LORD. Like my ancestor Job prayed for Your mercy I begged You for mercy too, saying, “What will You gain if I die, if I sink to the grave? Can my dust praise You? Can it tell of Your faithfulness? Hear me, Father, and have mercy on me. Help me, O LORD.”
And just like that You turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You took away my clothes of morning and clothed me with Your joy, that I might sing praises to You and not be silent. So I sing daily to You Father, even in the storms. O LORD my God, I will give You thanks forever and ever with every breathe I have I give glory to You! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 29
Prayer Based on Psalm 29
July 22 2020
Father hear my prayer as I lift my voice to give honor to You. I honor the LORD for His glory and strength. I honor the LORD for the glory of His name. I worship You Father in the splendor of Your holiness.
I have heard the voice of the LORD echoes above the seas. The God of glory thunders when He speaks. The LORD thunders over the mighty seas. The voice of the LORD is powerful and majestic beyond anything I have heard. The voice of the LORD can split a mighty cedar tree. The LORD splinters the cedar as though it was a toothpick. My Father made people who thought they were mountains skip like a calf; He made Mount Hermon leap like a young wild ox.
Father, the sound of Your voice strikes with bolts of lightning. Your voice makes the barren wilderness shake. The LORD make the wilderness of Kadesh tremble with fear. The voice of the LORD can even twist a mighty oak. When He commands it He can cause the deer to writhe in labor bringing an animal to its knees if He wanted it to be so. His voice can strip a forest bare. And everyone who worships the LORD in His Temple rejoices with shouts of “Glory!” to see the new things be born.
Yes, the LORD rules over the floodwaters. The LORD reigns as King forever. It is the LORD that gives people strength and blesses them with peace each and every day. As my brother Jesus taught me, I praise You Father, giving glory to my God, my LORD forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 28
Prayer Based on Psalm 28
July 21 2020
Father, I pray to You, O LORD, my rock. You have not turned a deaf ear to my prayers so I continue to lift my voice to You. For if You were silent, I would have given up and died at my enemies hands. But time and time again You listened to my prayers for mercy as I cried out to You for help, I lifted my hands toward Your holy sanctuary and You answered every prayer I spoke.
You did not drag me away with the wicked- with those who do evil deed- those who speak kind words to their neighbors while plotting evil in their hearts. You gave them the punishment they so richly deserved! You measured it out in proportion to their wickedness. You paid them back for all their evil deeds! You gave them a taste of what they had done to others. They reaped what they sowed for they mocked Your justice. They cared nothing for what the LORD had done or for what His hands had made. So You tore them down, so that they could never be rebuilt! I praise You for this LORD! For You heard my cry for mercy. You did not ignore my prayers.
Father you are my strength and shield. I trust in You with all my heart. You help me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving, lifting up Your holy name. Father I know that any strength I have comes from You because I was so weak when I came to You. You are a safe fortress for Your anointed king who lives in me. I know that You will save Your people! As You have done so many times before. Bless those who believe that You are real. I am your special possession, I am Your inheritance, the seed of fruit that comes from You. You lead them like a shepherd, and carry me in Your arms forever. For this I glorify Your name forever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 27
Prayer Based on Psalm 27
July 20 2020
Father, You are my light and my salvation- so why should be afraid of the things that happen in this world? You are my fortress protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble at the news or people? When evil people come to devour me, when my enemies and foes attack me, I know they will stumble and fall for You are with me. Though a mighty army surrounds me, I will remind my heart not to be afraid. I may feel fear but I will fight anyway. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident that You will save me. For You have shown me to live in on the earth to be Christ like and if I die it is to be with him so either way this is a victorious day.
The one thing I ask daily for Father- the thing I seek the most- is to live in Your house to be with my LORD every day of my remaining time on earth. I enjoy the time we spend together seeing the example of Your perfections and meditating in Your Temple. For You will conceal me in Your Word when there is trouble. You hide me in Your sanctuary so I need not fear. You have placed me out of reach on a high rock. I am seated and at rest beside You observing from afar.
I can hold my head up high above my enemies who surround me. In Your sanctuary I offer the sacrifices of thanksgiving with shouts of joy, singing and praising the LORD with music. You have heard me when I prayed O LORD. You have been merciful and answered me!
My heart heard You say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Father, I am returning to You.” You did not turn Your back on me. You did not reject me Your servant in anger by pushing me away instead You drew closer to me. For You have always been my helper even when I didn’t acknowledge You, You were there for me, watching and waiting for me to turn to You. You did not leave me here to live alone. You did not abandon me, O God for You are my salvation the One I turn to!
Even when my father abandoned me and You called my mother home, Father I know now it was so that You could hold me close. Raising me, teaching me how to live in this world and not be of it, O LORD, thank You for leading me along the right path. For You saw ahead and knew my enemies were waiting for me waiting to devour me thinking I was alone. You did not let me fall into their hands. For they accused me of things I’ve never done. They tried to convince I was good for nothing. With every breath they tried to tear me down not a single word they said built me up, encouraged me or counseled me in my distraught.
Yet I was confident it would be over soon that I would the LORD’s goodness see You come through for me while I am here in the land of the living. And You did Father, You came to my rescue as I waited patiently for the LORD. I will be brave and courageous like all my ancestors before and my brother Jesus taught me to. Yes, I will wait patiently for the LORD for He never fails or forsakes me. All glory to God, my Father and LORD forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 26
Prayer Based on Psalm 26
July 19 2020
Father, You have declared me innocent the moment I truly believed that You sent your son to intercede on my behalf, O LORD, You know that since then I have acted with integrity. I have trusted in You alone without wavering. You have put my faith on trial many times since, LORD, and cross-examine my ways to see if my faith is true. You tested my motives and saw my heart of intention. For I am constantly aware of Your unfailing love for me and I have vowed to live according to Your truth.
Since following You I no longer spend my time with liars or go along with hypocrites. I hate the gatherings of those who plot to do evil and I have refused to join them in their wickedness. I have been washed of all guilt and condemnation by keeping my eyes fixed on what Jesus did for me. So that by his wounds I can be made innocent before You. I come to Your altar, Father, singing songs of gratitude and telling anyone who would listen of all the wonders You have performed for me. I love Your sanctuary, LORD, the place where Your glorious presence dwells.
Because of my faith in Jesus I do not believe the devils lies that You will make me suffer the same fate of sinners. That You will not condemn me along with murderers. For Jesus already that price, he paid the penalty for my sins in full. Their hands have been made dirty with their evil schemes and they constantly sway their opinion based on popular belief. But I am no longer like that, I have been set apart to believe in You. I have been washed clean by the sacrifice Your precious son gave to me. I look to Your truth to show me what it means to live a life of integrity. No longer do I look to this world to show me how to live. For You have redeemed me and shown me great mercy. Now I stand on the solid ground of Your Word which is the firm foundation I stand on now and it never changes or shifts by popular opinion. I publicly praise You, My Father, My LORD. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 25
Prayer Based on Psalm 25
July 18 2020
Father, I give my life to You. I trust in You, my God! You have taught me that grace comes from you. Not this world. I do not rely on my enemies to give me grace so they can’t disgrace me or rejoice in my defeat. I fight from a place of victory not for it. Because I put my trust in You I cannot be disgraced because I know where my grace comes from. Disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others, who don’t know You. Who trick people into believing the lies that grace comes from men not You.
Show me the right path to take Father. Point out the road and make it clear for me to follow. Lead me by Your truth and teach me Father. For You are the only God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in You. I remember that You are the God of compassion and unfailing love. You have shown me and my ancestors this truth for more years than I can count. I beg you not to remember the rebellious sins I did before I knew You. Please remember me in the light of Your unfailing love. For You are merciful God, O LORD.
Father, You are good and do what is right. You showed me the proper path to go when I went astray. You lead in doing what was right when I humbled myself and made You the LORD of my life. You taught me Your ways. You lead me with unfailing love and faithfulness and showed me that all who you’re Your covenant obey what You tell them to do. Your Word was not just meant to be read but applied.
For the honor of Your name, Father, forgive my many, many sins. Because I have chosen to fear only You, You have shown me the path I should choose. I live in prosperity and my children will inherit the land. I am no longer Your enemy separated from You by my evil actions, You treat me as a friend. You have taught me the countless promises You made to mankind things to look for and expect from those who serve You. My eyes are always in Your Word for You have rescued me from this world and the traps that my enemies meant for me to stumble on.
You have turned to me and had mercy on me. You saw me when I was alone and in deep distress. And You reached out and comforted me. When my problems went from bad to worse You were there protecting me. You saved me from all of my struggles! You felt my pain and saw my troubles. You forgave all my sins. You saw how many enemies I had and how viciously they hated me! But through it all You protected me! You rescued my life from them! You did not let me be disgraced, for in You I took refuge. Now integrity and honesty protect me. For I put my hope in You, Father. You ransomed me because I believed You could and You did not fail me. All glory to God my Father who showed me grace by sending His son for me. All glory to God for being my refuge in trouble, my protector in times of weakness and sorrow. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 24
Prayer Based on Psalm 24
July 17 2020
Father, the earth is Yours and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to You. For You laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths. When I step outside and look at my surroundings all I see is Your hand in everything You made.
Who may climb to the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in Your holy place? Is it only those whose hands and hearts have been pure since birth. I used to think that way that’s why I never came to You. Is it only those who never worshipped the things in this world and never told a single lie? Are they the only ones allowed to stand in Your presence? I used to think they were the only ones that were blessed by You. Who had a right relationship with God their savior. I didn’t see You sent a savior for me.
But You said in Your Word that no one is sin less in Your eyes and if they are they are lying because that would mean they don’t need You. If merit alone could save us why would we need saving? Faith is what is required as for everyone else thank God for Jesus! Because without him I dare not come to this mountain. I dare not stand beside You if my brother isn’t standing with me.
His blood made my hands pure, his sacrifice warmed my cold heart and breathed his life into me to make me pure. He gave me his strength to turn away from the weak and useless things of this world and follow in His steps by turning to You. He opened my eyes to see Your truth so that I could stand in Your presence. Because of him I am blessed beyond anything I could have imagined. Because of him I have a right relationship with You and for that I thank You Father, for sending my savior so that I could be near You. Because of Jesus I am free to seek You and worship in Your presence without a single fault not because I don’t have any but because He bore them for me. If I am alive on earth it is proof that I have not reached perfection, I am being perfected just like everyone else too. This is not our home because the ruler of this world is not You.
I love that You are the God of Jacob. My ancestor whose Hebrew name means deceiver. I know this well because before coming to Jesus I was a deceiver too. Yet You were His God too not the God of a perfect sinless man but the God of a man whose heart was right with You. He fought all night for a blessing from You. And just before dawn You changed His name to Israel because He fought with both men and even struggled to believe in You and You said he won. His faith was made true. If he didn’t believe it he would have given up but he kept holding on to You no matter what.
You renamed him Israel because it means God fights. There was a time You fought against me too because my evil actions separated me from You but now You fight for me. So when I see that “You are the God of Jacob”. It serves to remind me that You are the God of imperfect people like my ancestor was. You are my God because like Jacob I too once fought against You and now You fight for me, with me.
Open up, this heart of stone! Open up, reveal to me anything that keeps me from trusting in You, and let the King of glory enter in my life, make Your presence known to me. Who is the King of glory? The LORD, who is both strong and mighty. The LORD who is invincible in battle as my brother said For who is powerful enough to enter the house of a strong man like Satan and plunder his goods? Only someone even strong- someone who could tie him up and then plunder his house…someone greater than the one that lives in this world. Yes break open this heart of mine to receive You! Open this my closed mind to believe You and let the King of glory enter in me. Who is the King of glory? The LORD of Heaven’s Armies the God who created the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, the clouds, the earth, everything and everyone in it - He is my King of glory who sent his son so that I might know who He was too. All glory to You Oh God, my Father, the LORD of my Lord, the King of my king forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 23
Prayer Based on Psalm 23
July 16 2020
Father, You are my shepherd, You watch over me. You have given me everything I need to live a godly life in an ungodly world among a majority of those who don’t follow You. I need nothing this world can offer me that doesn’t come from You. I find my rest in peaceful place that You lead me to. My day begins and ends with You and I take peaceful paths untroubled by fear, stress, worry. My faith is firmly on You. Your Words renew my strength daily. You know how weak I was without You. The shell of a person I was that this world had left me. I completely rely on You to refresh me daily. You guide me along the right paths to walk. My victory over each day fills me with praise to give honor to Your name.
Even at times in my life when You allow me to walk through a human experience that I have never been through before a time of uncertainty this I am certain that each hour that ticks by I do not walk in fear of the unknown because You have made Yourself known to me. It fills me with courage to know that You are close beside me I do not walk alone.
Your rod keeps my eyes fixed steady on the straight path. I am not a tree where I am planted and have no choice but to be where I am I can easily get up and move or if I am in a bed or a cell I can easily fix my thoughts on You and Your Word so that I do not waver from left to right I am not easily swayed by the things this world says trying to instill fear on me the only one I should fear is You. I do not veer off the lane You have assigned to run distracted by worldly things this human race is between you and I not the person I run beside.
Your staff protects and comforts me when I struggle to take another step I use to say life can be so hard to live, I used to pray that You would draw my breath but then I looked to Jesus who took every pain staking step for me and I know that Your staff is there to help me to know that this is the way of life for every living soul.
You prepare a feast for me with all my enemies present to watch. You bless me, protect me, provide for me and comfort me what more could anyone want from this life. I am sure it fills my enemies with jealousy and rage to see me get up and still take my place to stand with You, still take my seat at the table and sit beside You, feasting on the good gifts You have given to me for all the struggles I have had to endure that this world plotted for me to fail. Double is my portion You said for every trial this world puts me through to get me to believe in it not in You. My brother taught me the enemy comes only to steal my hope, kill my faith, and destroy my love for You but You sent him to prove and to be my example that I am well able to live a rich and satisfying life apart from the things of this world.
You honor me by pouring out Your Spirit and anointing my head with the oil so that it covers me from head to toe. When I look more closely the cup of my life has overflowed with blessings everywhere I go. Thank You Father for every good and perfect thing that has come from Your hand to mine. You did not leave me alone to rot in this world. I know that Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life on this earth even on days I can’t see it clearly, I wake and watch for it. I wait for You to do the miraculous and wonderous things only You can do. I live to study Your Word draw near to You, to hear Your truth speaking encouragement, comfort and counsel and to remind me of every promise You have spoken over me, to worship You LORD forever. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 22
Prayer Based on Psalm 22
July 15 2020
Father, there have been times in my life that I have felt like You had abandoned me for the wicked I had done. Like You were far away when I groaned for help from the consequences of my evil actions. Every day I called out to You, my God, but I do not hear You answer. I knew that every night You heard my voice, but still I found no relief from my worry, my stress, my struggle whatever it was that I was dealing with that I could not endure.
Yet still I know that You are holy. That You reside in the praises of those who believe You are with us. My ancestors trusted in You and You rescued them. They cried out to You and You saved them. They trusted in You and were never disgraced. Like them I put my trust in You, I cry out to You and I know that You will come to my rescue. I will not be disgraced because You have taught me that my grace comes from You not from what human think of me or say or do to me. Humans have no power to take away what they did not give they cannot take grace away. Grace comes from Your son.
I am reminded in the story of his crucifixion that the enemy mistreated my brother as though he was a worm not even human so why should I expect to be treated any less being from the same family. He was scorned and despised by all! Everyone who saw him mocked him for believing that You were His Father that He came from You. I consider myself blessed to be counted in the same company as him it just serves to confirm that I am of You.
The enemy sneered and shook their heads, saying, “Is this the one who relies on the LORD? Then let the LORD save him! If the LORD loves him so much, let the LORD rescue him!” and You did Father and they shook no longer from disbelief they trembled with fear because he spoke truth, You rescued him from death. I know that You are the same God yesterday, today and tomorrow. You are the same God that saves His children from that which is meant to destroy them. They can have this body but the soul will go to the One who gave it.
You sent me safely through my mother’s womb. You led me to trust in You in the way that You watched over me, provided for and protected me all my life even when I choose not to turn to You. I was thrust into Your arms at birth when I was abandoned by my father on the earth. You became my Father at birth. You did not stay so far from me, for when trouble was near and there was no one else to help me You appeared throughout my life. I know that I wouldn’t be here today had it not been for Your presence in my life.
The world was against me from the start, it surrounded me like vultures eager to tear me apart; fiercely ripping away at my confidence and dignity! I call my enemy lions because in a world that continually speak lies and hates the truth it roared and teared away at my self-esteem apart till I believed the biggest lie that I was not Yours. How could someone steeped in sin be worthy enough to claim to be Your child.
My life was nothing when I came to You. I wept from sorrow and self-pity at the way of life I was given. Illness made me ache to the bone. Bitterness, hatred and rage melted any goodness in my heart if there was any to be found. I had no strength to stand up for myself. My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth so I couldn’t even defend myself. I laid in the dust, left for dead waiting for this wretched way of life to end.
My enemies surrounded me like a pack of dogs; evil closed in on me eager to use me. And that is when You brought me to the foot of the cross, you made me to see how the people of this world pierced my brothers’ hands and feet. How they starved him till you could see his bones. And his enemies just stared and gloated at this spectacle of a man that called You his Father. They divided up his garments among themselves and threw dice to decide who would take his royal robe. Yet still to the very end He cried out to You and so do I. I know that I am nothing without You God. You are the only reason I am alive today. If I take a single breathe the God who has the power to withdraw it is the same God who has the Sovereignty to allow it.
As my own brother thought on the cross, “O Father, do not stay so far away! You are my strength; come quickly to my aid! Save me from the sword; spare my precious life from these dogs. Snatch me from the lion’s jaws and from the horns of theses wild oxen.”
My brother taught me to proclaim Your name to all who follow his footsteps, the path he laid. And like him I praise You among anyone who would has the ears to hear and the eyes to see. I give praise to the LORD, He is the only one whom I fear. Fear that I might miss out on the life my brother died to give, fear that I will die to this life and never had the courage to live it. I honor Him with the very life He gives to me. Just like my ancestor Jacob. I show Him reverence, just like my ancestors whom He fought for. For He has not ignored or thought little of my suffering when I was in need He helped me to endure. He has not turned His back on me. He has heard my cries for help just as He did for them He will do for me.
I praise You Father in front of everyone I know. Like my brother taught me I will fulfill the vow I made to You to those who also call on You. The poor in Spirit will eat of Your Word and be satisfied. All who seek the LORD will praise Him as I do. Their hearts will rejoice with a joy that cannot be taken because they will come to know that You are indeed with us. The whole earth will acknowledge the LORD and return to Him. All His chosen ones will bow down before Him. For royal power does not come from humans it comes from the LORD. He rules over all people.
Let those whose Spirit comes from the LORD feast on His good gifts and give thanks to the LORD, by bowing before Him and acknowledging that every good and perfect thing we have comes from You Father. May every mortal, whose physical life will end in dust, even our children serve You alone. It is an honor to tell future generations about the wonders of the LORD, the miracles He performed for us and it begins with the first son He sent to be our example of how to be a human being in this world and not be of it. His righteous acts will be told to those not yet born. And when they hear about everything his son did for them so that they might have a rich and satisfying life they will remember who their true Creator is, who their true Father is and like their brother they will know they were sent from heaven, not thrown out of it. All glory to God, my Father, My LORD who poured out His Spirit to us through Jesus forever and ever! Amen
Prayer based on Psalm 21
Prayer based on Psalm 21
July 14 2020
Father, how I rejoice in Your strength, O LORD! I shout with joy because You give me victory. For you have given me my heart’s desire. You have withheld nothing I requested. You welcomed me back with success and prosperity. You have placed a crown of knowledge, wisdom and understanding on my head.
I asked you to preserve my life, and You granted my request. The days of my life stretch forever because my life is found in Your Word. Your victory brings me great honor, and You have clothed me with splendor and majesty. You have endowed me with eternal blessings and have given me the joy of living in Your presence. Thank You, Father!
For I trust in the LORD. The unfailing love of the Most High has kept me from stumbling. You captured all Your enemies. Your strong right hand seized all who hated You. You threw them in the flaming furnace when You appeared. The LORD consumed them in His anger, Your fire devoured them. You wiped their children from the face of the earth so that they would never have descendants. Although they plot against You, Father their evil schemes will never succeed. For they will turn and run when they see Your arrows aimed at them.
Rise up, Father, in all Your power. Each day with music and singing I celebrate the mighty things You have done for me. All glory to You God forever and ever! Amen
Prayer based on Psalm 20
Prayer based on Psalm 20
July 13 2020
Father when I go through times of trouble, I know that You answer my cry because You have done so many times before. Because You have answered in my past I cry out to You still now. I still hold onto the hope that You will answer me again. So that even when I am not in trouble I will take my eyes off my needs for You know every one and I will say a pray for those I love.
May the name of the God of my ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob keep my loved ones safe from all harm. May God send them help from His sanctuary and strengthen them by giving them His peace in their minds and peace in their hearts. May He remember all their gifts and look favorably on the things they have freely given up.
May He grant their heart’s desires and make all their plans succeed as He has been so faithful to me. I will shout for joy when I hear of their victory and together we will raise up a victory banner in the name of our God. May the LORD answer all their prayers each single one.
I know that the LORD rescues for He rescued Jesus, His anointed king. He answered him from his holy heaven and rescued him by His great power. That is why I pray to our Father who rescued my brother from the grave, surely He will rescue us from anything for He has shown me that even death has no power over Him. Some people boast of their armies and weapons, but I boast in the name of the LORD my God. Those people will fall down and collapse, but I will rise up and stand firm. For my God gave victory to Jesus so that I could be victorious in His name! Our God is faithful to answer our cries for help. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 19
Prayer Based on Psalm 19
July 12 2020
Father, each day when I wake to the sunrise or go outside at night to notice the moon and stars they remind me of how great and awesome You are. When I draw a deep breathe from the vast blue sky and white clouds high above it reminds me that You called them into existence just as You called me. Day after day these forces of nature speak loud and clear. Night after night they serve to make You known. They speak without a sound or word, yet their voice is heard throughout the world and seen by every human being who lifts their eyes to look up. I never bothered to notice them before until the day I noticed You working in my life.
You have made a home in the heavens for Your bright morning star. It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after His wedding welcoming the new day dawning. It can’t wait to get this day started, like a great athlete eager to run the race. The sun rises at one end of the heavens and follows its course to the other end. Just as our lives are lived from our first to our last breath. If I should be blessed to live 75 years it is already past noon according to my clock the sun in my life is now making its way down from the heat of the day. I know that no single day in my life shall pass without Your preapproval the sun reminds me of that.
Father, Your instructions are perfect they are meant to revive my soul. Your decrees are trustworthy, You made them simple for me to follow. Your commandments are right, they bring joy to my heart to know that You never wanted anything from me You only wanted what was good for me.
Your commands are clear, they gave me insight daily for how to live in this world and not be of it. My utmost respect for You is pure and as lasting as I am. Your laws are true, each one is fair. They are not too much to ask of me or too hard for me to follow. It is possible to live without feeling the need to lie, steal, cheat or cause harm to others when I live for You. This way of life is more desirable than gold, even the finest gold. Because no one can buy what you offer a life of live, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control. These fruits of the Spirit lived life are sweeter than honey, even fresh honey dripping from the comb. It is greater to give these fruits than to receive them. Blessed is the giver of these things.
How can I know the darkness that lurks in my heart? Father by the blood of Your son You have cleansed me from my hidden faults and shined a light so that I would know what my sins are. You keep me from deliberate sin knowing that You are with me, I am not alone! Sin no longer has control me with Your help I have self-control. I live free of guilt and condemnation, innocent of great sins against You. I can now enjoy Your companionship once again rather than live apart from You in shame. May the words I say and the things I think about be pleasing to You Father and the spirit of Your son who lives in me now, You are my rock and my redeemer it is because of both of You that I can live for today. All glory to God my Father who sent His Son to be my Savior! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 18
Prayer Based on Psalm 18
July 11 2020
Father, I love You. You are the only reason I have strength to keep getting up each day. The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my savior; my God is the rock I look to for protection. He is my shield, the power that save me, and my place of safety. I called on the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and He saved me from the negative thoughts and people who confirmed my thoughts I see now those things had the sole purpose of destroying me.
Many times in my life I felt like ropes of death were choking me. Floods of destruction swept over me trying to extinguish me. The grave wanted nothing more than to welcome me. Death laid a trap so that I would stumble and fall into it. But when I thought I was finished when I thought I couldn’t go I cried out to the LORD. Yes, I lifted my hands and voice and prayed to my God for help. He heard me from His sanctuary. My cry to Him reached His ears.
I imagine the earth quaked and trembled knowing that my Father was coming. It was as if the foundations of the mountains shook. For they knew they were in trouble they had experienced His anger before and knew He would not be pleased that the place He created for me was nothing less than welcoming.
If my Father were a dragon I would imagine that smoke would pour from His nostrils at the cry of His child. Fierce flames would leap from His mouth to destroy anything that treated me with contempt. His eyes would look like glowing coals blazed forth from Him. He opened the sky like a curtain and came down to earth; dark storm clouds were beneath His feet. I used to be afraid of the rain but now I know it is my Father visiting checking to see that His children are well in the place He created for them.
I imagine my Father appearing mounted on a bird with great wings. He soars on the wings of the wind He created. My Father shrouds Himself in darkness, veiling His approach with dark rain clouds. Thick clouds shield the brightness that surrounds Him and He rains down hail and lightning to clear the path for His approach.
The LORD thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded amid the hail and lightening. He shot His arrows and scattered His enemies, those who oppose Him and His children; His lightning flashed, and they were greatly confused. Then at Your command, Father, at the blast of Your breath, all my emotions the fear, the dread, the stress, the worry disappeared like ocean waves revealing the bottom of sea and foundations of the earth were laid bare. My mind became clear and I remembered who I was and why I am here.
You reached down from heaven and rescued me; You pulled me out of deep waters with Your mighty hand. You rescued me from my powerful enemies, from those who hated me and were too strong for me.
They attacked me at a moment when I was weak. But the LORD supported me. He led me to a firm foundation where I need not be shaken. He rescued me because He delights in me. The LORD rewarded me for doing what was right. He restored me because of my innocence.
For I have kept the ways of the LORD; I have not turned from God to follow what is evil. I have followed all His regulations. Since coming to know Him I have not abandoned His decrees. Through the blood of Jesus I am blameless before God. I have kept myself from intentional sin. The LORD rewarded me for doing right. He has seen my innocence.
Father, to the faithful You show Yourself faithful. To those with integrity You show integrity. To the pure You show Yourself pure, but to the wicked You show Yourself hostile. Before knowing You I was fearful of punishment for the things I had done I didn’t want to know You because I was afraid because I didn’t know what You would do to me, surely nothing short of death is what I deserve but You revealed to me Your son.
You rescued me when I fell at Your feet, but when I acted as though I was my own god You humiliated me. You light a lamp for me. The LORD, my God, lights up my darkness this light helps me to see that I am not as good as it gets there still is work to be done in me.
In Your strength I can overcome my weakness. With my God I can face the things I thought I could never do. Your way is perfect Father I was foolish for doubting You. I know that all the LORD’s promises prove true because He has proven them to me. He is my shield when I finally looked to Him for protection. For who is God except the LORD? Who but God is a solid rock? God arms me with strength, and He makes my way perfect. He creates a path for my life so that I can walk with confidence knowing my God is with me. He helps me climb out of the valley and reach mountain tops so that I can see how great my God is. He trains my hands for battle. Gives me the words to speak. He strengthens my internally to defeat my external enemies. Father, You have given me Your shield of victory. Your right hand supports me. It is Your help that has made me great. You have made a wide path for my feet to keep them from slipping.
I stopped running from things that scared me and turned around and chased my enemies. I was relentless and did not stop until they were all conquered. I struck them down so they could not get up. They fell beneath my feet. For my Father has given me His strength He has armed me with strength for the battle of getting up every day. He has subdued my enemies under my feet so that I can easily defeat them. He has placed my foot on their necks and I have destroyed all who hated me.
They called for help, but no one came to their rescue. They even thought they could cry to the LORD, but He refused to answer because He knew their hearts did not believe He would come. I ground them up as fine as dust in the wind. They no longer mattered to me. No longer existed. I swept them into the gutter like the dirt they were created from. My Father has given me victory over my accusers. He has appointed me ruler over many; people I didn’t know before now serve me. As soon as they hear of all that God has done for me, they submit; cringe before me. My enemies have lost their courage and come trembling because their weakness has been exposed and I am not afraid of them anymore. What can mere people do.
I will shout “The LORD lives! Praise to my Rock! May the God of my salvation be exalted! He is the God who pays back those who harm me. He subdues the people under me and rescues me from my enemies.” Father, You hold me safe beyond the reach of my enemies. You save me from violent opponents so that no one raises their hand to me.
This is why I praise the LORD. I praise God among many people. I sing praises to His name. He gives great victories to His chosen king. He kept His promise to show unfailing love to His anointed one, to David and to all his descendants forever. All Glory to God forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 17
Prayer Based on Psalm 17
July 10 2020
Father, hear my plea for justice. Listen to my cry for help. Pay attention to my prayer, for it comes from honest lips. Declare me innocent, for You see those who do right.
You have tested the thoughts that keep me up at night and examined my heart while I slept. You have scrutinized me and found nothing wrong. I am determined not to sin in what I say like my ancestors who complained in the desert for 40 years. Even complaints about my situation could keep You from bringing me out of this. I will not sin by what I say. I have followed Your commands, which keep me from following cruel and evil people. My steps have stayed on Your path, the path You set before me. I have not wavered from following You. Each day I wake trusting in your Word and seeking You.
I am praying to You because I know You will answer, Father. In the past I spoke to myself but now that I know You live in me, I bring my request to You and make them known. Bend down and listen as I pray. Show me Your unfailing love in wonderful ways.
I know that by Your power You rescue those who seek refuge from their enemies. Guard me as You would guard Your own eye because You live in me You see what I see. Hide me Father in the shadow of Your wings.
Protect me from wicked people who attack me, from enemies that try to destroy me who surround me day and night. They are without pity without mercy. Because you live in me I know that Your hear the things they tell me. Listen to their boasting! They track me down and surround me, watching for the chance to throw me to the ground. To defeat me with doubt, discouragement and lies. They don’t seek to encourage or build me up only to tear me down. You called the enemy a lion looking to devour anyone whose thoughts aren’t set on You. They are like hungry lions, eager to tear me apart- like young lions hiding in ambush waiting for my faith to fail, my hope to falter.
But I cry out to You “Arise, O LORD! Stand against them and bring them to their knees! Rescue me from the wicked with Your sword which is the Word of God as You have taught me!” By the power of Your hand, O LORD, destroy those who look to this world for their reward. Father in the past Your have satisfied me and I know that even now You will satisfy the hunger of Your treasured ones. May my children have plenty because I will leave them an inheritance to be passed down from generation to generation unlike the emptiness that was handed down to me. Because You are the righteousness in me, I know that I will see You in this place. When I awake, I will see You face to face and be satisfied that You are with me. All Glory to God the Father who sent his son of heaven to the earth! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 16
Prayer Based on Psalm 16
July 9 2020
Father, keep me safe, O God, for I have come to You alone for refuge. I said to the LORD, “You are my Master! I know that every good thing I have comes from You.” For You have said every good and perfect things come from You Father. I trust in You. It is the godly people in this land that are the real heroes! I take pleasure in the things they do!
Troubles multiply for those who chase after other gods. I know because trouble chased after me for thirty plus years when You were not my God. But not anymore, now I refuse to take part by giving of my breathe, my body, my work, my time, my resources to those empty things or even speak the names of their gods.
Father, You alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine. I look around and see that this land You have given to me is indeed a pleasant land. Thank You Father for this wonderful inheritance! I bless the LORD who guides my every move; even at night my heart instructs me to follow Your will. I know the LORD is always with me. I am not shaken by my circumstances for God is right beside me.
No wonder my heart is glad, and I shout continual praise to You. My body rests in safety for You have given me the peace of mind and heart this world cannot give. For no matter what happens to this body on the earth You will not leave my soul among the dead for You gave it to me and it will return to the One who gave it. You will not allow Your holy one to rot in the grave. The flesh will turn from the dust it came but the Spirit will rise. Through Your son You have shown how to live the way of life by Your truth and because I live for You, You fill me with a joy that doesn’t come from this world. The joy I have comes from knowing that I live in Your presence. All glory to God my Father forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 15
Prayer Based on Psalm 15
July 8 2020
Father, these words were written before Your son came and tore the curtain to Your sanctuary in two. I used to think the only way I could be allowed to speak to You was if I was perfect. And we both know I was far from it when You called. I used to believe that the only people You wanted in Your presence was the ones who had been saved since birth. I thought I had to lead a blameless life and always do what was right. Or maybe it is only people who spoke the truth from sincere hearts and because You already know everything about me than You also know how often I have lied. I thought that if I refused to gossip or harm my neighbors or speak evil of my friends then maybe I would be allowed to speak to You. If I hated flagrant sinners and honored Your faithful followers perhaps maybe you could love me too. If I kept my promises even the ones I didn’t feel like keeping because it was inconvenient or cost more than what I was willing to give maybe then I could have a word with You. If ever in my own life I lent money without charging interest or did not take a bribe to lie about the innocent maybe, then I could have a seat with You. I thought, surely my Father only loves people who live this way they will stand firm forever. Sadly, I looked over my life and the first thing I thought was that I wasn’t good enough. I am guilty of all these things and the only saving grace I have on earth is that You sent Your son for not just me but everyone who fell short of Your glory. Even still I am not always perfect, but I am willing to be perfected. When I finally returned to You and humbled myself to ask for the help to be like Your son not the person I was. You said in Your Word that nothing I could ever do or not do reconcile me to You the only way was to believe that Your son did that for me. Because of his experience he made it possible for me to even believe that I could counted myself as righteous not because I am but because he is. If there is any righteousness in me now it is because the LORD is my righteousness. Not by anything I have done or did not do. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 14
Prayer Based on Psalm 14
July 7 2020
Father when I think of about who I was before You gave me an awareness of You, before I made up my mind to return to You. When I thought I was the god of my life, I was in control better said out of control of my life. When I used my free will to see what my life was like apart from You I was such a fool to think for a moment to believe for a second in my heart that “There is no God.”
You are right to say I was corrupt, and all my actions were evil. You speak truth when You say I didn’t do a single good thing for others unless it was to serve myself. Unless the people I was being good to could pay me back. In a world that taught me if I scratch your back you’ll scratch mine. I learned that even when I was good to people, even when I did good to people who didn’t know You or acknowledge You who had the ability to choose to be good to me they always chose the lower path.
They back stabbed me at every opportunity they got. They cheated and lied if they knew they couldn’t get caught. There was no integrity, no morality, no self-control in people who are their own gods because the truth is there is no good to be found in them. Goodness is a fruit of the Spirit that comes from God, when it comes from what this world has taught it is not good, good is a weapon used to manipulate it is self-serving not selfless.
Father I know that when You look down from heaven on the entire human race, You search the hearts of everyone to see if there is anyone whose heart is true, a heart that is wise is a heart that seeks after You. And I know that You are looking. I know that You hear and see every deed we do whether hidden or in broad daylight.
But what You find instead of good is many who have used their free will to turn away from You, live apart from You. And in doing like myself, they have corrupted their eyes, ears, mind and hardened their hearts and have made themselves useless to doing what is good.
I thank God You pulled me out of my darkness into the awareness of Your presence that You shook me up when just moments after committing sin You said to me “What are you doing?” I knew well and good what I just did when I lived my life apart from You. My rule was if it felt good it was good, if it tasted good it was good and I had my fill of it. I deliberately woke each day to see what I could get away with. When You saw me I only confirmed Your truth “No one does good, not a single one!” Not even me and to think before Your truth I thought I was a pretty good person.
You must have thought when will those who do evil ever learn? They devour my good people like they are feasting at a buffet thinking if I take what is good from people it might give me the ability to do good myself. They don’t know that goodness comes from Me because they don’t know Me or would even think of praying to Me. Asking me what is good, how they can do good things.
Instead they read self help books and watch worthless people who say I know how to make you good. Even my son said “Only God is truly good.” My son knew that even if he was good it wasn’t because humans are good it was because I was The Good in him. So now fear will grip these humans. Fearful of getting caught, fearful of losing everything they built, everything they worked for because it wasn’t acquired from a good heart.
I know that God is only with those who obey Him. Darkness and light can’t co exist. You either have good in you that comes from God or you do not. It took me a long time to learn that if I was doing good it had to be with people I knew couldn’t even begin to repay my kindness because it wouldn’t be in their hearts to do so. I knew that a goodness that was from God did not just happen in order to get from people it came from an overflow of what God had given to me.
I see in this world how those with wickedness in their hearts wake up each day to frustrate the plans of the oppressed those that are already weak. Thinking to themselves how can I do bad things to good people and get away with it. How can I steal their hope, crush their faith, take what goodness remains, to teach them not to trust anyone let alone me. But I also know that the LORD will protect His people. Evil things may happen to God’s people but God will always bring good from them. He will use what was meant for harm for their good. And what was meant to harm will only cause God’s people to believe in Him even more. Their faith will abound.
I know this because He sent His son to rescue those who sought after God who sought to believe that He is real and we are His creation not people of this world. The LORD sent Jesus to restore His people to Him. To give us a living example of someone who lived to do good, who was good, and who did good things for people who could never pay him back for the things he did and like many of us experience in this world. The world took that goodness and kindness and devoured it thinking by killing him they could kill the message of hope that it is possible for a human being to Be good, Be kind, Be loving, Be gentle, Be peaceful, Be joyful, and wait patiently for God to act in a world that is none of these things.
Both our ancestors and descendants of Jacob shouted with joy at his arrival and every single person who believed that God is real and He did not abandon His people to be governed by the wicked alone rejoiced because even death did not destroy the light. It made it brighter and there was good to be found in this world because God is good in me. All glory, honor, praise and power are Yours forever and ever Father! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 13
Prayer Based on Psalm 13
July 6 2020
In case You haven’t noticed the pattern, I have started to pray through Psalms because I feel like I have been speaking the same prayer every single day. To be honest I got bored with my prayer life. I just completed a bible study a few weeks ago that challenged to pray using Scripture. Speak the Word back to God. And I have to say it has made me think, made me to remember a time when I didn’t have God in my life.
So each day I take a Psalm and recall the things God has pulled me out from. I enjoy how David prays. He tells God from a human perspective how he feels in not so many words before he ends each prayer with what he knows- the hope and remembrance that God is greater than these things.
My enemy isn’t the people of this world. I am my own worst enemy. The enemy is in me. I set the boundaries in myself that prevent me from rising higher. What I forbid is forbidden and if I tell myself I can’t do something the odds are pretty high I won’t. I am the only one who can smooth talk myself into sin just as quickly as I can talk myself out of it.
I learned that the words I speak to myself are greater than any words people have spoken over me. When I take and repeat to myself what people have said to me I believe the worst of me but when I take what God has said over me and repeat that I can conquer giants, scale walls, overcome anything and everything.
Daily I fight the enemies of defeat, doubt, discouragement, depression, denial, deceit, distraction from my purpose. Daily I do battle and take captive my thoughts. I train them to keep my eyes fixed on His Word. John said the Word became flesh well guess what I bleed red too.
Jesus is the living breathing example of what a life could look like if we fixed our eyes not on our outward circumstance but on God. So I wake with gratitude when I want to complain. When I want to dwell on a past I no longer live in anymore, when I want to lay in bed and groan and moan about how I feel I fix my eyes on His Word through devotionals.
When I look in the mirror and feel as bad as I look I turn to the reminder of every single good thing I can think of to be grateful for. My book of remembrance is long my monument is covered with many stones. Each one representing a time when God did for me, what God gave to me, What God is doing in my life.
When there are things in my day that need to be done but I don’t “feel” like doing, I do them anyway and I sing praises to God that I am well able to do them. I celebrate my strength. I celebrate this gift of life God has given to me.
And when I could sit and think about all that is missing in my life how I wish it could be different I stop thinking of myself and I think of every person God has put in my life who doesn’t know Him. I think of family members who are cursed to walk this earth alone apart from God. I think of friends of faith who easily forget Him. I think of neighbors who live close and far. I even think of my sons’ friends. I pray blessings and coverings of protection, I pray for wisdom and favor and healing and wholeness.
And when all is said and done I pray to God for myself and for now it is through the book of Psalms. Because prayer is the most powerful thing I have. Words have power. Whether spoken to yourself or aloud and the most important voice I want to hear is nothing that this world would say to me I want to know what God has to say. Matthew 22:29, Mark 12:24
O Father, when I cannot feel Your presence with me it feels as though You have forgotten about me. But then I think this can’t be true, because I would never forget I have a son no matter what he has done or is doing my son he still is, he will always be.
A day without the awareness of Your presence feels like eternity. When I can’t hear Your Words I think where have You gone You said You are with me but I don’t’ feel You. When what I am dealing with requires a strength, endurance and perseverance that I know I don’t have. It is as though my soul is crying out in anguish like I am giving birth but not to a child to something new in my life.
When the sorrow for a loss makes me to believe my heart will stop beating, when it is too great I want it to stop. I look to You. Yet without Your Word to console me I hear nothing. Without Your Word to encourage me I see nothing. And every day I wake up it’s the same thing different day without Your Word because Your Word speaks life over me.
When I let myself believe the lies the enemy has spoken over me convinced me of that what the enemy has said is greater than Gods Word. That there is no God. That He will not save me. Father I turn to Your Word and I answer these lies with Your truth, for You are my Creator, my Maker, my LORD, my God! The clay is not greater than the Potter.
Restore the sparkle to my eyes I once knew when I lived to please You not people, to know You not this world. When I walked beside You on smooth paths near quite streams, where nothing and no one mattered to me but You. I know this flesh will die to this world that this dust will return to the dust it came from but my soul is Yours, You created it, You breathed life into it when I returned to You. I was dead to You once but now I am alive.
Don’t let my enemies gloat, saying “We have defeated him!” That last enemy I face is death but my life has already been won and if the worst that can happen to me is physical death well Your son proved it has no power or victory over me. I live for You in death or in life, this side of heaven or that side, my only will is Your will for me so if You want to pull me from this place that your son said Satan is the ruler of I say Let’s go!
There is nothing I cling to in this life that is more important than You. Don’t’ let my enemies rejoice at my downfall. For I put my trust in Your unfailing love for me. I rejoice as I have done so many times over in this life because You have rescued me, You will continue to rescue me because I have placed my confidence in Your truth not the enemies lies. I will respond to my enemies by singing praises to the LORD because You have been, You are and You will be so good to me. All Glory to God forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 12
Prayer Based on Psalm 12
July 5 2020
Father, Help! I look around and see everyone I knew who claimed to live by faith in You quickly disappearing! Your faithful ones are living in hiding as though they have vanished from the earth! I see people lie to each other without remorse, they speak compliments to gain confidence yet lie with deceit in their hearts I know they care nothing for me. May the LORD quiet their lips and silence their boasting. They foolishly think to themselves “I can lie to my hearts’ content. My lips are my own I can say anything I want - who can stop me?” Their words are weapons they use to tear down not build up.
Father I know You are the same God yesterday, today and tomorrow I have heard You respond and reply to those who love to live a lie “I have seen the violence done to the helpless, and I have heard the groans of the poor. Now I will rise up to rescue them, as they have longed for Me to do.”
Father, throughout You Word you have given countless examples and throughout my own life I know that when You speak a promise it comes from a heart that is pure with Words that speak truth. You are not human, You cannot, You do not lie as humans do. Like silver is refined in a furnace Your Words are clear. Your truth never changes. It has been purified over the ages of time to prove their value and worth over and over again to each new generation and it has not failed.
Therefore, LORD, I know that You will protect the oppressed, preserving them from generation to generation from each lying generation that is raised by the ruler of this world, the father of lies. Even though we have been sent to live in a land filled with the wicked who strut about as though they own the land. Praised for the evil things they do as though they are gods. We know there is only One God.
You have taught us we are not of this land. You saw to it to send each of us at such a time as this, to save the lost, to free the captives and remind those who have forgotten who their true Maker is and where they come from. Jesus called Satan the ruler of this world. He said I am not of this world and neither are we. Our Kingdom is not of this world our ruler is God alone who created the land. We may live in it but we are certainly not of it and for that we can be grateful. All glory to God our Father forever and ever! Who sent His son to shine the light of truth in our minds and in our hearts and know that we serve a God who sees and hears and has acted on our behalf. Amen!
Prayer Based on Psalm 11
Prayer Based on Psalm 11
July 4 2020
Father I trust in You for protection, so why do unbelievers try to frighten me by saying things like “Run for your safety and hide! The wicked are strategizing ways to attack you. They will come without warning after those whose hearts are turned toward You. I should be afraid because the foundations of law and order have collapsed. What can you do?” Unmoved by threats I know that the LORD, my God lives in this holy Temple; the LORD is still in complete control of my life and if He allows things to happen like the story of Joseph and Job things that are meant for my harm God will cause for my good. He is the One whose law I follow whose order rules over me and that has not collapsed. My Father is the God of justice who has said over and over I need not fear anyone only God Himself. For He watches everyone closely, examining every single person on earth. I know this because there is no denying You have watched over me all my life. Father You are Sovereign, You examine both the righteous and the wicked. There is no one hidden from Your sight. You hate those who do violent things against Your beloved. Your Word warns for people who live this way will find themselves weeping and gnashing their teeth in confusion and frustration that You would send a curse on everything they do until they are completely destroyed for doing what is evil in Your sight. There is no peace, no joy, for people like this. For You are a righteous and just God and I know that no matter what I can see Your face in all the good things that come to pass in my life. Because even in the darkest days of my life there has always been light. All Glory to God, my Father, my LORD forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 10
Prayer Based on Psalm 10
July 3 2020
O Father, why does it seem at times that You stand so far away from me? Why does it feel like You hide Your face from me when I am in trouble? I heard once that the Teacher is always silent during a test. Is that why it feels like I can’t feel Your presence? Is my faith being tested? Are You exercising my faith to show me that You have equipped me to endure? I look around and I see the wicked arrogantly hunt down those poor in Spirit. Those who have forgotten You are still Sovereign. Father, let them be caught in the evil they plan for others. For they live to brag about their evil desires; they praise the greedy and curse the LORD. You have shown me this is not wise to mock Your truth, to be so bold as to even mock You.
I know that when I was wicked I was too proud to seek You. I thought to myself there has to be no God because I didn’t want to believe that a Father like You would allow His children to be subject to this way of life, to experience all the things this world does to destroy them the sorrow, the insults, rejection, pain, abandonment, a world of people that seek to torment them with physical, mental, emotional abuse till their minds don’t know what is real anymore, not even You.
Yet you allow the wicked to succeed in everything they do. I know because I was wicked once. I thought I got away with my deeds. I did not see Your punishment awaiting for me. I bragged about my sins with those who sinned with me. Thinking “Nothing bad will ever happen to me! I will be trouble free forever!” How foolish I was.
My mouth was vulgar filled with every kind of curse, bitterness and anger. I had nothing good to say because my thoughts weren’t good. Trouble and evil were on the tip of my tongue. I did not counsel or encourage anyone. I hid in ambush waiting to steal what wasn’t mine, waiting to do things that should never be done because it had been done to me. If my life was cared so little for what did life matter to anyone. All humans are not so different, nothing good lives in us without God.
When I was done with my sin it was never enough, like a lion I was always searching for my next victim to devour. Waiting to pounce on my next helpless victim because there was no God in me, I was god. Like a hunter that captures the helpless and takes advantage of the weak I drug them away in nets for their foolishness in believing I could be trusted. I crushed too many to count; they fell beneath the strength of my wickedness. And to think I thought “God isn’t watching me! He has closed His eyes and won’t even see what I do!” He only looks after good people and I was far from being good.
Till the day You rose up and revealed Yourself to me. In fear I cried O MY GOD! There is a GOD and you punished my wicked deeds. O God! You did not ignore the things I did to innocent people. You did not allow me to get away with despising You. I thought “God will never call me to account.” But You did. You saw the trouble and grief I caused others. You took note of everything I did and I lived a life of punishment for my disobedience.
I knew nothing of this blessed life You had to offer because I never paid attention to You. How could I be angry, feel anything toward something I didn’t believe was real or had the power to change my life or give to me a better life. But the truth is You were watching. You saw everything… even the things that were done to me that made me who I became. The way I lived didn’t justify my sins it perpetuated a sin that began long before I was created.
I came to the realization that I could try to live every single remaining day of my life paying back, making up for what I did wrong but it would never be enough. I see now why the helpless put their trust in You. I can’t live my life to justify my wickedness. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I can’t be wicked because people are wicked toward me. That kind of life results in one thing emptiness. That kind of life results in fighting a fruitless fight because You already won.
When I was at Your mercy when people of this world continued to devalue and mistreat me I thought for a moment what the Accuser wanted me to believe that I deserved this kind of life for the wicked I had done, I deserve nothing less than to be treated this, taken advantage of.
But then You showed me Your Son. You showed me that he took the punishment this world thought he should have for believing that You were his Father. This world thought that he deserved nothing short of a brutal, horrific, slow and painful death because he didn’t want this world to raise him, He wanted You to raise Him. I died with him. I died to this world with my brother. I let this world mistreat and abuse and insult and reject and abandon and leave me for dead so that You could raise me up and You did, because if there is one thing I know for sure, You defend the orphans. You defend human beings this world abandons, thinks so less of, You defend me.
You break the grip of wickedness in me! You go after every darkness in me and You shine Your light on it, You expose it for what it is until every last ounce of wickedness is destroyed in me and all that is left is You. The LORD is my King forever and ever! Godless people will vanish from the earth one by one my Father created this place for me, for all His children. LORD, you know the hopes of the helpless, You know my hope. Surely You will hear my cry and comfort me.
You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed, so that mere people can no longer terrify them. You have shown me something greater than their wickedness You have shown me love. Not a love for people but the love You have for me who sent His Son to put an end to the wickedness of this world. To put an end to the darkness in me. For that I glorify Your holy name forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 9
Prayer Based on Psalm 9
July 2 2020
I praise You, Father, with all my heart; I will tell the people of this world all the marvelous things You have done for me. Watching over me when I was abandoned by my father at birth, keeping me safe when I was orphaned by my mother in adolescence. Ensuring I always had a roof over my head and food to eat even when I thought it wasn’t nearly enough. You sustained and saved me from hunger and thirst. You opened doors for me no man could shut. You made my path clear so that I could find my way to You. Year over year you patiently waited for me to look up. You lead me by Your promise even when I refused to believe in You.
I thought that all the good that happened in my life was by chance, by luck, by my own doing, my own hard work and efforts. Still You made sure the sun rose over me every day and the stars sparkled brightly for me beckoning me every night. Till the day I was ready to hear Your voice. Steeped in sin till my heart was black as night You pulled me out of my darkness and revealed Your precious light. You declared that I was Yours and no others. You called me “mine” and imprinted the name You gave to me on my hand even before I was born.
I need not seek love and acceptance from this world or the men of it to provide what only God can. You made me to remember that everything good and perfect thing that has happened in my life came directly from You and no one can take credit for the good they do not even Your own son did when he said “Only God is truly good.” You may use people for those good things to come through but even I know from personal experience that humans on their own without You are not good, nor can they be trusted to do good. If they do good it is because You move in them as You move and live and breathe in me. The only reason I have joy in my life is because You give it. Every day I sing praises to Your name, O Most High. Waiting expectantly for You. Knowing that You hear me.
My enemies have retreated one by one; I saw them stagger and die when You appeared in my life. “This far and no farther will You come” You commanded them. Even the wind and waves obey You. For when I believed that Christ laid down his life for my sins You judged in my favor; from Your throne You judged me with fairness. A line in the sand was drawn.
You have rebuked all the wicked people in my life who tried to cause me harm and destroy me; You have erased their names from my memory so that I don’t even think of my past and pain that was caused. My enemies are finished, in endless ruins; cities of people You uprooted are now forgotten never to be remembered again. For You O LORD are all that reigns in my life and You are greater than any enemy I have faced.
I can rest because You execute judgement from Your throne. You judge the world with justice and rule people with fairness. You are my shelter when I feel oppressed by man, You are my refuge in times of trouble. I know who You are and the things You have done so that I could put my trust in You alone. You hold my unconditional attention now not this world. For You O LORD did not abandoned me when I searched for You unlike everyone in this life. You showed up.
I sing praises to You Father who reigns from a place of peace. I live to tell about Your unforgettable deeds. For You have avenged me. You cared for me when I was helpless from those who sought to destroy me with their lies, belittle, mistreat me as though my life was worthless. The people of this world tried so hard all my life to convince me of my insignificance only because it knew how valuable I am to You. You would not have sent me if this world did not need me. You would not have placed Your Words in my heart if this world did not need to know them. You did not ignore my cries when I suffered through this life. You lifted me out of the mud and gave me the strength to stand and endure, to persevere past the lies so that I knew the truth of who I was and how precious I am to You.
I cried out in my pain Father, have mercy on me, my enemies won’t let up! See how my enemies torment me. Snatch me back from the jaws of death. Save me so that I can praise You publicly at Your gates, so that I can acknowledge that You alone saved me. So that I can rejoice because I know that it was You who rescued me. And You did.
The people that mistreated me once have fallen into the pit they dug for me to fall into. Their own feet were caught in the traps they set out for me. Yes I know the LORD by His justice for me. The wicked people He trapped by their own deeds to set me free.
The wicked have gone down to the grave. For this is the fate of all who ignore God. But as for me when He saw His children in need He sent them a Savior, and He showed up beside me. He did not ignore my cry. When my spirit was crushed and my heart was weak He did let my hope in Him fail He showed me I would not always live this way that when I put my hope in Him not in this world that I would be able to overcome anything even death itself.
My LORD rose up! He did not let mere mortals defy Him! He judged everyone for every deed they had done! Even myself. I did not suffer the penalty for my sins caused for this world said I deserved death and Jesus said “I got this” but I did suffer the consequences for my wrongs so that I would learn to turn away from them. He made my enemies to tremble with fear when He showed up and His presence was a reminder to all that they are mere humans, not gods. All glory to my God forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 8
Prayer Based on Psalm 8
July 1 2020
Father O LORD, my Lord, Your majestic name fills the earth! When I look at nature it bears Your fingerprint. Your glory reaches beyond than the heavens. You taught me from childhood to give You praise, you showed me that through my praise I could silence the enemy and anyone who opposed You, by not believing in Your holy name.
When I look up at the night sky and see the work of Your fingers- the moon and stars You set in place- who am I that You should think of me, a simple human being that You should care for me? And my heart responds I am Yours. I know that You made me in Your image, a reflection of You, making me only a little lower than You and you crowned me with Your glory and honor. Like a single ray of sunlight, My source of light comes from You and it is my honor to use it to honor You with.
I have learned these things do not come from this world. No one can strip me of the light you placed in me even before I was born. No one can take away my ability to give love and feel loved, to feel joy and spread joy, to know peace and be peaceful, to be patient, good, kind and speak gently to mankind, no one on the earth can take away my ability to be trustworthy and loyal and faithful. These are all things I can choose to give or choose to withhold but my light was never meant to be contained. Like a lampstand you don’t put it in under a basket it goes into the center of the room so that by it everyone can see.
And even more so no one can dishonor me because the truth is my honor comes from the LORD not this world and certainly not from mere men. My honor comes from the self-discipline God has given to me to shine this light on anyone I choose. For 30 plus years I can attest that this isn’t in my human nature to do this, it is the Spirit in me that directs the light. And this light within me produces only what is good and right and true. Man cannot give what comes from the LORD and man cannot possess what God does not give. They can certainly try to fake it- but when tested by the fires of trial and adversity what is not from God will burn in flames like straw proving it was never real to begin with.
Father, You gave me charge over everything You made, putting all things under my authority- the flocks and the herds and all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean currents even the insects. You placed every living thing under my authority and then You placed me under Your authority.
O LORD, my Lord, when I forget where my glory and honor and authority come from I need only to go outside, look up at the sky and lookout onto the earth you made before I became and see that indeed Your majestic name fills the earth! The clouds that cover the earth are there because You placed them there, if I am shaded it’s because You gave me shade, if the rain falls it is where You position it if I have water it’s because You did not withhold it from me. The sun rises and falls at Your command, the earth turns in the palm of Your hand. The breeze that cools my skin blows only because You whispered it can. Yes, everything, every.. single… thing You have granted in my life and all that I am is because You gave it to me or allowed it to happen for Your purposes for me. As my brother said to Pilate, a mere man “You would have no power over me at all unless it were given to you from above.” All glory to God my Father over all the heavens and the earth and even man forever and ever. Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 7
Prayer Based on Psalm 7
June 30 2020
Father, when I am afraid of what the enemy might do to me I run to You and Your Words for protection to remind me, O LORD my God. Save me from the Accuser, who accuses me night and day- rescue me from his grip on my mind! If You don’t place the helmet of my salvation over my mind, my enemy is like a lion looking to devour me, I have no doubt he will maul me with his words, tear me to pieces till I have no self confidence or self worth. No one on earth but You has the power and strength to make me believe I can be more than I am. You are strong when I am weak. You are my strength, my victory. If You don’t rescue me I will live in fear the rest of the days of my life on earth in self-pity without Your Words to remind me I am Yours.
O LORD my God, if I have sinned against You, if I have done something wrong or I am guilty of injustice then I deserve nothing less than to live this way of life. If I have betrayed a friend or plundered my enemy without cause, then remove Your hand of protection on me and let my enemies capture me. Let them trample me into the ground and drag my honor in the dust for without You I have no honor. Let me be disgraced if this is the kind of human I have become who cares less for no one, if this is the type of character I possess I agree with You, my wickedness deserves nothing short of death.
Arise, O LORD, in anger at the way I turned out! Stand up against the fury of my enemies! Wake up, my God and bring justice! I was once scattered when I lived apart from You but now you have chosen to gather me back into Your flock. Where You rule over Your sheep on high. And I have learned this truth that The LORD judges everyone for every deed they have done.
Declare me righteous holy One not because I am self-righteous but because Your son is the righteousness in me, O LORD, for the blood of Christ has made me innocent and pure and white as snow when my old self died and a new me was born, O Most High! Put an end to the evil in me and help me to stand up for nothing less than the righteousness You have placed in me. For You look deep within my mind and heart, O righteous God, You see everything I do and whether my intentions are honorable and good.
God is my shield, saving me only because He finds a heart that is true and right. God is an honest judge. He hates it when he finds wickedness in my character because that is not of Him that is the enemy trying to take captive of me.
If I did not repent, turn from my wicked ways, change the downward direction I was headed in God would have sharpened His sword to convict me even more. I would live in guilt and shame. Sorry would only be an automatic response something I said for getting caught not because I intended to change. If I continued in my wickedness I would still be an enemy of the LORD and My God would have no choice but to bend and string His bow and shoot His fiery arrows at me. He would have to prepare and shoot His flaming arrows at me because being both evil and good cannot coexist in the end only one can rule over me.
When I lived a wicked way of life I conceived evil schemes that benefited no one but myself because the justice of God says you reap what you sow; I was pregnant with trouble and gave birth to lies. There was nothing true or righteous in me because I didn’t believe in the One that was true and righteous. I dug a deep pit to trap others, then was surprised when I fell into the pit myself. Tripping over the trouble I caused, trouble didn’t have to come find me I sought it out. But every time I gained some ground it backfired and I got knocked down pulling me further back then where I began. The violence I planned for others fell on my own head and I wondered why I could never get ahead in life.
But now that God has shown me a new way to live. I live to thank the LORD all the days of my life because He is truly a just; I sing praises to the name of the LORD Most High. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 6
Prayer Based on Psalm 6
June 29 2020
Father, have pity on me, don’t rebuke me in Your anger for I know it is fierce or even discipline me in Your rage for I know I would be utterly destroyed if You so much as looked at me with a darkness greater than the light You have shown to me. Have compassion on me, Father, for you know that I am weak. Heal me, LORD, for my bones are in agony. I suffer physically from emotional wounds inflicted on my heart.
How long, O LORD, until You help me to remember Your Words of truth? Return to me the memories of a life lived with You, waited on You daily to return for me, O LORD, don’t leave me on this earth alone, rescue me from this empty way of life, give to me the purpose and passion I once knew when I woke each day to serve and worship You. Save me Father because of Your unfailing love for Your child. For the dead do not remember You. If I were dead I wouldn’t so much as lift my words to You. Seek and wait on You to save me from this way of life I have lived. Who can praise You from the grave? Only the living praise You.
I am worn out from crying so much. All night I flood my bed with tears of remorse for the things I have thought, said, and done apart from you. Drenching it with sorrow. My vision is blurred by a grief so great I can hardly lift my eyes, my voice, my eyes to You because of the sin I committed against You. Your son once said the world’s sin is that it refuses to believe… to believe in You, to believe that you sent your son, to believe that there is mercy, forgiveness and grace, to believe in Your Words of truth. But I do Father, I do.
My eyes are worn out because the truth is in my weakness I let myself believe all the lies my enemies told me that I am not good enough for You, I am not worthy of being called Yours, I am not enough, God could never love a sinner like me, He only loves perfect children like His son. How can I be Your child? God’s children wouldn’t dishonor Him the way I have. A child like me would not act as I did. Think the things I thought, say the things I said, acted out the way I did if I truly knew You were watching over me. Believed that You were with me I wouldn’t not but I did and now I question Your existence I question my own. Who do I think I am? I ask myself and my enemy responds you are certainly not a child of God.
Go away, all who speak these evil, negative, wayward thoughts to me, I know who my Father is and who I am to Him. For my Father has heard my weeping. My LORD has heard His child’s plea and He will answer my prayers. He will not stand by silently. May all my enemies that tried to defeat me with lies be disgraced and terrified. May they suddenly turn back in shame for speaking so disrespectfully, defying a child of God. I know who I am I don’t need them to tell me who I am not.
All glory to God who saved me from these negative thoughts. My God who lifted me out of the pit of depression and sorrow. Who wiped the dust from my knees and wiped every tear. You lifted my chin up and smiled on me. You covered me with great mercy and forgiveness and placed Your red robe of righteousness on me and said “Get up, you are still my child. I am still Your Father, nothing you can do, nothing people say can separate You from my Love. That will never change.” With grace my Father says “Rise up”. All glory to You God, My Creator, My Father, My LORD You are the only voice I listen to, I believe in, I follow, I know thank You for helping me to remember You alone. Amen!
Prayer Based on Psalm 5
Prayer Based on Psalm 5
June 28 2020
O Father, hear me as I pray; pay attention to my groans and sighs that speak of my frustrations and disappointments in this fallen world. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for I pray to You alone. Listen to my voice in the morning, Father. Like a child I rise each morning and bring my requests to You and wait expectantly for Your response.
O God I know that You take no pleasure in wickedness; You cannot tolerate the sins of the wicked and neither can I. Therefore, the proud may not stand in Your presence as I do. Those who rely on no one but themselves have set themselves against You. I know that You hate evil things done because of the harm it does to Your children, Your creation. You destroy lies by revealing the truth. Light shines in the darkness because nothing is hidden from You. The LORD detest murderers and deceivers, people who live to destroy others and then turn around and lie about it as if they did nothing they have nothing to hide.
But I know that You sent Your son to show me Your unfailing love for me, I know that I can enter into Your presence and speak directly, truthfully, honestly to You. I need not hide anything from you not my feelings not my thoughts for You already know what I think before I say it and You are greater than my feelings. I worship you in Spirit and in truth in this body, this Temple that holds Your Spirit. Lead me in the right path, Father, or my enemies will conquer me because I have chosen to walk with them instead of You. Make Your way plain for me to follow. Plain for me to see so that I can live by walking in Your ways, in Your truth.
I shake my head to think my enemies cannot speak a single truthful word. Because their father is the father of lies. All I hear is lies when they speak to me. Like You asked my ancestor Eve in the garden “Who told you…?” who spoke a word over me that didn’t come directly from You. Their words are meant to tear down not satisfy, comfort, encourage or give wise counsel. Like the serpent their deepest desire is to destroy me by tearing me down, bury me with lie upon lie. Their talk is foul it doesn’t give life. It is like the stench of an open grave. Like the smell of rotting meat. The only fruit their words bear is maggots. They try to cover up their truth with flattery hoping to hide their deception.
But I have taken refuge in the truth of Your Words Father and it make me rejoice to know the truth; each day I lift my voice to You and sing joyful songs of praises forever to honor You. For You have called me out of the darkness into the light. Your truth sets me free so that I can glorify You. You have spread Your covering of protection over my mind so that I can see the truth clearly now and given me the authority like Your Son to dismiss the lies. I love You Father, You fill me with a joy I have never known in this world. For You bless the godly, O LORD; You surround me with Your shield of love so that I would no longer seek it in this world. All Glory to You my God, my Father, my LORD forever and ever. Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 4
Prayer Based on Psalm 4
June 27 2020
Father, please answer me when I call to You, O God who sent Your Son to declare me innocent with Your mercy, forgiveness and grace. Free me from the thought of my troubles each day. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer. How long must people of this world speak ill will of each other, pass judgement as though they are gods and have the authority to judge how each of us is to look like, to act, to be? Only you are my Judge only you have that authority. How long will they make groundless accusations based on their assumptions and comparisons of each other? How foolish are they to think their ways are the right ways for everyone? Your way is the only way. How long will they continue to lie to themselves and others? How long can they go on living a lie instead of in Your truth? (deep sigh of surrender to the will of God) I know this for certain: That You my Father have set apart the godly for Yourself. The LORD will answer me when I call to Him as He has been faithful to answer so many times before. I will not sin by letting anger control me. I am not controlled by my sinful nature I am controlled by Spirit inside of me. Instead I will think on it overnight and remain silent so that God can work in me. (deep sigh surrender to the will of God) Instead of grumbling and complaining as my ancestors did before me I will offer to God the sacrifice of thanksgiving. Because I know that even when there is nothing I can think to be thankful for You have instructed me to be thankful “in” all circumstance not thankful for them. In this moment I will choose to think on things You have already done for me and remind myself of Your greatness and power in my life. Thanksgiving is a sacrifice when I would rather complain and vent I will take my thoughts captive and train them to think on You. Making you bigger than my frustrations as You have taught me to. I will put my trust in You in the name of the LORD. Many people think to themselves “Who will show us better times?” But I know the answer is You Father, for you have let your face smile on me too many times to count. For You have been the One to give me greater joy than those who have abundant wealth. I use to think that my joy was found in having more money, making more money so that I could buy more things, have more things, a bigger house, newer car but the truth is my joy comes from You. I have peace now when I lay down and sleep for You alone keep me safe what greater joy is there than knowing that You are with me. Your presence gives me a peace of mind and heart I could never buy in this world. So that I don’t have to worry about worthless things for You are Sovereign and in control. All glory to You God the Creator of my heaven on earth forever and ever. Amen
Prayer Based on Psalm 3
Prayer Based on Psalm 3
June 26 2020
Father, I have so many enemies; so many things that come against me. My enemies of fear, doubt, discouragement, depression, dread, distraction and disappointment attack my thinking every day. They taunt me by saying “God will never rescue you!” But You Father are my shield around me; You are my glory, the One who lifts my head by my chin and says to me “You need not be afraid, I am with You, My Words are truth, be encouraged by them, find comfort in them not the lies the enemy tells you. Your joy comes from one place. That is knowing that I am with you always. I have saved you and rescued you. The thought of that should overwhelm you with gratitude, I have said that you have a future and a hope greater than anything you could imagine for yourself believe that, hold onto that promise, the enemy can’t change that. Fix your eyes on Me by listening to My Word not the storm or the wind and waves this will calm the waves. Your hope will not lead to disappointment so tell the enemy to shut up, you have authority over the enemy each day.” I cried out to You Father and You answered me from Your holy mountain. You reminded me of everything Your Son taught me so that I could put these thoughts, worries and fears to rest and lay in peace knowing that I will wake in safety because You, Father are watching over me. I need not be afraid of the enemies that surround me on every side daily because greater is He that is in me, beside me, all around me than he that is in this world. Arise, O LORD! Rescue me, my God! Slap these enemies in the face for speaking lies to me! Shatter their teeth with trembling at Your awesome power and might. My victory comes from You, Father, not by my own strength. Thank You for blessing me with victory even before the battle that each day brings begins. So that I can give You glory forever and ever! Amen.
Prayer Based on Psalm 2
Prayer Based on Psalm 2
June 25 2020
Father, I don’t understand why people are so angry all the time. Why they waste their time serving themselves instead of living their lives to serve You. Surely the benefits of serving You are far better. People who act like their own god seem like kings and rulers of their own domain who wake up each day and plot against You by making up their minds that You do not exist. That You never sent your son. They find it so impossible to believe that a man walked the earth who was tempted by the same things that tempt us today and lived in this world without the need to sin. They believe that all their power comes from them that they can do all things on their own without You. Their strength is their own. Their prosperity is their own. Their wisdom is their own. Can’t they see it all comes from You? “Let us break the chains” they cry, “and free ourselves from slavery to God.” But I know that You see all things, hear their foolish cries and it makes You laugh to see your creation think itself more powerful than its’ Creator. You find it amusing really. You know that if You pulled back your breath, snapped a finger, spoke a single Word, these mere humans who think they are god would cease to exist. It is no wonder in anger You rebuke them, terrifying them with Your fierce fury to put them in their place, under your feet. For You have declared, “I have placed my chosen king on the throne in Jerusalem on my holy mountain.” I believe that when we believe in Jesus, that You sent Your son as a living example for us to be like that we submit to his life and allow him to rules over us. When You have made peace with us through our belief in what he did on the cross for our sins. Peace rules over us. We are the holy mountain you speak of. His throne is right in the center of our minds. He has complete control. I imagine him sitting between the two halves of my brain one hand on each side controlling my thoughts and actions like a video game. And the moment I believe that he is indeed the Son of God. The moment I accept that as my truth. That You are my Father and I am your children he proclaims Your decree over us just as You said to him “You are my child. Today I have become your Father.” I may have come through my parents but I know I was created by You, formed by Your hands, sent by You, I came from You my Father, my LORD and my God. And if that weren’t enough You say to me “Only ask and I will give you the people as Your inheritance, the whole earth as Your possession. You will break them with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots.” Father, the people you have given to me belong to You, the only reason they are mine is because You have sent them to me. Like Solomon I pray that you would give me an understanding heart to govern, watch over and tend to Your chosen people, Your children. Father help me to know the difference between what is right and wrong. So that I can teach Your Word with complete authority to free Your people from the strongholds that they have been trained to believe in this world. With Your undeniable truth, Father help me to smash the lies the enemy speaks and demolish fears like clay pots so they can see how worthless they really are compared to You. Nothing can stand up against what You have declared. Now then people of this world, know that you have a King that watches over each of you. So Act wisely! Live no more like fools! Be warned, you rulers of the earth for I serve the LORD with reverent fear and I rejoice with trembling because I have submitted my will to God’s royal son. He is always with me just as God is and he will be the one you must answer to. Though he is slow to anger as our Father is when he does become angry he will destroy you in the midst of your activities for just like me his anger will flare up in an instant like a raging fire and all will be consumed. But what joy for those who take refuge in him! Acknowledging that he is the Son of God and we are the brothers and sisters he has been sent to watch over. All glory to you God for sending us our Savior Amen!
Prayer Based on Psalm 1
Prayer Based on Psalm 1
June 24 2020
Father, thank you helping me to know that I was living wrong when I followed the advice of the wicked, stood around with sinners and joined in mockers. I now know the joy of what it means to fellowship with the wise, stand around with righteous men and woman of honor who live to please you and speak of your glory. I take delight in your laws Father, meditating on Your Word day and night. I am like a tree planted along the riverbank, bearing the fruits of the spirit, focusing on a fruit for each season of my life. My leaves never wither and because of Your presence in me I can prosper in all that I do. But not the wicked. Their lives serve as a constant reminder to me that I too can be in their shoes if I do not remain alert because I was once in the same position they were in when I lived in darkness. I was as worthless as chaff to You and You scattered my life like the wind. I was constantly condemned for the evil I had done. I felt the judgement of Your hand heavy on me. I had no place among the godly because I was my only god. Father thank you for watching over my path. When my path was filled with darkness it lead to destruction. But now that my life is built on the firm foundation of Your Word I can walk safely in Your light. All glory to God my Father forever and ever Amen!
Conclusion with COVID
Conclusion with COVID
May 1 2020
*If you are seeking Get Well entry or Sleeping with the Enemy entry scroll down Spolier Alert this is the conclusion to those entries
It was by faith that the people of Israel marched around Jericho for seven days, and the walls came crashing down. Hebrews 11:30
I wish I could share with you that my sister was healed on the seventh day of her battle with COVID and that her fever broke and she was on her way to recovery. That her mostly liquid diet helped but the truth is I took her to the hospital Tuesday (day six of her fight) not because she was deathly ill but because she lost her will to keep fighting.
Listen to me, all who hope for deliverance- all who seek the LORD! Consider the rock from which you were mined. Isaiah 51:1
“You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” Matthew 17:20
On the early morning of Sunday April 26 (day four) at 330am to be exact she woke with 102.7 I gave her meds and fever dropped quickly like within 10 minutes. When I say meds I had been giving her liquid acetaminophen as a fever reducer. She went to bed and was able to sleep till 920am. When she woke she was certain she broke her fever. She asked what day it was I said Monday (day five).
I touched her forehead and she was cool to the touch. I even believed it for a minute almost overwhelmed to tears when my neighbor came over and asked how she was. I had borrowed her thermometer the night before wondering if mine was broken. But I wanted to be certain. I had her get up before taking her temp, drink juice and then I took her temp 15 minutes later, 101. The wheat for the day was that she was hungry so I made her toast and oatmeal. The most food she had since this all began April 22 she ate a few bites of oatmeal and a slice of toast. The meds I had given her the night before had worn off and her fever reached 102 by 11:15am another day of liquids ahead.
At 630pm I gave her medicine again for her temp of 101.9 per her usual she took a shower to try to reduce it further but when she came out it reached 102.2. I was certain it should have gone down by now. Like I said it usually only takes 15minutes. By 7:50pm it was up to 102.5.
By the wisdom of God He made me to remember a time when my husband was in the ICU with a temp that wouldn’t go down. The nurses called it a mucus plug. They say it acts like a radiator cap. After a while he coughed up mucus and it dropped instantly. I asked her if she had coughed lately she said no. I said take a deep breathe in through your mouth to force a cough. She did so and sure enough it was productive, she even blew her nose. Her temp dropped instantly to 101.7 and by 9pm it was 100.5 she opted not to take the nighttime cold and flu medicine till she needed it later at night so I set it on her bookshelf. I set my alarm for 3am to check on her and when I went in her rooms she informed me she took the medicine at 230am. So we lived to fight another day.
On the morning of Tuesday (day six) more wisdom of God brought to mind that she had been sitting this whole time. She didn’t experience shortness of breath because she had very little movement going from the bed to the recliner chair to the restroom. She only needed as much breathe as it took to sit and be still. So I had her move around a little more to shake things up if mucus was in fact accumulating I knew she needed to cough it up. Newton’s first law of motion a body at rest stays at rest a body in motion stays in motion.
Nothing too strenuous just 5 minutes of activity and then she could sit for 45 minutes to an hour or more in between. Her activities were things like vacuum her room, gather her laundry and hangers from closet, take sheets off the bed, walk around the yard, put clothes away and make the bed. She accomplished each task at her pace in the 5 minutes allotted and was grateful for the rest.
I had been giving her a bottle of water with a mixture she purchased online called Liquid IV so I could cut back on the amount of liquid she had to drink to flush this virus out, 108oz is a lot to keep up with. So she was able to nap between drinks. At 5 her temp was 101.8 by 530 it reached 102.8 I gave her meds, she took a shower and it came down to 101.6 by 630pm and an hour later 100.9. We took communion that night for strength for the battle and because I wanted to ensure that if I had to take her to the hospital that she was at peace.
This daily process had made me physically and emotionally weary so at 815pm the night of day 6 I checked her temp it was 101.3, I told her I was going to bed early. I gave her 2 doses of nighttime medicine and told her since her temp looks to be rising to take one before bed and one in the middle of the night when she woke up so that I could get a solid nights’ rest.
On Wednesday April 29 her seventh day of COVID at just past 7am I heard my sister go to the bathroom. I though it odd because the medicine usually wore off closer to 9am. When she came out I asked her how she felt. She grunted. I asked if she took the medicine. She said no. I went into her room she was already lying in bed under the covers, my first thought she has a fever.
And sitting on her bookshelf was the two full dosage cups I left her the night before. I asked if she had taken her temp she said no. I took her temp 102.6 it was obvious she had given up the fight to bring down this Jericho wall Joshua 6. That like Saul she couldn’t wait for Samuel to come any longer 1 Samuel 10:7-8. She couldn’t even muster the inner strength of a mustard seed to lift the prefilled dosage cup to her mouth to save herself. My faith can’t save her nor can it make her stand. I said call your doctor I am taking you to the hospital she said ok. In the time it took me to get ready she was still in bed. Even when I told her temp was 102.6 there was no sense of urgency, or alarm, no will to live. Even then she had every opportunity to simply get up and take the medicine she refused.
I was reminded of the bronze snake God instructed Moses to make when he unleashed snakes on the Israelites after they sinned against him by grumbling and complaining about the long journey in Numbers 21:4-9. I said do you want me to call an ambulance she said no. I said then call your doctor and find out what hospital I need to take you to. I said I was ready to go when she was and went outside to sit in the morning sun.
But for you who fear my name, The Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. Malachi 4:2
I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this message for the churches. I am both the source of David and the heir to his throne. I am the bright morning star. Revelation 22:16
On the drive there she said in a feeble voice that she was sorry but I could not accept her apology. A righteous anger rose in me because it was my belief that this was not of God. I can hear Jesus saying “Anyone who does the will of my Father is my sister!” Matthew 12:50 and I knew this was not God’s will for her to use this illness to care so little for her life. I felt an evil presence in the car with me.
But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to sin that is still within me. Romans 7:23
The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions. Galatians 5:17
I asked if she brought her thyroid medicine with her and she said yes. I said I don’t understand how you can be so faithful to take your thyroid medicine and not faithful to take the medicine that would have reduced your fever. Your thyroid is not what is going to kill you but COVID can. She said nothing. I told her I have made peace with her decision not to take the medicine and if I didn’t see her after this that I know I did everything I could to help her. She said nothing.
When we arrived to the entrance of the emergency drop off lane she tried to lean over to hug me. It was as if Judah was leaning over for a kiss. I turned away and said don’t touch me I couldn’t even look at her. As soon as I heard the backdoor close I left. I do not believe it was my sister I drove to the emergency room that day it was something demonic. I say this because when she made the decision not to take the medicine it was based on pure selfishness. She knew her fever would only go up from 101.3 overnight and she deliberately put herself at risk of having a heart attack or a stroke overnight. When we don’t do what we know we should do that is wrong. As I mentioned we had just taken communion mere hours before she intently made that decision.
Remember, it is a sin to know what you ought to do then not do it. James 4:17
For…selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual and demonic. James 3:15
She was faithful to take her cell phone and charger. I didn’t hear from her that day or the next or even today. I think I made it clear to her that I was upset by the decision she made. By the third day I woke thinking I need to get over this bitterness before it consumes me. And with the help of God he reminded me this was not of Him.
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. John 10:10
We had only recently begun our relationship so of course the enemy was using this illness as a way to tear us apart. He also reminded me division is the enemy’s way not His.
A kingdom divided by civil war will collapse. Similarly, a family splintered by feuding will fall apart. Mark 3:24-25
And if that weren’t enough as I waited in line at the post office my neighbor called with the same dilemma I was faced with. I said to her, she is not testing you. The enemy is testing you. The enemy knows you just got into relationship with her and he doesn’t want that. The enemy knows what upsets you and he will use even the people we love to test us. Our love for them is not based on condition because God’s love for us is unconditional. If we only love those who love us, what reward is there for that? Matthew 5:46 Luke 6:32 Give her grace and love her anyway.
When I went back to my car a song called Love Moved first was on the radio and it reminded me of what my sister must be thinking the lyrics said “you didn’t wait for me to find my way to you. I couldn’t cross that distance even if I wanted to. You came running after me when anybody else would’ve turned and left me at my worst love moved first.” I knew I had to be the one to make the first move. So I did and she still has not responded. A half hour after I tried to reach her she was kind enough to let her followers on Facebook know how she was doing. She posted that her fever broke. So it turns out she won the battle with COVID19 in 9 days not the 7 I had thought. Keep in mind COVID19 is a virus that damages the lungs so she will need the help of oxygen (not a ventilator) until her lungs are restored back to health in about 1 to 3 weeks.
I have to admit the love I have for my sister is conditional, it is based on her Spirit of life not the spirit of death that overcame her on day five. If we never speak again because of this it will not be because I didn’t try. I will choose not to remember her this way. My sister was in a physically, emotionally and mentally abusive marriage for 25 years. She didn’t stay down after their fights, she got up every single time. She never gave up hoping or believing in their relationship even when I did. She was the longest prayer I ever prayed that God would give her the courage and strength to leave her abuser. She was as persistent as a bulldog. It finally took the cops escorting her out to finally walk away because that is how relentless she is. That is the sister I know, that is the sister I will remember, that is the sister I love.
Get Well
Get Well
April 27 2020
“Would you like to get well?” John 5:6
ONCE AGAIN LET ME PREFACE THIS BY SAYING I AM NOT A DOCTOR. My brother, Jesus asked this of the man by the pool of Bethesda and I ask this of my sister every day for these last six days. As I shared with you in my previous entry my sister tested positive for COVID-19 Wednesday April 22, 2020. I gave her a set of specific instructions to follow in order to heal and left her to heal before stepping in to help her on April 24, 2020.
The CDC said in a nutshell to leave her in isolation to fend for herself like a rabid animal. If I must speak to her wear a mask and gloves don’t go near her. Leave her drinks and food on a tray by her door, knock and walk away. Stay 6 feet away from her. I tried that method for a day and woke with a righteous anger on Friday morning. I had been exposed to my husband and son the week before so I deduced if I was infected it was too late, she could not infect me anymore than I already was. God brought the following verse to mind.
And so dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice- the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:1-2
Even she was afraid to infect me. So that Friday I offered my body as a living sacrifice because for the past week I had witnessed her sleeping all day because the fever wore her out. Having no appetite and not drinking. She barely came out of her room to use the bathroom and it wasn’t nearly enough as she should have had she followed my instructions. This I know there is no cure for this virus. Just like there is no cure for a cold or a flu. You can take medicine to ease the symptoms but you cannot cure it. It needs to be flushed out of your body, literally.
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous- how well I know it. Psalm 139:13-14
God made her immune system. He made every cell, every organ in her body just as He made every living thing the only way to heal from this is to get rid of it. And the only way she was going to get rid of it is through her pee, poop or sweat and the only time she was sweating is when she was breaking a fever.
So when she woke at 830am on Friday morning I went into her room ungloved, unmasked and I closed the distance between us. I reasoned you cannot kill what is already dead and I died to this world to live for Christ. If I get infected I believe in a God that would strengthen me in my weakness to help her and if that weren’t enough this I know.
These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed. Mark 16:17-18
I gave her an 8oz glass of water because who knows when the last time she had something to drink. I told her to change out of her clothes everyday and get ready for the day. Every time she sweats she is shedding the virus if she stayed in the same clothes she was literally sitting in the virus. We had a fight ahead if this was anything compared to the way my husband fought it she had 6 to seven days of fever ahead of her and today would not be the worst.
Half her weight in liquids is 14 glasses and we were going to get them in her over the course of the day. Her only job was to sit and drink and use the restroom. Her schedule went like this: 830am Water 8oz, 9am juice 8oz, 930am coffee 8oz temp check 101.3, 10am flavored water 8oz temp 101.8, 1030am flavored water 8oz temp 101.8, 11am water 8oz temp 101.8, 1130am water 8oz temp 101.8, 12pm Tea 8oz temp 102.0 Acetaminophen, 1230pm soup 8oz, 1pm juice 8oz temp 100.2, 130pm water 8oz, 2pm water 8oz temp 99.9, 230pm flavored water 8oz, 3pm flavored water 8oz temp 99.2, 330pm Tea 8oz from 4 to 8pm I checked her temp every hour 99.7, 100.3, 101.2, 101.7, 101.6 I suggested she shower to wash off the virus that was on her skin when she broke a fever that day. I gave her a night time cold and flu medicine to help her sleep. If memory served me correct my husband had two bad days of temps near 102 that had to be monitored closely and this was a good day for her.
On Saturday she woke at 830am I make it a point not to check her temp until after she has gotten out of bed, changed, had something to drink at 9am her temp was 102.4 she said she woke at 330am with body aches I wish she had waken me. Remember anything above 102 I give her medicine. On Saturday we followed the same pattern of beverages and temperature checks on the hour if she was nearing 102 I checked her temp every 10 to 15 minutes she lasted till 430pm when her temp hit 102 again the medicine brought it down quickly. Shower and nighttime cold and flu medicine for bed.
Sunday she said she woke at 5am with body aches again. Her temp was 103 at 930am. The medicine was not working as quickly as I wanted so I forced liquids pretty early and every 15 minutes till I saw a change in the temp. I had her take a shower to reduce her body temp. She was bundled up with a robe, winter pajamas, fleece blanket, heated blanket on her back and socks. I stripped them off and she put on shorts and a tee with blanket loosely covering her. I force fed her an egg, applesauce and crackers throughout the day even if she didn’t have an appetite to put something in her stomach besides liquids for virus to cling to. I had her soak in an Epson salt bath to ease the body aches and keep her temp down. Her lowest temp was 99.9 when she felt better and walked outside for 10 minutes fresh air and sunshine God's natural remedy. By 515 it went back to 102.6 and only came down a degree over a 2.5 hour period so I gave her nighttime medicine early.
I wanted to be awake when she woke with body aches to check her temp so I was up by 1245am and checked on her she had covers kicked off so that meant she was breaking a fever not having a high temp and I waited for her to get up. She rose at 330am to use the restroom I took her temp it was 102.7 I gave her medicine. It helped her to sleep in till 920am. I was hopeful when I woke her she had the covers kicked off she thought she broke her fever she asked me to feel her and she was cool to the touch. At 945am we checked her temp it was 101 but she had an appetite. She had a slice of toast and a few bites of oatmeal before climbing back up to 102.3 at so I gave her meds again. This day I am letting her take personal responsibility for her health. As my brother said “Do you want to get well? Pick up you mat and walk.” I can give her water and soup and tea and juice but I can’t force her to eat or drink these at the end of the day she needs to make the decision to fight for her life by simply bringing the cup to her mouth.
Why was I able to go into her presence unharmed because Jesus said I could. My brother touched lepers the most infectious disease at that time and he did not get harmed. He did not stand six feet apart from them he got up close and personal with them. If this was going to take my sister from me I didn’t want me treating her like a prisoner to be the last thing I remembered of her.
What Jesus says I can do has more weight to me than what the CDC says I should do because the truth is I listened to this world for thirty something years and the only thing that resulted in was my sin that resulted in my death to this world. I die freely to this world daily. I lay my body down willingly. I believe my Father reminded me of the Romans verses so that I had the courage to stand up to what this world says I should do. So I broke every rule of what I was supposed to do because that is what Jesus did for me.
The last time I recorded being sick I noted in my journal December 5 2019 Cough December 6 fever and cough on December 7 I have a cold, rested December 8 still not feeling well December 9 still sick, took cough medicine during the day and nighttime sleep medicine at night December 10 rested, cough kept me up at night December 11 Still on the mend, headache from cough December 13 better each day December 14 my husband got sick. That was the last mention of illness on my part for a total of 6 to 7 days. For all I know I already had COVID which is why when my husband got sick two weeks ago I only had diarrhea. This body God so wonderfully made was familiar with it and knew how to defeat it by flushing it out.
Sleeping with the Enemy
Sleeping with the Enemy
April 24 2020
Then David continued, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. He will see to it that all the work related to the Temple of the LORD is finished correctly.”1 Chronicles 28:20
Let me preface this by saying I AM NOT A DOCTOR. I do believe in the wisdom of God. I do believe there is no such thing as coincidences that every experience we have in life serves His good purposes not ours and that even if the things we go through are not good they will make sense to us eventually because the truth is He works all things out for good there is no darkness in Him at all. With that said this is my personal witness account with COVID-19:
April 15 I get a late night call from a friend who suspects she has COVID because she woke with what she thought might be a fever. She lives with someone who is high risk so I can see how this can be alarming. In the 40 minutes we spoke I didn’t hear her cough. So I suspected the virus she had was fear but I could be wrong I reminded her to have faith over her fears and get some rest because even if she did have it rest is what she needs. On April 17 her test results were negative. Little did I know the fight I was in was much closer to home.
Easter weekend was the first weekend my husband had been given off in the 25 years he has worked for his company. He was able to have it off because of a reduction of hours due to COVID-19. His days off were Saturday April 11th to Monday April 13th. With more time than he is used to having he decided it would be the perfect weekend to clean out both the shed and the garage. He organized and threw away things he hadn’t touched in years. Swept out areas that hadn’t seen the light of day in a season or two.
If there were errands to be run he ran them for me. I sent him to the grocery store and the post office that weekend. I remember when he asked if I wanted to come I said “No I think I will sit this one out besides when you are working during the week I am the one that has to go to the front lines for us. So you go ahead and go.”
On Tuesday morning April 14th at exactly 440 AM it wasn’t the sound of trumpets that woke me it was the sound of his cough. He was sitting at the kitchen table getting ready to leave for work. On Monday he mentioned his allergies had been acting up from the cleaning he had done that weekend. He assured me his cough was due to his nasal drip. He didn’t have a fever so we had no reason to believe otherwise. Each day he seemed to be more and more wiped out then the day before when he returned from work. But still no signs of fever. When he came home from work Friday April 17th I took his temp as we had done the previous days before and there it was 99.5. A low grade temp, nothing rest won’t heal.
We thought perhaps his allergies became a nasal infection that resulted in a cold. He maintained a 99/100 degree temperature for the most part except for twice when it was near 102 at the height of his battles. A low grade temp, fatigue, a cough from the nasal drainage and diarrhea were his symptoms. We kept reading that COVID is a “dry” cough but his was due to a thin nasal drainage.
No nasal congestion. Just a tickle in his throat is how he describes it. He doesn’t work in the healthcare system nor is he at high risk so the CDC checker said in a nutshell it might be, feel better, stay at home. So we didn’t see cause for alarm because of his fever he did call out of work.
My sister works for a nursing home, so she drove his car to work Saturday April 18 through Monday April 19. She was feeling drained each day but thought it was just from being a caregiver. Each day she would beeline it from the garage to her room and go straight to bed. When she walked into the house on Monday she had a “dry” cough. She thought since what my husband had was allergy related that perhaps hers was from dehydration. As a caregiver you don’t get many drink breaks or bathroom breaks. You are always on the go till you stop for lunch and then get up and keep going till you leave for the day. Caring for others means putting yourself second. She was off from work Tuesday April 21st and Wednesday April 22nd so she thought she would just catch up on some much needed rest. She hardly came out of her room on Tuesday.
On Tuesday evening I remember looking out my kitchen window when I noticed these homing doves circling the nearby intersection and when they flew high up I went outside to get a better look. That is when I found two piles of white feathers in my yard. My first thought was my dogs attacked a bird in the yard and I searched in the grass for a carcass, there was none, thank God. So my second thought was my guardian angel must have put up a good fight.
When I began my walk of faith we installed a bird feeder so that I could see it from my kitchen window. Doves would often frequent it and they would leave their feathers behind for me to find. Every time I looked out my window I had this verse posted on the sill.
Look at the birds in the sky. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to Him than they are? Matthew 6:26
When this pandemic began and the stay at home orders were put into place people in my area began hoarding food. This verse kept me from hoarding. I went out each day as I did the days before and gathered our food for the day sometimes that food was take out. My Father taught me through Exodus 16:4 to go out and pick up as much food as I needed each day, gathering anything more wasn’t necessary. I share my fridge and cupboard space with my sister and roommate so with the limited space it just made sense to only get what I needed each day not more than I need even during this time.
Back to the birds, I began collecting the feathers I found in a vase because they reminded me of Psalm 91:4 He will cover you with His feather. He will shelter you with His wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. This verse has seen me through some of the most trying times in this walk of faith and this was no exception.
Tuesday I gathered all the large feathers I could find and put them in a shot glass. And once again the reminder of His protection came but this time with further insight.
He will cover you with His feathers He will shelter you with His wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you. Psalm 91:4-7
On top of caring for my husband that Friday April 17th unbeknownst to us my son had vomiting and diarrhea. He is self-sufficient so when he doesn’t feel good he wants to be left alone. He announced Friday morning that he wanted to stay in bed all day and since I was caring for my husband I didn’t think anything of it.
On Saturday morning when I went to wake him he had a trash can by his bed and said he threw up several times. His pants were on the floor in the bathroom. Dried vomit on the rug, in the shower and flakes in the toilet. His room smelled of bad bodily fluid. I sent my husband to take his temp deducting if he is sick then the sick can’t make the sick even more sick. He came up and said he had a temperature of 102.8 and he gave him acetaminophen. Sunday it was a low grade 99.5 and by Monday he was back to normal temperature range. I had my own bouts of diarrhea for several days but being a mother and wife and a sister I didn’t have time to be sick when everyone else was in much worse shape than me. Staying hydrated and eating a steady diet of veggies I finally had a regular movement by day four.
Since I didn’t hear from my sister all day Tuesday I decided to check in on her Wednesday afternoon. I took her temp and there it was again 99.5. Because she is a caregiver I immediately told her to get tested since her cough was dry, a symptom I knew was part of virus.
Within an hour she was at a drive thru testing site and within an hour and half we received notice that her test came back negative for all upper respiratory illnesses. A two page report with things listed as medical terms for coronaviruses and colds and flus. So we thought she was in the clear. I announced it to all my prayer warriors far and wide and we praised God because that also meant that whatever H and C had was not what we thought it might be.
But then a few hours later we get a second report that read COVID19 Abnormal, Respiratory Viral Panel Normal. It turns out they test for everything else before they test for COVID19. Why waste a test if it isn’t and because she tested negative for everything else they tested her for COVID19 and the results were Abnormal. A second form read Value Detected and Standard Range Not Detected. Detected or Not Detected which is it. After several minutes from recovering from the confusion it occurred to me that the Value was written in bold black letters lie a death sentence. Before we got the official letter the following morning I knew my sister was positive for Coronavirus and chances are high that the “cold” we thought my husband had was also the virus.
That night my thoughts consumed me so I turned to His promises to remind me that I was not in this fight alone. For the last 8 days what I thought was allergies or a simple nasal infection I was actually sleeping less than six feet beside the enemy this entire world is fighting against. As I said my husband was not tested so I cannot confirm or deny that he was positive what I can say is Thursday April 24th was a different day for me. My prayer warriors were back in the battlefield fighting alongside me with prayer against an enemy no one saw coming.
For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12
By the grace of God my husband’s low grade fever broke when he awoke Thursday morning and he has remained normal all through today. My son is going on day three of normal temp range. As for my sister she is just beginning her fight. Once again she laid in her room all day. No appetite. Only left room to go to the bathroom which was few and far between naps. All she wanted to do was sleep this illness away and I don’t blame her.
My sister is considered high risk. She has a low immune system because of drugs she takes for her thyroid and she also has a BMI greater than 40. I don’t consider her elderly but you wouldn’t be able to tell by the gray on her hair from the life she has lived being in a physically, emotionally and mentally abusive marriage for 25 years of her life.
She is the longest prayer I ever prayed. That someday she would have the courage and strength to leave him. She finally did two years ago and almost a year ago moved in with me. He has since passed away this year and only in death was she able to completely free herself from him.
Again I repeat I AM NOT A DOCTOR. Yesterday when we were certain of the enemy trying to steal my sisters’ health I advised her of the following having experienced the same exact symptoms with my husband the week before…You need to drink half your body weight in liquids to flush this out. She said okay but I don’t think she understood the importance of what I was saying. My uncle asked if my husband had headaches or shortness of breath and I am grateful to report he did not. By the wisdom of God I was reminded that headaches come from dehydration and since he was not, he did not experience this symptom. The shortness of breath is the result of mucus build up in the lungs. He did not lie down all day. When he got out of bed in the morning he was in a reclined position till it was time for bed. His mucus never had a chance to thicken because he was staying hydrated expelling the virus through his cough or bathroom breaks.
This morning in my devotionals I was reminded that my mother went to the hospital for a pneumonia and never came out. She died several months later. I always lived with the guilt that even at 13 I didn’t do more to help her. When she got sick I allowed her to sleep all day. I believed that rest was all she needed to heal. She stayed in a laying down position all day allowing for the fluid to build up in her lungs. She hardly drank anything because you don’t drink when you are asleep. The virus invaded her body and had the ability to overcome her while she slept. So it got me thinking perhaps with this illness people are suffering needlessly because although they are getting the much needed rest they need they are not getting the hydration needed to flush this virus out of their system. That is why I am sharing this with anyone who will listen.
The dis comfort people feel are symptoms related to dehydration. In life we are taught that we need water to live. In this case liquid has been the answer for my family. It didn’t even need to be just water it could come in the form of tea, coffee, soup, juice but a majority came from water. Like I said I AM NOT A DOCTOR I just needed the wisdom of God to remind me of this and I believe it was because of that wisdom we were able and are able to overcome this season.
The Spirit and the bride say “Come.” Let anyone who hears this say “Come. Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life.” Revelation 22:17
Here are the instructions I gave her maybe it might help you: Check temperature every hour take medicine if it gets above 101.9 the GOAL is to drink half your weight. She needed to drink 108oz = about 14 cups so her routine looks like this
Rise 830am 8oz water 1130 8oz water 230 8oz water
900 8oz juice check temp 12PM 8oz hot beverage check temp 3 8oz hot beverage check temp
930 8oz coffee 1230 8oz soup *Sip only when thirsty till bedtime
10 8oz water check temp 1 8oz water check temp and don't forget to monitor temperature every hour
1030 8oz water 130 8oz water
11 8oz water check temp 2 8oz water check temp
Forget Everything And Run!
Forget Everything And Run!
April 6 2020
Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. Romans 4:20
I was reminded earlier today in a teaching that a ship doesn’t sink in the water, it sinks when the water gets in the ship. In 2 Corinthians 4:7 I was taught that this body I inhabit is called a vessel, a fragile clay jars that contain this great treasure. I think to myself if I am a ship and this world is the water I walk, float on. I don’t sink into despair or depression or become overwhelmed by the waves of destruction, I am simply tossed about by these waves but I don’t allow the water to get in me.
Like my ancestor Abraham my anchor in turbulent times is the promises of God. In the beginning He gave my ancestors a few promises and one of the first was that He would never leave until He had given them everything He promised in Genesis 28:15. Jacob remembered God’s promise to treat him kindly and multiply his descendants in Genesis 32:9 and 12 Even near death Joseph remembered that God promised to help him and lead His people out of Egypt in Genesis 50:24.
God reminds Moses in Exodus 3:17 the He promised to rescue, to lead and to give in Exodus 6:4. God has kept His promises but have I kept mine to God. The promise to hold on to His truth even when the waters of the world are ready to consume did I remember what God promised me. Like my ancestor Abraham did I have unwavering faith in spite of what the odds against me looked like?
God is not a man, so He does not lie. He is not human, so He does not change His mind. Has He ever spoken and failed to act? Has He ever promised and not carried it through? Numbers 23:19
I have faced many enemies in my forty something years of life that God has subdued. Not so that I would not have to face or fight them but so that I could have the strength to fight against them and quickly conquer them. So that I could drive them out of my life as God promised He would do in Deuteronomy 9:3. Overcome many obstacles because as I look around at this life I know that nothing I have was just given to me. There have been times I had to hang on to the promises of God and let go of the things I thought I wanted most in order to keep the things I had.
If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it. Matthew 10:39, 16:25, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24, 17:33
When fear says to me “forget everything and run!” I stand up against my fears the way my brother, Jesus taught me to respond with “I am not afraid! Do what you are going to do. You can’t take a life I am willing to give up.” Because the truth is if fear is what life is about, I don’t want any part of this life. I choose to live my life with the courage God gives me. Courage is what I hold onto more than the fear of death I am well aware that death will come, that is a fight we will all face one day. Like a ship at sea when the waves of fear surround me I don’t let the fear get in me.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7
As my Aunt Esther said in Esther 4:16 “If I must die, then I must die.” and as my Uncle Paul said in Philippians1:23-25 “I’m torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me. But for your sakes, it is better that I continue to live. Knowing this, I am convinced that I will remain alive so that I can continue to help all of you grow and experience the joy of your faith. Because there is more to life than being afraid of dying last I checked my brother, Jesus died so that I would no longer be a slave to that fear Hebrews 2:15.
Please Stand By
Please Stand By
March 27 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:2-4
Yesterday while listening to my CD teachings my player wouldn’t play the disc. It just so happened earlier I had read a devotional about when God disrupts your plan for His so I patiently replaced the disc with another teaching I had in line to play. Saying to myself “My guess is You didn’t want me to hear that message you had another one in mind.” As the disc began to play it was teaching on patience through the James verse above. I thought it came at a good time because yesterday was day one of a stay at home order. Basically we are not to leave our homes unless it is for food, gas, to seek medical attention or if we work at an essential work environment.
I don’t know about you but much like my ancestors Adam and Eve when you tell me there is one thing I can’t do everything in me wants to do it. I thought to myself I don’t “need” food but if it means I get to leave my house I can venture out to get something I don’t have. Shake that thought off my Spirit tells me. Be at peace with where you are. I put people in places of authority to govern. No one has power over you that I did not give them. Be at peace to stay where you are. With a deep sigh of resignation I listened. There is nothing I absolutely need. I am content to be where I am because where I am, You are.
I just happen to be in a third week of a bible study on the book of James. So to be reminded of this verse that I learned in more detail just a few weeks earlier before our lives were turned upside down I thought to myself “You must really need me to get this.” So I listened.
Trouble has come to us in the form of a microbial virus. How can I consider joy at a time like this? Well I get to spend some additional unplanned time with my son who is now home a few more weeks than one after his spring break. I take control of my mind and not let it imagine more than what I have been told in 21 days.
In the meantime he is having a taste of online school. Something we have actually talked about several times throughout his life is now his reality. Consider it joy I repeat, perhaps he will find that he learns better rather than being distracted by every sound. School violence is something he has prepared his whole life for. Every sound distracts him from the teaching and makes him wonder “What is that? Who is that? Why is that person not in class? Why is that person in the hall?” It saddens me that he can’t relax and feel safe at school. Something I never had to deal with except for an occasional fist fight, one on one, hand to hand combat old school style. Having a weapon was almost unheard of maybe a knife but never a gun. Consider it joy he is safe at home.
I thank God we have shelter, the utilities are paid for and operable, we have plenty of clothing fro warmth and enough food in the home that even if we don’t have what we want to eat when we want it, at the very least I have something to eat and for that I am grateful for. If we can’t find it at the store due to a shortage I can consider it joy that even if I can’t gather all the fixings at a supermarket to make say a hamburger I can always drive thru or have curbside pickup - it is not the end of the world.
We began this season a few weeks ago by making up our minds not to spend money on anything but food and gas so this is kind of a forced way of continuing that fast. I find it amusing that in all His great wisdom God had already been preparing us for something like this a while ago. Consider it joy that I have found my contentment in things money cannot buy.
My faith has been through far worse than this. I can look back and remember the numerous times God carried me through. Seasons I never thought I would make it out of yet like winter gives way to spring I am still breathing, still waiting for Him to come and take me home. I am ready to go when He is ready to take me.
I tell my family I feel like Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump standing at the top of his shrimp boat shaking his fist except I am not screaming into the storm I am screaming at this virus that might give me a fever and dry cough. Had symptoms like that a few months ago. Get that at least once a year. Is that all you got?! Because if you really want me gone you are going to do a whole lot more than scare me with a less than a percent chance of death. A point zero six percent chance to be exact. Come on now, I die to the fear of one hundred percent chance of death every single day. Okay endurance I am going to need you to take a breath and handle this.
My endurance has had a chance to grow. I will stay at home only because today is no different than most days I have lived before. I have been given the most precious gift of all about six years ago. A gift people spend their whole lives working for. A gift my mother died to have. The gift I was given was the gift of time. Not just any time to do with what I want but the time to spend with God, to serve Him, to work for Him, to lean on Him. And that means I spend a lot of time with Him. I don’t need to leave my house to do that.
I wake up to praise music in my mind. The first thing my eyes read is Scripture. I spend several hours reading and sharing my thoughts on Scripture. Then I get ready but not in silence when I am most susceptible to attack. Before my mind has time to think on its own I train it to listen to His teachings. Like Mary did in Luke 10:39 nothing is more important for me to know than about God. Because I have learned that when I actively seek His Kingdom above all else He gives to me everything I need for my day.
I endure during these times of trouble by hiding myself in the shadow of His wing, in His Word in His faithful promises. The news can wait, the world can wait, the Scriptures say wherever your heart is there your treasure will be. Well this heart has been sealed with God. I am not shaken by the things going on this world. How can I be when I have been taught to believe I am not of it. Like my brother Jesus, I boldly declare I know where I came from and where I am returning to so I need not be afraid. If this is the way He wants me to go I don’t want to cling to this life so much that I miss my chance to go home. When it is His time I trust a stay at home order cannot stop Him from taking me. No one can snatch me from my Father’s hand not even those who govern me.
While on this earth the reality is that I am being perfected not perfect yet. And when I am finally made perfect His work in me will be complete because I will have learned that there is nothing I need more than I need God and He is wherever I am. He is with me. He is everything and so much more. As David wrote in Psalm 139 I could never escape from His Spirit I can never get away from His presence. If I go up there He is, if I go down He is there. If I ride the wings of the wind, if I dwell to the depths below even there His hand guides me and His strength supports me. So whether I leave or stay at home God is with me. This I know. And He must have known I needed that reminder.
Book of Obadiah
Book of Obadiah
March 14, 2020
But Jerusalem will become a refuge for those who escape; it will be a holy place. And the people of Israel will come back to reclaim their inheritance. Obadiah 17
When I read the word Jerusalem I think of it not as a specific location, a place on a map, a city but my belief is that it is a state of mind. A place of peace, this is the kind of peace that comes from knowing who my Father is and what my brother Jesus gave me. It did not come from this world. I spent thirty plus years looking to this world for my peace and it was always out of reach. Thoughts like I will be at peace when I graduate, when I get married, when I have a house, when I have a car, when I get that promotion, when I get that raise. I was never content to be at peace just where I was. It was always somewhere in front of me a place I had not yet arrived.
The truth of His Word says that God has already given me the gift of peace of mind and heart no matter what the circumstance. Peace is something you receive not something out of reach. I could believe I had or I could believe I didn’t. It wasn’t so far out of reach it was a made up mind that I did. He said in that this peace does not come from this world. It is a peace this world could not give. John 14:27 He is the source of peace Micah 5:5 so why not seek it in Him. I turned off the TV, put away the things of this world that would distract me. Like my Uncle Paul said I lost interest in the things of this world and the world lost interest in me Galatians 6:14 and there it was waiting in the quiet, in the stillness, patiently without complaint or demand for my attention, peace.
As Obadiah declared peace is my refuge when I want to escape this world’s corruption. I turn my eyes to His Word. To remind me of God’s power and majesty and Sovereignty in this world. That no matter what is going on in the world I am not of it. As my brother taught there would be troubles. To believe I could live a trouble free life in this world is the biggest lie I ever believed. There was no I will be happy when, I will be peaceful when, I will be, I will be when. I had to learn to be happy now, be peaceful now. Being a part of this world you don’t have to look very far for trouble it surrounds me, there is always something going on that is meant to steal my peace, destroy my joy, kill my faith. These gifts must be important to obtain otherwise why would the world try and try so hard each day to take them.
There are things I am going through this very day that could steal my peace and trouble me but he also taught me to set my sights on the realities of heaven. I am instructed to think of the things of heaven, not the things of earth in Colossians 3:1-2. Because the truth is Spoiler Alert: this is not heaven. This place we live is the same place Satan was thrown down from heaven Revelation 12:9. My brother called Satan, the ruler of this world in John 12:31, 14:30 and 16:11. So why would I look for my peace in a place whose rulers main purpose is to take peace from me Revelation 6:4.
I am from above and I do not belong to this world my brother taught me John 8:23 Whatever my fears for tomorrow, my worries about today, my what ifs, my distress over things I cannot change, all my anxieties this world freely gave to me are all illusions my mind has created to make sense of the chaos around me. There is no making sense of why things are the way they are. I am smart enough to know I haven’t been alive long enough to figure out that it has been this way since time began I am just a traveler passing through this land like everyone else before me Psalm 39:12.
So I come back to reality, the real life I live in this moment, what is happening this moment and that life is just me in a room typing on a keyboard, while the sound of a vacuum is whirring outside my door and the laundry is agitating and the kids are sleeping. Hidden securely in the Word of God, that is my life. Colossians 3:3-4 what I have built my life on.
When I am in peace it is my refuge, my escape, my holy place. I am where my brother is, where he pleaded with our Father for me to be John 17:24 I am seated right beside him witnessing everything and testifying that His Word is truth Ephesians 2:6 and everything will go as God has planned for my life Job 23:14. My inheritance is arranged and guaranteed in every detail. He will ensure my safety and success. 2 Samuel 23:5 For His plans for me are good. To give me a hope and future Jeremiah 29:11 greater than anything I could ask or imagine as translated in 1 Corinthians 2:9 about Isaiah 64:4 and 55:8. A future I look forward to, a place I am not yet but hope to be and I can’t help but smile at all that God is because of what Obadiah taught and my brother reminds me of each day inspite of what each day brings.
Book of Amos
Book of Amos
March 9, 2020
Words worth repeating, this is what the book of Amos taught me. It opens up with the LORD repeating this verse eight different times “The people…have sinned again and again, and I will not let them go unpunished!” I could read this and like the enemy who is also called the Accuser, I could point my finger at the sins of everyone else and ignore the plank in my own eye but when I read this all I thought was the same could be said of me. Thank God for Jesus!
I sinned against the virtuous boundaries the LORD had established long ago for me again and again. The truth was He had every right to punish me but instead the punishment I received was the burden of guilt and shame I carried for the things I had done. I believed in the lie that no good thing could come from someone like me till I read the seventh and eighth people who sinned against God again and again, the people of Judah and Israel.
The people of Judah were guilty of rejecting the LORD’s instructions and refusing to obey God. A sin I was all too familiar with. They were led astray by the same lies that deceived their ancestors as Amos mentions in 2:4. If I look back over my own brief lineage I can’t remember one virtuous relative who lived their lives worshiping God alone.
And if that weren’t enough the people of Israel sold honorable people into slavery to increase their own prosperity. They trampled the helpless from the same dust they were formed as though they were better than the least of these. They practiced sexual immorality. Paid for things with money they didn’t have, credit isn’t a new thing it has been used since days of old. Being in debt to the world just so that they could give the appearance of being prosperous. Forgetting everything they had, even their prosperity came from the LORD who took them out of the same slavery they put others in.
From among all the families on the earth, I have been intimate with you alone. That is why I must punish you for all your sins. Amos 3:2
I never truly understood why Jesus had to be the sacrifice. Why I had to come to the acceptance that he gave his life in exchange for mine. Why he had to be punished for my sins. In my studies I read in Hebrews 9:22 that according to the laws of Moses “without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.” And even before this God explains in Leviticus 17:11 that the life of the body is in its blood. And He has given us the blood that purifies us and makes us right with Him because it is blood, given in exchange for a life that makes purification possible. A life for a life, his life for my life.
When Adam and Eve sinned and tried to hide their shame with brittle fig leaves that would fall and fade in Genesis 3:7 God made clothing from animal skins to cover their shame in Genesis 3:21. The animals, lets imagine sheep, didn’t do anything, they were just minding their own business in the garden yet their lives were taken so that Adam and Eve could be spared the shame and guilt.
Caiaphas, who was the high priest at that time, said “You don’t know that you’re talking about! You don’t realize that it’s better for you that one man should die for the people than for the whole nation to be destroyed.” He did not say this on his own; as high priest at the time he was led to prophesy that Jesus would die for the entire nation. And not only for that nation, but to bring together and unite all the children of God scattered around the world. John 11:49-52
And so it is that Jesus is the one man that died for me and everyone who would believe in him. The truth is I wasn’t able to endure the penalty of punishment for the sins I committed. And God knew that long ago. How much are all the lies I told worth to this world? Blood. How much did my sexual promiscuity cost? Blood. I could go on and on naming each sin and the price this world puts on it is always the same for each one. Blood. Jesus poured out his blood till his physical form was taken from the earth for mine. And when he emptied himself his Spirit rose and said All done, no more! The cost was paid in full. It was not with the skin of animals that covered my shameful deeds it is with the precious blood of my brother that covered me. 1 Peter 18-20 And I wear each day like a silk robe.
So when I read Amos, it reminds me that perfection is not the way to the throne. Even the lineage my brother came from was not spotless and without blemish but he was. That even from this family God created something good and that is good enough for me.
Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction? Amos 3:3
“My people have forgotten how to do right,” says the LORD. Amos 3:10
Another verse God repeats in Amos is when He lists the long line of punishment He sent on his people to get their attention He repeats five times “But still you would not return to me.” In Amos 4:6,8,9,10 and 11. I remember when the Israelites first started living life with God they grumbled and complained in the desert and God sent snakes to end the lives they showed contempt for in Numbers 21:4-7 right away they admit “We have sinned” but not in Amos it took them awhile to figure out that punishment comes in many forms.
Over thirty years what Christ did for me wasn’t enough. I walked on my own downward path and couldn’t figure out why time and time again I kept stumbling and failing my way through life. I didn’t even know how to do what was right because I certainly wasn’t taught by God. I didn’t know His ways because I didn’t believe in the one he sent that walked them out first to show me the way of life. They sounded incredulous to me. Conquer evil by doing what is good? Who ever heard of such a thing? Pray for your enemies? I prayed that I wouldn’t get my hands on them. Forgive the unforgiveable when I couldn’t even receive forgiveness for myself? I think not. But the more I followed in obedience rather than human reasoning the more I saw the goodness of God. The more my faith was built up not by the ways of this world but by the truth of His words even if I didn’t understand I did what He instructed me to do. Reminds me of my son who always breathes a heavy sigh when I ask him to practice personal hygiene or do his chores yet complies.
“Come back to me and live!” “Come back to the LORD and live!” Amos 5:4;6 repeats. That is what I was looking for when I returned to God, life, a life ,when I took a look around at all that I had built in this world it wasn’t much of a life. At least it wasn’t one that I would be proud to pass down to my only son. Any life was better than the one I had created for myself so God gave me “a life for a life”.
Instead, I want to see a mighty flood of justice, an endless river of righteous living. Amos 5:24
Who is able to advise the Spirit of the LORD? Who knows enough to give Him advice or teach Him? Has the LORD ever needed anyone’s advice? Does He need instruction about what is good? Did someone teach Him what is right or show Him the path of justice? Isaiah 40:13-14
If there is one thing I know for sure I am not just. I am not a judge who can tell others their right from their wrong. I have only one judge and He has the final say. He is the only one in recorded history who is able to produce the flood that drowns my enemies. The only one who is able to hold the river back so that I can cross over safely. Not by my own strength but by His Spirit are the way things are done. I don’t understand it I just know that I need not go around paying people back or vindicating myself for the sins committed against me, I have a righteous judge for that and He sees everything I see.
When righteous living is my pursuit it is a daily decision I make to do what is good rather than what would feel good for me. It is a daily decision I make to hate evil actions and love the good people do because that goodness doesn’t come from people it comes from God who is still on the throne. Even a hint of goodness on this earth isn’t manmade it is God who softens the hardest of hearts.
Good and evil are not a label I put on people it is a what they do. God asked Adam and Eve “what have you done” in Genesis 3:13 not who are you. And the truth is even now my actions may not always be good but even the wisest man said being too good could destroy you in Ecclesiastes 7:16 maybe it was because then I would take pride in my good deeds not in what Jesus did to save me and I would rather let him take the credit for what I could not do. I train myself to look for the good that people do and run from taking part in the Accusers job it seems he does fine to work alone and doesn’t need my help Zechariah 3:1 Revelation 12:10. I have one judge I trust in His judgement and He has judged to set me free from my Accusers accusations Zechariah 3:2 James 2:12 and I thank God for that.
Another repeating verse in Amos is his visions of destruction in chapter 7 when Amos intercedes on our behalf and asks the LORD to forgive us. I would like to believe that it is not because I deserve God’s forgiveness or I am so good that I have done so many good things in my life to make up for my wrongs. That I somehow managed to give God reason to forgive me. No, the truth is like Amos confession I realize how small I truly am, that I am not God. Only God has the power to forgive so when I forgive it isn’t me, it’s God in me because even God knows the kind of servant I am I tend to hold a grudge until God reminds me to let go. Only He had the divine wisdom to send His son long before I thought I needed him even Jesus said only God is truly good in Mark 10:18 and Luke 18:19 not taking credit for his own goodness.
So the LORD relented from this plan. “I will not do it,” He said. Amos 7:3; and repeated in verse 6
My life could have been so much different from the way I had lived. Had I not looked up to follow the path He laid and returned to Him. I am glad He relented from the punishment I deserved. I am grateful He gave me the gift of faith not to just listen but follow even when I didn’t understand. I know that forgiveness is a powerful thing. When received completely it has the power to change a person’s life because it changed mine.
And like any good book in the end of Amos we find a happily ever after not just gloom and doom. A promise God makes to restore the broken down walls, to repair the damage my sins had done, to rebuild the ruins and restore the glory God intended me to have. A promise he fulfilled in Christ. The LORD said let there be light long ago and it has been coming ever since the world began so when the LORD speaks and repeats, Amos taught me to pay attention because He will indeed do these things. He has sent. He has planted. And nothing and no one has been able to separate and uproot mankind from the land the LORD has given them long ago.
I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you-Joshua 1:3 (also mentioned in Deuteronomy 11:24)
Book of Joel
Book of Joel
March 4, 2020
I will pardon my people’s crimes, which I have not yet pardoned; and I, the LORD, will make my home in Jerusalem with my people. Joel 3:21
Imagine with me that the mention of the name Jerusalem is translated to the place of peace. That God makes His home in the place of peace. When I came to know God I didn’t have peace in my life. I had war. I had chaos. I had strife. I had bitterness, anger and rage swirling in my mind. Peace was always a distant place out of reach much like Jerusalem is to me.
I had heard of peace but never experienced it, truly experienced it for myself. I thought it was quietness and stillness. It was when the TV was off, the phone was silent. When I could hear my dog sleeping and the chime outside clang as a breeze blew. If I closed my eyes the rustling of the leaves in the trees sounded like ocean waves clapping against the shore. A memory I had tucked away in a past I no longer lived. In the place that I was silence was peace. I never thought of peace as a state of mind. A place I could be even when everything around me was not peaceful.
For God in all His fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him God reconciled everything to Himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross. Colossians 1:19-20
The life of Jesus was the way that God made peace with me. How He pardoned all my crimes. Nothing I could ever do till the end of my life could ever make up for the last thirty plus years in my life. I only had this moment I couldn’t change my past but what I did in this moment could change my future. It did not have to be like my past. I had to believe that every crime I had committed before believing in him Jesus paid the penalty for as was taught in Romans 3:24. A weight was lifted from my shoulders that said I didn’t have to carry the burden of guilt and shame that was placed on me. For the first time in my life I didn’t have the feeling that I wasn’t good enough because God already knew I wasn’t and by his life he had already said I was.
Peace entered my heart from that day on. It didn’t matter what I would become or what became of my life because I was no longer who I was. Like a butterfly that emerges from a cocoon I was something new entirely. I may have looked the same on the outside but something had changed on the inside, the way I saw life it was no longer my own. I live with the excitement of what each day might bring, a hope that today might be better than the one before but even if it isn’t I still find reasons to confirm the hope I have in God.
And I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good for them. I will put a desire in their hearts to worship me, and they will never leave me. I will find joy doing good for them and will faithfully and wholeheartedly replant them in this land. Jeremiah 32:40-41
I send my brain into each day like a trained dog playing fetch for the good things God promised, to remind me what it is I am grateful for. From the first conscious deep breath I breathe to the warmth of sun reminding me of His radiant glory. There are too many things to count, my gratefulness overflows into thanksgiving where the presence of God is found as taught in Psalm 100:4.
Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Joel reminds me of what my life was before knowing God. Before I believed that a man walked the earth and was everything God created man to be- virtuous in every sense of the word, but we all turn to follow our own downward path when we aren't looking up as Solomon explains in Ecclesiastes 7:29. In the middle of Joel after acknowledging that I need a greater standard than myself to live by, to be saved by, it gives me hope that God is able to restore the brokenness. Not into what my life was before but into something better.
In three brief chapters Joel gives me a hope I never had before. Like the Samaritan woman at the well I exclaim “Come and see a man who told me everything I did!” in John 4:29. The human experience hasn’t changed much only the circumstance in which we find ourselves in but the answer remains the same as it was then is the same as it is now. The promises of God still stand in wait for those who will receive them. That the goodness of God is still yet to be found by those who are willing to seek after it.
Don’t be afraid, my people. Be glad now and rejoice, for the LORD has done great things. Joel 2:21
The Book of Hosea
The Book of Hosea
February 23 2020
The LORD says, “I will heal you of your faithlessness; my love will know no bounds, for my anger will be gone forever.” Hosea 14:4
I was faithless well into my late thirties. If I went to church it was because I was told to not because I wanted to and I hated every moment I was there thinking of other places I would rather be. I didn’t really believe in a God that was able to do all these wonderful things He spoke of in His Word because the truth was my life was far from being described as wonderful.
Like my ancestor Jacob in Genesis 32:22-32 I wrestled with the faith to believe. In the fight He asked me “What are you so afraid of?” in tears I held onto my disbelief like my precious (for all you Lord of the Ring fans) and responded “What if you're not real? What if this voice in my head is actually me going crazy?!” and He replied with tears in His own eyes I imagine “What if I am?” the two simple words that broke my spirit of unbelief were “I am” because long before this fight He had already said these words to me “Be still and know that I am” and I was determined to know who He was when I opened His Word for the first time. I realized that belief was something I didn't have because if I was being honest I didn't even have enough belief to believe in myself much less a God I could not see.
God replied to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM.* (footnote reads Or I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE.) Say to the people of Israel: I AM has sent me to you." Exodus 3:14
I had to accept that everything that made me who I was in that moment that God was able to work out for His good. Because even while, even though I was a sinner I had to believe He sent His son for me. He had opened my mind to remember all that He had done for me in those thirty plus years. All the times He had saved me from my own destructive self. Every time I should have…there He was faithfully protecting me even if I had no belief in Him, He never stopped believing in me. There was no denying He was there for me. What if He is who He says He is. What if every Word He spoke was truth. What if as Moses said I am who I am or I will be who I will be. All I know is I am not the same person I was because I know me all too well and I can't take credit for who He has created me to be.
What if the LORD had not been on our side when people attacked us? Psalm 124:2
The book of Hosea gave me an example of what love looks like when it knows no bounds. As my Uncle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:10 I am what I am because God poured out His favor of grace on me. I hadn’t always sought God for everything even though He was everything good in my life James 1:17. I am grateful that the Word says God imprisoned everyone in disobedience (not just me) so that He could have mercy on us all. Romans 11:32 Hosea showed me that God was willing to forgive no matter how far away I had fallen away from Him.
Bring your confessions, and return to the LORD. Say to Him, “Forgive all my sins and graciously receive me, so that I may offer You praises.” Personal Hosea 14:2
The answer to that plea was yes when My Father sent His Son born of flesh and blood to be the answer for me 2 Corinthians 1:20. Because that is what real love does. It covers a multitude of sins, even the ones between you and Him. Love believes in the best when there is no reason to believe I won’t fail Him again. Love hopes like an anchor in a storm tossed boat never giving up, never letting me go. Love wants what is best for me, even when I don’t want the same thing. Love refuses to cause me harm and promises to work everything out for good even when it crushes me, because the truth is there is no darkness in love. In real love that is, not the kind of love found in this world.
All my life that is the kind of love I sought but my mistake was I was looking for it in the wrong place. I measured God’s love for me by the standards of this world. If this world was bad, then the Creator must be bad. But that would be like saying if my sons room is a mess then my son is a mess. The world was good when God created it for us, the people He created to inhabit the world are the ones who messed their room up. I never once looked up, looked up His Word to read all the love letters He left behind for all His children to find. Right there in plain sight, written in black and white. The world had me convinced God was angry with me. That God could never love someone like me. There was no way God could have created someone as imperfect as me. Yet here I was kicking and screaming my way through life well into my late thirties refusing to grow up, refusing to mature and take responsibility for cleaning up my room, my life.
Hosea 11 describes the LORD’s love for me in the way I parent my own child. As my son was growing up I have pictures of him being caught pulling all the tape out of a brand new roll in the office or all our movies piled high on the floor while his building blocks were neatly stacked in his toy box or the time he strategically placed the laundry basket upside down to reach the door handle that lead into the yard.
Adventurous my son is, even now never pleased to be still. When I found my son in places he should not be I would simply say his name and quickly he would return to me. But as he grew older the further he drifted away unable to hear me say his name. These days I am lucky to get a text or phone call asking for a ride or to meet a need. He is adamant about his privacy behind closed doors to keep me out, fortunately there is no lock to keep me out. His adventures now take place in a digital realm making it harder to keep him from things meant for his harm. Words have power I repeat. Emotions are a response to the things we think I warn.
It was my love for him that taught him to walk, leading him along by my hand till he had the confidence to let go and take himself places he wanted to go not where I would lead him. Most recently I even tried to teach him to drive, force driving on him actually so that he could enjoy even more freedom sooner than I got mine. But then I decided that driving is a responsibility that he must have the maturity to pursue on his own and for now he seems to be content to be driven, I don’t complain anymore.
As he grew up I took care of his every need and now it seems his need for me is less and less. There will come a day when he will need me no more. Everything I did for my son came from a heart of kindness and to show him my love. To show him that he doesn’t need to seek the things of this world for the things I gave to him freely. I know he will spend his time in the wilderness, time in the unknown. This world will try to put a yoke of slavery on him, want more of him, more from him to prove himself but today he is satisfied being my son in the same way I am a child of God.
My brother once taught that you must receive the Kingdom of God like a child in Mark 10:15 and Luke 18:17. I came to God with a need I sought in this world and concluded only God could meet it. I came to my Father with a trust the way my son depends on me. I know I don’t deserve His love if I had to earn it. If my actions are any measure of how much I should be loved by Him I would not be worthy of it but I come to Him as His child, His daughter the way my brother taught me. I am counting on a Father’s love to see me through this life so that I can close my eyes here and open them in His presence. After being gone so long I don’t want to leave my Father’s side, I cling to Him as He created me to, I embrace Him as He always wanted me to because the truth is it took me a long time to figure out that this world has nothing to offer me that is greater than my Fathers’ love.
…I am the One who answers your prayers and cares for you. I am like a tree that is always green; all your fruit comes from me. Hosea 14:8
Book of Daniel
Book of Daniel
February 10 2020
…you will receive your kingdom back again when you have learned that heaven rules. Daniel 4:26
The book of Daniel didn’t just tell me, it showed me that wisdom comes from God much like Solomon mentions in Ecclesiastes 2:26. No amount of my public or private schooling, no formal education I paid for can compete with the wisdom and understanding that God gave. I paid thousands of dollars to be wise only to learn I was a fool in the end. I wasn’t wise in doing what was right that’s for sure. I have a brother who dropped out of high school and was given the wisdom to start his own company before the age of 18 and then the foolishness to lose it all again and again.
It is evident that worldly wisdom is honored in this world and those without it are looked down upon, yet it is the wisdom of God that we all seek. I used to believe money would give me the financial peace I needed live with peace in spite of the sorrows and trials I faced. I sought love and approval in this world when I didn’t know God’s love for me. I wanted to feel joy even if for a fleeting moment by my accomplishments, possessions, power over people. But I was never content it was never enough I always wanted more.
I wanted to have the patience to wait for things I couldn’t have this very moment. Learning quickly that life is not a drive thru and no amount of repeated prayer works at the speed of the internet. I longed for others to treat me good, be kind and gentle toward me but then admittedly I was not quick to give others that treatment if it didn’t benefit me. I wanted to know there were things I could depend on, people I could trust. That their word meant something, that a promise could be kept in a world that continually let me down and deceived me into believing I could trust in it. I wanted to have the self-control and self-discipline it took to live a successful life so that I could overcome the fear of facing my giants and tearing down my Jericho walls. Of all the books in the bible Daniel taught me that when you are wise often times you will be required to be courageous even in the face of death.
Daniels first act of courage and wisdom was refusing to eat the food and wine provided by the king to those that were held captive. Daniel told the attendant that had been appointed to watch over him and his friends to test them for ten days on a diet of vegetables and water rather than that of meat and wine. I imagine back then people thought strength came from the food they ate (a truth that probably still holds true today) if you had a diet of meat from animals you would be as strong as the animal you were consuming. As for the wine well I would think that if your mind wasn’t clear perhaps it made you forget the sorrow that you were a captive slave.
He told the attendant if after ten days he looked pale and thin then the attendant could make a decision to continue feeding him this way or with the king’s allotment. At the end of ten days Daniel and his friends looked healthier and better nourished then those who had eaten what the king gave. I wonder if our own health would change if we adopted the same diet. I am reminded food is to feed the flesh 1 Corinthians 6:13 not to feed the Spirit as my brother, Jesus taught in John 4:32; 34.
So do not be attracted by strange, new ideas. Your strength comes from God’s grace, not from rules about food, which don’t help those who follow them. Hebrews 13:9
A little truth about myself, before learning these things I thought it was normal to use the bathroom once a week what I didn’t know is that I was constipated all my life. After reading this I felt convicted to drink more water, about half my weight to be exact for ten days. Thinking to myself if in ten days I feel the same I will go back to drinking as I had before which was 2-3 glasses a day usually a coffee, a soda and some other sweetened beverage like tea or flavored drink. Plain water was never my beverage of choice.
When I started to use the bathroom once a day I thought I was sick. Something must be wrong with me. I have never gone to the bathroom this much. It must have been something I ate. But as my body remained properly hydrated I was rewarded with more energy. My skin was brighter and I didn’t have that hungry feeling all the time. That insatiable need to snack all day. For the first time in my life I felt content. Whether I had eaten little or much perhaps there was some truth to this Word.
Daniel’s next act of noted courage is when the king made a gold statue and commanded that all the people bow to the statue. Whoever did not bow to it, would be thrown into a blazing furnace. Daniel and his friends refused. The king asked if this was true and Daniel said in 3:16-18 “…we do not need to defend ourselves before you. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if He doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.” So into the fire they went and out of the fire God brought them.
“Not a hair on their heads was singed, and their clothing was not scorched. They didn’t even smell of smoke!” Daniel 3:27
There was a time in my life when I went on maternity leave and the store I managed had been robbed in my absence. It was an inside job. So with no proof of who robbed the place they fired everyone without reason. This is a work at will state. You can be released from employment at any time without reason, even reason of suspicion.
I returned to an entirely new crew that I had not hired. Their intention was to “fire” me upon return. I went in prepared for the furnace but when they gave me the reason for letting me go much like Daniel I pointed out that I had not break any breach of contract rule they accused me of and that I would not accept their line of reasoning. I argued my points and was sent home so they could verify my facts were correct and I was allowed to return to work with a three day paid vacation.
Once again Daniel proved himself to be capable and reliable for another king. And jealousy in the ranks rose and another decree was issued so that they could find fault with Daniel based on “the rules of his religious practices”. But this king favored Daniel. When he was caught bowing before God to pray they told the king and insisted he be thrown into the lions’ den as was the penalty for his crime of bowing before anyone besides the king. Hearing this, the king was deeply troubled, and he tried to think of a way to save Daniel. He spent the rest of the day looking for a way to get Daniel out of this predicament as told in verse 6:14. I believe God did give him the wisdom he sought. But that is something I will have to ask when I get back home.
At last the king gave orders to put Daniel in the lions’ den, seal it with a rock so that no one can rescue him he said and then he said to Daniel “May your God, whom you serve so faithfully, rescue you.” The king fasted, and refused his usual entertainment and couldn’t even sleep at all that night. Early the next morning he hurried to the den and called out to Daniel “Daniel, servant of the living God! Was your God, whom you serve faithfully, able to rescue you from the lions?” and Daniel answered “Long live the king!”
Like my ancestor Daniel I remember a time I too was left to the lions in order to stand up for what I believed. It took me 15 years to be thrown into the lions’ den but with the help of God I survived the ordeal. In short it was my fear of asking my husband to leave the home for his repeated crimes of infidelity against our marriage. I was so afraid because he is the sole bread winner in the home believing if he goes so do the finances to sustain the household. But much like the king I sought God for wisdom and it came in the form of this statement to him.
“I need you to leave for an indefinite amount of time. Keep in mind nothing is in my name, everything is in your name so I expect you to continue to honor your obligations by continuing to pay for everything as you have already been doing in exchange for the care of our son and the keeping of the household.”
He agreed. We were separated for almost five months and though he placed absolutely no value in our marriage certificate he did keep his word and his financial obligation during that entire time. I was not overwhelmed by the threat of loss. I did not get consumed by financial stress. We used the time apart to mourn for what was lost and draw nearer to God 1 Corinthians 7:32 and sought the wisdom of God of how to rebuild our family based not on paper or stone but on a relationship with God first. We are still a work in progress. The way I see it, is it took 15 years to destroy our marriage if takes 15 years to rebuild it into something neither of us have ever known than time is all we have, I am not in a rush.
In the ending chapters Daniel has many dreams and visions of the coming destruction which I am not an expert on but for me it serves as a picture of what it looks like when humanity comes to the end of itself and learns to rely on God, put their trust in God alone as Paul mentions in 2 Corinthians 1:8-10.
When it was time for me to put my selfish needs to rest so that I could come under the control of the Spirit, from personal experience, they did go down without a fight. My own ways and desires devour and claw for their own way like an animal trapped to remain alive. But it doesn’t last forever nothing ever does only His Word. I endured the good fight of faith and a fight it was, I clung to the hope that God would save even when there was no reason to hope I would survive. A part of me had to die in order for this new way of life to rise. And all that was wrong with the way I had been raised and taught was made right.
I am reminded through his visions, though terrifying, much like life can be at times, that all these visions of trials and sorrows come to an end. They have been given an expiration date. That none of the things we suffer for last forever. No wound so deep God cannot heal. In verse 9:2 Daniel says “he learned from reading the Word of the LORD”… an example I too learned to follow. It wasn’t till I came to know God that I began to know my true self. Who I was, the things I did, were all man made ideas that held absolutely no truth. I was deceived by the people of this world into believing I had no worth, no value unless I was just like the people of this world. I traded the truth for a lie as Paul says in Romans 1:25. But Jesus called me out of this world John 17:16.
Daniel makes a plea for His people in chapter nine that I practically have all highlighted because at the time I read it, it was a cry for myself.
For all that I have suffered, for all the wrong that I did the Lord was always in the right to abandon me to my sins and the consequence there of. But Daniel reminded me that the God I serve is a merciful and forgiving God in spite of all I had done. Every curse and judgement written against me in Deuteronomy 28:15-68 was written long before I committed sin. God kept His word and did exactly what He had warned.
There is a verse in Romans 8:32 that says since God did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for all of us, won’t He also give us everything else? Of course many read it and think of all the good that God will give to them but I read it and think God did not spare his son from all the trials, sorrow and hurt that was brought upon him what makes me to believe I am immune from suffering much less? God was right not to spare me from the consequence of my own actions otherwise how would I learn there is a better way to live. As Daniels pleads so do I.
In view of all Your faithful mercies, Lord, please turn Your furious anger away from me…O my God, hear Your servant’s prayer! Listen as I plead. For Your own sake, Father, smile again on Your desolate sanctuary. O my God, lean down and listen to me. Open Your eyes and see my despair. See how Your city- the city that bears Your name- lies in ruins. I make this plea not because I deserve Your help, but because of Your mercy. O Lord, hear. O Lord, forgive. O Lord, listen and act! For Your own sake, do not delay, O my God, for Your people and Your city bear Your name. Personal Daniel 9:16-19
I heard the other day life can be summed up in two words “wait and hope”. I waited on God and hoped that these words were truth. I waited on Him and while I waited I read every verse He spoke. I wanted more of Him than I wanted of this world. Presidents rose and fell in my wait. Economies rose and collapsed while I waited. Birthdays were celebrated, deaths were mourned and still I waited and hoped. In the wait He transformed my thinking Romans 12:2. He rebuilt the way I thought. I started to see life through the lens of His Word not through the eyes of this world. Many tears have been shed, they never stop, they are part of the refining process, a sword needs both water and fire to be strengthened. I weep for those who don’t know. I weep for those who still hang on to the ways of this world knowing for myself that it all will come to an end but still I wait and hope.
Prayers take time to be fulfilled but I have seen many answered, many miracles performed since giving my life to God. It doesn’t matter how my life goes, who comes in or out of it I am not so attached to the things of this world as I was before. What matters is the end result that God works all things, even the not so good things, out for good. Even in these visions of terror and trial and sorrow and strife God still rules.
Many will be purified, cleansed and refined by these trials. But the wicked will continue in their wickedness and none of them will understand. Only those who are wise will know what it means…And blessed are those who wait and remain…As for you, go your way until the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days, you will rise again to receive the inheritance set aside for you. Daniel 12:10; 12-13
Book of Ezekiel
Book of Ezekiel
January 29 2020
The voice said to me, “Son of man, eat what I am giving you- eat this scroll! Then go and give its message to the people of Israel.” Ezekiel 3:1
It was down to the last two in the spelling bee out of 100 kids it was down to me and one other. The word was “scroll” I heard “squirrel” and with foolish pride thought I had this, it was in the bag, with the confidence of a fool I said with confidence squirrel, s-q-u-i-r-r-e-l, squirrel and the sound of sighs of those cheering me on dropping like a wave across the auditorium fell at the sound of “q” knowing I had already misspelled the word. “That is incorrect” the judge announced. In my confusion I thought I added an extra “r” switched the “e” and “l” till I heard my competitor speak it with a mocking smile scroll s-c-r-o-l-l. Of all the words I have misspelled “scroll” remains forever burned in my mind.
When I made up my mind to know Him I started with the disciples account Matthew, Mark, Luke and John then before reading the epistles I jumped into the Old Testament by the time I made my way to the prophets I had about 60 percent of the Word read. My love for dragonflies began with Ezekiel’s Vision of the Living Beings found in the beginning. Words like four wings, moved straight forward without turning around, like lightening sounds like a dragonfly to me.
The second time I heard His voice was when I sat on my porch watching the dragonflies dance in my yard. Faced with the same dilemma... how to move forward without turning around. I felt the hand of God on my right shoulder speaking in a still calm voice “Be still and know that I am.”My walk of faith then was simply going to church once a week. Before I even knew who He was I knew what other people taught but I had never eaten the scroll for myself. Never tasted His Words on my tongue, never digested the Word in my mind. Savoring the wisdom it gave. Yet somehow in all those teachings the only words that came to mind when my world was falling apart was “Be still and know that I am.” From that day on I made it my mission to know who He was.
After eating several books I shared some insight with friends I knew well, like the movie I refer to them as my “Three Amigos” not because of likeness only because there are three and it makes it easier to say than to mention each by name. One has known of me since their birth, the other since grade school when friendship would be my refuge when I was orphaned in middle school, the other since I gave birth to my son, she held my hand as I entered motherhood.
All have been a witness to my life so if I thought I was going crazy, if my insight sounded insane I ran it by them to double check does this sound right to you? They each confirmed the message was truth. Even if it was something they hadn’t heard before my explanation didn’t sound completely off course. “Then go and give its message to the people”, my people were my three amigos.
Standing in my office laying my life before God “Share my Word” was the next message I heard. I argued who would listen, why would they listen to someone like me. As my ancestor David once said “You know what your servant is really like” but when the voice that saved your own life asks you to do something it doesn’t take much convincing. My life was the least I could give for the life He had given me. Good thing He made me as stubborn and hardhearted for Him as the people that would be against Him (verse 3:8-9).
Then He added, “Son of man, let all My Words sink deep into your own heart first. Listen carefully to them for yourself. Ezekiel 3:10
So that is what I did before I started to share my walk of faith through this blog I read the Word for myself. I categorized verses in a notebook before I wrote them down, I posted them on my walls, window seals, I even framed some because words are art for me. If I wasn’t working for the world I was reading His Word. If I wasn’t in the world I was writing out His Word. I was literally going to school in the Word and the Spirit was my teacher.
Life situations would arise to distract me from my course but much like Nehemiah I worked with greater determination and allowed them to rise up and fall. I allowed them to be as they are and give them to God to deal with. For the first time I didn’t need to understand why things happened. I didn’t need an explanation to accept what was. I simply cast-ed my cares on God and laid them at the foot of the cross he didn’t just die for me he died for every human being.
I trust in my Father who works all things out for His good even if it is for my own good. The truth can hurt for someone who always likes to think my way is the right way it hurt my pride to know I too was wrong. If the Potter chooses to destroy His work and start over who am I to argue with Him I am merely the clay made from dust.
Ezekiel taught me that in spite of all my sins that God still loves and wants what is best for me but that is something I need
to want for myself. My sins came to a painful end they didn’t go down without a fight, if not by my hand by His. I know now that I didn’t get away with anything, I reaped what I sowed for my actions, good or bad. I lived my life the way I wanted to live whether I was with Him or apart from Him. He was still my judge whether I acknowledged it or not. He still sentenced me people like to call it karma. I came to know Him because He made Himself known to me. He showed me He is a merciful God. If He had destroyed me for my sins allowed death to have its way with me then what good could my death do for Him, how could He use a dead body?
When all was said and done I got up and looked back on my ways the way I lived apart from Him and realized the error I had made. That I should have done better. Made better choices. Lived by His truth not the lies I was told. Lived by His ways not my own. Lived by the countless examples He left for me to follow. In detail He described what would happen if I choose not. What had happened to those that came before me. They don’t call it the Book of Instruction for nothing. He made it simple in one line.
If wicked people turn from their wickedness and do what is just and right, they will live. Ezekiel 33:19
In the life I built I wanted so much to fight and hurt and blame others for the way that I turned out. I wanted people to hurt with the same hurt I had been given. I wanted them to pay for my loss. I wanted them to suffer as I did. I wanted to take their life, the way mine was taken from me. So much anger, bitterness, hatred, resentment lived in me. With clenched fist and eyes I wanted, I wanted, I wanted so much to take matters into my own hands as I had always done. But if Ezekiel taught me anything it is that kind of wickedness results in one thing, death.
Beating flesh unrecognizable isn’t enough to satisfy the wicked. Whipping flesh to expose bone still not good enough to pay for living the way flesh did. Cursing, spouting out insults, spitting on open wounds that carried shame, the weight of sin still not good enough wickedness said. Nail flesh to a cross while it bled to death, nope not enough evil said. In order to keep flesh shut stab it for good measure to make sure that flesh is good and gone. That’s what wickedness does. That is what hatred says. Hostility can never get enough. Bitterness will never be satisfied. This was the person I had become and it would take an act of God to put an end to my wickedness.
I myself will search and find my sheep. I will be like a shepherd looking for the lost. I will find and rescue them. I will bring them back to me. I will feed them. I will give them good pasture. I myself will tend my sheep and give them a place to lay in peace. I will bandage the injured and strengthen the weak. I will feed them. I will judge them. I will rescue my flock and they will no longer be abused. I will bless them. I will send them the showers they need. They will live in safety. I will break their chains of slavery. They will live in safety and no one will frighten them. They will not suffer from famine or insults. In this way they will know that I am with them and I am their LORD.
You are my flock, the sheep of my pasture. You are my people and I am your God. I the Sovereign LORD have spoken! Ezekiel 34:31
Dry bones came to life. This flesh, muscle and skin became a transport for the Spirit in me. It was no longer I that lived but He that lived in me. I am alive because He lived. No other reason to exist. No other purpose but His own. God didn’t come down in a cloud of light as He appeared to my ancestors long ago He appeared in the Spirit of flesh and bone. He speaks in Words that I have read and heard before. In deeds that show His love, kindness and goodness. I gave too much credit to people but now I know it is God that works through them. He displays His holiness among people. Sometimes in the familiar a family member or friend but my favorite is when He displays Himself in someone I have never known.
The last line of Ezekiel reminds me that it doesn’t take a plot of land, a border to define God or even a building to contain Him, a city can even be found in a person where “The LORD is There”. As long as life exist, as long as there is a human race there is God in all of us whether we choose to relate to our Father or not He waits patiently for His children to come to know Him, to be raised by Him, one by one as Jesus said in John 14:23.
Book of Lamentations
Book of Lamentations
January 24, 2020
The thought of my suffering and homelessness is bitter beyond words. I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss. Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning. Lamentations 3:19-23
A verse I repeat daily “His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness. His mercies begin afresh each morning.” Satan is quick to remind each morning before I even open my eyes to the light of a new day of my past offenses and those who have sinned against me.
It seems like every time I am going to discuss a book and the reason it is dear to me I relive it in my personal life. Even now still weeping. The book of Lamentations is no different. I spent most of last week and this week weeping. My tears fell daily not for myself but for my son. Watching him destroy himself with the decisions that are harmful to his body and his brain. I weep over the loss of his innocence. I weep unable to trust, to even look at the man he is becoming apart from God. My family is not immune to the tragedies of addiction each of us have been knocked down by the enemy from it. Eleven years sober myself from my life apart from God.
Helpless to protect my own son from things no parent should fear. Being a parent often makes me see my son as God sees me. How foolish and blind I had been all those years. There are rules not to prevent me from good but so that I will not harm myself or others. The wake of my destruction too high to count. There are disciplines that I needed to learn and relearn and enforce in my life daily not through bodily harm but repeated in word and deed daily till I didn’t need to be told or reminded of what was right but I did what was necessary to survive in this haunted house we call life.
So what happened when I read the Word and came to Lamentations, I wept. I wept for my past sins. Till I could weep no more. Words like “She sobs through the night” resonated with me. The betrayal of friends that became my enemies. I was led into captivity by my own sins. There was no place of rest. It was all there in black and white. The result of all my sins a punishment I thought from God but the truth was His son already took the punishment this world would give, I was merely facing the consequence for my sins.
People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the LORD. Proverbs 19:3
I deserved worse than I got out of the life I lived. My sins woven into a rope that hitched me to the yoke of my captivity as Lamentations 1:14 wrote. I don’t want to believe that my ancestors sinned against the LORD as I did over and over again for over 30 plus years and I could never forget that the way I was living was the cause of my own distress. I was clinging to a way of life that was meant to lead me to death. So why was I surprised when death came like I deserved better than this. I wept for the sins I committed and for those who sinned against me.
For all these things I weep; tears flow down my cheeks. No one is here to comfort me; any who might encourage me are far away. My children have no future, for the enemy has conquered us. Lamentations 1:16
All of us, like sheep, have strayed. We have left God’s path to follow our own. Yet the LORD laid on him the sins of us all. Isaiah 53:6
At my bottom, the darkest, furthest I had been from God, I was alone. Completely alone in the darkness I created for myself. He made me to realize this grave I had dug with my own shovel of deed and hands of decision was not a place for the living, only those who are dead. My story so I thought, began and ended with me. I was my own god there was no one greater in my life than me. I had spent thirty plus years writing out this book of life that consisted of me. No one had forced me down this path I was on, I went on it ever so willing.
The things I had turned to, to numb the pain, to prevent the guilt from my past shame to seep in and remind me of the kind of person I truly was to say liar and swindler and cheat was not enough. I didn’t realize it prevented me from feeling the gifts of God. Babies don’t arrive with bitterness and hate. They don’t come into this world angry. These are things they are taught over time. Any resemblance of love, joy and peace replaced with greed, envy and worry. Compassion was not a word I would use to describe myself, if it could be bought I was quick to trade it away if it meant I would have more for myself. I held back goodness, kindness, gentleness even from those of blood. And faithfulness was not something found on a piece of paper, created by law.
I wanted to believe in the Santa Claus kind of God the one that gave and never expected anything in return. The One that did everything for me and I would never have to lift a finger. The One I could make a wish on and never pursue. Lamentations proved I didn’t know my Father at all.
But it is the LORD who did just as He planned. He has fulfilled the promises of disaster He made long ago...Lamentations 2:17
The people refused to enter the pleasant land, for they wouldn’t believe His promise to care for them. Psalm 106:24
Wait, what?! Everything I was experiencing was not without cause. There was a reason for it all. Just like the laws that govern this world there are laws in the spiritual realm that the world has no power over. Lessons like treat others like you would want them to treat you. Love your neighbor as yourself. Conquer evil by doing what is good. Do what is just and right, love mercy, walk humbly in truth. Stop your violent and oppressive ways of trying to get right with God yourself, a price you can never repay. Otherwise what is faith really for? It’s not about laws I couldn’t keep myself each one broken multiple times over, as worthless to me as toilet paper, the cheap kind. Quit robbing and cheating people not just money but time. Be honest with yourself. Let your deeds be seen in the light so that when God stops by unannounced He will be find integrity He planted in me, working for God not for anyone else. Waiting with expectancy all the days of your life as my ancestor David waited.
Yet I am confident I will see the LORD’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13
When I cried my heart out what I thought would surely happen, did not. I did not die from my sorrow. I did not die from a broken heart. I was not crushed from my sadness. Overwhelmed by my grief. My heart kept pumping faithfully. And a still small voice said like a Father over a child throwing a fit “Are you done yet?” Because the truth was there was work that needed to be done to rebuild this Temple from the ground up. Ways that needed to be changed. Things that needed to be taught. After I poured my heart out it was empty and ready to receive His forgiveness, His mercy and His love.
For no one is abandoned by the Lord forever. Though He brings grief, He also shows compassion because of the greatness of His unfailing love. For He does not enjoy hurting people or causing them sorrow. Lamentations 3:31-33
The waters rose over my head...I woke up drowning in 12inches of water in the tub. I had passed out in my hotel room with the warm water as my blanket. This was the end of myself as was written in 3:54. For reasons I will not know He heard my cry for help. He helped me to get up in my drunken stupor, unable to balance, unable to walk and allowed me the wisdom to pull the plug.
Yes, you came when I called; you told me, “Do not fear.” Lamentations 3:57
This experience was not without cost. From that day on I have sought that voice. The One that serves to remind me I am not alone. The voice that comforts me even still in the sorrows I would face after that day. There would be so much more to come. More than I thought I could come back from, Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 1: 8-9…we were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it. In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely on God, who raises the dead. He raised me that day, I should have died been another sad statistics of an addiction to numb pain but He lifted me up, said He wasn’t done.
I have learned there is no sin so great that I have done that could separate me from His love. No sorrow so deep that could engulf me that He could not pull me out from. His son covered it all with a single deed I remind myself of when I feel like life gets overwhelming He covered that too. He made me as white as snow with crimson blood like a reverse Oxy Clean commercial. Like the woman who broke the alabaster box in Mark 14:3 I poured my heart out to God just so that I could see how great my need for Him was.
Sorrow is a good thing I do not fear anymore because it leads to acceptance. Weeping that last through the night brings joy in the morning for having survived the suffering I thought for sure would take me out this time. Grief speaks in groans my aching heart cannot express. Tears like the flood in Noah’s day, give way to the promise. They water the seeds that have been planted in my heart. When my mind is racing, trying to make sense, find an explanation for the foolishness of those I hold dear “forgiveness” is often a word I hear come out of communion from the One who forgave me in all my foolishness it reminds me to wait on God.
So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the LORD. Lamentations 3:26
Dear Readers, I was made aware late 2 22 2020 that my website had undergone a transformation I have spent as much time as I can reformtatting and re posting some previous blogs. I am still in the process so come back later to view missing books I shared in previous months. I have added a Scripture Affirmation page as the elements of my previous format are no longer supported. Sorry for the confusion. Still learning this ever changing digital environment. Good the thing His Word never changes!
Book of Jeremiah
Book of Jeremiah
March 15, 2020
Book of Isaiah
Book of Isaiah
February 14, 2020
Song of Solomon
Song of Solomon
January 15, 2020
Book of Ecclesiastes
Book of Ecclesiastes
March 15, 2020
Book of Proverbs
Book of Proverbs
February 14, 2020
Book of Psalms
Book of Psalms
January 15, 2020
Book of Job
Book of Job
March 15, 2020
Book of Esther
Book of Esther
February 14, 2020
Book of Nehemiah
Book of Nehemiah
January 15, 2020
Book of Ezra
Book of Ezra
March 15, 2020
Book of 2 Chronicles
Book of 2 Chronicles
February 14, 2020
Book of 1 Chronicles
Book of 1 Chronicles
January 15, 2020
Book of 2 Kings
Book of 2 Kings
March 15, 2020
Book of 1 Kings
Book of 1 Kings
February 14, 2020
Book of 2 Samuel
Book of 2 Samuel
January 15, 2020
Book of 1 Samuel
Book of 1 Samuel
March 15, 2020
Book of Ruth
Book of Ruth
February 14, 2020
Book of Judges
Book of Judges
December 11 2019
In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes. Judges 17:6
This is repeated throughout the book of Judges in 18:1, 19:1 and the very last line 21:25 to serve like an excuse for the reason my ancestors did things that would make a reader ask “What were they thinking?” and the truth would be they weren’t thinking because as my brother, Jesus said they are “like sheep without a shepherd.” Matthew 9:36 and Mark 6:34
This verse reminds me of my own time doing what seemed right rather than what was right the truth was even when I knew better I didn’t really care to do better because as my ancestor Solomon warned in Ecclesiastes 8:11 when my crime went unpunished quickly I felt it was safe to do wrong. I lived a life of 30 plus years without a King, a Lord or a judge, and about 20 plus years without even the guidance of a parent figure over me. I was my own god and my carnal law was based solely on how I felt, if it felt good, if it looked good, if it was good to me, for me, than it was good and it didn’t matter what moral law was broken to get what I thought was good.
I have thought deeply about all that goes on here under the sun, where people have the power to hurt each other. Ecclesiastes 8:9
You can guess how this kind of power can be harmful to the way I lived my life. How it warped my way of thinking. The harm I caused to the countless people left in the wake of the destructive life I lived without even a fleeting thought to the damage I had done against others or myself. My only regret is that it took me as long as it did to realize that my way was not a way of life at all.
You felt secure in your wickedness. ‘No one sees me,’ you said. But your ‘wisdom’ and ‘knowledge’ have led you astray, and you said ‘I am the only one, and there is no other.’ So disaster will overtake you, and you won’t be able to charm it away. Calamity will fall upon you, and you won’t be able to buy your way out. A catastrophe will strike suddenly, one for which you are not prepared. Isaiah 47:10-11
My life was a walking disaster; I affectionately called one hot mess. I never even put together that I was reaping the consequences for the evil I had sown in the life I had built with my own two hands day in and day out because I was my own god. It never even occurred to me that when calamity fell I saw myself as the innocent person involved that everyone but me was to blame. And when catastrophe came that was just the price of life on earth the only way to make it stop was to end my life and I was never successful at that I think I loved the darkness too much.
And judgement is based on this fact: God’s light came in the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. John 3:19
The day the light literally shined on me. It came from the glare of the sun shining in my eyes, so bold as to commit sin in broad daylight. My instinct was to put the visor down driving away from a place I should never have been, doing a thing I should have never done all in the name of personal vindication. I must have given me one last look before I went in because when I put my visor down my mirror was exposed revealing someone I couldn’t even stand to look at in the mirror so I drove with the sunlight in my eyes. Exposing my life, to what I had become. A voice in my head which I now know was God said in the calmest tone as He asked my ancestor long ago in Genesis 3:9 He asked me “What are you doing?” I couldn’t even bring myself to admit what I had done.
Without a single word I began to weep knowing that what seemed right to me in a moment was not the right thing to do at all.
And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groaning’s that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. Romans 8:26-27
From that encounter on I stopped living like I was the only one because the truth was I wasn’t, I was on my way to get my son from school. It would take the help of God for him not live the way I did, the way his father did, the way my father did, and the way my grandfather did. He would grow up knowing from the start that he was set apart to be unlike everyone else in our family that did what seemed right in their own eyes.
Book of Joshua
Book of Joshua
December 10 2019
This is my command- be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
The goal on earth is not to live a trouble free, trial free, sorrow free life. Realistically that is just not the way the world. As my brother, Jesus said in John 16:33 “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.” And in John 15:19 “The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you.” And he mentioned yet again in John 17:14. The goal is that when I go through these things I am able to get through them with God on my side. Because it is not a matter of if I go through it is when I go through.
Dear friends, Don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. 1 Peter 4:12
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not get burned up; the flames will not consume you. Isaiah 43:2
When you go out to fight your enemies and you face horses and chariots and an army greater than your own, do not be afraid. The LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, is with you! Deuteronomy 20:1
God commanded two things in the way I live my life to be strong and courageous not because once I became a follower of Christ I would have no troubles, no trials and no sorrows. He said this because He knew I would. There would be times in my life when I felt like I was too weak, too small, unequipped or even unqualified to handle what I was faced with but in those times I wasn’t to go by what I felt I was to live by what I knew, that God is strong in me. I remember when my ancestor Moses felt unqualified to speak to Pharaoh and God kept saying I will be speaking for you. He said in Exodus 7:1 “I will make you seem like God to Pharaoh”. I know how weak I am so when I seem strong to anyone that is all God.
He had to repeatedly say to His people “Do not be afraid” He said it to Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon, the Israelite army, to Gideon who thought himself the least, to people known for their strength and peace, the people of Judah and Jerusalem. Those who felt fear but did the courageous thing anyway. Why would He have to say it if they weren’t fearful. It isn’t courage if you aren’t afraid. I know I am afraid of many things but my God commanded me to be courageous not because I am but again because He is the courage in my heart.
I mean honestly who or what in this world is greater than God Himself? “I know that the LORD is greater than all other gods”…Exodus 18:11…“our God is greater than all other gods.” 2 Chronicles 2:5 …”For our God is greater than any human being.” Job 33:12…I know the greatness of the LORD- that out Lord is greater than any other god. Psalm 135:5 Even the enemy whom “the LORD God had made” in Genesis 3:1 answers to God Job 1:6-12, 2:1-6 and I find it hard to believe that God would allow any of these troubles, trials, sorrows, deep waters, rivers of difficulty, fires of oppression to happen in my life if He couldn’t outsmart the one who caused it and allow it to work out not just for my good but as part of His plan for my life. Psalm 138:8 and Romans 8:28
But the LORD’s plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken. Psalm 33:11
There is a peace that surpasses all my human understanding as Paul explained to the Philippians in 4:6-7, a peace of mind and heart as Jesus promised me I would have in John 14:2 that reminds me when I am faced with the loss of something dear, the death of something great in my life that even something that feels as painful as a crucifixion in my life that it will result in a resurrected way of life. In a glory I could not imagine. In a strength I didn’t have before it happened and in something that this world can never take away from me. It is the knowing that His Word is truth, God is with me wherever I go.
When I am going through deep waters He is right beside me whispering keep going, when I am swimming in rivers of difficulty God is also swimming alongside me saying we are almost to the other side, and when the fires of oppression surround me I need not fear for He is surrounding them.
Then Elisha prayed, “O LORD, open his eyes and let him see!” the LORD opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire. 2 Kings 6:17
“Look!” Nebuchadnezzar shouted. “I see four men, unbound, walking around in the fire unharmed! And the fourth looks like a god!” Daniel 3:25
Don’t be intimated in any way by your enemies. This will be a sign to them they are going to be destroyed, but that you are going to be saved, even by God himself. Philippians 1:28
I do not fear because I know that whatever I face is temporary it will not always be this way. There will be single days here and there maybe even single moments in each day when there is not a single worry or fear on my mind and it is in those times of my life I am overflowing with gratitude that in this moment I was given relief from the things of this world that were intended to cause me grief because the truth is I do not belong this world when I am in the LORD. John 17:21
Because you have obeyed my command to persevere, I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world to test those who belong to this world. Revelation 3:10
Book of Deuteronomy
Book of Deuteronomy
December 9 2019
Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! You can make this choice by loving the LORD your God, obeying Him, and committing yourself firmly to Him. This is the key to your life. And if you love and obey the LORD, you will live long in the land the LORD swore to give your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Deuteronomy 30:19-20
I remember the first time my eyes read this passage, they were like saying wedding vows before the LORD. I had a choice. Each and every day I rise to another day I have a choice. Between death and life, between blessings and curses. I can live this day as my brother Jesus lived each day on the earth by seeking ways to give my life away or I can allow Satan to steal the precious time that remains, kill time with distraction, destroy it by allowing it to waste away. I have a choice.
Oh that I would choose life my ancestors plead, oh that I would live out each day to the fullest not allowing it to be spent on things that add no value to it. I came across the parable of the Three Servants found in Matthew 25:14-30 and I thought to myself if money were time as is often said in this world “time is money” and I was only given so much would I invest it wisely to earn more or squander it away. Even the servant who had less time was faithful to make the most with the time he was given and he too was granted even more. But the servant who did nothing with his resources even what little time he had was taken away. He lived out the rest of his days weeping in frustration with nothing to show for his life but emptiness.
Whether it is money, time, talents they must be invested because like water dripping down a drain I can never get it back. What did I exchange for it? Did I use my money in a way that at the end of my life I have many things and no relationships not even with God? Did I use my time watching programs that didn’t enrich my life, playing games, using the internet in ways that cost me more than just my time? Were my talents wasted because I refused to use them to serve others, refused to share them like everything else in my life?
The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display His craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make Him known. They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth and their words to all the world. God has made a home in the heavens for the sun. It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding. It rejoices like a great athlete eager to run the race. The sun rises at one end of the heavens and follows its course to the other end. Nothing can hide from its heat. Psalm 19:1-6
What I do each day of my life is witnessed by both heaven and earth no hiding from that, they silently stand by watching, waiting for me. As 2 Chronicles 16:9 said “The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” And Psalm 34:15 The eyes of the LORD watch over those who do right; His ears are open to their cries for help. I hope that when He sees me He finds a heart fully committed to walking in His ways, doing what pleases Him. Not by my own strength but the things that I knew I couldn’t do without the help of God. See the truth is I know me all too well, if I dared to be so bold and ask myself how I felt or wanted to do the answer would be sit around all day and wait to see what life has for me instead of getting up and making it happen.
The key to my life is not found in the waiting for it to be handed to me, it is not found in the sitting around allowing the time to pass as though it was endless, it is found in the doing. It is found in the learning. It is found in the days I spent sifting through His Word digging up treasure as if my life depended on it because the truth is it does.
What I learn today may save me from the worries, fears, troubles and stresses of my tomorrow. What I invest in today may reap rewards tomorrow. As the wisest man on earth said in Ecclesiastes 11:6 “Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another or maybe both.” Profit comes when we invest what we have been given, a single day is all any of us ever gets as Jesus said in John 11:9 "we all get 12 hours of daylight" and how we spend it makes all the difference in our lives. This gift of time is like a river that can cut through stone. The time God gives to me has the power to make the impossible, possible. And if spent wisely it has the power to make for an amazing life.
Book of Numbers
Book of Numbers
December 7 2019
And the LORD said to Moses, “How long will these people treat Me with contempt? Will they never believe me, even after all the miraculous signs I have done among them?” Numbers 14:11
I have a list of most of the miracles God has done in my life as David said in Psalm 40:5 “O LORD my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all Your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them.” When I am faced with what seems to be the impossible for me I read that list and remember all the ways God has shown me His favor. His wonders. His miraculous signs. Things that can’t be explained but with God. Things that should not have happened but did. That list is the fuel for my faith. When I am blinded by the giants height, the mountains climb, the walls mass I face I look at that list and think I may not be able to do this by my own strength but God can and if it is His will to get this done in my life it will get done but not by my hand.
You are my King and my God. You command victories for Israel. Only by Your power can we push back our enemies; only in Your name can we trample our foes. I do not trust in my bow; I do not count on my sword to save me. You are the one who gives us victory over our enemies; You disgrace those who hate us. O God, we give glory to You all day long and constantly praise Your name. Psalm 44:4-8
…It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. Zechariah 4:6
In the beginning every time my ancestors had an encounter with God they built an altar. When God called Abram and gave him the promise in Genesis 12:7 he built an altar. When He appeared before Isaac and told him do not be afraid in Genesis 26:25 he built an altar. After Jacob wrestled with God for the blessing and made peace with his brother Esau and settled his family in Genesis 33:20 he built an altar having survived all of that. And When Jacob went to Bethel he said “I will build an altar to God who answered my prayers when I was in distress. He has been with me wherever I have gone.” in Genesis 35:7 he built an altar. Moses built and altar, Aaron built an altar, Joshua built an altar, Gideon built an altar, Samuel, Saul, David. Every time God’s name came to mind of something that was accomplished of something He did an altar was built to remember Him.
…Build My altar wherever I cause my name to be remembered, and I will come to you and bless you. Exodus 20:24
I don’t build altars but I do make a point to remember to write down every time God came through for me. I look at that list and think Wow! God is so amazing, so gracious, so kind. The enemy would love for me to forget but this list helps me to remember when. I think remembering all that God has done for me is one of the most important things I can do in my walk of faith.
Perhaps you will think to yourselves, ‘How can I conquer these nations that are so much more powerful than we are?’ But don’t be afraid of them! Just remember what the LORD your God did to Pharaoh and to all the land of Egypt. Remember the great terrors the LORD your God sent against them. You saw it all with your own eyes! And remember the miraculous signs and wonders, and the strong hand and powerful arm with which He brought you out of Egypt. The LORD your God will use this same power against all the people you fear. Deuteronomy 7:17-19
Remember how He led you through the wilderness…He is the one who gives you the power to be successful…remember the LORD has redeemed you as His very own possession…remember what the LORD your God did…remember the mighty things He has done…remember the wonders He has performed, His miracles, the rulings He has given…as David taught me through Psalms 42:6 when I am discouraged I will remember my God. And through Psalm 143:5 I remember the things He has done in the past. I ponder all His great works in my life and think about everything He has done and whatever it is I am facing seems small compared to what my God has already done.
Book of Leviticus
Book of Leviticus
December 6 2019
I will live among you, and I will not despise you. I will walk among you; I will be your God, and you will be my people. Leviticus 26:11-12
What keeps me on the path I am on is the constant reminder that I do not walk on it alone. When I thought I was alone that God was too high in the sky to see me here below like Eliphaz said in Job 22:12-14 said “God is great higher than the heavens, higher than the farthest stars. That’s why God can’t see what I am doing! How can He judge through the thick darkness? For thick clouds swirl about Him, and He cannot see us. He is is way up there, walking on the vault of heaven.” I did unspeakable things that make me nauseous to think of now had I known I would have never even thought to do, but even in the beginning He said He was with me.
…This I know: GOD IS ON MY SIDE! Psalm 56:9
I am not alone nor have I ever been alone. Just because I didn’t believe in Him didn’t cease Him from existing. Like a sentry who watches over He kept the faithful promise He made to my ancestors in Genesis 28:15 that He would not leave me until He finished giving me everything He promised me. Jesus reiterated that promise in Matthew 28:20 when he said “I am with you always till the end of age.” I look at “end of age” and my Spirit translates till the end of my time on earth and then I will be with him on the other side of heaven. Man, I can’t wait. I find comfort in knowing that it doesn’t matter what I am doing, it doesn’t matter where I am, who I am with. My Father and brother are not very far, they are always with me.
You know when I sit down and stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, LORD. You go before me and follow me. You place Your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand! Psalm 139:2-6
Often times in my life even in a single day when things don’t go as planned or I get hit with something unexpected my first thought is God is not with me. The enemy whisper deceit that if He was with me this wouldn’t have happened but the truth is for whatever reason God allows I’ll have to ask when I stand before the throne all things happen for a purpose not to serve my purpose but the Potters purpose. There is never a single moment of my life that comes as a surprise to God. It is then I need to remember He is with me. He is walking this valley with me. There is no hurt I have had that He didn’t feel too.
In all their suffering He also suffered, and He personally rescued them. In His love and mercy He redeemed them. He lifted them up and carried them through all the years. Isaiah 63:9
With a single word He shouted “Enough!” In other words “It is finished!” no more living like I was alone. He called me mine before I even knew the quote in Isaiah 43:1 I can look down on my palm and see this name ingrained in my hand. The very hand that held me up and all of the sudden there he was His hand on my shoulder, His robe over my back. Nothing can take that memory I have.
Every day of my life was written in this Book, every moment of it laid out before I took my first breath. How precious were His thoughts of me before my thoughts were upon Him. He took delight in every detail of my life making sure I would find what I had been searching for all my life, belonging to God is more precious than any knowledge I have come to know on earth.
That every happenstance was really just a shepherd staff leading me home. With His unfailing love for me He drew me near, His kindness keeps me close. I understand that orchestrating a symphony takes time. Building a temple requires hard work and sacrifice. Creating a Masterpiece cannot be rushed. Making silver and gold shine to brilliance is a refinement process and I am certain the jewel chosen was first a stone that needed to be gently polished. That the process to the prize may not be pleasant but worth every step taken to completion and now I know I don’t do it alone.
I know, LORD, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our course. So correct me, LORD, but please be gentle…Jeremiah 10:23
Book of Exodus
Book of Exodus
December 5, 2019
But Moses protested again, “What if they won’t believe me or listen to me? What if they say, ‘The LORD never appeared to you’?” Exodus 4:1
When something happens in my life that makes me question my current reality “what if” questions run rampant in my mind. God was commanding Moses to do something he had never done and the whole way Moses protested. I am about to do something I have never done and it seems like I am confronted with every reason not to do it. But still I persist because of what the LORD said to Moses in response.
Then the LORD asked him, “What is that in your hand?” “A shepherd’s staff,” Moses replied. Exodus 4:2
Usually my “what if” questions pertain to a future based on a past experience they are never about “what is” happening right now in this current state of reality. It takes “capturing my rebellious thoughts” as taught in 2 Corinthians 10:5 and reminding myself of “what is”. Because when I do or do not do things based on “what ifs” then I am doing or not doing them based on how I feel, what I want and how I feel and what I want has nothing to do with God or His ways.
“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher you’re your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
Moses just saw a shepherd’s staff, he saw a man with clumsy speech, he saw someone no one would have reason to believe or listen to God saw a man that would lead his people to freedom from slavery and none of what Moses that “what if” deterred God from seeing who Moses is. The “what is” in my life is far greater than the “what if’s” my thoughts can think of. Whenever I set forth to do something great, something good my thoughts will give me reasons what I shouldn’t why I can’t. As Paul once said in 1 Corinthians 4:3 “I don’t even trust my own judgement” that’s how it is for me.
I am reminded that the enemy has always made mankind question God’s authority from the beginning. In Genesis 3:1 when he asked Eve “Did God really say” before that point there was just commands from God no questions, He said and it was, end of story. But since that first moment when the enemy began to question we all question the “what is” with “what if’s”. When Job was being tested and murmured and complained and grumbled God’s response was not to even answer his question but to ask him “Who is this that questions my wisdom?” to which Job’s response was “I was talking about things I knew nothing about, things far too wonderful for me (to understand)” To make it easy I think to myself where God puts a period the enemy puts a question mark. When God gives a command my job is not question it because if I allow myself the question I allow myself the reasons not to do what God commanded me to do. It’s not about my “what if’s” it is about the “what is”.
To answer His questions to Moses in Exodus 4:11 It is God that made this mouth. It is God that decides whether I speak or do not speak, what I hear or do not hear, what I see or do not see. It is God. Remember what I said yesterday “In the beginning God” well when God is the reason I do anything it doesn’t matter if I can, it doesn’t matter when, it doesn’t matter what, what matter is God and when He says “Now Go!” I don’t question that. I get up and go just like my ancestors did.
Book of Genesis
Book of Genesis
December 4, 2019
In the beginning God…Genesis 1:1
I just got back from visiting my nephew and friend in prison over the weekend. I have made this same drive last year when my head and heart were in an entirely different place. The two day journey there and the two day journey back gave me much time to reflect and think about what this day would bring. I awoke with the song Good Life in my head by the Young Escape “And now I know that this is the good life, wouldn’t look back wouldn’t trade it for a day of my old life. Never look back cause I know that you are always with me I got you, I know you got me This is the good life, You gave me the good life.”
I got out of bed and began the day with Thanksgiving. I didn’t want to give my mind time to think about what needs to be done, what is on the agenda for today. I just wanted to stay in this present moment above all thanking God for it. Which made me think in the beginning God. As 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” No day like to today to make up my mind that this will be a good day because I serve a good God who has laid out this day for me. He had plenty of opportunities when I was unconscious to this world overnight to take me back home but He chose for me to stay. My job is to determine why.
For this light within you produces what is good and right and true. Carefully determine what pleases the Lord. Ephesians 5:9-10
I know that Thanksgiving pleases the Lord as David said in Psalms 116:17 “I will offer you a sacrifice of Thanksgiving” something so simple that can be done at any moment yet so few times do I often think to do it. I set aside a time for thanksgiving each day and maybe not as consistently as I would like to think. I know that when I am thankful I am not thinking of the past, of what was or fearing about the future, what will be or what needs to be. I am here in this present moment with the presence of God. I am aware that in this moment I have all that I need. Even if I stop to think about my basic needs they have all been met by my King.
Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the LORD our maker, for he is our God. We are the people He watches over, the flock under His care. If only you would listen to His voice today! Psalm 95:6-7
Listening requires me not talking but hearing what He would say to me. Giving the space in my thoughts for stillness, for quietness, for His Spirit to remind me as my brother, Jesus said in John 14:26 of all that He has said to me before. In this day I may not need all 33,000 verses to come to mind but I just need the one that will get me through this day. So I sit under His teaching, His Word, I sit and read what God would have to say through my devotionals, they act as a simple reminder or may be exactly what I am going through that day.
Today’s verses for thought were Luke 12:15 to remind me not to overspend as I go shopping this season, 1 Corinthians 13:4 to have patience in the wait, Ephesians 5:21 to be grateful for my silent partner who allows me to minister, Malachi 3:10 the importance of giving what I have to bless and be blessed by it, John 18:37 that when Truth is spoken I recognize it comes from God because I know what God has said not what people thought, Luke 11:8 that even the longest prayer I ever prayed, 25 years to be exact, was answered when I was finally in a place for God to work through me, Isaiah 58:11 God is in control, my life is like a river directed by Him, He will get me to where I need to go and then I wrapped up my morning with Isaiah 55:8-9, Colossians 4:2 and Psalm 116:17 reminding me that no matter what this day brings my trust is beside Him that keeps watch over me. What better way to start each day, and God willing another year in the life of me.